RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-25-2013
Ariel sighed excited but nervous she closed her eyes and breathed deeply
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-25-2013
Jack kissed her. "It'll be okay. I'll be by your side." He stated rubbing her belly and removing Ariel's pyjamas
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-25-2013
Ariel smiled and kissed him back " thank you...I love you..."
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-25-2013
Jack smiled as he returned the kiss. "Anything for my beautiful Ellie." He said continuing to rub her belly.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-25-2013
Ariel got a contraction and her stomach became Rock hard she moaned in pain
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-25-2013
Jack rubbed her belly to calm their children. "A few more minutes, then you can push."
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-25-2013
Ariel moaned in pain and nodded " jack go check on the triplets..."
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-25-2013
Jack nodded as he went to the nursery. He checked their diapers and feed them, then he put them back into their cribs. He went back Ariel to help her through the birth.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-26-2013
When he walked in Ariel was on her knees holding onto the headboard
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-26-2013
Jack ran up to Ariel and checked her dilation. "Your 9cm apart, almost there." He said rubbing her back
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-26-2013
Ariel panted and breathed heavily " oh jack...hurts..." She whined
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-26-2013
Jack nodded. "I know it hurts. Is there anything I could do for you." He asked hoping to relieve Ariel's pain
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-26-2013
" rub my hips...they're lowering...ohh.." Ariel moaned
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-26-2013
Jack did as he was told, massaging Ariel's hips to alleviate the pain.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-26-2013
Ariel moaned as she leaned her head against the wall holding onto the head board moaning as jack rubbed her hips
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-26-2013
Jack rubbed her hips and moved upward to massage Ariel's breasts.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013
Ariel moaned as jack rubbed her breasts she relaxed slightly " Jackie I love you..." Ariel whispered sweetly
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-27-2013
Jack kissed Ariel's neck. "I love you too, Ellie." He said as he continued his massage.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013
Ariel leaned back against jack Ariel moaned as a contraction hit her then a Gush of liquid came out between her legs
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-27-2013
Jack rubbed Ariel's belly. "Don't worry, I'm here. You can push when you need too." He stated as he kissed her.