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The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

Iruka gave a sigh as he straightened the bottles on the shelf. The five ft ten young man had white skin, curly cream hair, freckles across the bridge of his nose and a crossed his cheecks, and a pair of glasses on his face. His eyes were two different colors, the right was blue and the left was grey. He was a very skinny young man, some would say a bit underweight. He wore grey pants, black shoes, a harvest gold turtleneck, and a green apron.

His shop was a magic shop. Just various items 'claiming' to be magical. The bell went off as he heard the door open. So he turned around and gave a big smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Magictorium of Feku. How nay I help you?" Iruka asked.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

(10-01-2016, 04:30 AM)anibus3 Wrote:  Iruka gave a sigh as he straightened the bottles on the shelf. The five ft ten young man had white skin, curly cream hair, freckles across the bridge of his nose and a crossed his cheecks, and a pair of glasses on his face. His eyes were two different colors, the right was blue and the left was grey. He was a very skinny young man, some would say a bit underweight. He wore grey pants, black shoes, a harvest gold turtleneck, and a green apron.

His shop was a magic shop. Just various items 'claiming' to be magical. The bell went off as he heard the door open. So he turned around and gave a big smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Magictorium of Feku. How nay I help you?" Iruka asked.

"Hello my name is Kyle." Looking around him in wonderment. " I saw this store passing by and wanted to know what was in it."

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

(You don't need to quote what I post, it makes it a tad hard to read yours.)

"Im glad you asked!" Iruka said. "Here at the Magictorium of Feku, we hold many items if magic or things associated with it."

Moving away from the shelf and towards the counter.

"We gave potions, spell books, simple child's play tricks, and several plushes of great beasts." Iruka continued. "Has any of the spark some interest?"

Some of the items in the shop were magic. He knew this for, he did create a good deal of the potions himself.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

Kyle began looking at all the colorful potions. He noticed the purple one was bubbling quite alot. "What is that potion do over there." Kyle said pointing to the purple one

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"That is a slime potion." Iruka explained. "You can create tiny minions out of slime with it. Careful though, they have dangerous appetites."

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"That sounds scary." Kyle says as he walks over to the counter he notices something that looks like a candy bar he picks it up and examines it looking around to make sure nobody saw him he took just a tiny bite of the corner it seemed like ordinary chocolate and tasted the same as well.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"It is but if you manage them correctly, you won't have any thing to worry about." Iruka added. "Besides they can't harm who summons them."

The candy was another enchanted item though not by his doing. They were a item shipped from France and some were laced with love lotions others were..laced with sexual desire. All temporarily of course.

"Oh I almost forgot! A customer's first shopping experience here, they get a free plushie of their choice!" Iruka added.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"I will take the Dragon one please." Kyle always liked dragons wishing he could fight on like the knights he read about.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"Okay, which color? We have gold, red, blue, and dark green." Iruka asked.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"Dark green." Kyle replies " one of those chocolate bars too please it was good."

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"The dark green dragon, a nature beast and one to help the forest bloom. Lovely choice." Iruka said with a smile as he reached for it.

THough he paused. did they already have some chocolate? Nah.They couldn't be a shoplifter, no one so far liked anything enough to try an steal it. Getting the plush down, he set it on the counter.

"Which chocolate? Also, you should be careful with these. Just don't eat too many of em at once." Iruka cautioned.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"Umm I won't, ....what happens if you do?" Kyle said not telling Iruka he snuck two already.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"Well, I'm not sure really. I don't make the chocolate but I think one of them has love potion in it and the other has a sexual lust. They are both temporary of course." Iruka said. "They're meant for couples but anyone can buy them."

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"Ok ". Kyle said with a worried look on his face " i just ate two of them I hope nothing bad happens." He thought to himself.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"So, which one are you wanting to purchase?" Iruka asked, his hand hovering over the two selections of the certain brand.

Perhaps he should get normal chocolate? Though this had been selling rather well. The time for the effects to kick in was often a couple of minutes, though doubling that dosage would make it act sooner.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"Which do you prefer?" Kyle asks suddenly feeling attracted to Iruka he didn't seem to know why.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

"I haven't had either of em, so I'm afraid I can't help with that." Iruka said. "Perhaps I should get some normal chocolates in here..."

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

Just then a strong urge hit Kyle it wasna deeling of pure love he never felt before. Was it those chocolates I ate Kyle wondered but out of no where Kyle blurted out " do you want to go and get something to eat with me." Hoping this would lead into a date.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - anibus3 - 10-01-2016

The question made Iruka pause, his mixmatched gaze was a bit wide and a look of confusion came to his face.

"I...uh...well..." Iruka stuttered.

He wasn't used to people wanting to eat with him. Heck, he doubted anyone would ever had asked that. He was viewed as a strange person due to his shop.

"Sure. I close for lunch in ten minutes anyway." Iruka answered.

RE: The Magictorium (jrcash) - jrcash - 10-01-2016

"Great! " Kyle yelled " i know a great diner down the street they serve the best food you ever had!" Kyle was confused but so in love with Iruka for some reason.