I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
Rodger stumbled into the ER holding his groin and ran up to a Nurse. "Please help me" he said "My groin.....AUUUGGGHHHH......something is wrong" His eyes pleading for help as he doubled over a second time in pain "AUUUUUGGGHHHHH"
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"Come right here sir," she says, opening a small room. "What's your name sir? What's going on?" She asks, pulling her stethoscope from around her neck.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"I am Rodger" he said 'what is wrong with me" he yells as he watches himself get hard like he is about to cum "It hurts....AUUUUGGHHHH"
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"I need you to talk to me so I can help you," she says, quickly taking his pulse. Another nurse joins them, taking his blood pressure.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"Get them off me" he yelled "Cut my pants off me....please....something is wrong with my balls" Rodger yelled "They hurt so much.....AUUUUGGGHHHHH"
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"Hon, you've got to settle down," she says, cutting his pants off. She quickly grabs a pair of gloves before removing his underwear. "How's the pain on a scale of 1-10? Is it burning? Stabbing?"
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"It....it....is.......OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Rodger sits up as he cums in his underwear "I am so sorry....I am so embarresed" he syas turning red
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"It's fine," she says, tossing it in the waste bin. "What are you feeling honey? Get some oxygen on him please," Amanda asks the other nurse. She brings the mask to his face. "Just oxygen, breathe normally," the nurse says calmly.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
Rodger look down in horror as his sleek belly begins to expand to a small bump "Oh God.....what is it? What is wrong with me?" he cried as he put a hand on his belly he could feel his belly pulsing.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
Amanda places a hand on his small, firm bump. "You're going to be a daddy," she smiles, covering him with a blanket.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"What" says Rodger with disbelief as his belly grows even larger "Are you saying I....am pregnant?" he rubbed his hand on his quickly expanding belly as his eyes went into the back of his head as he came again and his belly got even larger
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"Yes," she says. "You need to relax," she says, wiping his sweaty forehead.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"OH MY GOD.......Kyle and Bob......could they have????" said Rodger as he trailed off
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
Amanda stays quiet, checking his vitals and letting him process the news.
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
"My college roommates.....we got drunk and decided to experiment and I let them both have sex with me....several times" He watches as his belly gets even bigger and suddenly he looked nine months pregnant "Why is this happening so fast Nurse.....what did you say your name was miss?
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"Amanda," she says, coming to his side. "I'm not 100% sure; it usually goes faster in men, but I've never seen it this fast."
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
Rodger felt a twinge in his belly and then a stabbing pain as he felt something wet gush out of his ass "OH GOD.....did my water just break?"
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"Yes hon," she said calmly. "Can you roll onto your side? I need to see if you're dilating at all yet."
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
Tenselor12 - 07-04-2014
Rodger rolled over to his side still not believing he was pregnant but also not believing he could be going into labor. "Can you see anything" he asked?
RE: I didn't know I was pregnant (CLOSED) -
pushinghard - 07-04-2014
"I need to do a quick check inside," she explains, putting a little KY on two fingertips. "You'll feel some pressure, try and relax," she says before gently examining him.