Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-29-2015
Kieron peeked over the top of the trench wall, his gun in hand, aiming and firing. There was a bang as a bomb exploded in the no man's land, and he was thrown back by the blast, hitting the back wall of the trench. He gasped, as he suddenly felt a contraction in his belly. "Medic, Doctor, Nurse, anyone?" he called out.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-29-2015
"I-I think I'm going into labour.." he said, and suddenly groaned, feeling another contraction. "I need to get my uniform off," he moaned painfully.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-29-2015
"Okay," he said, stumbling and waddling and groaning as the doctor helped him to the makeshift hospital. "Ohhhhhhh god," he moaned, feeling the baby's head dropping. "Doc, I don't know how many I'm having, but I'm huge."
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-29-2015
"No, I didn't.." he said, squirming on the table uncomfortably. "I'm hoping for a few little ones but the pain is so bad.. Agh!" he gasped, as his waters suddenly broke as the doctor examined him.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-29-2015
"Doc, how many do you think I'm carrying- ahhhh!" he screamed in pain, feeling another contraction tear through his huge belly. When he looked down he could hardly see the doctor because his belly obscured his view.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
"Ohhhhhh.." Kieron groaned, feeling the contraction coming. "Hngggggggggggggggggggh!" he moaned out harshly, pushing with all his strength, feeling huge pressure from the first baby.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
Kieron spread his legs apart, knees bent as he screamed out in pain, pushing as hard as he could, feeling the baby's slow progress down his birth canal.
(Maybe for drama there should be some bombs, seen as they are in a trench?)
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
"Hoo, hoo, hoo," he panted heavily between contractions. "Ohhhhhhh... Nghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he moaned through gritted teeth, pushing with all his strength
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
Kieron shook his head. "I'm okay.. Hoo, hoo, hoo," he panted some more, resting between the contractions. "Oh, god, how much longer?"
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
Kieron nodded, panting heavily now. "Oh god, oh g- AHHHHHHHHHHH!" he pushed with full strength.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
Kieron sighed with relief, however his contractions continued, as he was still carrying more babies. He panted heavily, waiting for the next urge to push.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 03-30-2015
Kieron gave out a huge scream as he pushed as hard as he could, feeling the next baby's head slide out of his opening, all at once.
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron screamed, drowning out the sound of the wounded soldiers, as he pushed the baby out into the doctor's arms
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
(Can the next one be breech as a complication?)
I groan in pain as my contractions subside for a moment. "H-how much longer?"
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron pushes with all his strength but something feels different. "Doc.. It feels weird.."
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron groaned, resisting the urge to push during his contraction. "Okay"
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron squirmed and screamed in pain as the doctor turned the baby
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron panted into the oxygen masked and pushed as hard as he could, feeling the baby coming slowly
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
The baby slid out all at once, feet first, with a hard push from Kieron
RE: Trench birth (Closed with Shane20) -
Z_lastname - 04-02-2015
Kieron rolled over on the bed, getting onto all fours, and pushed with all his strength. He felt the baby's head *pop* out of his anus, and then without resting he pushed out the shoulders and body into the doctor's arms