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Location: Northwestern Pennsylvania, USA
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I know that there's a thread on here entitled "Character Crush." Well, this is different. As I was watching Shrek, I found out that I envied Donkey because his "significant other" is a dragon (if you have watched the movie, you know what I'm talking about), and I was just curious if anyone else had a specific character in the movies, books, TV, anime, whatever that you envy (whether it be their lifestyle, abilities, looks, etc.).
Posts: 916
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Joined: Feb 2012
Sex: Female
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Location: The Darksyde
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian Ace
Carrier/Seeder: Neither/Other
Pretty much any character that can fly.
I have always thought it would be really cool to be able to fly. I used to take my bike up this huge hill in my neighborhood and coast down with my eyes shut, pretending that I was soaring through the sky. Or when I was swinging, I'd lean back, let the wind blow through my hair, and just...imagine.
Currently, though, I'd love to be
Surprise. Her life just seems superfun and carefree, as opposed to my real life of bills and car troubles and little social interaction.
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...
Posts: 421
Threads: 18
Joined: Mar 2012
Sex: Other
Sexual Orientation: Do I have to choose?
Carrier/Seeder: Both
Is it weird if you envy characters in post apocalyptic futures?