O The Carriers Cause

(Please ignor the crappy title, and also this is a rp about assigned relationships and breeding, or at least i guess thats how you could put it, im not 100 percent sure just yet, but anyway, everyone is welcome to join and yoou may do as many chars as you want, main or brackground or whatever, just have fun)

Blake hated Coventen Hills. It was a stupid communtiy were carriers were forciably paired up with breeders and expected to play family. He had been paired with a breeder called Grant Bailey.

They had been paired up via some odd system that paired one up by compatibility, well gene compatibilty really. They were paired with those that were deemed to help sire the perfect child.

It was all complicated and weird really and Blake had been to pissed to actual listen to what the paring advisior or whoever had said at the time.

Grant was basically perfect really, tall, broad shouldered, thick golden hair and kind blue eyes. He looked like a disney prince come to life and Blake hated him. He didnt want to be paired with Mr. Perfect and he didn't want to pop out perfect littlee clone babies, and play the perfect little carrier.

All he wanted was to be himself and live his life his way. Was that to much to ask for? To expect?

Apparently so, cause he had been enrolled in a community carrier course. Life totally sucked sometimes.

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