Fanfic stories

Are mpreg/fpreg stories okay if they're fanfic?? eg set in the universe of a franchise but with original characters, or using characters from a fictional universe

Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname

Sure thing! As long as you follow the site rules, anything else goes!

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

Amazing how there is rarely any fan fics here, when mpreg is almost commanly known (for people who know about mpreg) as a fan fic thing.

I think that is because our community is more interested in the aspect of mpreg itself and not how it skews a fandom. We have a thread somewhere that debates this idea somewhere in the Media section. I can't look for it to link it right now.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

I really, really, really, really LOVE reading fanfics. You have no idea how i love it, specially the ones with Harry Potter or Percy Jackson

I love all fan fiction. I wish there were more on tv shows characters. Like Rules of engagement (Russell Dunbar and Timmy Patel) or prison break. I desperately want to read one using prison break characters! Lolol

(09-13-2015, 12:46 AM)Myboyfriendspregnant Wrote:  I love all fan fiction. I wish there were more on tv shows characters. Like Rules of engagement (Russell Dunbar and Timmy Patel) or prison break. I desperately want to read one using prison break characters! Lolol

would you like reading a fanfic with Percy Jackson and Jason, where Percy gets pregnant?

Ok that's not what this thread is for.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

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