The last in the series

As very few of you probably know, I have a YouTube channel for this stuff. Recently I've put up four videos where I try to swell my belly up to full-term sizes, and I think I've done pretty well, if I do say so myself! Anyway, I have two more to do, that makes six total videos. For the last one I want to do something special, it would probably be about 20 minutes long and consist of several scenes throughout my development. (start, one month, three month, five month, six month, 8 month, 9 month, birth??)
I'm announcing it here since the amount of people who will actually respond on YouTube is pitiful, so here is my question:
What would you like to see?
Is there anything special I should do?
Do you have any tips for how to look pregnant/simulate birth?

Please note that this could take months to complete. If someone says "I'd like to see you making a snow-angel with your belly sticking out" I obviously have to wait for winter to shoot that scene.
If there is something summer-specific, however, tell me soon, before summer is over!

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How about you waddling around in some shorts? Maybe a labour video?

(07-19-2014, 10:59 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  How about you waddling around in some shorts? Maybe a labour video?

Okay, I'll add those.

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I love seeing reactions. Specifically to movement. Like, kicking for the first time, or painful, heavy contractions at the end.

I love the progression idea as well.

(07-19-2014, 11:19 PM)BUDDY Wrote:  I love seeing reactions. Specifically to movement. Like, kicking for the first time, or painful, heavy contractions at the end.

I love the progression idea as well.

Hmm, I might be able to do that. I hate to disappoint you all, but I have to keep my true identity secret, for my own safety and comfort. I won't be able to show my face, and if I do, I won't be able to show all of it. In outdoors scenes, I might wear sunglasses or something. I'd have to figure it out for indoor scenes.

I'll see what I can do, however. My best efforts will still be put in.

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A little roleplay is always good like BUDDY says. Pretend kicking is my favourite, it sounds like you'd prefer not to have verbal reactions but captions are good too :)

(07-20-2014, 05:15 AM)cdca Wrote:  A little roleplay is always good like BUDDY says. Pretend kicking is my favourite, it sounds like you'd prefer not to have verbal reactions but captions are good too :)

I've captioned my other videos, I'll do it for this one too!

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The Link to youtube chanell pleas Angel

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Labor sounds and birth!

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

(07-21-2014, 02:29 AM)pushinghard Wrote:  Labor sounds and birth!


Hmm, I'll give it a shot. For obvious reasons I can't be too graphic, but I'll see what I can do!

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;) Got ya, cool videos. Just som moaning, groaning, panting type sounds for labor.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

labor and birth is awesome

I'll see what I can do. Sheesh, let's get some variety here! I didn't think I'd get this many people asking for a birth scene!

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I would love to see you waddling around like a pregnant woman. Maybe struggling to get up from a chair too?

(07-23-2014, 07:42 AM)mpreggirl Wrote:  I would love to see you waddling around like a pregnant woman. Maybe struggling to get up from a chair too?

Oh, finally, something I can do! Awesome, I'll be sure to do that!

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