
Tecciztechatl kissed Jacob gently as he massaged the bruises. "I don't just love you for you outer beauty. I love you for your inner beauty as well. Please don't worry about them. I still find you to be the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. You can't help the bruises. But I can heal them." Tecciztechatl smiled and as he laid his hands on Jacob's bruises. His eyes and hands glowed light yellow and warmed up as he healed the bruises. Tecciztechatl purred as he poured a bowl of warmed massaging oil onto Jacob's stomach and gently massaged it into his skin. He played with Jacob's belly gently and focused on his hips to relieve him of any pain and stress on them. "Such a beautiful creature. With such kissable lips, a swan like neck, slender limbs, stars for eyes, and the gold woven hair and to top it off a beautiful swollen belly carrying life in it safely." As Tecciztechatl named all of Jacob's parts he gently massaged them and kissed them gently.

Jacob felt his face darkening with embarrassment as he looked away from the other man. "You're so corny..." he murmured, but with a very tiny smile on his face. Jacob was surprised that Tecciztechatl could heal his bruises so easily, but then again, gods could do anything, couldn't they? "Do you really get this much joy from taking care of me?" the boy asked, watching Tecciztechatl's large hands move over his fecund belly.

Tecciztechatl chuckled and kissed Jacob as he continued to massage his stomach. He smirked at him "Only for you and ambit it you love it when I tell you what I think of you. And to answer your question. Yes, I enjoy pampering you and caring for you. It make me happy to have someone to do these things for." Tecciztechatl continued to massage Jacob's stomach and body to help relax him. He sighed as he whispered. "Well at least for a while".

Violet eyes rolled upward. "Okay, okay, maybe I like hearing all your compliments. They make me feel good." Jacob looked back down at Tecciztechatl and frowned gently. "What I mean is... you used to be worshipped by hundreds of people. You had like, temples and altars constructed for you. People prayed to you and made sacrifices in your honor. They did everything for you. Don't you... miss any of it?"

Tecciztechatl chuckled at Jacob rolling his eyes. He kissed him gently. He paused as he thought for a moment and shook his head. "No, as nice as it was I would prefer to have someone love me than a whole village. To honest with you, I soon grew to hate it almost. My brother enjoyed having worshipers throw themselves at his feet along with the other gods. No one ever bother to be honest with me or just be themselves. They worshiped me because of my title and out of fear of my powers." He sighed as he continued. "As nice as it was to be loved and given attention like that. It was still lonely because it wasn't true love only fear and belief in power. I was almost glad when they stopped worshiping me. Everyone just seemed so fake and always attempting to get into my bed to have the chance to lie with a god."

Jacob shifted a bit on the bed, trying to get comfortable. "So, I take it you never slept with any of them, then?"

He shook his head. "No, I was too disgusted with the fact that my followers would act in such a manner. I turned them all away. I finally decided to retreat into the moon and only come out to perform my duties and show up only for festivals in my honor. I was the first one they decided to leave behind. They were angered that wouldn't accept a female virgin bride from them or allow any of them into my bed like a common whore".

The human couldn't help chuckling. "A pure virgin bride wasn't good enough for you, but some stranger you picked up in a bar is? That's so backwards." Jacob's laughter seemed to get the attention of those inside him. The triplets rolled around, one of them giving a strong kick. A bump rose and fell beneath Jacob's skin where the tiny foot struck. "H-Hey... calm down in there..."

Tecciztechatl chuckled and kissed Jacob. "I never said I wasn't into virgin brides . I was looking for a male one!". Tecciztechatl laughed and nuzzled Jacob. He paused as he saw one the children's feet cause a bump under Jacob's skin. He massaged Jacob's stomach where he could feel the children and started to softly sing to them to calm them down. "Come along now, it's time for a nap and to settle down in there." Tecciztechatl kissed Jacob's stomach and stroked it.

"Mn... They're excited about something," Jacob mused. "W-Wait, what time is it?" Violet eyes jumped to look at the clock beside the bed. He caught it just in time to see the hour roll over from 11:59 to 12:00 midnight. With the moon at its highest peak, Tecciztechatl's magic stirred within his womb. "Ahh..." Jacob's belly began to swell, growing bigger as it did every night. The bulge was so full, weighing heavily in his lap. His belly stretched, big and round. Suddenly, "Ahn-ah!" The boy flinched when his bellybutton sprung outward. The fat nubbin stuck out proudly, plump and ripe like a berry.

Tecciztechatl stopped and looked over at his mate concerned. "What's wrong?". He held Jacob close to his body and massaged his growing orb of flesh. "Breathe for me now. It's alright, you almost done growing." As he said that Jacob's belly button popped out. Tecciztechatl was torn between concern for his mate and his sexual feeling from the sight of watching his mate's belly grow before his eyes. He pushed his feeling aside and kissed Jacob's head and stroked his face. "Are you alright Jacob?".

Breathe? Yeah... Yeah, breathe. Jacob did his best to breathe, inhaling and exhaling in time with the moon god. The growth spurts weren't so bad in the beginning, but now that he was just getting bigger and heavier, he found the growths to be more exhausting. "I... I'm okay," he replied once the growing had stopped. The triplets were getting much bigger, that was for sure. His pregnany belly wobbled as the babes inside rolled around, squirming excitedly. One of them kicked again, its foot pushing up beneath Jacob's bulging bellybutton. "Oof..."

Tecciztechatl smiled and kissed Jacob. He stroked his stomach where their baby kicked him. "Hey now, settle down in there. I know it is tight quarters in there. But you have to settle down. You don't want to hurt your mother now do you?. Tecciztechatl massaged Jacob's stomach and started to sing a folk song to settle the children down for a nap. He purred as the triplets settled down finally and went to sleep. "It won't be much longer Jacob. You are now done growing. We just have to wait. Rest now, I will stay with you and watch over you and our children." Tecciztechatl held Jacob in his arms gently and stroked his stomach to help relax him.

Jacob leaned back willingly against the other. "For tonight, you mean..." He knew Tecciztechatl was trying to be comforting, but Jacob still remembered those texts he'd read. Another four nights of this would have to pass before he officially came to full term. But even then, he would have to wait another fifteen days before he could give birth. Never before did just half a month seem like such a long time. Jacob sighed softly as Tecciztechatl rubbed his taut skin. He squirmed when he felt the god's fingers toying with his bellybutton. "H-Hey... stop..." the boy insisted with a blush. It felt strangely good, but he wouldn't admit it.

Tecciztechatl smiled and nodded. He stopped at Jacob's request. "Yes, just for tonight." He purred and covered Jacob up with the comforter and held him close to his chest. "Rest now, I know you are tired".

He was tired, yeah. Violet eyes closed and he snuggled in a little closer to Tecciztechatl's chest. The ancient moon god was so warm. It felt nice having such a strong pair of arms around him. Soon, Jacob drifted off to sleep, snoring just softly.

A full moon hung low in the sky. It was so big and shone so brightly. Jacob could see it from where he laid in Tecciztechatl's bed, his head resting in the god's lap. His belly looked about as big as the moon did. Pale flesh glowed from skin stretched so tightly. In just a few minutes, the triplets would grow to full term. Tecciztechatl was excited of course. It meant the pregnancy would be halfway complete. Jacob watched his belly quiver. Two of the babes kicked excitedly under their father's roaming hands.

Tecciztechatl smiled as he gently massaged Jacobs stomach excited about the fact he would soon see his children. But at the same time he was sadden at the belief that Jacob was going to leave him after their birth. But like he said, he would rather be alone and sad as he faded away. Then to have someone who didn't love him back. He chuckled and started to sing softly for the children and himself. To keep the sadness away as he thought about his mate leaving him and the children.

Jacob looked over at the clock. He had some time before the children grew again. Tecciztechatl started to sing. The god seemed to sing a lot these days. Jacob could tell it was a sad sort of song, even if he couldn't understand the ancient language. Slowly, he'd been reconsidering staying with Tecciztechatl, but he wasn't totally convinced yet. He shifted a little in the other's lap. "Terri... If I decided to stay here with you, would that mean... I could still never leave this place?"

Tecciztechatl stopped his song and looked at Jacob. "No, you would be able to leave when you wish. I would escort you for protection. My brother is still out there looking for a mate. I only want you to be happy. Even if it wouldn't be with me. I want you willing love me back because you want to. Not because you feel guilty or just for the children. I only kept you in here because of the pregnancy. I didn't want to risk you getting hurt, killed or kidnapped." Tecciztechatl smiled sadly at Jacob as he told him this and massaged his stomach. "Don't worry you will never have to see me again soon as the children are born."

"Well... Well maybe I want to give this thing between us a try," Jacob confessed. "I admit I've been behaving like a brat lately. The change and the news were all just so sudden that--Ohh!" The boy's belly jumped, swelling up at the triplets began to grow one last time. "What I mean is... Ch-Change is never easy, y'know? Everything I knew was s-suddenly gone. I was in a new place with a new person. I reacted badly. Mhhn..." The skin stretched slowly, his belly becoming bigger.

Just fifteen more days and they would be born. "I'm willing to... to give us a try, Terri. Who knows, by the time these kids are born, I might learn to love you."

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