C The gods bearer (w/ leafies)

Name: Poseidon, god of oceans and seas
Appearance: in human form, usually appear as tall and muscular, with hair that's almost black but in fact was a deep green, like sea in turmoil. His eyes are also green, but they change in color tone depending on his mood.
Character: moody,.almost grumpy, but in fact could be the most kindhearted among the major gods. He could be harsh, but when he cared enough, he could melt whoever's heart with how gentle he is.

Poseidon  had been roaming the villages in the form of a downpour, grumpy and mulling over his brother's taunting words. Hades had been showing off his latest child, some cute baby that Persephone had recently gave birth to. He had to admit the little girl's very cute, and it annoyed him even more. However hard he tried, he just couldnt find the right god or goddess to settle down with, let alone making a baby together. He sighed and turned into his human form, deciding he wanted the rain to wash away his anger. 

While he explored the field, he could hear children's cry, no doubt frightened because of the lightning his brother was casting down to further taunt him. It then hit him, perhaps he didnt need to settle down to have a kid himself. What other better candidate than humans then, when they are so abundant in numbers. He got excited and started quickly walking down the muddy road, going faster and faster until he's roaming through the villages like a wind.

Name: Kaenas
Appearance: Short in stature and slender in physique, Kaenas sports a shade of dark curly red hair, complemented with bright green eyes and light freckles over his nose and on his cheeks.
Character: Kaenas works as a young architect in training for the local township, always with his mentor as he learns his craft. He's a little feisty when things don't go his way but he's otherwise pretty mild mannered. He enjoys going out and having a large circle of friends, he isn't one to stay home by himself all day. He isn't as spiritual as most of the town, he doesn't believe in the Gods really, but he doesn't make that fact known. He pretends to revere them to keep up a good reputation.

Kaenas and his mentor had. Even forced to cease their latest project because of the impending storms. They'd covered what they already had built, hoping it would be saved from the downpour, and returned home for the day. Honestly, Kaenas was a little annoyed. They were supposed to have this project done today... and that meant they would've received their pay today as well. He wasn't starving or anything, but some extra money never hurt, and Kaenas was looking to splurge on some new tools back home that he'd been dying to get. Hauling his satchel of current rusted tools over his shoulder, Kaenas trudged the path home with a grouchy expression painted across his features. Another night of stale soup awaited him at home again.

He'd been so caught up in his thoughts that he'd barely noticed the man rushing towards him, only pulled from his wandering mind when he abruptly ran into him. "Oh, Gods," he cursed bitterly, regaining his balance and turning to narrow his eyes at the man. "Where are you running to?" he criticized harshly. "Slow down maybe."

While Poseidon dont really care about respect or suchnot, it surely had been awhile since someone yelled at him. He took a glance at the man. "You are indeed a spirited young man... where are you going?" He assessed the body and those eyes.... he would like those eyes. Smiley eyes by his definition. The color is the same with his own, when he's quite delighted. When they collided, he took the liberty to feel his waist and that feeling was kind of interesting. A warm and slender body, but definitely not feminine. Would fit well in his lap.... or in bed.

"Spirited?" Kaenas snorted and shook his head. "Probably because I'm heading home after work. The rain ruined it, so-" His voice took on a frustrated tone. "No pay." Kaenas didn't really know why he was telling this stranger his problems, but admittedly it did feel better to get his emotions out. Kaenas gathered his satchel again, pulling it over his shoulder and huffing at the weight. "I'll move by you now," Kaenas said, inching around the other man, "I suggest you... not go so fast, less another clumsy person like me run into you."

"Hey wait!" Poseidon quickly grabbed Kaenas' arm preventing him from leaving. "I have no where to go anyway.... and in this big rain, like you said, ruined everything. How about I buy you a drink, perhaps chase away a little of the foul mood the rain had gotten you in? Or, even better. YOu got any wine at your home? That invention of Bacchus is quite ingenious, no matter how much I don't really enjoy that character." Posiedon felt like smiling when he looked into the innocent eyes of this young man. "Which way? I could take your bag for you." He offered.

Kaenas jumped a bit when his arm was grabbed, startled by the sudden action of the stranger. "You were walking pretty fast, seemed like you had somewhere to go." He raised a brow at the other, considering him with thought. He didn't have anything going on tonight and he liked company on especially slow nights, but with a stranger it seemed suspicious. "I've wine at my place, yes... I don't even know your name though." He turned back to face the man. "You've got an open invitation if you want to carry my bag though. My house is about half a mile from here, not far."

"I am Poseidon. That means I am allowed to visit your place right?" Poseidon answered casually. It's not like he had anything to hide. "What's your name little guy?" He said looking down at Kaenas who could fit under his chin. He even ruffled his hair, which had somewhat dampened and stuck to his head under the rain, while taking away his bag. He wasn't sure how much that weight's suppose to mean for the human but from how he moved his arms, he suppose that's quite heavy. "Half a mile. Hmm yea." he said even though he had no idea what that distance should mean.

"So you're a jester, huh?" Kaenas shook his head at the reply he got. He didn't believe in the Gods in the first place, but anyone mortal or not who openly announced themselves as one was probably a bit kooky in the head. Kaenas went with it though, figuring there was nothing to lose except a good time back home. "Yeah you can come. And it's Kaenas." He rolled his shoulders when his bag was taken from him, feeling a bit better now that he wasn't lugging around pounds of work tools. "We'll get there faster if you pick up the pace." Kaenas smiled mischievously and continued in the direction of his house. Everything in him was screaming not to trust a stranger like this, but his miffed side also wanted a drink or two and someone to talk to so he had to cave to the latter.

Poseidon was actually quite amused by how Kaenas just dismissed the fact that he named himself as a god. "Well I was born in the sea, and I live in the sea, so what other name could i have." He said but didn't ponder on it. "Kaenas... hmmm right." He followed the young man and when tehy encountered a big puddle of mud, he just casually grabbed his waist to stride through it with his exceptionally long legs. "Yep i guess we should pick up the pace." He said merrily, and showed no intention of putting him down as he continued on carrying KAenas in his arms.

"You're just messing with me. One guy I met told me he was Zeus..." Kaenas scoffed. "I'll take what you say with a pinch of salt." The name issue wasn't so big a problem; honestly Kaenas had hung out with people he didn't know their names, so this was nothing peculiar. The man insisting he was a God was a little funny though. Kaenas didn't have any problem with trudging through mud (he did it on a daily basis) so he was surprised when the other man picked him up and over the damp ground, letting out a yelp but settling awkwardly in this Poseidon's arms. "Surely you don't want to carry my bag and me..." Before he had a chance to continue, Kaenas was pointing out his house down the road, in line with some other small cabin-ish buildings. "There. That's my place."

Poseidon had surprised even himself how he didn't really felt annoyed by Kaenas just considered him as lying. He would know in time. Poseidon chuckled at how Kaenas protested. "You are light, i could carry you along." He was finidng this little human resembling like a pet that he could carry away all the time. He would be fun to play with. "Ah that's quite near. As you said." He said speeding up even faster. He was essnetially floating on the ground, which the human didn't seem to notice. They quickly got to the house, and he finally put Kaenas down to let him open teh door. "Wow... it looks. identical to all tohers." He laughed, finding it genuinely interseting.

His house wasn't anything special, just a small cabin his mentor had helped him build a few months back. It didn't stand out from the other houses in this village but that was how Kaenas liked it - it kept things discreet and he didn't pull unnecessary attention to himself. Kaenas was doing nothing more than trying to fit in truthfully. He had a house, he had a job... he was on his way to something good. "I don't know if that's a compliment or what," he said, taking his bag from Poseidon and setting it off to the side, "but it's supposed to look like the other houses. Don't need a big fancy place to live in, just something to get me by for now." Kaenas wandered over to one of his shelves and opened the drawer, pulling out a bottle of wine he'd had for awhile. He'd yet to open it because he wanted to save it for an occasion like this, where he was in a stupidly bad mood and needed relief that wasn't by sleeping. "Haven't tasted this stuff so I can't tell you if it's good or not."

Poseidon looked around curiously. He had never visited a mortal's dwellings before, and though modest, it was kept reasonably clean and tidy. At lesat then his child, or children, would have a neat 'mother'. He nodded to himself as this little man scored another high score on his mark sheet. He took over the bottle and looked at it skeptically, already sitting down like he owned the place. "Guess we have no other way to know then finding this out." He said and removed the cork. The smell wasn't the best he had, and Poseidon didn't wait for the cups that Kaenas was trying to get to him. He tasted a little from teh bottle directly when the host turned around, and made a face. He used his power, a little trick he learned from Baccus, and made the bottle 10 times better, before taking teh cup and pouring 2 glasses. "FOr the rain." He said and bumped their cups together, then downed the liquid in one go and sighed with a smile. "That's how it should be." He looked at the content that's ruby red now and nodded.

Kaenas didn't drink often just because his tolerance level was extremely low. For as someone as social as he was, you'd imagine he might be able to have a decent amount of alcohol and not get ditzy almost right off the bat, but that wasn't the case for Kaenas. His friends found it amusing but Kaenas wasn't laughing when he felt like shit the morning after. He made sure to k my limit himself to a cup or two tonight, especially with this man he still knew nothing about; he didn't believe the Poseidon deal either, but the guy seemed friendly enough. No reason to turn him down if he just wanted to socialize. "Uh... yeah. I need the cups, for sure." He hadn't noticed the way the wine changed, only relished the way it tasted when he put the cup to his lips and had his first sip. Kaenas laughed as he downed his initial swig of wine, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Damn the rain. You know, I can't have too much of this stuff or else I'll just... get a bit out of control." He tapped his cup. "That's why I have these, kinda measure out what I can have for the night."

"Oh, out of control?" Poseidon got even more curious, if anything. "Care to explain that? How would you appear to be if you take too much?" He said, amused like his friends. The mortal woudln't notice but with the littel trick done by Poseidon, the wine became much more concentrate and pure. Poseidon hid the smrik on his face with the cup as he took another sip, already looking forward to the 'show' that he must undoubtedly witness soon. He even nudged a little closer, tilting his head to look at Kaenas better and found a slight crept of blushes already climbing up his cheek. Perhpas becuase he had warmed up enough from the rain, or would it be the alcohol speaking already?

"Well maybe not out of control... I just have a low tolerance for alcohol. It's the worst because I go out a lot so I have to watch how much I drink." Kaenas took another drink from the glass, already beginning to feel a slight buzz, warmth spreading throughout his body. "My mentor told me it's because I'm small, but I haven't gotten any bigger than what I am now in years." Kaenas had stopped growing in his teenage years it seemed; standing at only five-foot-four, he was rather short compared to other men in general. Kaenas tipped his head back and briefly closed his eyes. "This stuff is potent," he hiccuped lightly, a lopsided smile parting his lips. "I shouldn't have so much in front of a... of a guest." The last thing Kaenas needed to do was get completely drunk in front of a stranger claiming to be Poseidon.

"Your mentor knows you well...." Poseidon was exceedingly amused. The shades on Kaenas' cheeks complemented him nicely. He nudged a little closer to the mortal, sipping from the cup again. "Well it's alright, i am quite at home here." With a little trick, it's easy to make the desk a little smaller, so they could get closer. "What about your family? Your mentor sounded like your father." He said while rubbing the back of Kaenas' hand with his thumb.

"Don't get too comfortable," Kaenas laughed, blinking back the slight shakiness in his vision. Truthfully, Kaenas didn't regret drinking. In front of someone he barely knew might not be the best idea but the wine itself felt amazing after a disappointing work day. "Oh, that old man isn't my father." He shook his head at the mention of his mentor. He barely registered Poseidon touching him, he made no move to pull away. "M'family lives far out west, they jus' keep to themselves. I visit them maybe... maybe once or twice a year." He shrugged through his slightly slurred speech. "I'm fine livin' out here, 's quieter."

"How about your mentor...? Does he have many apprentice?" He asked leaning closer. If Kaenas swayed or got dizzy, he would be at the perfect place to hold him. He smirked as he askrd more out of the little man. If he didnt really have much relations around, he wouldnt be alerting too many people even if he smuggled him away, be wouldnt be alerting too many people. He glanced down at his belly, and imagined him getting hugely pregnant. He would look marvelous. He thought as he tilted his head, resting on his hand.

"I think he has two others but I haven't met them." Kaenas made an uninterested sound and tipped his head to the side, leaning with the movement and trying to balance himself so he didn't completely fall over the other man. He took another drink from his cup before setting it down beside him. "Mm, no more of that stuff." He paused for a second to catch his breath; he could hear his heartbeat thud in his ears. Everything felt overly intensified. "What 'bout you? You must live somewhere." He grinned cheekily. His face was warm to the touch and colored a shade of red. "Where were you goin' earlier, huh?"

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