C The gods bearer (w/ leafies)

"I was hunting for a bride.... turn out, a groom is nice as well." Poseidon muttered under his breath. "Hmm so you got 2 colleagues? How come you have never met them? I thought you would be workint on that project of yours at the same time as you." He moved forward and sipped the cup. "You are going to waste that cup of drink? Ob come on.... just another sip." He seduced him, demonstrating to Kaenas' how the wine tasted great, licking his lips dry. He could see Kaenas couldnt really focus on things in front, and he smiled at how the male was shaking his head like a puppy to clear his visuals.

"Our mentor likes to do individual work, so I don't mind not meetin' them." Kaenas had only heard about the other apprentices in passing but he half preferred it that way. He liked to do his work alone because then he wouldn't have anyone else to rely on. Kaenas snorted and took the cup again, finishing off the last bit of wine still at the bottom before settling back in his chair. "That's it... nothin' else." He heaved a sigh and shifted in his chair. "I could sleep all evening now," he commented offhandedly. He was lucky he had no work the following day otherwise this would've been a bad idea.

Poseidon stood up and hovered over Kaenas, smiling at how blesry his eyes become. He couldnt quite keep his eyes open but the blush and the smile on him made him.look incredibly young and docile. "Then sleep all evening, little guy. You are truly a blessed one." He smiled and his teeth looked dazzlingly white. The pose Kaenas was in lookrd awkward and Poseidon lifted the small man up to.place him.on the.only bed present in the bare house, then removed his.clothes one by one.

"Can't, should prob'ly get some stuff done." While Kaenas didn't have any arduous work tomorrow, he still had a few plans and prints that he needed to finish for another project in a few weeks. They'd been sitting bare on his desk for a long time but in reality, Kaenas knew he wouldn't be getting to them at all tonight. Kaenas didn't protest when the other man moved him nor did he raise any questions about his clothes being removed. Instead he clumsily grabbed at the blankets and tugged them around himself in a messy heap. "I don't normally sleep bare like this," he snickered, still well under the effects of the wine from earlier.

"Oh but why? You look gorgeous. Besides, isnt it much freer without any restraints?" Poseidon said and pretended to be shivering. "And oh my good host. You wouldnt be leaving your guest out here in the cold - nor force me to brave that rain again in thishour of the night, would you?" He said sitting down at the side of the bed, luring his half-conscious host into taking him in bed. "It's a cool night with the rain..... and you feel so hot." He rubbed his cool palm over the heated cheeks and body of Kaenas, causing the human to moan, then sigh with the cooling.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Kaenas mustered, his wide toothy grin still plastered on his features. Kaenas wouldn't really consider himself a sensual individual, but he was no stranger to being close to someone like this so it didn't bother him in the slightest. If anything, maybe a night in bed with someone would make him feel even better about the horrible day he'd had. "Clothes aren't restraints, I don't think." Kaenas scrunched his nose at the other's words. "Am I gettin' sick?" he asked suddenly, wondering if maybe he'd caught a cold in the rain earlier. The alcohol seemed like a more likely reason for his warmth, though. "Yeah sure, you can stay for tonight, but then you've gotta go tomorrow." He raised a suggestive brow at the man. "I can't be havin' strangers over at m'house a lot or people are gonna think I'm weird."

"Oh you bet I am gonna go tomorrow.... with you." Poseidon slipped into the bed quickly, adding the last two words under his breath so the mortal wouldn't notice it. "Hmm yep you are warm. Quite nice to be holding while at night, i think." He said clasping his large palms onto the small and lean body of Kaenas. He shifted around on the small bed. "Well this is not a big bed so.... " He scooped his arms around Kaenas, essentially putting him in his arms. "Tha't sthe only way that it would fit both of us." He smiled, looking at Kaenas' face not 2 inches away from his.

Admittedly being in bed like this with a stranger was a little odd to Kaenas, especially now that the other man was more or less holding him, but he was too intoxicated to bother putting up a fight about it and instead he eased into the hold of the other, closing his eyes but keeping awake. "I don't 'ave that good of a bed so yeah." Kaenas shrugged and shifted in Poseidon's hold, turning slightly onto his side. "If it rains again tomorrow I'm gonna have'ta kill someone," he joked.

"Hmmm and who would that be? I do look forward to see you kill.. wha'ts the last pray of yours, a rat?" Poseidon chuckled. His palm had moved from Kaenas' shoulder down to his waist, then to his bum that's curvier than he would expect on the lean frame of Kaenas. "Since you got such a small bed.... I guess there aren't really many visitors... visitors of a more intimate nature?" He beat around the bushes again. While Kaenas closed his eyes, he traced his features with his sharp eyes. His own pupils dilated and his eyes had gone a deeper green than usual, for he was being aroused by the close proximity he had with the vibrant young man.

"I caught a fish," Kaenas teased and shook his head. He squirmed slightly at the other's wandering hand, too intoxicated with the overwhelmingly potent wine to make any protests. If anything, the touch felt good; in a sober state he might object to being so close to a basic stranger such as this but in his current state of mind it didn't matter. "No," he responded casually, "I like to go over to their house... 's easier for me to leave when it's done." Kaenas had been intimate with maybe three or four people before, although very scarcely. He didn't need physical intimacy to survive but it was alright here and there. Still, he was by no means experienced. The last time he'd been in bed with someone was over a year ago. He opened his eyes and looked over Poseidon's face. "Why?"

"Just curious.... i thought a lively young man like you must havr a lover or two, not to mention how gorgeous your figure is." Poseido smile that hinted of his predatorial instincts. "Besides... I tend to like people that are, hmm, solitary." He rephrased his words when he actually meant "clean" or, "virgin". "Alas, everybody got a history." He said more to himself as he gazed into the brilliant green eyes of Kaenas, his hands travelling along his body, lighting flames of desire like an expert. "Had anyone ever told you your eyes looked beautiful.... " he said that smoothly. As brother of Zeus, he did have a trick or two up his sleeves.

"My small figure?" Kaenas teased lightly. "I've been with a person or two, but it's been... a long time." Despite having had a small number of partners in the past, Kaenas didn't sleep around a lot. There were times that were tempting but he was very careful about who he chose to take to bed. He certainly wasn't promiscuous but he wasn't a complete deadbeat boring person either. Even in his drunken state, Kaenas could pick up on the other man's suggestive tone; he wasn't so fluid and neat himself while tipsy on wine though so he didn't act as eloquent as he might otherwise. "You've already got me naked," Kaenas slurred, sitting up a bit, "I know what you're up to..."

"So, are you willing? I dont force myself on others." Poseidon smirked. While Kaenas sat up, Poseidon laid back and looked with amusement in his eyes, trailing down his gaze on the completely naked front of Kaenas that was slightly tinted pink from the alcohol. He moved a hand down his torso, his nipples already standing up as it got ib touch with the cool night air, and further south to his bellybutton and further. "You are beautiful indeed." He muttered again at the light layer of muscle on the human, no doubt from his work, outlining his defined body.

It didn't take much for Kaenas to make a decision. The man would be gone in the morning and he'd have nothing to remember except a good night. "You've already got me here," he said slyly, noticing the way Poseidon's eyes seemed to travel down his body. "Might as well." He smiled awkwardly and shifted his hips on top of the other man. This definitely hadn't been what he'd expected to come home and do tonight but honestly he was glad it'd happened. It'd been awhile since he'd had a decently fun night like this one and not having work the following day allowed him the freedom to do whatever he wanted.

"That's good. Great." Poseidon simply smiled and touched the brilliant body. Kaenas had olive skin but underneath his clothes, he appeared almost milky. It must be the harsh sun giving him the tan. Perhaps when he got used to life underwater, his skintone would lighten up again. He pulled Kaenas down to kiss him on his pinkish and warm.lips, while he reached down to do his magic. With the mortal distracted with the kisss, he vanished his clothes and knead on his buttocks, rubbing their cocks together illiciting pleasure for both sides.

He was a little clumsy while in this state but he tried his best not to seem like a complete mess. It didn't much matter because this would just be a one nighter and done, but he still didn't want to look like an idiot. Kaenas kissed the other man back, something more fierce than either of them might probably be used to. Kaenas wasn't making love, he was just in this for a quick burst of pleasure. A soft moan escaped his lips as they both moved their hips against each other, a warm feeling pooling in the pit of his stomach.

How eager the little onr was caused Posiedon to smirk. Soon. His finger soon slipped to where it should. He spread the globes of flesh to get to the little opening in between, teasing the folds with his slightly cool fingers. With one particular move of their hips, his fingertip breached through the ring of muscle, prepping Kaenas fast mainly not to have his cock clammed too tight when he entered, and also for slightly cleaning him and preparing hin for what he was gping to do. Behind his back, a greenish blue glow covered Kaenas' bottom up to his midsection as Poseidon created his own unique bearer for his young.

Kaenas gasped slightly as he felt Poseidon push his finger inside him. It felt a little weird, mostly because he hadn't done this in awhile and was in no way prepped for it, but within a few moments he was adjusting to the stretching. Kaenas shifted forward on Poseidon's waist until the other's cock was under his entrance; he moved his hips suggestively, biting his bottom lip awaiting Poseidon's next move, completely unaware of what was happening to him.

Poseidon smirked at how eager Kaenas had been. "Oh you dont know what hit you..." he withdrew his finger and muttered under his brrath as he got Kaneas lubed up with a simple flick of hand. He didnt allow Kaenas time to peocess the sudden coolneess in his bottom by pushing through to him immeidately, his huge cock stretching Kaemas to unprecedented width, expanding every folds to the point it was nearing tearing. He had the mercy to wait for a split second for Kaenas to start breathing again, before pushing up while pulling the human.down his cock by geabbing his waist.

(Adjusting to this new schedule so I'm not working into the night anymore luckily!)

Kaenas was sloppy with his movements, even more so with his words, so when Poseidon bucked his hips up, pushing his cock into Kaenas' tight entrance, he breathed out a string of incoherent obscenities at the brief spike of pain. He knows well enough he'd never been with anyone that was as large as this man and truthfully it'd taken him off guard. His breath hitched and he bit the inside of his cheek, trying to adjust to Poseidon's length inside him. "Slow," he demanded sloppily, yelping when Poseidon pulled him down onto his erection further. Everything felt hazy in his drunken state and Kaenas wasn't even sure if it felt as good as he'd hoped, but he had no intention of backing out of this now.

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