Office MATES

Name: Elliot
Age: 24
Rank: omega
Occupation: office worker from the marketing department.
Characteristics: brown hair, green eyes, 5'4 tall, pale, and lean body.

Elliot sighed. Coming to work with all his friends already promoted, and only him left behind at the marketing department, is there any hope for him? 

He pushed his glasses up as he sighed again. "It's because you're an idiot, Elliot. What employee stutters in a presentation?"

He was busy being depressed that when he got off, he didn't notice being robbed. Only when he was to get out of the station did he notice. He looked at the cashier that was already getting annoyed. "I know I have my wallet. I just can't find it! Maybe i've been robbed!' The cashier person was rude. "I don't care if you don't pay now, I'll call the guards." Great, now he has more things to worry about.

Name: Alex
Age: 24
Rank: alpha
Occupation: the big boss' son. Just graduated from a masters degree and was about to enter thr office as a junior ranked staff to.prepare for his ultimate inheritance of the company. No one would know of his real identity.
Characteristics: brown hair, green eyes as well. He's 6'3" and tanned. Muscular and love to do sports, but despite his big figure, he wasnt the type of intimidating macho man that most alphas would like to advertise themselves to be.

Alex got off the train in ease. His family usually preferred the chauffeur, but with his days studying abroad, he was quite used to public transport.

While on the train, he had been attracted by a smallish figure. The man looked anxious, often puhsing up his glasses that somewhat covered up his brilliant eyes. He looked at him and while he wasnt paying attention, he moved over the crowded cart to be close to him. He looked at him and saw his long eyelashes and its shadow casted on his face, and something just clicked.

Separated by the crowd, he was a few steps away from that man when he saw he was stopped by tbe cashier. He frisked in all his.pockets and his face started to blush in embarraasment. So cute, Alex smiled and thought to himself, making his way over.

"I am quite sure that's just a misunderstanding. I do not think you should be using such an attitude. Mr.... McMold." He said addressing the cashier glancing at his nametag. "How about I pay for him, how much is it?" Alex offered taking out his own wallet.

When his search for his wallet continued with no success, and the guards began to slowly make their way to him, Elliot was almost in tears. His small figure began to tremble as he became more panicked. His hands became desperate in their search, so much that he managed to spill all the contents of his bag. 

Elliot was busy picking up his things when there was a deep voice above him. It was a tall man, with a really angelic face. The lighting on top of them added more to the heavenly appearance of the stranger. And he was defending him! The smaller's mouth was left open, glasses near slipping his nose in admiration. The man even offered to pay for him! He clumsily stood up. "There's no need for that, sir. I can... pay." Mr. Mcmold snickered "You don't have your wallet. How could you pay?" So Elliot sighed in defeat. Damn his pride. "Thank you for the help, sir." 

When the shorter man spilled all his things, Alex almost chucklrd but managed to hide his smile. He quickly stepped up to hold the man's arm when he seemed to wobble when he stood up, and a great scent hit his nostril. He looked at the man, quite surprised. He couldnt distinguish his rank, he probably used some suppressant.

Alex eventually couldnt hide the smile when he heard how the man insisted he wanted to pay for himself. He was almost a foot taller than him and it actually made Alex quite pleased. He shook his head settling the payment. "You are very welcome Sir. And please, dont sir me, I am Alex. You are...?" He asked quickly glancing at the staff no. of that Mr McMold and reminded himself he would file an official complaint later. He also needed to think of a way to get this attractive man's number withput sounding too awkward.

When Eliot was steadied by the stranger and was brought closer to the man, he could smell the strong scent of alpha on him. He blushed at the influence of it. It was intimidating. Good thing he had his suppressants or else who knows what might happen if it was found out that he was an omega.

 Looking up and having a better look at the taller, he saw that the man was not older than him. Maybe the same age? Now he felt guilty calling the man sir. It might have appeared rude. "I-I'm Elliot." he stuttered as he got more red. He realized he must've acted like a school girl in love. Elliot coughed a bit and tried to be more professional. "C-can I ask for your name too?" Okay, wrong move. That question should have been unnecessary. "So I could repay you later on!" was his excuse. 

"Elliot.." Alex repeated his name, looking down at the petit man and thought he looked very fitting standing beside him. He smiled and escorted Elliot away from the booth. "You mean to ask for my full name? Ah how about we go grab a drink.later... then you could repay me." Alex said fishing out his phone, ready to exchange thrir numbers. He wouldnt deny he used the repayment as an excuse to keep contact with him.

Alex glanced at his watch and groaned when he realised he could be late. The first day reporting to duty rrquired him to first go to the HR department. "I am so sorry, what's your number? I am in a hurry now..." he said scratching his head and quickly entered the number then messaged the man. "I will see you around." With a charming smile, he quickly turned and left the station.

The sound of his name being said by the alpha was alluring. He was so entranced by the voice of the man that he let himself be guided away from the booths. He almost didn't understand what the man said. "S-sure! A drink sounds nice." he was trying his best to remain professional but deep inside he was squealing in joy. It seemed like a date to him, even though he'll be the one paying.

When he saw the stranger getting out his phone, he got the hint and pulled out his phone as well, all the while he continued to blush. Just rescued by a hot and handsome alpha, and here they are about to exchange numbers for their 'date'. The day was really turning better for him.

He saw the man looking at his watch and rushing off, and he also remembered that he was about to be late too. The boss said that he had an opportunity for promotion if he could keep an eye on a new employee, and here he was about to be late. Though the alpha was gone, his scent had lingered. At first Elliot was confused, but then he realized that the man's scent must have attached to him. For a moment, being late was not his main concern. He was just happy.

He entered the building of their company. As he entered, he noticed that there were some looking at him strangely. He arrived to his desk and immediately he was questioned by an office mate. "Elliot, why do you have the smell of an alpha? Don't tell me, you are an alpha?" he pushed the nosy worker aside. "Maybe I am. I don't want to say." He really didn't want to reveal his status of omega but he smiled a bit knowing that the stranger's scent was still on him. It made him feel like he was mated. 

Then there was a knock on the door.

(I'm going to sleep now. Looking forward for tomorrow! Loving the rp so far.)

(Sure no problem!)

Alex was smiling while he waited at the reception. He looked at his hand like a fool, where the good scent of the man, Elliot, lingered despite it being "rankless", but he had guessed he probably would be an omega, but what if he's a beta? That would be fine as well really... he just really liked the man.

The receptionist had been quite friendly once she saw his good looks, and brought him to the room of their head of department first. He endured the boring lecture, assessing himself that this middleaged man probably wasnt the brightest of all employees, and his tendency to drag on his speech wouldnt be adding any value to the company. He would continue to observe, see if there's any change in position required. Eventually he allowed him to go, asking the secretary to bring him to the room of his immediately supervisor.

It's a strange reaction from the department when everybody seemed shocked the moment he entered the office. Everybody was whispering among themselves and he was almost convinced he had dirt on his face… he caught a few words but it was too blurred, it had to be something to do with his scent somehow? He looked around, keeping his confusion to himself while trying to give everybody a friendly smile. Occassionally caused some blushes and squirms. Arriving at the door, his confusion increaaed as the faint smell from his hand seemed to have strengthened.

Knocking on the door, he entered hearing the supervisor allowing him in. "Oh! What a coincidence. I was thinking we would meet again, but definitely not this soon.... let me introduce myself again. I am Alex. Your new employee." He flashed a smile and crossed the desk to shake Elliot's hand, who looked as shocked as a deer caught in headlight.

Elliot's eyes grew wide. Who knew his new employee would be the handsome stranger from before? Wait, so he will be the one supervising this alpha? He noticed that he may have been staring at Alex for so long, the man chuckling at him, so he quickly snapped back to reality and shook his hand. The hand shake might have been too rough though with how shocked and excited he was.

"U-uh please seat down." An omega handling an alpha? This may not turn out well, but hey if Alex would be his charge then maybe it would be alright. He can't explain why but this one feels different from the other alphas. He also had his suppressants so there really wouldn't be any problem with insubordination, right? He just need to be seen as superior and professional.

"It's such a small world. So as you've known, I'm Elliot. I'm the supervisor of the marketing department. I know I may not seem much but I hope you'll learn a lot from me. Work won't be easy but I trust that you can handle it."

Elliot's cheeks went a shade darker, but apparently he wasn'ta aware of it when he shook his hand. Alex lingered slightly longer with their handshake. This man's hand is tiny compared with his. He could envelop it entirely, the cool and small hand of Elliot's. Looking back up, he chuckled and sat down. His suit jacket showing off how broad his shoulders were and he just crossed his legs casually like he owned this room.

Alex sniffed around and was once again intrigued by how there's a lack of gender. could he be wrong? Would Elliot be a beta? He looked at the man that's slightly flusgetered and smiled again. "The honor is mine, I am happy to wrok here and I would prove myself to you." He nodded at what his would-be supervisor would say. "How many colleauges are there? And... they seemed to be very curious of me. I just saw them whispering when i came in."

Alex glanced around teh room. It's neat and tidy, almost reminding him of Elliot himself. It's not exactly the largest room, but it was lightfilled and looked to an open garden that made one feel refreshed, especially with teh blinds pulled all the way out. The sunshine cast a shadow on Elliot and his hair looked almost golden.

Alex's confidence was really overwhelming, but it was also very attractive. Elliot doesn't know what it was exactly that got him more captivated to his temporary underling. Was it is his strong and bulky figure, the way he smiles, or was it his sexy appeal? The supervisor blushed. What was he thinking? Now is the time to be professional, not some omega in love, especially he was hiding his omega identity.

"G-great! I'm looking forward to take you in my charge. Our department  currently holds 50 employees. I-if you pass the evaluation then you would be the 51st." He smiled at Alex, liking the thought of being office mates with him. 

"About the whispers, I don't know why the employees did that. If it would put you at ease, they were also whispering when I came in. Don't worry about that. Gossips happen often but they don't cause too much trouble."

Alex was surveying his office. It was humble but decent, and he liked it that way. Eliot observed more as well, feeling proud of keeping the office clean and orderly. His green orbs were busy surveying the room that when his sight landed again on the alpha, he was surprised. The red on his cheeks returned. Alex was staring dreamily at him!

"U-um I'll give you a tour of the d-department later. Would you like to view the garden, w-while you wait?"

"51st, yea, looking forward to becoming a member of the company as well myself." Alex smiled and nodded. He probably wouldnt become the 51st, but nonetheless he was definitely joining the company. Perhaps several levels higher up.

The alpha instinct in him caused his scent to becme thicker in this closed area. It's jist his body's natural reaction to a potential mate, regardless whether he was beta or omega. He nodded and agreed. "Yea sure, just take your time. Should I wait here or go out to the reception before we start the tour?" He asked, standing up and casually walked to the window that was right beside Elliot and glanced outside. He smirked when he realised how much closer together they are now. He almost wanted to grab Elliot's hand and bring him out of the room, this little man was getting so blushed, and breathing so quickly, he was quite sure he might faint.

The alpha scent in the room sudeenly thickened, and as an omega, Elliot was quickly getting flushed. It was getting hard to focus on his work , rather than presenting and submitting himself before the alpha. It was also not good that he was feeling his pre heat coming up and  has yet to get his heat suppresants. But Alex can't know. He have to separate the man from him, as much as it would ache his heart. 

"W-wait at the reception." The underling complied though it was obvious that the man was confused.

After Alex got out, he quickly searched through his bag for the suppressants. Of course there was none. The omega wasn't prepared for it.

"Why is my heat coming early. It's not supposed to arrive until next week." Elliot was worried. He can't just go home now and leave his charge. He bit his lip. If he was in pre-heat, it was still alright to work for a few hours, right. He would just have to endure and be more careful.

Unknown to him his heat was triggered by Alex and his omega instinct to breed for his alpha.  After an hour, Elliot met with Alex again for the tour, though he seemed more nervous.

"T-thank you for the wait. Let's start?"

(Too fast?)

(Oh i was thinking the heat would happen a little later... after they get to know each other more. But yea, this could work. Or, do you want to push it back a bit? Maybe Alex realised what's happening and dragged Elliot out for an emergency suppressant shot during lunch?)

There was a slight tremblr in Elliot's voixe that Alex found strange. It shouldnt make one's voice shaky just from being embarrassed, right? Nonetheless, he nodded and made his way to the reception.

On the way, the snickers and whisperings diminshed, and a few of his colleagues came up to say hi. Alex was friendly and he was quicklyaking friends with others. Waiting at the reception, there were a few employees circling him and chatting quite happily, one of them even held his arm when he laughed at some jokes Alex made - that's also an omega. A female omega with a very curvy body, wrapped in a skin tight dress that eccentauted her body.

"Oh! Great. Yea let's go." Alex stood up seeing Elliot coming. His scent minglrd with the other's and Elliot was bound to react to the potential competitors surrounding the alpha.

(Sorry  Blush . the emergency suppressants plan sounds good. Can we go with that? It would also help explaining Elliot's omega rank and the two can get to know each other more as alpha and omega. )

Elliot wasn't really feeling that good. His body was slowly heating up and it was fogging his mind. So when he saw HIS alpha surrounded with many flirtatious omegas that is not him, he felt rage. 

"HOW DARE YOU FLIRT WITH HIM! HE'S MINE!" The other omegas gasped in shock. Was this their supervisor? Elliot still looked as if he could harm. In fear, the female omega and the others backed off. 

Jealousy ran through him that he didn't notice how wild he was behaving. There was a tap on his shoulder and he saw the worried look on Alex's face. In an instant, he regained his control. The looks of the employees told him he did something horrible. He looked back to Alex, almost in tears because he really didn't like losing control of himself.

"Ah.. I-i'm sorry. The tour let's go on with it." Elliot was scared of what's happening, he's losing control. He'll have to apologize to the employees for whatever he'd done. He tried his best to fix himself before continuing the tour. "T-this way please.'

(Ya let's go with the emergency suppressant!)

Alex was shocked by how Elliot overreacted, but soon his shocked look turned into obne that was mixed between amusement and worry. It's interesting seeing Elliot, who's so much smaller than him, trying to defend an alpha that's almost a foot taller. It looked like a rabbit trying to shield the wolf from danger and his.lips curled up at the corner fitting rabbit ears over Elliot in his mind.

He hid the smirk and cleared his throat. When he saw how Elliot's eyes were rimmed red, it only strengtheend the image of him being a rabbit and he almost wanted to pat him on his back. He nodded and silently followed the smaller man out of tbe room, giving small nods and glances at the crowd that was looking at them with curiosity and concern.

Elliot seemed to be still down from the outbreak of emotion, and Alex tried hard to cheer him back up. While they toured, alex demomstrated his charming self as much as he could, making sure he acted polite, helping Elliot with the door and often times walked slightly closer than necessary. He liked seeing Elliot acting all flustered as they walked, and for a few moments he even managed to get Elliot so blushed, he stuttered and forgot about what he wanted to say.

The tour had been more of a challenge than it really should be. Elliot tried his best to control and calm his omega from taking over but Alex wasn't making it easy. The man was so polite, all the while being so charming. It was distracting him from touring the place properly. The blush on him seemed to have been permanent. 

The supervisor blushed harder in embarrassment when he forgot what to say. He was busy staring dreamily at the alpha that he went blank on what to say. Alex would just chuckle at him, making him more flustered. Oh he just hopes that the man had learned much from the tour.

The tour was nearing it's end, he just have to hold on for a little longer.

Alex was keeping a close eye at Elliot, for his steps became increasingly wobbly, afraid that he would fall. Eventually it happened, when they made a turn, some office assistant suddenly appeared with a cart full of documents. Thry almost collided into each other and Alex was just in time to catch Elliot.

Elliot fitted perfectly in Alex's embrace. Alex smiled looking at the slightly fussy head of Elliot and muttered. "Careful, mr 'manager'." His breath brushed against Dlliot's hair and his scent surrounded him.

Elliot wasn't t fully conscious when he fell. He didn't even realized that he fell, only when he saw Alex hovering above him looking concerned. The hold of the alpha was tight and comforting. The scent coming from the man had also this effect that made him feel safe. His temperature rose again, and he was like burning with fever. But our omega was calm that moment, liking Alex's comfort.

"S-sorry... Dizzy. I'll be more careful." He said in a weak voice. The last stop of the tour was the canteen and finally he can do something about his unexpected heat.

"I'll take you next to... to the canteen. You can eat your ... lunch there."

It's very nice to hold Elliot in his arms amd when Elliot removed himself from his embrace, Alex felt discontent. He let go of Elliot reluctantly when it was clear he could stand on his own feet again. He kept hold of his arm for awhile longer to make sure he wouldnt still be dizzy.

The remainder of the tour, Alex kept a closer eye to Elliot than to his surroundings. He was starting to smell a very sweet scent. When he announced what's the final spot, he could see Elliot's eyes going hazy, almost dreamy, and his words werent as coherent. He clutched Elliot's arm again and asked. "Elliot.... look at me." He tried to get his attention, but all that Elliot could respond with was a sweet hum, almost like a moan. The smaller man also unconsciously leaned closer against Alex, almost rubbing himself against his body, acting like a cat craving for attention.

"Elliot!" Alex was feeling something must have gone wrong. The sweet scent was even stronger when Elliot got closer to him, and he sort of knew what that was.... he had to take sex education classes afterall. In a mixed class of alphas and omegas.

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