Office MATES

Elliot was losing it. Though he was very thankful for Alex's support, the touch that he made on him was triggering his senses. He tried to fight his omega instincts and remain in control but it was already a losing battle. Just then the alpha's scent suddenly became more enticing.

Without control, Elliot seemed drunkenly in love. He wasn't even aware what Alex was saying to him. All he could focus on is how handsome and sexy the man is, and how he wants the alpha to mate with him. He was even flirting with him in inappropriate ways! The omega purred as he rubbed himself against the confused man, not minding if he was causing him discomfort.

Elliot kissed him below the jaw, circling his hands on the alpha's neck and nuzzling him. "I like you... do you like me?" his tone was almost slutty. 

Elliot was like boneless hanging himself on alex, and it made tbe taller man quite surprised. The pur was sending thrills down Alex's spine, but he had to control himself, even though thr sweet scent just redoubled itself. The smell of marshmallow, vanilla and peach. Maybe even honey. He couldnt tell, it's just the sweetest smell and most addictive scent that he had ever smelt.

When Elliot kissed him on his jaw, he knew something was way off. He had a feeling now what's the matter hearing what Elliot said . He dragged Elliot up and hurried out of the office. "Elliot? Elliot! Listen to me... when's your last heat?" He knew this is an emergency and no.time could be lost. As he was walking so fast, Elliot's steps faltered and Alex had to drag him up. Alex was very glad now at least he was given the tour and he was able to distinguish thr way.

Alex sighed looking at Elliot who was almost unconscious. He made up his mind and lifted him up bridal style, turning his head so he would be facing his chest and hurried out to find a clinic.

The omega continued presenting himself to the alpha, almost near unbuttoning the man's shirt. When Alex began dragging him to the office, he smiled, thinking that something's gonna happen soon. 

"I think... I think it was two years ago." It had really been a long time since he was consistent with his suppressants. It was only till now that he became careless and forgot preparing for it. The heat on his body became suffocating and painful that he had slowed down. Unfortunately for Elliot, he was forced to keep on moving with Alex dragging him.

It was getting hard to breathe. His figure looked very unstable and he was often stumbling. The pain was almost increasing. "A-Alex I need you..." When Alex had lifted the almost unconscious omega, Elliot was moaning for the alpha's touch. The heat and pain was getting very uncomfortable, and a small hand fisted Alex's shirt while the other grabbed for his stomach in pain. His feeling of pleasure was turning into pain resulting to him becoming more desperate.

"Alex... p-please help me."

"It's ok Elliot, you would be better very soon." Alex said, his voice surprisingly convincing and steady. His strides were wide, walking as quickly as he could. He patted on Elliot's back to calm him, when it was clear Elliot was feeling pain, he pressed small kisses on his forehead to lessen the discomfort.

The omega's scent did have an effext on Alex as well, his breath became hitched. Shifting Elliot onto one side, he freed up a hand to fish his phone out, dialing his butler's number to have the nearest clinic ready as soon as possible - both for Elliot and for himself as a precautionary measure.

Alex let out a breath when the clinic apparently got tbe notice. The doctor and nurses had opened their door wide, ready for them. It was also lucky for them, the clinic was just round the corner. The nurses tried to take over Elliot, but Alex refused and carried him all thr way into the room for treatment.

Everything was a blur. All that he could see was the distorted figure of Alex's face, and the sound that came through him were muffled. But Elliot knew that Alex was there for him, comforting him, and that he will help him. The pain was gradually increasing, moans of discomfort intensifying. Elliot was near tears with the pain. "I-it hurts. please..." he was as if begging for the pain to stop.

The doctor that was put in charge of them saw how the heir was protective of the omega. "Sir, are you his alpha? Since when was his last heat?" he asked all the while proceeding to check the vitals of the smaller male. It didn't look too good. The omega's heat was intense and it seemed to be only getting worse.

"Nurse, bring in some strong suppressants immediately!" Elliot was gripping the alpha's hand tightly, crying softly with how uncomfortable he was feeling. "Alex... m-make it stop."

Alex was about to let Elliot go so the doctor could do their work, but how the smaller man was gripping tight on his hand was enough to make him stay. He gripped tight on Elliot's hand as well and whispered over and over. "You are going to be alright, I am here.... the pain would go away very soon, just let thr doctor do her job ok?"

Turning to the doctor, he shook his head and said "i am not his alpha ... I dont think he's mated. He was on suppressants and i heard him telling me his last heat was 2 years ago." He said in a clear but fast tone. Turning back to Elliot, he brushed his hair away from his face and kissed his hand lightly, once again using his alpha scent to calm Elliot down a tiny bit. He looked at the doctor shaking her head. He knew himself it was dangerous for an omega to go without a heat for so long, and when ir came again, it would be absolutely devastating.

Alex looked closely at how the doctor injected the suppressant, then had another shot to put Elliot to sleep so he wouldnt need to endure the remnant of the heat in agony. Alex sighed in relief and rolled up his own sleeve. "Please give me a shot as well, I am afraid my rut could come earlier because of what happened just now." He shook his head and confessed to the doctor.

The pain was suddenly gone, and the heat cooled away. Before he slept, Elliot could see the relieved expression on Alex. He smiled lightly, silently thanking the man.

He was fully conscious when he woke. He tried to get up but can't feeling something heavy on him. There, head rested on his hand sleeping was his underling. 

Elliot blushed at the recollection of what happened. Alex knew he was an omega and might not see him anymore as someone worthy of authority. And all the embarrassing things he did too. He really should explain and ask forgiveness.

The alpha began waking up as well. "Uh... Hi Alex. I-i can explain."

Alex smiled lazily as he woke up and saw the flushed face of Elliot. It's probably the best thing to wake up to. The smallish omega was lovely, even on a plain white bedsheet, he still managed to look palatable. Alex pressed a finger on Elliot's lips to stop whatever he was trying to say. "It's alright. I know it's an's probaby your body messing up with you." He paused for awhile before adding. "You do understand the harm a prolonged use of suppressant could do on your body right?" With the cumulated amount of hormones, Elliot was going against his nature. It could potentially lead to lowered fertility - or exceptionally high, depending on individual's response - and it wasn't worht it in the eye of Alex.

The alpha shook his head and stopped, feeling like he was probing into the privacy of his supervisor. He stood up and stretched his body, which was sore from sleeping at an awkward angle. When he stretched, his loosened shirt was tugged up, showing his washboard abs.

Elliot was surprised when he saw Alex not mad at him. The man was even comforting him, so he was able to relax. But when the topic of the prolonged use of suppressants came, his small body became stiff again. He lowered his head, guilty. "I-I know the effects. I have my reasons... for doing it. Please understand."

The weight of the bed lightened and the movement caused Elliot to look up again. What he saw made him gulp. He knew that he had come to have a crush on Alex, and boy the alpha was hot! All the guilty was replaced with dreamy admiration of the washboard abs. But then all the more the reality that Alex was an alpha and he was an omega, and that Alex knew about it came down on him.

"Alex, now you know I'm an omega I won't stop you from leaving my charge. I know how alphas must feel with having an omega as a superior. I just ask that please don't tell anyone else. I -I may get fired and this job has been my life."

Alex had a feeling why Elliot had been using the suppressant for so long. There are discrimination and hate crimes around, some people, espeically alphas, still wanted to treat omegas like breeding machines only. Alex squeezed his fist tight for how shameful people of his kind was. He quickly came out from his own thoughts hearing the timid and hesitant voice of Elliot. There was definitely hurt in it, and without thinking too much, Alex took Elliot's hand and held it with both of his hands.

"Elliot, I would love to work under you. You have such a good relationship with everyone, and from how you are promoted to supervisor, i know you are very talented. Our secndary gender has nothing to do with whether I want to work for you or not..." he said solemnly and pressed a kiss on the smaller hand of Elliot. "Believe me, I wouldnt tell a soul of you beign an omega." He smirked. Of course he wouldnt let anyonr else know, he didnt want to attract anymore competition over this lovely omega.

Alex tugged a stray strand of hair behind Elliot's flushed eartips and patted his arm. "Dont worry, I am here and everything's gonna turn out alright."

Alex was again surprising him on he was so calm and understand of all of this. Elliot wasn't also expecting the alpha to assure him through holding and kissing his hands. He blushed at the thought that Alex could have been the best mate. If only they could really be together.

Elliot smiled at the praise given to him. It was only a day that Alex had worked for him and here he was complementing him. Nice to know that he didn't really messed up the man's first day on the job, and that Alex would love to continue working under him. It was also a relief that his secret is still safe. His heart was ready to burst in joy. Oh gosh that smirk was sexy.

Alex got closer. Elliot's face became as red as a tomato. He felt like fainting; but still he managed to smile his gentle smile in Thanksgiving to the alpha."Alright... I-I trust you."

The next day, Elliot was allowed to resume work again, and he found Alex to be quite the skilled employee. He would often complement the taller of a job well done, always giving his signature smile. To Elliot, the two of them are getting close. And he thinks he fell in love.

Alex tried to keep sitting down whenever Elliot came to find him for work. He did it to make him look less intimidating, and also to lure Elliot into bending over him so he could enjoy the few moments of being close to the omega.

The longer he worked in the office, the more he found the supervisor lovely. He was sweet and gentle, bur equally capable in doing his work. He mingled well with the staff and therefore, even with tight deadlines, all colleagues were willing to work extra hard together. The sense of belonging was great and Alex was finding himself learning from the leading style of Elliot.

They somehow established the routine of having lunch together, at first because Alex was not sure if Elliot was fully stablized, and later because Alex simply enjoyed it too much to stop. He enjoyed seeing Elliot laugh and it's amazing when they sometimes shared their food, which held special implication according to very ancient traditions - he wasnt sure if Elliot understood it.

Elliot was aware of the traditions, and he loved every feeling of it. He knew he may be assuming too much but he feels that the two of them are behaving like a mated couple already.Their lunch routine has been so important to him that Elliot would cook especially for the alpha and make him eat. He was also always ready to accept the food from him.

All the other employees call him sir, but not Alex. They've dropped formalities and was now in a first name basis. Work was going well. Leading the employees wasn't so difficult as he thought, and if ever there were problems, he can rely Alex to cheer him up and get him back to smiling and laughing again. Elliot was timid and soft spoken to others but when it was just him and Alex, he's not afraid to open up and would share a lot of stories. It was only Alex who got to see this playful and sweet side of Elliot. Does Elliot care that he is being too close with an alpha? Well if it was Alex then he doesn't really mind at all. He trusts the alpha with his heart.

Alex had come to love how the name of "Elliot" rolled off his tongue. It was a magical few syllabals that always warm up his heart. When the month past, Alex was ready. He would ask Elliot out for dinner.

There had been a project going on and the deadline was nearing, but both of them kenw they could make it work, only at the price of some late nights together. It wasnt like the first time they did it. Often, Alex and Elliot would be tbe last to leave the office. It's this private time together that Alex thought would be a good timing.

Once again, when the clock hit 10pm, they were tbe only ones left. Alex nudged closer to Elliot, whose hair had gone messy and his eyes almost owlish behind his glasses. "Elliot? Would you be free the coming weekend? Our deadline is on friday so i guess we could go chill out during tbe weekendwhen everything's over. How does that sound to you?" While he asked, his shoulder brushed against Elliot who had been sitting next to him discussing about some graphics.

Elliot pushed up his glasses. He was also blushing when he looked back at Alex. A date? Either way he can't pass up this opportunity! "Yes. I'm good... I'm good with that! Some time to rewind is what we really need after the deadline." Their shoulders brushed and, yeah he was back to blushing again.

The project was somehow submitted on time and with all things done, the only thing left to prepare for was his 'chill' day with Alex. Elliot rummaged through his closet, and had fixed his hair a number of times just to make sure he'll look nice to the alpha. He gasped as he saw he was about to be late and rushed off to their meeting place. 

The first thing he saw when he arrived was Alex already waiting for him, looking so stunning. The alpha looked like a celebrity and here he was dressing so plain. Elliot was snapped out of it when Alex saw him and began waving at him to come over. Of course he blushed at the attractive sight.

(You are always so early! :0)

They were just meeting in the park and Alex was planning to bring Elliot out to try out roller skating. If Elliot knew how to do it, it would be great, but if he didn't, it would mean lots of touching time and Alex smirked thinking about that. He was so sneaky sometimes, but he wasn't ashamed of himself. He really liked this omega, and he would be trying very hard to make him his.

Elliot was looking extra lovely in casual wear. He looked incredibly young, his glasses halfway down his nose and the blush just complemented his features perfectly. Alex stood up from the coffee shop that he had asked Elliot to join him and took his supervior's hand to lead him to their table. "I am thinking we could have some snacks first, to be honest i hadn't taken any breakfast so this brunch would be nice. THen there's a roller skating ring in this park that I thought we could have some fun there." He had planned more, a movie then a nice dinner. For now let's just not make it tooo intimidating first.

(it's to make up for how long you have to wait for my replies  Blush )

Elliot pushed up his glasses again, thankful that Alex was still ever so cheerful despite him being late. "I haven't had breakfast as well." The alpha looked adorable as he told him their plan for today, and half of the time he should have been listening was spent on just smiling and admiring the excited face of the man. But then there was a plan of roller skating. He gulped. Elliot doesn't know how.

"Y-yeah roller skating sounds fun." How he hopes he won't be making himself look like a fool. He tried it once and ended up getting bruised in the face.

(Haha you are too sweet ;))

"You have tried before? Dont wory if you dont know... I could be your coach. I am not an professional in it, but i think I am dependable enough to not let you fall - too much." He smiled. There's amusement in his twinkling eyes as he looked at Elliot. Squeezing his hand, he said once again."dont worry, I am here and I.wouldnt let anything happen"

They made their orders and it's a sunny day out. They both laughrd and enjoyed their time. Alex sipped on his coffee and smiled seeing Elliot holding his cup with both hands, like a small child. "Elliot... what about your family? You seldom talk about them." He asked quietly.

"This will be my first time roller skating actually. It would be nice if you could c-coach me. I won't mind falling." If it's with you, Elliot wanted to add. He could already see it, him wobbly in his steps and Alex laughing at him but guiding him. Oh it will be so romantic and fun. Elliot wanted to slap himself. He should really stop entertaining such thoughts. But how can he not with Alex being so charming to him. "Alright...I trust you."

Elliot was enjoying their day so far, and he was even more made happy seeing Alex smiling and laughing with him. They were drinking their coffees and honestly he liked how the alpha would lick his lips once in a while after sip.

"My parents? Well they disowned me after finding out I'm an omega. All of us siblings were boys, and all of them were either alpha or beta except for me. So yeah... My grandma took care of me since then." His smile became sad in telling the story but he was alright now. He saw Alex feeling sorry for him and wanted to assure him that his fine.

" But don't worry! I don't mind them anymore. Uh... How about you? What's your parents like?"

To tell the truth Alex was quite excited about the skate as well. He longed for a reason to holding Elliot - not just casual touches and brushed in office, or during their casual chats, but really an embrace like the very first day they met. He reached over and took Elliot's hand when he told him the story with his family. "I am sorry Elliot... i didn't know.... your parents really weren't very.... nevermind." Alex stopped himself before he could use any strong words to describe his disgust towards Elliot's horrible parents.

"My parents, they are, busy. And sometimes overprotective. But well, I am glad I had convinced them into sending me abroad for my studies. Otherwise I couldn't grow up as I am now." alex's father had been an alpha and his mother a beta, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to treat an omega well, as he learnt it from his time overseas where omegas were more respected than in here. "I am an only child so my childhood had been quite lonely... when i have my own family, i would wish for a large one. With lots of kids." He smiled and not so sutbly glanced at Elliot's midsection. Betas were difficult to conceive, so it wasn't surprising for families like his own to have only only one child. For omegas, it's the exact opposite. WIth how fertile omegas were, it's the reason why people would nastily call them "breeding machines".

"Your grandma must be an admirable lady. She raised you very well." He praised Elliot's grandmother who must be one of the most important figure in his life. "Where is she now? Perhaps you could bring me to visit her sometimes? I would love to tell the lady what a great job she had done."

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