Office MATES

(When will we find out about the pregnancy? Before grandma's visit at work or after grandma's visit with grandma being the one to find out?)

Elliot tried his best to remain acting like a superior to Alex at work. Of course they have to be professional at work even if they're public now. Only simple loving gazes and discrete touches were allowed.But when its only the two of them, they're back to being affectionate and all smiley to one another. Elliot's cheeks were fixed on their red color, especially with Alex teasing and bringing back memories of how he expelled the extra seed. Though embarrassed, deep inside he liked the time spent there with Alex.

They were having lunch together, and oddly enough, Elliot was having no appetite. The omega can only put his focus on watching his mate eat.
"Alex, I heard from grandma and she told me that she's excited to meet you."

(Call me gross but I really liked the detail you put into Elliot getting all the seeds out  :P )

(Maybe grandma's suspicious but they later found out themselves? DO you think grandma would be angry or just happy for them?)

Elliot was every bit his sweet and pliant omega in private, but in the company, Alex was always amazed with how well he maintained his work even with his status change - and surely he priased him for that. Only in thesse times, he would again see the shy smile that reminded him of how sweet Elliot was at home. They now sometimes shared the night at Elliot's place, but Alex hadn't really shown him where he lived yet. He didn't want to scare the omega with his currnet residence, and was trying to look for a smaller place to rent - at lesat on teh short term.

Alex looked at Elliot with worry, noticing him just pushing the food around. It's just a salad and normally Elliot would be ok with that. He waved the waiter near and asked for a few pieces of lemon before turning to Elliot. "Oh is it? Hmm how about this weekend?" He asked making plans. He could settle on the rent and ask his butler to move for him, so he could free up the weekend to meet the "parents". ""Hmm any tips on what your grandma likes?" He asked and nodded thanks to the waiter for delivering his request. He took the liberty to squeeze a few drops of lemon juice onto the vegetable and the refreshing smell of citrus made the salad a bit more inviting.

(Awww thanks! i was risking it a little.. i find that very cute but I iddn' tknow if you would want it. Good to know you enjoyed it as well!)

(Alright. So do I go ahead with the symptoms or postpone it? I was thinking that grandma will be all sweet and accepting of them, no anger. How about you?)

The lemon did look really inviting to Elliot who suddenly had his appetite back. At the first bite, he moaned at how good it tasted. "This weekend is fine. What my grandma likes? Well she's only a simple person who's not much of a fan of luxuries. I think seeing you working a few hours in the farm would surely win her favor." he didn't know why but when he finished his salad,  Elliot was still craving for that sour citrus taste. 

So before they went back to the office, he asked his mate if they could buy some lemons. And at work, the omega can be noticed snacking on them while reviewing documents. 

As usual, he and Alex got home together. "You better start packing your things, and preparing yourself for the farm life. A city boy like you might find it hard staying there. And knowing grandma, you won't be able to touch a single gadget." Elliot teased, chuckling at how Alex stiffened with the threat of having no technology and manual labor.

(I also find it cute. And I thought you would be grossed out by me  Blush )

(Just go ahead and get on with teh symptoms, i am thinking quite serious morning sickness and a stiff back, since there are 3 babies ;) though Alex would know how to deal with them, like the lemon juice, for he is a good alpha. ok grandma would be all sweet. I hope she would like Alex very much, and treat him even better than treating Elliot ;))

"Should i be prepared i would need to deal with cow manure with a shovel alone?" He said, wrinkling his nose remembering the foul smell back then when he was still studying pre-vet. He had a feeling he would get a good sweat this weekend. Alex always stayed late in Elliot's place, and occassionally would pick him up in the mornings. He took the keys from Elliot and opened the door, letting Elliot in first. "I think I also need to brush up on my skills... do you think she would ask me to milk the cows? I don't really enjoy that part... but getting the hay and feeding the chicken is better. I especially like dealing with the lambs."

As usual, he stayed as late in Elliot's place as possible, but this night Elliot seemed particularly tired, yawning not long after dinner. It's cute seeing his glasses falling off and him nodding his head getting sleepy, and Alex took the cue that he should leave now. Elliot, while dozing off, instinctively found a warm and comfortable place to lay his head on - which was Alex's shoulder - and the alpha didn't want to move. But then it's late and Elliot shoudl rest. He lifted the sleeping man up and took him to bed. Elliot stirred and looked at him with sleepy eyes. "Just sleep, I am seeing myself out. See you tomorrow, my love." He pressed a goodnight sleep on his forehead and left quietly.

The week past quick and Alex was all ready for the trip. He came with his straw hat, very ready for work in the farm.

(Aww i wouldn't be grossed out. I enjoy it very much myself, that's why i introduced that bit of detail ;) )

(Alright! I like extreme pregnancy symptoms  :D And you can count on grandma to be extra loving!  ;) )

Elliot chuckled at the cuteness of Alex. The alpha was so determined to do well in the farm chores. "Try knowing all of them. Grandma's alone so she would want all the help that she can get. Of course I'll help. Can't leave you with all the fun now." Nights with Alex was always wonderful for him, but tonight he felt so tired that he just wants to go to sleep. He was so sleepy that he didn't notice that he had let out a huge yawn, nor when Alex had carried him to bed. The last thing he remembered seeing was his mate leaving him with a good night kiss. "Sure... Love you..."

Elliot felt sick the following days. He was constantly nauseous so what he can only bare to eat was small amounts of plain food. Knowing his mate would worry so much, he tired his best not to let him know. At work, he'll be excusing himself from employees at random times, only to gag in the toilets. Lunch was also tricky because his love would be suspicious. And always at the end of the day, he would be so tired that he would end up just sleeping on Alex again, enduring a painful back.

All of his sickness remained hidden and bearable until it was the day they were to visit grandma. Elliot had been up since early in the morning vomiting in the toilet. He remained like that until Alex arrived. In his discomfort he didn't see his mate coming into his room.

(Poor elliot he would be suffering a lot for the pregnancy ;))

Alex just thought it was normal for Elliot to feel tired after their mating. His body was going through a lot of changes, but he did feel like he was extra tired. Even at work, he wasnt all the time with Elliot and he just caught a few times of how he was getting toilet breaks much more frequently than usual.

He was letting himself in Elliot's home this morning, he had the spare keys already. He heard retching sounds ans rushed into the toilet, only to find his mate hovering.over the toilet. He looked so uncomfortable throwing up into the toilet bowl, but nothing came out. Alex rushed forward and patted Elliot's back. "Elliot? Did you catch the flu?" He smoothed his back. His little omega just collasped onto him, panting. "Did you eat something last night?" He said trying to sooth his omega.


"Maybe? I-I don't know...what's wrong with me." Being with his alpha, and able to smell his comforting scent, had eased up his nausea a little. But still he was so nauseous, Elliot doubt making it through a five-hour drive to his grandma's. He doesn't have the heart to delay their trip just because he was feeling sick. Not when his grandma was already expecting them, and Alex already so prepared with his cute straw hat.

It was a long time that they stayed just like that, until Elliot felt more stable. He got up from his mate's hold and proceeded to prepare himself. He could see Alex eyeing him with worry. "I'm feeling better. Maybe it really was just the flu, love." His pale face told otherwise. But then, just as he had finished clothing, the urge came back and he was again running to the toilet and gagging in front of the toilet. He was grateful that Alex had welcomed him again in his arms after. He was panting and feeling very drained. His eyes were teary and he was gripping his alpha's shirt weakly for support. He bit his lip. " can still make it to grandma, right?" Elliot felt like taking a nap. He feels so out of energy. Maybe it was just the stress from work? Or because he had lacked sleep?

Alex wasnt too confident but he knew how important it is for Elliot and grandma that tgey made this trip. He rubbed Elliot's back soothingly, rubbing his arm giving him more strength. He sat down beside Elliot and lifted his omega onto his lap and hugged him tight. He warmed his stomach by his warm hand. "You would be fine.... I would prepare some plastic bags." Alex smiled, trying to make it sound reassuring.

He kissed Elliot's cheeck and before he could notice himself, he rubbed his lower belly as well. "Just take a nap on the car, i.would make it as steady as I can. Let's rinse your mouth first." He scooped a cup of water and gave it to Elliot. He encouraged him to drink some as wlel, warm ones with a piece of lemon added to give it some taste and prevent it triggering his gags again. "Do you feel like any taste? Salty? Sour? Sweet?" He hoped mentioning about thme wouldnt cause another wave of nauseous, but Elliot needed to have some food. At least some fluid to replenish.

"Thanks, love..." Elliot managed to smile at the assurance of his mate, feeling more at ease knowing that Alex believes that he can make it and will support him.

He snuggled closer to Alex as his mate rubbed his back and arm, purring.The warm hand on his belly did help calm his stomach and he sighed in relief.

Elliot can only hum with Alex's plan, too weak to even do anything. He scrunched up his face hearing the word sweet and went burrowing his face on Alex's chest as if smelling the man would make him forget the horrible taste. "S-sour...only sour..." At first he gagged at the taste of the water Alex was giving him, but as it settled on his stomach, he found the nausea going away.

Elliot was now in the car after being guided there by his love. His seat was slightly reclined and and at his side, Alex had put a generous amount of plastic bags. He smiled to his alpha and gripped his larger hand weakly. "Thank you for this love... I'm sorry you have to put up with me like this." Elliot's other hand was fixed on rubbing his stomach, hoping that it will remain settled until they got to grandma. Of course that didn't happen.

Even though Alex had thought about Elliot's possibility of being pregnant, he didnt connect Elliot's symptoms as morning sickness - afterall they had mated for just 2 weeks, and he assumed it would at least be a month before any symptoms would start showing. "It's of.course nothing. I am responsible for taking care of you, I am yohr alpha." Alex smiled and squeezed Elliot's hand and pushed the hair aside so he could see him clearly. He kissed him on his cheek and patted his hand. "Try to get some sleep. It would be better if you look far ahead as well, if you cant fall asleep." He advised and started the car.

They managed to get on tbe highway before Elliot urgently grabbed for a plastic bag, again gagging into it with only water coming out. The smell wasnt good but Alex was more worried about his.mate's condition than anything else. He pulled over and got to Elliot's side and rubbed his back. He knelt down beside him and pulled his hair back while he retched. Once again they rinsed Elliot's mouth with water, but this time they didnt have any lemon with them.

"I would druve to the gas station ahead. Let's see if we could get some citrus and maybe some, hmm, pickles?" Thats the only.thing sour that Alex had in mind that could settle Elliot's stomach.

The first hour of the trip Elliot was asleep so there was no nausea to worry about. But as they entered the highway, Alex's car got caught by an unexpected ramp that had jostled the omega awake. Instantly the nausea was back and he immediately grabbed for the plastic bags. He winced at how his stomach would cramp because it had nothing to expel. 

It was really sweet of his mate to pull over and comfort him properly. He was seriously feeling so miserable that he was starting doubt if he could really make it to grandma. The water Alex gave him was only for rinsing as Elliot can't seem to stomach the water without the lemons in them. Still panting, he rested his head on his mate's shoulder. He nodded his head a little to show that he liked to stop at the gas station.

Driving the remaining meters to the gas station had been difficult for Elliot. He didn't want to vomit again so he tried very hard keeping it in, covering his mouth and breathing deeply. Though his other hand still gripped a plastic bag just in case. 

Alex had bought the citrus and pickles. His alpha was encouraging him to eat but he wasn't really sure if he can without gagging on his alpha. But Alex was very persistent that he eat something so he took a bit of the pickle. His eyes widened, surprised that he can actually eat something without feeling nausea. Suddenly his appetite was back. He nibbled on the pickles shyly, though it was evident that the omega was hungry for it. He knows Alex had been eyeing him with a confused and worried face, and that made him blush, well as much pink that can be seen from how pale he had become.

Elliot looked more like a hamster than anythingfor Alex, and he turned away hiding the smile. His heart judt warmed up seeing his omega so cute. "You dont have to hide it.... you seemed to like sour things a lot recently." He commented, explaini.g his confusion. He didnt notice it before from their lunches together.

With the pickles, they were able to get on smoothly. Resuming their way, Alex was mroe relaxed by the minute as Elliot seemed to be quite a lot better now. He took ghe omega's hand and kissed it. He was relieved... and frankly he was starting to worry if grandma would thought him not taking good enough care of the omega if she saw him so sickly.

Eventually they arrived the area, and Alex relied entirely on Elliot to direct his way. "This turn?" He asked looking around. This farm looked quite well maintained, quite cozy even. He could see some horses feeding on some enclosed grassland already.

"Yeah... But actually I'm not usuaaRly into sour things. I don't know why they suddenly taste so good." Elliot confessed. His blush can be seen more now that he had regained some color to his pale face.

The pickles did the trick. Elliot was no longer feeling I'll as they arrive his grandma's area. His excitement came back and had more energy than before. Alex looked relieved as well and he smiled in thankfulness for the support his mate gave him.

"Yes. Then just go straight ahead." At the end of the road was grandma's humble home. It wasn't big, just the right size. The house was all wood with potted plants decorating its porch. From the car they could see grandma feeding the chickens.

The two of them got out of the car with Elliot being guided by Alex. "Grandma!" He shouted, and at the call, grandma stopped what she was doing to ran for her grandson. Grandma hugged him tight before going to pinch his cheeks. "Oh my baby grandson! You've become so cute! How have you been?" Elliot chuckled. His grandma didn't lose her energy at her old age. 

"Oh who is this man with you? You're friend?" Elliot's smile became shaky, looking at Alex for support. "W-well he's my...alpha, my mate." Grandma looked shocked and that worried Elliot a bit. "Love let's get her inside." He whispered to Alex. 

Alex was amazed by the level of energy Elliot demonstrated as he looked refreshed once seeing his grandma. He got off the car smiling and waitijg for his turn to introduce himself. He first greeted grandma with one ofbhis charming smile when the old lady caught sight of him, then chukcled and nodded at Elliot agreeing to help move the lady indoor first.

He gently moved her into the house, and rhey settled in the living room where it smelt really of home. Alexchuckled at how grandma was still lookig at them confusedly, taking in the fact that her grandson was mated. Alex didnt mind ane in fact he found the old lady very cute, and he was thankful for grandma for giving Elliot so much love that compensated greatly for his horrible parents. He took grandma's hand and kissed it on the back. "Nice to meet you grandma. I am.Elliot's alpha, Alex." He smiled and exchanged a glance wirh elliot.

Grandma kept looking back and forth between him and Alex. Though Alex was enjoying the cute expression grandma made, Elliot was getting nervous. He will not get rejected again, won't he?

Alex introduced himself along with his charm, and for amoment he forgot being nervous to admire his mate. Grandma looked unbelieving. "Elliot, is this true?" The omega just shyly nodded. Grandma looked at Alex up and down, assessing the man's intention for his grandson. Then she saw how the two glanced at each other, Alex putting his grandson at ease. There was so much love between those eyes and gestures.

Elliot gasped in surprise, but he was overjoyed with what happened. Grandma was hugging Alex tightly. "Well, if my baby chose you then you better be worth it. Welcome to the family, lad!" She got up and went to get the chicken feeds again. "Now that's done I hope you won't mind helping a bit. Tend to the animals will you lad. Elliot you too. I'll be cooking lunch soon." Elliot gulped, not knowing if he can stand working with the animals at his state.

Alex interfered as he stood up and followed grandma. "Elliot has been a little carsick,I wouldnt mind doing his share of work though. You would have to teach me....I worked in a farm before, but that's a few years back and I didnt think i remmeber how to do most of it now." Alex scratched behind his neck but didnt act too embarrassed at all. He pressed on Elliot's hand preventint him from following. "Why dont you just stay here and rest for a bit? It would be best if i could have some alone time with grandma so I.could steal her heart." He teased, though his true intention was to have Elliot rest for a bit.longer. he was indeed quite worried with his condition.

Alex followed grandma out and went to feed the chicken and took the eggs from the hens. Then it was already almost lunch time already. Alex promised to also milk the cow and tidy the hay stack in the storerooms. There were also fences that he could help amend, but that would also require him to.make some purchases in the nearby warehouse to gather the necessary materials.

When Alex returned to th3 house for lunch, he was quite sweaty. His musk was musculine, but not at all repulsive as some alphas did, but he insisted he should go wipe himself down first. "Seriously I didnt want to smell like chicken.... grandma, can I borrow some towels please?" He asked the old lady keeping his distance from Elliot. He was afriad his smell woudl trigger another bout of nauseous of the omrga.

Grandma's eyes flashed a look of worry. "Carsick? Well he should stay here and rest if that's the case. It's so sweet of you to do his share too, a worthy mate indeed. Now, let's go polish up those rusty farm skills of yours."

Elliot felt guilty to Alex making him do extra work but nodded at the caring words of his mate and the idea of Alex and grandma being in better terms. Grandma kissed his fore head and patted his hand as if trying to say that he get well soon.

At first he didn't know what to do being left alone. So he decided to clean some and water the potted plants outside. But he felt so tired after that he ended up sleeping the whole 3 hours they were gone.

With grandma and Alex, grandma was liking his baby's mate. Responsible, hard working, not afraid to get sweaty and dirty. She approved. She was thinking what a great job Elliot did finding an alpha like Alex. The man was a huge help and seems to be a natural in the farm.

Elliot woke up to a smell that made his stomach flip. He saw grandma cooking and Alex wiping sweat. The smell made him want to vomit. He cupped his mouth and ran to the toilet, letting out what little food he managed to eat. Alex followed him and had tried to come near him but he could only push his mate away. "You and food...smell horrible. Uurp...go away." Grandma heard what Elliot said and got suspicious. She tried to cook something else, something sour, and see how her grandson will respond.

Alex raised his hands in the air, backing off from Elliot while he took the towel and went outside of thw toilet for the time being. He looked at Grandma with.pleading eyes, asking Grnadma silently to take care of his mate while he went up the stairs to the other toilet to clean himself up.

Alex took extra time in cleaning himself, he didnt want Elliot throwing up again. He came back refrehsed and found elliot sitting on the coach, lookijg pale and white as a sheet. Alex approached Elliot carefullly, ready to leave his omega alone in case he didnt frel right smelling his scnet - luckily, it didnt seem like it and Alex haplily sat down beside Elliot and held his hand. He hugged him close and, like befroe, he rubbed his stomach with his warm palm to help relief the queasy feeling.

Grandma nodded to Alex in understanding, taking Alex's place to comfort the vomiting omega. She was getting worried. Her grandson hadn't been this sick before. "You haven't come down with anything, have you? Flu? Food poisoning? I'm sure this is no longer the effect of carsickness boy." Elliot just leaned into her arms. "I don't know ma. I've been feeling like this for a week already... I don't know what's wrong..." After, grandma helped clean up the weak Elliot and lead him to rest on the sofa. She finished the sour meal and was serving it on the table when Alex came. 

"Alex, nice timing dear. Can you bring this to Elliot?" Surely her grandson won't also take the meal as well but it might work after all there are the similarities.

Elliot was busy snuggling with his love, liking the newly showered scent of the alpha. Alex was then trying to feed him something and honestly he didn't want to risk it but he can't just resist the concerned look of his love. 

A bite from the meal and he was wanting more. The soup settled his stomach and it was just delicious. He instantly finished the first serving and was asking for another. Grandma was of course happy to do so, relieved that his grandson was eating. 

"I'm glad you like it. You reminded me of your aunt. You're just like her doing her first trimester of pregnancy and good thing the same trick works for you." She was so relieved that she hadn't thought abput the possibility but Elliot did and gulped, his face going back to being pale. "I-it's delicious ma, ah... You should eat too. You too love." He looked at his stomach that was still being warmed by Alex's large hand. Can it be...

Alex was busy feeding Elliot with the soup that he didnt notice what Grandma was saying, or maybe he did, but he didnt think too much of it. It's just much too soon, even if Elliot had conceived, he didnt be this quick. He nodded and then ate dfrom Elliot's bowl of soup and squinted his eyes. "Wow....this IS sour.... hmmm grandma? Isnt this a little too much tomato?" He said looking at the red soup, not.quite understanding why Elliot seemed to have enjoyed much.

Luckily grandma did have something less sour prepared, and Alex enjoyed his.meal as well while Elliot was lenaing against him. His mate claimed he was full from tbe soup and didnt want any of the pasta that Alex was enjoying much more than the sour soup. Soon, Grandma asked for Alex's help in other parts of the farm. Alex pretended to groan but nonetheless smiled as he followed grabdma out. He held Elliot's hand so he wouldnt grt up. "You stay here.... better rest more. We did have another trip to endure back, so you better make your stomach settle more."

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