Office MATES

(hahaha bet you would have noticed it.)

"Yeah, but with them already showing this early on, do you think there will still be suits that will fit me?" A huge, round supervisor stuggling with his suits, well that is really a sight to see.

By the time they were back home, the crackers were long finished by Elliot. Now what is only to be eaten next is his most awaited grandma's recipe. 

Alex was attempting to lift him again, and though he did appreciate the offer, he wanted to decline. "I'd like to walk as much as I can before I get too big. My feet are a bit swollen but surely I can still manage walking to the couch on my own." He saw the dejected look of his alpha and tried to cheer him up through a peck on the nose. 

"But you can still help by remaining your hand there. My back is starting to get sore...and now it just feels perfect with your hand pressing my back and taking the soreness away." So in that position did the two went to enter the house. It was quite the sight too. If only they could notice, it looked like Alex was supporting a very pregnant mate than only being in a few weeks. It didn't help that Elliot's back was slightly arced to the inside that jutted out more his bump.

Alex went on to do his cooking in the kitchen, and Elliot was left to rest on the couch. He had taken his coat and necktie off completely and is now in a more comfortable state than before. In how much the event left him exhausted, Elliot was almost asleep when Alex called out that dinner was ready. He got up and walked to meet his mate in the kitchen. At just the smell of the food, he became fully awake again. He hurriedly fixed the table, set the plates and other utensils and served the meal. After, he sat down and was to engorge in his craving, but then he noticed Alex just watching him with a smile on his face. Elliot blushed. "Uh...let's eat t-together."

"Oh they must come in all sizes. They had to cater for omegas with multiples... it's really not that rare with how gifted most omegas are right?" Alex smirked referring to how fertile most omegas are.

It was quite disappointing for Alex to not be able to lift Elliot around, but he respected his mate and put him.down to walk himself, but kept a close eye to him. He smiled as he finished the last touch on the food and already, Elliot was fussing aeound with the utensils. He was so ready to start his meal he didnt see Alex was still standing there with his arms folded. He laughed when Elliot finally realised it and blushed. "It's alrighr... i know it's the babies making you starve. Not a problen at all as long as you woudl feed me the first mouthful of food to reward me, your personal chef." He bowed exaggeratedly, looking every a humble cook.

He hummed and happily took the food that was offered by Elliot and smiled, returning to his own seat as they dug into their dinner. Alex was quite hungry as well even though he had eaten much more than Elliot. He quietly got off his seat when he saw Elliot had emptied his plate already, and got.him a refill that he knew Elliot would need. He had cookrd extra just in case. It's a lovely dinner and Elliot was indeed sporting a belly when he was satisfied. He ate everything and anyone could see his stomach swelled up.

(timeskip soon?)

One serving was definitely not enough for the craving pregnant omega. Elliot smiled at his mate for the quick refill before indulging himself with the meal. He saw Alex eating much as well and felt better about satisfying his craving and eating so much. At the end of dinner, Elliot ate a total of four servings, and it was true taht his bump became rounder. Elliot had to unbutton his slacks to make more room for it.

They remained in the dining area to share some stories about the earlier event, and as if fate, Elliot had managed to bring up the higher ups again.

"Do you think the bosses liked the event? I can't read much if they liked it or not" the mood got sullen with the question so trying to cheer them up he complimented on Alex.
"I think the higher ups liked you. They all had this approving look on them when you talked. There were even some that slipped a smile. You may be very well up for a promotion, love! But even if not, I'll still be so proud of you. You were great and I really couldn't have done it if it weren't for you." 

After their conversation, the two went on to cleaning the table. Alex was washing the dishes and Elliot was in charge of drying them. Elliot started feeling sleepy again and had swayed when he almost fell asleep while still doing his task. Still he bore through it until they were finished. But after, Elliot blushed and just openned his arms for Alex, wanting his alpha to carry him to bed. 

(Yep skip right away to five months?)

Alex wasnt sure how to respond. He knew it must be Auntie Marrion who couldnt hide her smile. She's a good friend of his father's and always had been loving to him. She must have noticed Elliot was his mate and cleadly the omega had no idea of.his identity. He hummed and tried disttracting Elliot from this topic and was tgankful when they proceeded to washing the dishes.

It's funny seeing Elliot trying to.kerp his eyes open while washing the dishes. Alex had been nudging close to avoid Elliot from falling because of how sleepy he appeared. He smiled happily, pleased that the omega finally wanted his hold and kissed his.cheeks before liftijg.him up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom.

Time then flew and Elliot, likr Alex had predicted, was getting quite big very fast. The clothes they bought for Elliot.before were already very tight on him around the waist. Anyone who didnt know would thought he was due any day now.


Five months came and Elliot looked already popping. He can't even count the number of how many times his staff kept asking him if he should be working with being so close to his due date. He was like still four months away and it was always so awkward explaining to them.

Today he found out that none of his suits fits him again, so he was forced to just wear some black paternity pants and an unbuttoned coat over white shirt. Not really too formal but it will have to do. Slowly he made his way down the stairs, he can't see his feet anymore. Then Elliot waddled to meet his mate who had already been waiting outside for him. Elliot now looked very maternal with one hand supporting his back and the other cradling his belly.

At the sight of him, Alex raised a brow, and Elliot could guess it was because of his attire. "T-the little ones have become... too big for them. Don't fit a-anymore." And he blushed before letting Alex help him into the car seat. 

He fidgeted in his seat trying to get comfortable. He was kind of feeling off since waking up, like something bad is going to happen soon.

"That's a good sign, means the babies are very healthy. You should expect to get big even more the cominy.months like th3 doctor said..." alex smiled at how his boyfriend still would look embarrassed because of how big he had become. Hhonestly he thought Elliot looked very cute when he was all belly now and look so nice. He loved how he waddle and support his back so precariously.

He took his hand and helped him wadfle to the car. If he could, Alex would probably carry Elliot everywhere. He knew he was this muscualr and tall for some reason: apparently his physical strength was required when lifting Elliot everywhere. He helped Elliot lowering himself into the seat. He looked at him fidget and thought it was because his belly was still restrained. He smirked and suggested "hey why dont you just unbutton those few buttons? We could get them back up when we arrive." He smiled.

That day, his.mother had already said she would be coming to visir him and he hoped he would be able to convince her it's still not a good timing of telling Elliot of the truth.

Taking off the few buttons that closed his coat, and adjusting the seatbelt wider, Elliot did feel a bit better. Maybe that was it that made him uncomfortable? And so he disregarded the feeling and thanked Alex for making him more comfortable. "Thank you, love."

Their day at work was proceeding on as usual. Elliot supervising his department and Alex ever being his diligent employee. It became harder with having to support a big belly while walking all about the office so his rounds were less than before. Most of the time he was at his office just doing paperwork.

Now this day while doing one of his rounds, Elliot was approached by the Madame, the mother of Alex that he didn't know. Lately he noticed that the Madame had been taking a liking to him and would often ask for his and the babies' health. There were even times he was invited to eat lunch with her. Of course he only thought that it was because the high woman was pleased with his launch event.

Elliot was busy looking the reports he needed from an employee when he suddely felt dizzy and swayed on his spot. The Madame was quick to catch him and lead him to a place where he could sit and rest, which incidentally was his office. 

"Elliot, dear, are you alright? What do you feel? Oh you should really be just resting now with how big you've gotten." The omega could only chuckle as the woman kept feeling him and his bump, rambling on about his need to rest and getting paternity leave soon.

"I'm fine ma'am, just got a little dizzy which is completely normal for us. And I'm only at five months, it still early to call for a leave. Besides, with these three coming, me and Alex need to really save." The Madame didn't look to convinced and was having an undecided expression on her face. "If only you knew..." She whispered. Elliot only raised a brow when he heard it. She sighed before preparing to leave.

"If you say you're alright then I'll believe you. But I insist you stay and rest for at least another 10 minutes. I just need to talk to someone."

She left the office only to meet her son already waiting on her outside."Alex, we need to talk."

Evrrytime when his mother came to visit Elliot, Alex got nervous. But to not blow his cover, he couldnt help but stay beside, or sometimes even needed to get out of Elliot's room as he was asked 5o be somewhere else. He didnt know what his mother was trying to say, and when he saw through the glass doors that Elliot swayed and paled, he almost barged into his room to get to his mate.

He sighed and went to his mother's side when she finally came out. "Mom.... you know what I want to say. I would try to convince Elliot on my own terms... i, i dont want him to be too shocked or...." he sighed and pulled his mother to the pantry. He leaned back against tbe counter as his mother sat down on the chair. "Alex.... elliot's getting increasingly.inconveninet around the office. Besides, I still think you should get a wedding for him.properly BEFORE my grandchildren are born..."

As theyvwere discussing, Alex didnt know Ellior was just outside, about to refill his cup. All alex knew was he heard a loud clang, and he turned around to see Elliot, his cup smasjed on the floor. Everybody froze, from how pale he looked, he was quite sure rhe omega overheard it. Alex came forward and held Elliot's arm. "Elliot! I could explain this.... this, hmm, this is ...." he said, babbling himself. "Gish you are shaking.... here sit down first." He led Elliot over to sit down, afriad he.could collapse.

Elliot was just supposed to have his refill, have another mug full of water and be on his way to continue work. Why is it now that he was overhearing Alex talking to the Madame? his mom? Thoughts became jumbled trying to connect why would his mate address the wife of the company's owner as his mom. It was all connecting... it was making sense, and Elliot felt so much suffocated with disbelief. He felt himself go weak not noticing he had dropped his mug. He gripped on the counter to support his shaky legs. But when Alex came asking him if he was alright and trying to explain the situation. It sealed the deal, Alex confirmed that he really did lie to him. 

Suddenly, Alex's touch on him felt daggers, there was no comfort like it used to do to him. "NO! D-don't touch me." he said as he pried of the hands of the alpha on him and had stumbled by himself on a chair. He kept on thinking that there was no way that Alex could have lied to him all this time, but he saw how the Madame and his mate looked at each other and it only proved that it was true. Tears began streaming on his face.

"T-tell me... are you the Madame's son?" Alex nodded, guilty. "Then...y-you are the famous heir of this company?" Another guilty nod. The woman in the room was feeling guilty as well, but he can only rub her son's back in comfort. Elliot hiccupped and his tears came stronger. "W-why didn't you tell me?.... D-did you even really l-love us..." He then thought of the three little lives inside him and had his hand rest there as if protecting them. "Or you just wanted the sex and then the bonus of having heirs?" Elliot had bitterness in his tone. "I-I thought you are my mate... and that we are just an average couple trying their best to secure the future of their simple family... Y-you made me a fool! How can you lie to me all this time!" Elliot's face was red and his eyes puffy with all the crying and anger he felt.

Alex had no excuses at all. He knew he had lied, he had always hid from his mate who he was supposed to tell everything about himself. He knelt in front of Elliot, his omega's tears broke his heart and he was overwhelmed by guilt himself. "I am so sorry elliott... i love you! Please, at least believe that.... I started getting intotbhe company to learn from the very start, and then... when we mated and all, I just couldnt find a way to confess... this is excatly what I was afraid of." He wanted to explain but he knew all words were shallow and wound sound more like excuses. "Please Elliot, of course I love you , and the babies, with my life!" Alex tried conveying his heart to Elliot, but his omega just kept crying and would no5 even look at him.

Alex tried to reach for Elliot's hand but he shoved it away. The alpha fidnt know where else he should place his hand then. He raised one up and made a vow. "Elliot, listen, I swear to god and whatever there is, I am in love with you and I am very serious in our relationship. I didnt know how to explain but... you are the best thing that happebed in my life. You and our 3 little angels to come." He said, hoping it woild mean something. "I know this is all a shock, but what I have said so far, done so far, they are all genuine. Please Elliot, can you see my heart?" He pleaded, wanting to hold the shaking omega but couldnt.

Elliot wanted to believe Alex, to just remove all the doubts and feeling of betrayal for his mate. But it hurt so much. It was so confusing. Alex had been lying to him about his true identity for the whole of their relationship that he's not even sure if whether he could trust Alex ever. For all he knows, Alex might be lying to him again and he'll be the fool still believing in him. He just can't anymore.

"Didn't you think that I would feel better knowing this secret earlier in our relationship? Alex, you already made me believe so much, and now I can't even tell if you're really being honest or not." he tried wiping the tears away, but it just continued flowing. He stared at his mate's own green orbs and sniffled, holding his belly closer to him. "We're already supposed to be starting a family... we're you even planning on telling me?" Elliot shifted in his seat, finding a position that will make it easier for him to breathe with all the anger and pain he felt from Alex. 

"I-I want to believe that you really love us...and that all you've said and done were truly genuine. But y-you can't blame me... if I can't trust you enough to believe. I-I don't know what to believe anymore." He hiccupped again, before fixing himself to a better posture that will give him confidence for the decision he will make. "Alex... I love you, so much, and I only fall more in love with you every moment we're together... but if you can't trust me enough, your mate, about your true identity, and now I can trust you either... maybe it's better we just end this." Alex tried to change his mind, almost begging him, and it really did broke his heart to think they'll be separating. But he just can't handle this, even more now that he's pregnant. He felt their triplets fluttering in him, and Elliot started rubbing circles thinking the babies were in distress.

"Madame, I'm not feeling too well. Please allow me to go home early." His voice was lifeless. He didn't even looked at the woman and tried to ignore Alex. Alex tried to catch him by the arm as he got up to leave but he only shook it off again. His legs were still shaky and you could see that he was pale but he really wants to get away from Alex and his mom. "I'm calling an uber to get me... and remember, you're not welcome to my home anymore or to any part of mine and the triplets' lives. Goodbye Alex... We love you..."

"No!" Alex's heart stopped beating the moment he heard Elliot's decision. "No this wasnt intentional! It's just....Elliot!" He said and scrambled to his feet chasing after his mate, but his mom pulled him back. "Alex, dear, there's no good chasing after Elliot now. Trust me, your.mother knows best. You should let this sink in before attempting to convince Elliot of otherwise. This is too much of a shock and I think Elliot deserved some time to think this through." His mother side calmly, but Alex was not convinced. "Mom, but Elliot needs me! He needs help now, and I dont think I should let him go on his own.... do you see how pale he was? How wobbly, how hurt he was?" He said, gesturing towards Elliot and brushed off his mother's hand. "Please mommy..... I am his mate. I need to chase after him.... no matter what, I shouldbt leave him alone."

Alex quickly went after Elliot but he could only catch him boarding a passingby car - with pronounced difficulty for it was a minicooper, not at all suitable for Elliot's size now - and Alex quickly got into his own car and followed him. He saw Elliot taking off and returning to his home, but Alex couldnt find a parkinf space so he had to circle around the building and wasted time.

When he got the car settled, he rang the bell. "Elliot!please.... babe I love you too much. Please, I want to be there.... I swear I just couldnr find the right time and, everything's going on so well between us I am afraid if I come clean to you it would change it.... I.dont know, please Elliot, open the door.... i could explain!" He said clurching his pocket. He had prepared a ring for Ellliot, ready to propose and when he did, he planned to also tell him his identity. He had brought the ring with him for several days now, but still couldnt muster the xourage to do so.... what this all be too late? He shook his head violently and tried not to think about it.

Then his phone vibrated. It's a text from Elliot - "go away." It's tbe most devastating thing Alex had ever seen and he froze, not able to react. He pounded on the door once again, then saw the security guard coming up to check on him. Apparently Elliot had called security so he would be escorted away. In his desperation, he yelled one last time. "Elliot I would be right downstairs until you agree to see me! Call me if you need anything, and I would be there." He said and was literally, thrown out.

Alex was like an abandoned puppy, he slumped forward and walked defeatedly out. He went to the other side of the road and chose a place beside the streetlamp that he could see Elliot's flat's window and started waiting, pacing around, texting Elliot every 15 minutes to give him a "sorry" and " you". It soon started raining and there was no shelter nearby, so Alex just waited there. He paced and looked up, wishing he could see Elliot's shadow but there was none. The sun set and it was cold, he shivered but persisted.

Elliot cried on the couch as he heard the desperate bangs and shouts of his love. He was so tempted to just let Alex in and accept him back, but he knew he shouldn't give in too easily. He had to be stronger, for their babies. He can't make mistakes again. The babies... he needs to think what's better for them. With shaky hands, Elliot called for the security, and he saw how his mate was dragged away. "T-this is for the best... we'll be alright." he said as if convincing himself that he was really doing the right thing.

His phone beeped and beeped continuously and his hands were just itching to read the messages. But he can't, he knew he'll only become weaker with his resolve, that he'll end up missing and running for Alex. He shouldn't. He passed by the window once and saw how the alpha sat so miserably on the cool sidewalk. How can Alex do this? And seeing him for that short moment was enough to make his heart clench for his mate, and again he was back to crying. Alex shouldn't be suffering this much for him. A text was sent to sound that he was cold in making him go away, when actually Elliot's phone became wet with how his tears dropped on it while he typed it.

The windows were avoided, but Elliot must admit that every time he passes by, he looked longingly to it to make sure Alex was really gone. Heavy rain poured and Elliot almost ran to the window in worry, and he gasped seeing his love still there, getting very drenched in rain. It broke his heart. He could see how the alpha shivered and coughed. He didn't want to forgive the man so easily but he also didn't want his love to suffer so much like this. This has to end.

'GO HOME! YOU'RE MAKING ME HATE YOU MORE!" Elliot texted with each letter breaking his heart further. He loves Alex very very much, and he was willing to give it all for the man. but he has to do this, hoping it will finally convince his mate to go home and just give up. Make it easier for the both of them.

With the rain and the cold, Alex's hands were shaking heavily when he finally received a text from Elliot rhat had his hope raised, but what he saw literally broke his heart. He couldnt believe it... Elliot couldnt do this. He could not believe his eyes seeing his mate saying he hated him.

He couldnt distinguish whether the trembling was from his cold or from his hesrtbreaking. He coughed even more vigorously and wanted to type a response, but after a whole day of use, the battery went dead and he couldnt do anything else. With the screen going dead, he had time to.think it.over. from all these months with Elliot, he knew the omega wasnt a cruel one. He was kind hearted and he was 100% sure of how the omega felt about him. There was nothing but.pure love and devotion, so that message had to be somethint that Elliot did to deter him. Yes, it must be it. Alex felt like he could breath again now, deciding that his sweet little omega could not be hating him.

He coughed again and tightened his thin jacket around him and resumed his position, conrinuing to look up at Elliot's window. He leaned his head against the strestlamp and smiled, clutching the little box tight in his chest, whisperit for Elliot over and over again.

He must have fallen asleep later that night, for when a noise reached him, he was startled awake. That was the fire alarm bell. Could it be Elliot's flat? Would he be too mcuh asleep? With his belly now he couldnt possibly get out too quickly.... what could happen? He got to his feet quickly, his joints complaining all at once, and looked up to searchfor signs of smoke or whatever.

Elliot fell asleep in how tired crying made him. His bed felt so cold without Alex cuddling with him but he just make do with his mate's pillow that still had it's comforting alpha scent.

The next day, Elliot woke up to find his room filled with smoke. His eyes widened as he quickly covered his mouth, instinctively wrapping an arm around his huge belly. He tried opening the window but the smoke got worse. Turns out the neighboring building was on fire and his flat was directly parallel were the huge fire was, making the smoke and heat go to his direction. 

Elliot was coughing severely with how much smoke had gotten in. He tried closing the window again but a surge of fire made him fall on the floor. The air was getting very heavy, and he was starting to feel faint. He needed to get out. With all the remaining strength he had, Elliot slowly dragged himself towards the door, his one hand was supporting his big belly. But then the other hand supporting his body gave in and he went lying on the floor with a thud. His stomach was starting to cramp and he feared for the little ones health. "P-please be okay... Someone's coming soon for us. Please remain strong for daddy...."

"HELP! HELP!...H-help..." The voice went weaker and weaker as it went on until Elliot passed out. Hoping that at least someone will come save him. Was this their end. Broken up with the father and now his dying with his children? Before he completely blacked out Elliot saw a figure rushing and calling for him.

Alex squinted his eyes and saw that the heavy smoke was spreading and he had decided whether or not Elliot was indeed in danger, he must check on him. He rushed upstairs, the whole building was chaotic, the secuirty guard was away, probably went to check out what happened. He rushed upstaris. The corridor seemed fine, but he knew it didnt mean anything. He knocked on the door. "Elliot! Elliot! Can you hear me?"

He.couldbt hear anything, which made him even morr worried. He bit his lips and decided he couldnt just wait. He barged through the door and what he saw almost got his heart stopping. "Elliot!" The omega was laying still on the floor, only.small moans could be heard and he seemed clutching his belly like it's causing him.pain.

He rushed forward and lifted him.up. "elliot! Please.... please, wake up! Can you hear me?" He coughed from thickening smoke and carried him.down the stairs quickly to get to his car. Elliot apparently was still not.conscious, but what's a little more comforting was at least he was able to shift and lean tight against the.alpha's neck to seek comfort - at least the omega was still responding to the alpha's scent.

Elliot woke to the sight of a hospital room with a nurse checking in his vitals. "What happened..." The nurse only then noticed he was awake and went near him to explain the situation.

"You're place was near a burning building and smoke got into your system. Good thing it didn't reach to affect greatly the babies. You're stable now. The babies are too. Do you want to see your mate? Well, he said you are his mate but your records don't say anything about it so as procedure, we waited for you to wake up and clarify. He's been waiting outside since yesterday you've been admitted. He was the one that brought you here.

Elliot was a clash of emotions hearing about what Alex had done. He had just saved him and their little ones. Would this mean that Alex was really sincere? But even if he does really love them, it still hurts that Alex had to lie to him.

"Don't let him in... Um...can you give him a message?" At the nod of the nurse, Elliot began writing.

The nurse exited the room and Alex was anxious if he got the approval, only to shake her head no. But she did give the sad alpha his omega's message. It read:

"To my love, Alex

First of all, thank you for saving me and our children. The four of us are alright, so don't worry.

I'm sorry if I can't easily trust you enough to forgive you now, but you must understand why. I do not hate you, and I feel that I can never hate you. I also still want to have a proper family when the babies are born. So as much as it hurts, I'll try my best to forgive you. I'll need my time to wrap my head around things, and all I ask is for you to give me space and time, and for you to take care of yourself even if we're apart. I love you, always.


(Welcome back! I have missed you)

Alex's hopes was crushed when the nurse said no meaning Elliot had denied theri relationship, but the note the nurse handed to him was making him retain a spark of hope. He quickly glanced at the note and slowly slumberesd down on the chair. It slid back and hit the wall with a dull thud. He was hopeless.

Alex pushed his hair back with both hands, and buried his face in his palms. Though it souded like Elliot wasnt going to just leave him, he was also asking for something impossible. He couldnt just leave him alone, the "time and space" Elliot was asking for, though logical, went against his alpha instinct and also his own consciousness. He could not have let Elliot.out of his sight, not after the dangerous situation he had witnessed. In his chaotic state, he started cougjing, long and hard, like his illness had intensified tenfold after reading the note.

He coughed for a bit longer and realised some staring eyes from other patients or visitors, and staggered away trying to cover his.mouth and.sound of coughing as much as he could. He hoped Elliot didnt hear it he could not be "not taking good care of himself" this soon.

Elliot was crying silently in his room. He heard the harsh coughs coming from just outside his room, and he was sure it was Alex's. It also hurts him to be apart from his mate. He never felt so complete and happy before Alex came and mated with him. But he fears more is what he might do if he wasn't given the time to adjust to all the new and sudden info about his presumed ordinary mate. What if he turns out not really able to forgive the man because it really hurts to be lied to by the one you love? No, this is for the better and they'll come around this somehow.

The omega was released the following day, and even barely a day without Alex, he was starting to miss his alpha. The hospital's stairs were quite steep, and because of his big belly, he can't see where he was stepping. Elliot looked so awkward and uncomfortable as he went down the stairs in sideways, gripping tightly on the railings, balancing his bump with the other hand, all the way trying his best to look at the steps. If Alex was there, he could have made his way down faster and with more ease, not fearing if he would fall because Alex was there in case.

Getting a cab was also troublesome. The drivers keep rejecting him because 'he won't fit.' And when a cab did take him, he had to keep both of his hands on his belly to protect it from hitting the dashboard. If Alex was there, he would make sure that he and the babies would have a comfortable ride.

Days passed and now it had been weeks since they last been with each other. Elliot was miserable. Without Alex driving him, he was back to public transportation that weren't too kind on him and the babies. Work was more stressful because he didn't have anymore his loyal subordinate. Lunch was lonely, and he tried so hard not to cry at the loneliness he felt without his mate. Getting clothed was a hassle too. It takes him an hour just finding something that will fit him and another hour to get it on him, because there was no Alex helping him. And the worst part was the cravings! The babies had been wanting to eat grandma's specialty but for all that he tried, he always ending up gagging what he made because it just didn't taste the same. And every time Elliot felt miserable, tears would fall with him longing that his mate was there with him. It went on until he felt convinced that he loved the man too much to not even bear not having him in his life.

That day it was raining heavily. Elliot was at home, clothed in Alex's clothes. He was missing his mate so much, and the babies too, that he craved for the alpha's scent. He was staring intently on his phone contemplating whether he should just call Alex and get all this over. But maybe he should still give it time? A sudden knock on the door snapped him out of it. Slowly he made towards it, and as he opened, his eyes widened. "Alex!"

(Wow that's a long instalment! ;))

Alex had stumbled to the clinic nearby after leaving Elliot's room, and he blacked.out.on his way. He was rushed to be admitted and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He later learnt that Elliot was released from the hospital the next day and insisted to be released as well against the doctor's comment, only to end up collapsing on the street and was again, rushed to the hospital. Had he not been that unwell, he would have called, or at least left a message for Elliot just to make sure he was alright.

His pneumonia had deteriorated, him.personally getting into a half coma with the high fever he developed. He was struggling in his own nightmare while.on bed, constantly trapped in a recurring scene where Elliot announced he would not take him in again, and that he had.found himself a better and more honest lover. He.would twist and jerk in his.sleep. his mental state was so unstable his.body wasnt working to combat against rhe.disease at all. He evrn got.bronchitis towards the end of the week.

In the end he had stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks. His parents had taken turns to come visit him, and that was also why he disappeared from He was kept in the hospital until the doctors were convinced he was well enough, so that he.wouldnt again faint on the street.

The first.thing he did after getting.out.of.the hospital was to clean himself and get a good shave, then to Elliot's place as soon as he.could. he was still unsure if he would be welcomed when he.pressed the doorbell, but when he saw Elliot, he couldnt deny his own instinct and already, he was hugging the omega so tight he pressed on his belly. "Elliot.... I missed you so much...."

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