Office MATES

(sorry, got too excited? Blush really nice to be back)

Alex looked so pale and sickly like he was ready to collapse, and Elliot had to wonder what happened to his love. Before he can do anything, he found his large mate embracing him tightly, and he loved it if it wasn't for the fact that Alex was pressing against his belly too much. He whimpered at the pressure.

"A-Alex...the babies." And immediately he was released and the pressure was gone. But the omega had to act quick because as soon as the alpha released his hold on him, Alex began swaying looking ready to fall.

"Alex!" With all the strength that he had, being smaller and pregnant, Elliot dragged the taller to his couch. Alex was now half-conscious, and despite all that went between them, Elliot can only think of being worried for his mate. 

" you hear me? My goodness, what happened to you?" His voice was soft and his forehead scrunched in worry. He was actually feeling a bit teary. He pressed his hand on his mate's forehead. "Love, you're burning up! Okay, stay there and rest, and I'll see what I can do to make you better." Elliot wasn't even sure if his words were getting across his love.

"Alex... Oh please be okay... This is all my fault." And the thought had made two tears slip from his eyes, but he had to remain positive. Just then the babies gave him a harsh kick. He winced.

"My angels, papa is here but he's sick so please behave while daddy takes care of him, okay?" The babies remained active, but Elliot just understood them. Maybe they were worried too for their papa. "Papa will get better, I promise." He then started to stand and go fetch a basin of water and towelette.

(Haha it's really nice to see yoh back as well!)

Alex wanted to.stay awake, but.the.fatigue caught up with him. The rain that he had braved through unthinkingly.while' might have caused his.temperature to.rise again, and Alex was much too familiar with this feeling of.heat by now. He tried to stay upright but.knew he was relying.on.Elliot's hold.when they stumbled theit.way to that he uaed to be familiar with.

He was in and.out.of.consciousness afterwards. One second he was seeing the frown on.Ellilot's lovely face, another timr.he would feel the tears of his.most precious falling down, and then another he would hear something that Elliot said about tellingthe babies to behave. He wanted to grt up and take over, to calm his disteessed mate and rub his belly until their little angels (devils sometimes) decided they should rest, but.all he could do was raised his arm halfway up and drop back.down as he got too dizzy to even open his eyes.

He came back to.senses some time later, as Elliot pressed a cool.towel on.his forehead. "T-there's medicine on my r-rigt pocket...." he said remmebering the prescription the doctor had given.him. he did mention something about feeling weak and tired, and perhaps the fever would return, but he also said there was npthing that wouldnt be gone with a good.sleep now. Alex tried to tell Elliot there was nothingto worry about, but he was also suffering.from.low blood.sugar with nothing eated since he had been released from the hospital.

Elliot was busy cooling off Alex with the damp towel when he heard the larger telling him about the medicine. So from his seat near Alex's head, he moved to crouch down and retrieve the medicine from the pocket.

 "Love, it says here to make sure that you eat before consuming... Did you eat yet?" He saw a weak shake of no from his sick lover. He frowned. "You need to eat first. I'll cook some porridge, okay. Rest up some more. I'll wake you when it's done." And with a kiss on the forehead, Elliot headed to the kitchen.

Now it was hard for Elliot to do his task. First of all, the babies seem to not like their daddy moving so much and was creating a fuss in his belly. He was sure that add to that was maybe they were feeling the stress too. And second, he was feeling a little nauseous from all the movements inside him, so the sight of food wasn't really comfortable. Despite all, he persevered to finish making the porridge.

Elliot got back to his seat and gently shook the alpha awake. "Love, the food is done. Come on, I'll feed you." It took a while for Alex to completely finish the small bowl of porridge. Every spoon the omega watched if his alpha would vomit, which thankfully didn't happen. He tried to calm their babies also in between the feeding, often rubbing his stomach and shifting on his seat but it was futile.

"Okay, good job honey. Here, drink your medicine." Alex still needed help in taking his medicine. He looked so weak and struggling that it really pains his heart to see his love like this. This wouldn't have happened if only... Elliot sighed and placed another kiss on his love's forehead. It seemed Alex was near being unconscious again. "I hope you get better soon."

With Alex sleeping again, Elliot reclined more on his chair, his big active stomach more jutting out. Two hands now hold and try calming the occupants inside. "Papa's fine. He's asleep now, and you should too. Daddy might take a nap also..." He yawned before falling asleep in the chair.

Alex was weak, but in his semiconsciousness he still felt the uncomfortable shifts of his mate. He was concerned, but he was in and out of dreams. He could hardly keep his eyes opened long enough to finish the food, and afterwards the medicine was making him even more drowsy he was soon kncoked out. Had he known what his mate had done for him, firstly he would be thrilled seeing Elliot still loved him dearly to do that, and then he would be so guilty for causing so much trouble, and being so useless not to be able to relieve any of his discomfort.

Eitehr way, Alex had been deeply asleep now. The medicine and his body needed the rest so much, he was unable to resist it. He vaguely felt a small kiss on his forehead, but it was so elusive he thought it might have been part of the many dreams that plagued him in his sleep.

He didnt know how long he had slept, but when he opened his eyes again, it was the next day. The first thing he saw was the sleeping form of Elliot, with the belly that looked even largee than he remembered - a lot larger. He then quickly sat up - Elliot shouldnt be sleeping jjst like that ob a chair, without any blanket, in a horrible posture that would surely make his back and everywhere sore, and .. that's just unacceptable. Alex didnt know what to do. He leapt out of thr chair and wanted to go find a blanket, but then he changed his mind, maybe he should wake Elliot up. And then he changed his mind again - Elliot needed the sleep, rest was very important for him at this stage. He was struggling so much on what to do, he didnt notice he felt a lot better himself - no.longer weak and fatigued, and he wasnt feeling dizzy anymore.

Elliot woke up with the need to relieve himself. He winced as he moved awake. Definitely not a good decision to fall asleep on a chair. Pain shot from his back when he tried to stand that got him sitting back again. He was rubbing his back with a frown, until he became conscious enough to notice Alex already awake and showing much concern for his discomfort.

 "A-Alex! You're awake! How do you feel? Are you feeling better?" A series of questions concerning the alpha's well being came from the pregnant omega, temporarily forgetting his own. That was until the urge to pee came back. He excused himself and he was forced to stand and walk to the bathroom with a more achy back. When he was done, and his back losing some of it's strain, Elliot went directly to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Elliot knew Alex need to take his medicine again soon so he better prepare food. He assumed Alex was already sleeping again and didn't think that his mate might be waiting for him to come back. For all he knew, Alex was still sickly and not fully conscious.

(HAHA i have a hard time imagining Alex just stand there dumbly watching Elliot struggle his way to the toilet and THEN the kitchen.... oh well ;))

For awhile Alex was stunned. The concerned voice of his omega was so nice, so good to hear, he just stood there, too touched and overwhelmed with relief. His omega must have forgiven him, and he had never felt so relieved, like all the burden that had been plaguing him was gone at once. He tried following Elliot to the bathroom, he saw the smaller man holding his back and waddled so painfully to the toilet, only he reacted so slow he already disappeared into tbe toilet, and there was no point in followinf him in. Then when he was sitting there dumbly, trying to think of some smarter ways to show Elliot he had thought about it and was really coming for atoning his wrong, he discovered Elliot had bypassed him, already busying himself in the kitchen.

Alex felt so dumb. He seemed to have been so ever since he appeared here. First he so embarrassingly almost fainted on his pregnant mate, then this morning his brain wasnt working at all. He hurried to the kirchen, and was very embarrassed to find himself once again acting so dumbly - his eyes felt stingy from tears just by looking at Elliot cooking at the stove, holding his back with some difficulty as he needed to stay far away from the fire because of how big his belly had become.

Alex strided forward and hugged Elliot tight from behind, holding his belly and buried his face on his neck. It wasnt too comfortable a posture, Elliot was way shortee and it made him needed to crouch down a little, but this was such a relief. Finally, he felt likr he was complete again. "Elliot... I am so sorry, I miss you so much... i couldnt live without you my love." He said and again, blushed from the tremble in his voice, and gosh he even cried, tears rolled down his face and the shirt of Elliot was wet.

(hahaha sorry if it looked like that. Yes th
at would be pretty awkward. Elliot went to the kitchen without seeing and being seen by Alex since it was in the same direction as the toilet. He still thinks that Alex is sick and was probably not having much mind for him at all so he thought it was okay to just go on cooking.  )

Elliot didn't expect Alex to be up and following him to the kitchen, much less expect that his love would hug him and ask for forgiveness again. The hands on his stomach were warm, and it felt good. Everything about being in Alex's embrace felt good. But still there's still an issue they need to resolve. 

It pained him to feel the tears of his 'strong' alpha soaking through his shirt. It just proves just how devastated Alex is. But...

"Alex, I see you're feeling better already. P-please let go of me." The sweet titles were dropped and now it was back to just Alex. Elliot didn't want to give in easily. He cared for his sick mate and he did that, but now he knows Alex is now fully conscious, he was back to keeping his mask. Alex wasn't letting go and instead the arms on him became tighter and the sobs came harder. It was a good thing that he was facing away  from Alex or else he would see how he was also near tears in pain. He wants to give in, to forgive, but it was hard. What if all of this is just a lie? After all Alex was also so natural in saying he was just an ordinary suborinate.

"I-I want to forgive you but how can I know you're not lying to me again. I'm really sorry... Please let go. I just can't right now." The moment he was released, Elliot waddled to thei-his room, hands sloppily wiping of tears. He unconsciously left the door unlocked, which might give his love the opportunity to finally corner him and convince him to forgive.

(Oooops so not so easy for Alex? I am starting to feel so frustrated for Alex... until i see that window of hope with that unlocked door... hmm that'a a clever bait!)

Alex could swear to whatever god he could feel Elliot giving in, relaxing into his embrace like he belonged there, but then…he had to withdraw. That feeling of being lifted up to heaven and then slammed right back into hell was even more excruciating for Alex than before. His mate still wouldnt believe him. He was getting frustrated and didnt know what else he could do. There was no way Elliot had lost his feeling for him, and they both knew they loved each other dearly, but what could he do to regain his trust? He had tried everything he knew...

He tried to grasp Elliot tighter, but as the omega struggled he had to let go. He could not risk huring his pregnant omega. The alpha was so pale now, more from the emotional turmoil than physcial sickness. He staggered backward. Alex was this close to leaving, his hope crushed even harder after the misunderstood forgiveness he thought he had already gotten from Elliot, and he felt like his life was extinguished, that he no longer deserved happiness, when he saw the tiny opening on the door.

Alex was hesitant. He didnt know if he should try, his omega looked so distressed everytime he pressed, but he decided this would be it, the last chance. If he couldnt get his forgiveness, he might just as well perish somewhere he couldnt see. He stepped foward, and with a trembling hand pushed open the door, and once again he hugged the shaking body on the bed so tight. "Elliot…sorry I am so sorry.... what can i do to get your forgiveness?"

(Btw... u are late! I thought u had gone to sleep~)

(sorry if it became too much. But he will be forgiven in this post  :D )

The bed dipped and Elliot looked up to see Alex had entered the room and was again hugging him. He really wanted this warmth, and maybe he wasn't delusional to feel that Alex really holds love for him and the babies. Finally surrendering to be just trapped within the strong arms, he turned to face the sorry look of his love that was sincere. Elliot was silent as he just stared, but he was thinking back on all the struggles Alex was willing to face just to get him back. And he suddenly was crying hard against the chest of his mate. It was his turn to drench his love's clothes with tears. 

"I'm so sorry. I-I'm sorry." Elliot had realized that he had been selfish and self insecure and it was only his fault that prolonged this agony for the both of them. 

"I f-forgive you, but please forgive me also... I should have forgiven you long ago. I was only thinking about myself and y-you suffered so much and I-I was cruel to let you suffer. I'm sorry!"

(Aww it's alright... ;) you gave me enough to hold onto hope!)

that few seconds of enduring Elliot's stare had probably been the longest in his life. Even the usually strong-willed and optimistic Alex was finding himself exceedingly nervous, almost bracing himself for another rejection that would no doubt crush him. He was so ready for the final blow, he had taken aback when it was Elliot giving in and crying on his chest.

He hesitated for a second before finally wrapping his arms tight around Elliot. It had been too long, even though he usually hated his mate's sad tears, he could not deny his heart was rejoicing at how finally Elliot was willing to cry his tears on him, instead of wiping them away on his own. He patted Elliot's back. " babe It's ok, i am so sorry... i had been the one stupid enough to have not confessed's just nothing, and I don't know why I didn't tell you any sooner.... shh .. babe of course I will forgive you, there's nothing to forgive and I am the culprit for everythign..."

Alex's heart clenched tight hearing Elliot's words and he once again marvelled at how nice Elliot was, and how lucky he was to have him as a mate. He eventually lifted him up so the little omega would sit on his lap, and he could wrap around him properly, surrounding him with himself. "You are good.... and I am fine as well, so, i guess we should stop saying sorry to each other." He smiled through his own tears, and kissed Elliot properly to stop whatever he was going to say.

The crying of the omega had been reduced to sniffling, and now that both of them are on good terms again, the couple was finally relaxed in each other's hold. Elliot was most definitely very comfortable being in Alex's lap. He wanted to say more, but he was more than content with being kissed again by his love after so long. "Yeah... We were both at fault. I'm just happy that we're back together. I and the babies were feeling very lonely without you."

They continued to share stories on when they weren't together and in between were exchange of kisses and belly rubs. It was a romantic moment for them. Feels really good to have each other again. "Our triplets have never been so at peace like this. They're just moving slightly. All throughout the week you were gone they keep on making a fuss. They probably were sad too."

It was peaceful between them. Elliot then suddnly remembered that Alex just recovered from being sick and it must not be a good idea to have something so heavy like him sitting on his lap. "Oh my, I must be really heavy and I might have squished you!" Elliot moved to get up from Alex but it was difficult with Alex still holding onto him. 

"Love, I'll make you sick again if I remain weighing you down."

"The babies wanted to feel their papa again as well.... Aww sorry babies, papa would be here always from now on." Alex felt even more guilty hearing Elliot's light complain of the babies. He knew his mate tend to lighten things up, so it probably was some quite uncomfortable kicks when he referred to them as "a fuss". "I am sorry baby... would be here from now on." He repeated to Elliot this time, mumbling softly at his ear.

With Elliot's sudden struggle to leave his lap, Alex reacted by holding him even tighter, clamping down on his hip as much as he dared to go. "NO!.. no... you are not squishing me... you are the best medicine i could have!" He smiled at him. " I hadn't even cough right? I am fully recovered, i swear. Last night... last night is just an accident. A quick relapse but I am good now. I swear." He said blushing from what had happened last night. "The doctor wouldn't have let me out of the hospital if i wasn't well enough right? Trust the doctor my love... all i want now is to hold you, but don't struggle anymore, I am getting tired so you might fall if you continue to wriggle like that."

He clasped down tight on Elliot one last time and laid him down on the bed, once again trying to kiss him to stop all his futile attempts to leave him, only to groan when Elliot's knee accidentally knocked him in his crotch. Itw asn't that big of an impact, but sneaky as Alex was, he wouldn't let go of this chance and he immediately collapsed on teh bed, holding between his legs and whined, like he had been hit truck and whining loudly.

"It's alright, love. What's important is that you'll be here when they get so rowdy again. It seems to me they'll be Papa's boys or girls. They only behave when you're near." Elliot pouted a little but was quick to smile again. It was a nice thought. 

Alex was persistent he remained on his lap, even with all the struggling he did just to get loose. He wasn't quite sure if his mate was really 100% well. Even if his sickness was gone he still need some time to recover. The omega was busy squirming to even notice the change of position, or Alex's attempt to kiss him. He was just startled when he heard his mate groaning in pain while holding his crotch.

"Alex! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Elliot lifted himself up from his lying position to inspect the 'damage' but just as his hand was near, Alex groaned again making the pregnant male flinch back in shock. 

"Okay... Ah.. what should I do? Do you want me to get an ice pack to dull the pain? Or hot compress? Wait that doesn't sound right..umm..." Elliot wasn't a medic expert and he knows nothing about what to do in times like this. He slowly got out of bed, guiding his belly as he struggled climbing out of it, before reaching for his phone. 

"Okay it says that we can wait for the pain to die on its own..." He got back to the bed and sat near Alex's head. "Just breathe through the the pain and it will be gone soon. I'm really sorry for this, love. Now I've really made you worse." Elliot brushed his hand against the black locks of the faking man, and kissed his forehead. 

Alex quite liked the idea of the babies only behaving when he was near - it almost felt like the babies were on the same side as him, and he could imagine Elliot would have pouted a lot when the kids were doing mischief with their papa - and got their pregnant daddy all annoyed and frsutrated. He smiled at that image, and promised himself he would make sure that image would be realised.

Alex groaned just to make Elliot lean closer and show sympahty to him, so when Elliot struggled off the bed to reach for his phone, Alex was in fact disappointed, but very soon he got Elliot back on bed and he didn't miss any change to snuggle close. He wiggled his way upwards so he would have rested his head on Elliot's lap, right against his belly. He kept up with teh small groans, and smiled while hiding his face when he received the small kiss on his forehead. He decided this would be nice, and he could stay like this for a little while. He laid down properly, and looked up at Elliot. "'mommy'... i'm so painful. Can i get another kiss to make the pain go away?" He said, deliberately using 'mommy' and whined, pointing at his lips asking for a proper kiss.

Elliot blushed at being called mommy, but still he chuckled at the cuteness of his mate. "Alright, I'll give you another kiss to make the pain go away but remember I'm a 'daddy' not 'mommy'. I'm still male y-you know." It was difficult to bend down and reach Alex's lips. He tried a few more times but the belly kept on getting in the way. He sighed. 

"Love, can you sit up? I can't exactly kiss you properly with 'this' in the way." Both hands were placed on the huge stomach as if to emphasise. He was blushing at his pathetic request but  Alex was kind enough to comply to it and it brought him comfort. 

"Okay now I can reach, here's your kiss." And both lips finally sealed again. The kiss lasted long and when they broke apart, both we're panting. "T-there. Feeling better? You know you don't have to fake being ill just to get my attention. But I must admit I found you more cute when helpless."

Alex was back to laying on his lap. Elliot continued brushing his hair while humming a gentle tune. But then Elliot felt his stomach rumbling. Alex was just beneath his belly and was sure to have felt it. His blush came back. 

"I- ahh.. better get back to making breakfast."

that lovely blush on Elliot's face was so pretty, Alex thought he would not give up on that name... at least not when they were alone. In frotn of the kids though, he would be daddy. he didn't want Elliot to feel any less male just because of the fact he was a carrier, and he wanted the kids to know that as well. However.. in their bedroom, he was sure this wouldn't be a problem....

It was adorable seeing Elliot having difficulty bending over, and Alex chuckled as he lifted hismelf up. He held the belly as well when they kissed, just by planting his hands on it, he could feel how large it had been. He kissed as passioante as he could go, and smiled when it got Elliot flustered whiel they panted. "yep feeeling much better.... oh well I am not pretending, I am indeed sick." He smiled and laid back down, still laughing and enjoyed his lover's gentle touches. He had his cheek pressing on his belly, so the rumbling was heard nice adn clear.

Almost laughing out loud, Alex pushed himself up from the bed. "You stay here babe... i would go cook. Would grandma's recipe still work for you? Or have you been fed up with the similar things over and over again?" He smiled but when he got up, he swayed a little. He, too, hadn't eaten for long so he was getting low blood sugar again, added to the effect of his pneumonia, he had to steady himself against the wall. He pressed down on Elliot' sshoulder and shook his head. "i am fine.. i swear. I just got up a little too fast." He sighed and looked at Elliot. "I guess we did make a pair, don't we? Each with our own problesm.... now come on babe, we should make breakfast together." He said inviting Elliot to come along with him.

It felt almost dreamy to once again heave Elliot up from the bed. His palm under the belly to hold the weight for his mate had felt heavier, yet he could feel elliot had lost some weight on other parts. He sighed and muttered sadly. "I am so sorry Elliot... i know i have said that already, but... you,.. " He said rubbing his back and felt his protruding shoulder blades, and once again he got guilty.

Elliot blushed harder hearing Alex laughing, but still he accepted his mate's offer of cooking for him with a shy nod. 

"No. I want to eat spaghetti... with...umm... chocolate syrup and...peaches" he knew he wasn't able to eat sweets because of his pregnancy but now he was suddenly craving for them. He bit his lip, scared that Alex would find it too weird. But when he saw his love got up smiling then swaying with diziness, his fear was shifted to the alpha. He caught his dizzy mate when he was shaky and started feeling his forehead for signs of another fever. "Are you okay? What do you feel?"

"I knew it. You're still sick. You shouldn't be moving around so much." Alex was unwell but the larger male still insisted in helping him up. Elliot has more reason to refuse the help but he saw how Alex wanted to guide him up and just couldn't say no.

It was not easy getting up with Elliot being heavier but they did it and he was very thankful for his mate's help. But then he saw how sorry Alex looked while feeling up his now bony form. He frowned.

"So I-I got caught... Don't be sorry. I wasn't really having much appetite then and was getting sick if I eat wrongly. But that's not your fault! I felt bad then but now my appetite is back and we're hungry. I'm sure that I'll be eating plenty now and will get back the lost wait, maybe even gain more. So don't blame yourself for it, okay. We'll be fine." Elliot tried cheering up Alex and was successful in dragging the man to the kitchen with him.

"You're still sick so I'll be helping you cook, okay love? And tell me if you feel dizzy again so I can take over." Elliot just finished tying Alex apron and was now on to wearing his own. Both ends won't meet anymore so he just gave that up and went to get ingredients. "Come on, we're really getting hungry!" He encouraged more with a smile. Hopefully that was enough to get Alex out of his guilt.

Elliot had always been so sweet to him, with him trying so hard to cheer him up, Alex felt like he shouldnt drag him down or sulk anymore. He nodded. "Yep if i feel dizzy again I would let you know...thanks babe." He said for his mate tying the apron for him.

Alex was feelinga lot better, the smile of Elliot had been the best medicine for him. He was like on adrenaline, feeling energetic and excited for his mate. "So spaghetti with sweets... alright, at least that would give yoy the calories that you needed... though i probably wouldnt be sharing that with you. Sorry mate, that simply wasnt my taste." Alex giggled, half teasing Elliot of the weird combination of food.

They started cooking, and it felt so good. Occassionally Elliot would bump into him with yhe large belly that he got now, and they.often ended up in a fret of nonsense giggles. It wasnt long though for everything to be set, and Alex half forcrfully dragged Elliot to sat down with him. "I am feeling tired babe, join me for a little break?" He said smiling at the omega, his warm palm rested on just the right aching points on his back that had been arching forward because of how heavy his belly was.

Elliot was kinda already expecting Alex not to have the same menu as him but it did made him feel better to see that Alex recovered from the guilt. "That's alright but let's make sure that you get to eat plenty as well."

They were continuously bumping to each other because of his large belly. Suddenly the kitchen wasn't so spacious anymore with the two (five if you count the babies) of them moving about the area. Elliot would always blush but then join Alex in laughing.

Alex announced a break, and honestly he was feeling a bit tired too. "Okay." Large hands came pressing against his still achy back and he moaned at the relief. Alex was doing great in taking the soreness away from his back area. "Mmm.. that feels good, love. Thank you." Elliot was enjoying the warmth and relief when the timer dinged signaling that their spaghetti was ready.

"I'll go get it. You wait here and rest for the moment okay?" It took a while before Elliot finished. He served two plate full of spaghetti. One looking normal and one all sauced up with chocolate and covered with peach slices.

"Let's eat!" Elliot was quick to dig in. After not being able to eat properly, the babies seemed to be making up for their lost nutrients. Though busy in eating, he was always checking up on Alex, seeing if the alpha was also eating. "Love, eat plenty okay. It will help you really recover from your sickness." They ate, then a thought came to Elliot.

"Alex now that I know you're the true heir of the company, and we're on good terms, will things change for us? I mean do your parents even approve that you had me for a mate? They aren't planning on separating us right? Or take away the pups?"

Alex wanted to just drag Elliot back to him when the timer dinged, but he abandoned seeing Elliot's still agile enough to do that. Perhaps he shouldnt treat him likr a doll, but his heart was telling him he should pamper his mate as much as he can... maybe when he fullt recovered and wasnt feeling so sore - a week in the hopsital really had taken a toll on him.

Alex wicned seeing the plate of Elliot's - and tried to avoid looking at it throughout the meal, or he might lost his appetite. Elliot's cooking was decent, but just recovered, Alex lamentably found himself unable to taste properly. His tasting buds were still numb from days of horrid hospital food, and the medicine was also affecting his tadting ability.

Alex chuckled hearing the worried question of Elliot'S. "Oh you have no idea... my motehr adored you! Dirnt you notice... she knew about you and the babies, even if i wanted to hide it, she knew right away after that event we did together... my motehr is a very smart woman. And with how fiercely protective she is of you, my father could do nothing other than adore you as well." He smiled at Elliot. His mother indeed was spoilt by both him and his father, her words were taken like orders in their house.

What he didnt tell Elliot was his parents had been planning on throwing up a huge wedding for them. They even disxussed about buying a castle for their wedding, but at the time the more pressing matttrr was for Alex to get his mate to accept him again, so the disucssion didnt continue. Hr was sure his parents would offer to havr everything planned for them as soon as Elliot said yes.

Beforr Elliot coulf attempt to get up to clear the table, Alex beat him to that after they wrre both done. "Ah-ah, you are gonna stay here. Or go sit at tbe living room, i got this." He said stopping Elliot, not wantiny the prrgnant omega to do the dished - it's difficult for him with the belly forcing him to stand way back from the sink.

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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