Office MATES

Elliot frowned when he saw Alex still not having much of an appetite. But at least he was eating and that's good enough for now. 

His fears were washed away when he heard Alex's response. His parents liked him and the babies. So there's no need to worry about separating. Elliot felt at more ease and was more enjoying his food. "I'm glad they like us. I didn't notice. I just thought that the Madame has a thing for pregnant people being a woman and all. I'm sure our babies will have very wonderful grandparents."

Alex was finished with one plate, but Elliot wasn't satisfied until he had three. And still he had room for cookies. He was about to get up and do the now difficult task of washing dishes when his mate stopped him and just let him rest. He smiled.

"Thank you love. I think I'm gonna rest on the couch. My back is still killing me and maybe the couch can help." Elliot got up slowly, gripping hard on the table and supporting his underbelly as he go, before waddling to the living area with a plate of cookies in hand.

The plan was to watch TV and eat the cookies as he waited for Alex, but fatigue coming up to to him, Elliot fell asleep. He hadn't been sleeping properly the last few days. Alex may have not noticed but he had developed some dark rings under his eyes; and with all the moving he'd done, plus the babies misbehaving, he immediately fell asleep the moment his head touched the soft couch.

"No problem babe..." Alex smiled looking at his pregnant mate waddle his way to the living room. He was so cute holding his own belly, and Alex was more than glad seeing his appetite, and his stare lingered around his swaying bottom for awhile before he managed to pull his atteniton together for the dishes.

It wasn't long for Alex to finish the chore, adn with everything settled, he came into the living room expecting he would be joining Elliot - only to see him sleeping soundly. With his head nestled at hte soft couch, he looked positively angellic. Serene and almost glowing. Alex's heart warmed at the sight. He took a blanket from teh room and tugged it on Elliot, that was when he noticed the dark circles under his eyes. He traced those shades with his finger hanging over his eyes. "sleep dreams my love.. you deserve a proper rest."

Alex then hang around to do some chores. He put away teh laundry and took care of things that obviously Elliot was finding diffiuclt ot handle, such as the shoes and all things that needed him bending down. Even though it wasn't really pleasant work, Alex was finding himslef smiling like a fool workign around the house - he indeed love that he was doing something for his pregnant lover.

Elliot unconsciously smiled when Alex put a blanket around him. It was the most comfortable sleep since days and Elliot slept for hours. 

His slept on until way past noon to the sound of vacuum whooshing on the floor. His eyes started to open and he saw the blurry image of Alex going about cleaning the house. Slowly he got up and waddled towards his mate, still rubbing sleep off his eyes.

"You're not supposed to be exhausting yourself, love. I'll do that later... (Yawn)" Elliot wasn't fully conscious and was still very tired. Just after saying that to Alex, he looked ready to fall back to sleep again then and there while still standing. He weakly took hold of Alex's arm and was leading him to their room. 

"Join me to sleep, please?" On their way to their room, Elliot didn't fail to see the clean laundry hanged outside, or how the floors shone with how spotless they became. Alex did so much for him and he regretted ever doubting his alpha's love for him. Elliot felt warmth in his heart, very appreciative of what Alex did.

Now the both of them are laying on the bed, the omega's eyes near closing again."I'm very thankful that you did my chores for me, love. I'm sorry I can't do them right now and got you tired instead..." And with a kiss of thank you to his love's cheek, the pregnant mate was back to dreams.

(Will we do a gender reveal or keep the babies secret until the birth? What do you plan next? :D I'm really enjoying this so far. )

(I am really enjoying this as well! hmmm I guess we would reveal the genders, kind of more logical? THough we could alwyas have a surprise when they are born, ultrasounds arne't always dependable right? ;) hmm I am thinking they would have a wedding... then perhaps a honeymoon. Afterwards I thought they could have a scare in office. Alex might return as an assistant for Elliot... or not... that part i couldn't decide, and then maybe Elliot was suddenly feeling strong braxtons at just 29/30 weeks, too early, and he started panicking. Or he accdientally fell. afterwards maybe they would stay at home more?)

If Elliot was more awake, perhaps Alex would have expalined himself. He would tell Elliot that doing the chores actually had him better, finally able to move around, stretch his body, popping his joints, it felt almost refreshing. He smiled at how sleepy his mate was, and followed him to their room. Elliot had his eyes half closed on their way, and he was swaying like he was drunk - multiple times Alex had to hold him steady so he wouldn't bump into corners as they made a turn.

He smiled and nuzzled close to Elliot as they both laid down in bed. He pressed close and hugged Elliot while the smaller man instinctively found the best angle in his arms to drift back to sleep. "It's nothing compared to you babe... you have been the one giving more through this...." As he speak, he laid his hand on the towering belly of Elliot's that nudged on his abdoemn while he laid sideways on him, then he was greeted with the evened out breathing of Elliot indicating his pregnant mate had once again fallen asleep.

Alex chuckled at how easily his mate slept, and decided he could make use of a nap himself. They would have a few days of blissful rest at home. Whether elliot thought he needed it or not, he would use his puppy eyes to convince Elliot that even if Elliot himself didn't need the rest, he would need. Then he would find a way ... he reached down to pat on his own pocket to esnure that he had the ring with him. He owuld have to plan a perfect night with him...

(Okay, I like the idea of it! So we proceed first to knowing the genders the next day or postpone it to a few days later?)

It was nearing 5 when Elliot was again disturbed from his sleep. The cause this time? A call from the office. He slipped away from his position with Alex and gently sat up to answer the call, cautious if he woke his love up. When he'd made sure that Alex was still sleeping, he answered.

The call was about how he needed to review the finished documents of his employees so that it can be passed soon to the higher ups. Elliot groaned. That will require him to do some computer work right now. It was made worse with how the documents looked like a mess and he needed to fix them. When he finished, it was already dinner time. He can't return to sleep now. So Elliot just proceeded to make dinner, but not before he had checked up on his alpha and smiled at his peaceful face, brushing black locks away from his face. "You're so good looking no matter what. What did I do to deserve such a handsome mate?"

His hair still had its bedhair and his glasses near falling off. The pregnant male still looked so tired despite the hours of sleep, and he would need to press his hand often to his back with just how much it was aching. Their dinner ended up with something simple because he really can't keep up on his feet with his back in pain. Hopefully the dessert he was making now seating down would compensate for it.

(I'm sorry if this came out as more of a filler. I really don't know what should go next after sleeping   Blush )

(let's postpone it to a few days later... when they went for a checkup again. does that sound good? HAHA and yea to be honest i am not sure where we are going.. but let's see ;))

Alex only stirred a little when teh phone started ringing. He just turned and then soon fell asleep again. He wasn't well 100% yet, so the sleep felt blissful and too nice to let go. He tossed and turned after awhile, missing his mate's wamrth in him and strange dreams started filling his sleep later on. he eventually startled awake by some horrid scenes, but he could no longer remember them. He looked around and saw it was almost dark, with Elliot nowhere in sight. He panicked, thinking would all the reconicilaiton be something in his dream, and quickly rushed out in his dishivelled shirt and messy hair.

Seeing Elliot sitting there was enough to settle slightly his pumping heart, and he rushed forward to hug him tight. He wrapped his hands around his chest and buried his face on his shoulder, sucking in greedily teh unique scent of Elliot - something that smelt so nice, so sweet, and so homey. "I thought i had lost you...." he was still shaken by the scare he had just now.

Just holding Elliot from behind was soon not enough. He turned to his front and lifted him up, replacing himself on his seat so he could enevelop his pregnant mate entirely. His crazy heartbeat finally calmed and settled, and he had enough mind ot look at the thing that Elliot was making. "hmm what's that babe?"he asked dipping a finger in to taste it.

(want to visit grandma first? Then we can have the check up and proceed on with the plot?)

Elliot was startled to see Alex so panicked. "Love, is everything alright?" He was even more surprised to be tackled on with a strong hug. Alex thought he had lost him again, and probably he would be so panicky too if he suddenly lost sight of Alex. Elliot patted the alpha's head and kissed him. "I'm here, Alex; and I promise that I'll never let us be separated again."

Alex still looked unsettled, and Elliot was about to invite him to sit down beside him when suddenly he was lifted up and was put to sit on his love instead. He was blushing remembering his heaviness. "Alex! You know I'm heavy!" But after a while of pleading, he just gave up. Alex was fixed on having him sit there and he knows his mate will not be swayed whatever. He sighed and just made himself comfortable.

"I'm making a fruit salad. I saw we have lots of fruits and thought why not make a salad." Fruits were drizzled heavily with milk and sweet cream, topped with cheese and bits of jelly. "I'll be done soon. Can you fix the table for me, love?"

The fruit salad was put in the freezer and Elliot went to get the food. "I know that my cooking isn't as good as yours... But I hope you'll still like this." Elliot was blushing, a little uncertain of his work. "I'm sorry if this ended up as simple. Ummm... So let's eat?"

(yea sure ... hmmm, how about a helicopter ride? ;) Shorten the time and let grandam be blown away by how her grandson in law was indulging Elliot?)

Alex was following Elliot around once he had the salad finished, he was so close to him he looked like a puppy, loyal to his owner, only this puppy was more like a wolf. He would hold his waist and follow him to the fridge and to the stove, finally nodded when he told him about their simple dinner. "Nope that would never be "not good enough". It's good enough for you to still be cooking for us...." He smiled at him and took off to get the table set. "... and I gotta keep my crown of being the better cook here, or I would feel too useless around!" He added as he set up the table.

ALex was recovering fast and now he was like an excited puppy. He took over the plates as Elliot took them out. He always thought it was too dangerous for Elliot to be carrying anything - mostly because it would have made his hands filled, so he wouldn't be able to hodl his belly or his back. HE was always his little omega would topple over.

It was a nice cozy night and Alex's unsettled heart was once again calmed as dinner progressed. He had a much better appettite now, and obediently he took the medicine afterwards under the close scrutiny of his mate. He was sure he would recover very well - and very quickly he would be taking over the cooking as well. He was determined that Elliot should'nt have much else to do from now on, he would be spoiling his mate rotten to compensate for the lost time between them.

(hahaha. The look on grandma's face when she sees her grandchild and grandson in law on the helicopter. Hopefully she won't get a heart attack :D )

Elliot surely liked the attention Alex was giving him, well it was expected since he had become deprived of his mate for days and he really longed for the attention and protectivenes of Alex. He can only chuckle at the puppy like attitude of his love. Alex looked so adorable and it really made his mood. Can he fall more in love with this man?

"Even if you lose your cooking skills, I'll still love you the same you know. Now I don't plan on taking your crown. It's better on you. You're never gonna be useless to me. You'll always be the talented, most dependable person that I love."

Alex was eating better tonight and it showed on Elliot's smile that he was content. As usual he ate more but at least his love wasn't too behind him anymore. It wasn't also difficult to have Alex take his medicine, and the omega was happy. He could feel the alpha nearing full recovery.

The dessert was brought out. Honestly, Elliot was very excited for it, with his craving for sweets. He served his love some before serving his own. The pregnant omega was taking in spoonfuls, very delighted with the sweet taste. 

"Alex love, I was thinking...since your parents already know about 'them'" he looked and placed a hand on his belly as to point out who he was referring to. "Maybe we should let grandma also know that she'll be having great grandkids. I mean it wouldn't be fair for her if we won't tell her before they're born. Is it alright that we visit her?"

(Ohh yea... but her shock woukd soon be overcome by the joy of seeing her future greatgrandchildren in her favourite grandson's belly ;))

Perhaps it was even more satisfying for the alpha to see his omega squinting his eyes and looking positively happy while he feasted on the salad. It was adorable. Alex was finding his heart again pumped fast, once again feeling how much love he had for the mate.

"Hmm I agree with you... i thought it wouldnt be fair to her to know of them after they're born. But that drive up could be quite uncomfortable for you now, woukdbt it?" He smiled. Hewas quite fond of the little lady who's so happy all the time. "Hmm, unless, we coukd think of another way to get there." Alex lookrd at Elliot thoughtfully. He went to his side, wrapped his arms around Elliot from behind and kissed his cheek.

"You know... i think grandma might have some idea about the presence of these cuties during our last visit... remembrr the recipe she gave us? She mentioned it's the favourite of pregnant ones..." james stroked his belly lovingly.

(I'm back! Sorry it took so long!)

Elliot hummed in agreement to the ride being uncomfortable for him with how pregnant he had gotten at five months. At Alex's thought, our omega gave a sigh. "I don't know if I can ever be comfortable with the long journey it takes. If only we can get there faster?" Elliot blushed and chuckled when Alex got near and had him again in his hold.

Smaller hand joined the larger in rubbing his belly, Elliot shifted his position so that he was closer and was able to lean his head on his love's shoulder.

"Wouldn't be suprising if she did know. And that's why I can also expect some earful from her about how I shouldn't have kept this secret. She must've waited so long for us to finally make it official to her." Elliot smiled as he imagined already his grandma's reaction. "She might have guessed the pregnancy but she doesn't know there's three in here. Think she can guess that also when she sees me?"

Elliot yawned, signaling that he was again ready for sleep. He heard Alex telling him something before he had fallen asleep, still there in his position with his mate in the dining area.

(Ooops I should be the one saying sorry with the delay... stuck at work ;()

"Nah I guess even with the experienced eyes of grandma, itmight be a little difficult for her to guess that right... perhsps she would think it's twins but...." alex trailed off when he saw his mate had fallen asleep. He chuckled snd shook his head, though he was gratwful for such a precious moment when he could finally hold his dearest omega on his lap.

Carrying him, Alex walked slow and steadily to the bedroom. Just a little ago, he thought he was losing Elliot forever at this very doorframe, but now he was walking through it with his mate soundly sleeping in his arms. His heart swelled so big with gratitude.

With some arrangements made, Alex decided they should execute their grandma visit plan. He told Elliot they were going to somewhere special, and had his bags secretly packed. He drove the short way to the helicopter grounds. Before they entered th3 warehouse like structure, Alex still wouldnt tell Elliot where they were going and what's that place. "Nope Elliot, this is supposed to be a lovely surprise." Alex would just repeat, holding his mate's waist lovingly as he escorted him through the oprn grounds.

(you're always quick to reply so there's really nothing to be sorry off. I'd say you're the most deserving of replying late without fault :D )

No matter how much he asked Alex, Elliot wasn't getting an answer from his mate. He had become so busy with work again that he failed to notice his mate doing any planning nor packing and now he was stuck to being clueless on where the 'somewhere special' his mate was taking him. Elliot had all the reasons to worry since, of course, he was carrying pups, and he wasn't sure if he could take it wherever they will go to. But he just decided to trust Alex on this. Surely enough he would know what will be best for him, right?

Elliot was starting to get nervous even with his trust on Alex when he was led inside a warehouse, but by the time they got outside to the open area, the omega was at loss of words. Before them was a helicopter with a pilot already on board and ready to fly. Seeing a real helicopter close and upfront was quite overwhelming and he found himself gripping on Alex's arm. By the looks of it, they'll be the helicopter's passengers. Elliot was a bit afraid having no experience of traveling by air before. He looked up to his love.

"Alex, what's going on? Where are you really taking me? W-we're gonna board that helicopter, aren't we?" The omega was getting nervous again that his hand started getting cold. "Is that even safe? What if we crash?"

(Ahha appreciate that :))

Alex chuckled at how Elliot was getting so nervous, he was clutching his hand tight. "Dont worry baby... not gonna abduct you or whatever, though i wouldnt mind sneaking you away forever, make you mine alonr...." his eyes darkened looking at the lovely omega, some of his alpha possessiveness showing. "But.nope, that's not going to happen... yet." He smiled.

Raising Elliot's icy cold hand up, Alex pressed a kiss at the back of it. "Didnt you say it's muh too long a drive to get to grandma's place? I.thought thid could be a nice alternative... and dont worry about safety. Susan here had been our pilot for quite some time and she'd had loads of experirnce in the air. If you are afraid of the height, you could always hug me tight." Alex teased while he saluted to their pilot, who was already seated in the helicopter.

The helicopter was all ready to take off, and with Elliot huddled against himself, Alex ducked and made their quick way to the passenger's seat. He fitted the pregnant omega on his seat, made sure the safety belt was properly tugged below his belly, got his helmet in place before tending 5o his own gears. They were all set to go.


Elliot's anxiety went away for a moment and he had smiled slightly hearing seeing Alex comforting him with his possessive yet still rantic side. "I'm yours alone to take me wherever you want it's just the helicopter... I've never been on air before."

Susan, the pilot that had been introduced to him, was smiling at him with confidence, and Alex seemed to trust her enough so they should be fine. He let out a shaky sigh. "O-okay. Love, I trust you enough with Susan and if this will make it easier to get to grandma..." Elliot's eyes widened at the realization and just stared excitedly to his mate. "We're gonna visit grandma? Oh thank you Alex!" And the alpha was hugged tight, well as much as Elliot can hug him with the belly in the way. "Expect though that I'll be hugging you much also during the ride.

Still nervous about the ride but our omega was now more than willing to board the copter. He got on with shaky legs, mostly relying on to Alex to help him up the high to the high platform. He was rubbing his stomach as if checking on the babies as his love geared him up. He felt them kick when the seatbelt was fastened and just hope they remained behave thoughout the ride. "T-thank you love."

Alex finished gearing up as well and soon the propellers started whooshing. Elliot gripped tightly on Alex as they slowly went higher to the sky. His eyes kept shut and he was slightly trembling, until he felt nauseous from all the anxiety.

"Alex... I'm gonna be sick." Good thing there was a bucket inside the copter. But it can be said that the vomitting event had been good since it snapped him out of his fears and he was able to enjoy more the sky view with his eyes now opened. "It's beautiful! Everything looks so tiny!"

Being in the helicopter, Alex couldnt use his alpha musk to calm when he saw how green and scared Elliot looked to be, he started regretting a little. He knew there could be anxiety, but perhaps he had underestimated the shock of a first flighr in the air for the pregnant man.

Alex had been watching Elliot closely. When he said he was going to be sick, Alex was quick to supply the bucket. It's a good thing the ventilation was still good even in this contained space, and Elliot seemed to have overcome the hurdle afterwards.

Alex smiled and nodded exvitedly. "Yep everything just go so tiny, it's like toys. And we are seeing grand landscapes that we could otherwise only see on photos." He said pointing to further away, to the greens and the mountains up north, where they were heading.

Alex hugged Elliot tight even when he once again regained his usual cheerfulness. He laid a protective hand on his belly as well, holding his children dear snd calming down, telling them it's ok, daddy's around.

"Wow! I've never seen anything like this before. I saw sceneries like these in the internet but nothing beats seeing it in person!" Elliot was like an excited child so amazed by what he was seeing below. He would often turn to Alex and tell him all that interested him. The babies remained behave, squirming a bit but nothing too uncomfortable, and Elliot had to smile seeing Alex was the one responsible. "Thank you, love. They've calm down all thanks to you."

The usual 5 became 2 hours with the helicopter ride. Grandma was outside the house sweeping the front yard. She was at first confused and slightly scared when she saw a helicopter landing on her field, but then she saw Alex coming down before helping a very pregnant Elliot. 

She gasped and raced to the two hugging the both of them. "I knew it! You are pregnant! Congratulations to the both of you. You must've been tired with the trip, come on let's go in the house." The couple chuckled at the excited grandmother, not even giving them the chance to speak before guiding them to the house.

In the house, they were made to seat and in an instant was met with consecutive questions from the old lady. "How have you been? When did you find out? Is the baby well? What's the gender? What took you so long to tell me? Oh my you look ready to pop, when are you due?..." Elliot was overwhelmed with all the questions and looked at Alex for help. 

"Oops grandma you are overwhelming us with questions!where should we even start?" Alex clutched Elliot's hand and patted it to tell Elliot he would handle that. "We discovered it not.long after we left last time... and then a lot happened. And then there's work, and then there are some issurs... so please forgive us grandma, for not letting you knoe at once." Alex explained with his most charming smile.

Taking grandma's hand, he held it together with Elliot's in his hands. "Though we have it all resolved now. We hadnt knoe about the gender yet, we are gonna announce this to you first. Elliot's at the end of his second trimester, bur we have 3 little angels awaiting here." Alex put grandma's and Elliot's hand on his large bump. "So that explained Elliot's size... dont.worry your grandson didnt eat uncontrollably that had him so big already." Alex teased his mate and kissed his cheek.

"Oh forgive me dearies, I just became so excited at the thought of being great grandma. Please do answer at your pace." She had sat next to Elliot and had listened attentively to Alex speaking. At the mention of having some issues, grandma raised a brow but she decided that the two were mature enough to be assured that the two had resolved well whatever the issue was.

"I forgive you. What matters most is that you told me and is keeping my great grandkid healthy and safe. Thank you Alex dear, and you too Elliot." Grandma said with a fond smile to the couple.

Hearing that Elliot was just ending second trimester, grandma had a retake look on the size of the swell. But she then beamed in joy when she heard the news of triplets. "My goodness, there's three! Oh the more to love and spoil then. So that's why you're looking very big..." Elliot blushed and and had unconsciously rubbed his belly. 

"I'm at the right size for triplets this period... Alex, you know you shouldn't tease." But still the kiss on the cheek had made him feel better.

"I know dear, don't be shy about your size. Now if ever you do know the genders, promise me that you'll tell me soon after okay?" And the couple just nodded. She then turned to Alex's direction.

"I knew you were a good mate for my boy. Great job on your strong seeds!" And Elliot had blushed harder in embarrassment with both his love and ma laughing.

With Grandma's hand still on the omega's swell, she had felt it when one of them gave a strong kick. Elliot winced a little but still he was happy with the amazed looked of his ma. "So strong! We might have another alpha in here."

Alex laughed at rhe "praise" of grandma on his potent seeds. Leaning closer to Elliot, he whispered. "And that's also thanks to you, my very fertile omega." He smiled and added. "And I neednt be reminded that for triplets, you could be sljghtly underweighr even although the babies had all been achieving the right weight and size now." He cheekily smiled and nodded at gradnma.

"Yea they had been kicking strong, almost always at night. You know sometimes I am surprised when Elliot yelped suddenly... Let's hope it wouldnt be all alphas in there, or our house would be such a mess. I prefer sweet little omegas myself.. " Alez smiled pointedly at Elliot, referring more to his mate than his future children. "I have been a handful when I was young myself.. ." Alex confessed scratchinf his head.

With fhem settled, both grandma and Alex forbade Elliot from moving too much. Howveer, rhe decision to have Elliot sitting on the aged couch seemed to be a mistake. While grandma and Alex was preparing lunch in rhe kitchen - for alex, he also took the opportunity to leaen as much about taking care of his pregnant mate as possible - Elliot waa having difficulty lifting himself up from the soft couch.

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