Office MATES

(Alright, let's do that. Alex can be CEO and Elliot would be proud of him. He'll be struggling without his assistant and that may be a cause of the stronger Braxtons?)

Being turned to his side, Elliot can breathe more and his body less strained. Downside of it was that he can't see his love entering him or whatever he was doing down there. He gave a disappointed huff. The disappointment was quick to be dismissed, though, when Alex began kneading his meatier globes. He was back to full on lust. He wiggled his butt as to tempt and make the alpha move faster. He didn't expect it will actually jiggle but well, he got his love seemed liking it so it was his advantage.

"My butt's getting impatient, hon~" there was a slur on his tone that made it more slutty than what the Omega would have normally be comfortable with but he has the urge and he wants to be fulfilled now. 

Elliot can't see and immediately reacted to the fingers that went in him. He moaned with the good feeling of being entered again, but then he groaned. It wasn't enough. He wanted the real thing already. It was a mix of pleasure and agony for Elliot. He was loosening more and more and Alex can feel how wet he was becoming. He was becoming so needy by this point that he was nearly desperate. His legs kept squirming and he had crumpled the bed sheets with his grips. The moans were more lewd and.louder as well. He can't take anymore teasing!

"N-no more... I'm ready alpha... I-I'm already so wet a-and loose for you..." Elliot tried looking behind him despite it being difficult. Totally worth it when he saw the large member he had been waiting for so long for pulled out from its confines. Alex looked like a hungry alpha too and it was enough to force an excited pur from him.

Alex was being gentle with his belly in consideration and Elliot was so relieved that he hadn't been uncomfortable at all, all thanks to Alex. "T-thank you love... N-now please let me feel you already! Give it to me my a-alpha..." 

Alex finally thrusted into him and it made him unconsciously arch forward. His hand went from gripping the sheets to stabling his belly so to make sure the babies won't be jostled.

"S-slow and steady love... Aaahhh...ummm...m-more" Elliot can feel the thick member of his mate going dipper and he just.felt more and more complete. The feeling of 'it' inside him again got him on high. He missed this! His eyes widened realizing that Alex was still entering him. He almost forgot how big it was. "Aahhh...aahhh...A-alex" The room was filled with moans and praises for the alpha. Elliot was loving the feeling of his love in him and can't help to squeeze and tease the length inside. Payback for earlier.

Alex began thrusting once he was.fully in. Elliot was in cloud nine. He panting got heavier and he was all red. Sweat glistened his naked form and drool was escaping from his mouth. His hand switched from grabbing the sheets to stabling his belly. The triplets awoke after the first.few thrusts and.was squirming all about in him. But that wasn't enough to get him out of his high. He tried calming the little ones, moans also switching to gentle whispers to comfort the babies. 

Elliot.shivered as he felt himself near cumming. "Ahhh...A-alex! I'm c-close... just a little more...p-please! Ooohh...(pant pant)"

(Yep i like the sound of it ;))

His lmega's desperate call for him was enough to have Alex lost all control that remained. His sweet omega was so needy and pliant, Alex was more than happy to fulfill his.will. he took his sweet time sinking into Elliot. The omega's so tight and warm. "Babe you feel so good..." the initial thrust had been forceful to get himself through the tight ring of muscle, but Alex was quick to adjust when he felt Elliot's belly jiggled. He couldnt hold back as good as he wanted to though  for Elliot's moans were simply too enticing for him to not get more of himself into the needy omega.

He groaned when Elliot squeezed onto him. He slapped the jiggle buttock of Elliot, the loud slap resonated in yhe room at the same time as Elliot's moans. "You little tease..." Alex smirked. As retaliation, he thrusted himsrlf deeper into Elliot, plunging all the way into him and started real thrusts.

"Aww baby you are way too sensitive." Alex licked on the bitemark that had them mated for life, sending shivers down Elliot's spine as he stabbed repeatedly and accuratley to thr sweetest point within Elliot. "You are gonna cum for me babe, cum while our babies are witnessing it." Alex , with a smirk, touched Elliot's belly to cup it while Elliot was losing himself in the utmost pleasure Alex was giving him. "You are going to cum right now, right here, onto your our babies...." the alpha said in his husky voice, ordering gently for Elliot to cum. He wasnt entirely close yet, but Alex wasnt going to.hold off Elliot- deserve some release.

With just a few more thrusts, Alex reached upward to tease Elliot's swollen nipples. "Cum now!"he ordered while teasing his nipples, surely pushing Elliot over the edge.

(And btw... I REALLY love the sound effects you gave to Elliot! ^^)

(hahaha Blush )

It was getting too much for Elliot. Alex was hitting all his sensitive spots - the vibration of his butt sent pleasant shivers to his member, his nipples made him tingly all over and caused him to spill more wetness, and his bite mark! Gosh, he was so near. The omega's breath were harsher than before, occasionally a deep inhale or exhale that sounded more high pitched moans. "Aahhh!"

It was seldom that he heard Alex's alpha tone. But it was deep and husky and oh so sexy that Elliot found it more of a turn on than anything at the moment. He was squirming under his alpha, his member throbbing more and more painfully. He felt embarrassed with Alex reminding him that their babies are with them and witnessing all lewd activities they were doing but there was something satisfying about the situation that just made him euphoric - they are all made one in intimacy.

He was so close, and with Alex's command, he knew he was going to burst. He gripped the alpha's hand on his belly, the other gripping the sheets. He was so ready.

"Cum now!" And Elliot did just as what he was commanded. "Alex!...aaahhh!" The pregnant male shook harder in pleasure, breaths ragged and uneven. His semen flowed and sprayed on his belly and the sheets below him. Their hands on his bump got wet also.

When he was over from his high, fatigue came crashing down on him. "Thank you, love... I love you..." Elliot took Alex's hand and pressed a kiss on it before placing it back on his belly. He was holding on to it still. Sleep was coming to him. He could feel that Alex was still thrusting in him, nearing release, but he was just so tired that...

Alex came in him, and after he finished, he might have only realized that Elliot had gone limp and his breathing now even. Elliot might not have even realized that he had fallen asleep.

(Sorry for controlling Alex a bit there. Blush  )

(haha no problem! you aren't really controlling him that much anyway ;))

Alex was busy chasing his own orgasm, the spasming that still coursed through Elliot even in his sleep was sufficient to push Alex himself over the edge. It was amazing, Alex was finding himself floating on cloud,so it would be awhile before he sensed Elliot feeling a slight bit heavier than usualy on his arm underneath him. turned out th eomegahad fallen asleep and his dead weight was on alex's arm.

the alpha scooped out his arm and cleaned them. he didn't want elliot to wake up feeling stikcy with all kinds of fluid on them. the bedsheets, however, was a lot more tricky. Contemplating their choices, Alex in the end sighed and decided they could move to the guest bedroom - yes the bed was smaller, but at least they wouldn't be sleeping on all kinds of fluids. he was too tired himself to rip the bedsheets off to wash, but he reminded himself he had to get ot it before elliot attempted it himself - it's too much for Elliot with their 3 cute ones.

It was a dreamless night. Alex was getting very rested waking up from it. today will be a new day, and everyday he was discovering new things from Elliot. He glanced at the omega and smiled. During his sleep, apparently his breasts were again filling themelves up. Just by looking at it Alex could see how bloated they are. he touched them slightly, and immediately Elliot hissed in discomfort despite not being entirely awake

Alex flinched and quickly withdrew his finger - he didn't know that could be this painful for Elliot. he stroked his belly instead, thinking to himself that his omega was enduring more than he knew on this pregnancy, and that he could onlly repay by loving him even more.

(Hahaha. Thank you :P  )

Elliot was sound asleep despite the unconscious feeling of pain; also when his belly was rubbed only giving a pleased moan. He didn't even noticed he was on a different bed, and when Alex woke and left him.

What finally roused him from his sleep were the babies pressing on his bladder. With a sleepy groan, his eyes opened, only to grow wider upon seeing the environment he was left in. Why was he here? And where is Alex? His questions were answered when he realized he was not sticky like he was expecting to be, and smelled something cooking downstairs. He smiled. Alex was too perfect for him.

Elliot moved to get up, and the struggle had caused his nipples to hurt again. Maybe he could try padding them, so as to not brush into anything else. After peeing and putting on clothes, he carefully made his way down the stairs. He was panting by the end of it and was just happy that he doesn't have to cook anymore. 

"Morning love!" Elliot knew he had slept on his alpha at the middle of his climax and was a bit flustered because of it. He reached to kiss Alex his morning kiss before heading to sit. He was still sleepy and the stairs winded him a bit.

"T-thank you for last night, Alex... sorry to have slept on you." He blushed further hearing Alex chuckling.

They were in the middle of breakfast when his phone rang. Excusing himself from the table, he got up to answer it.

Elliot's tone was his usual cheerful when he was talking on the phone, but the moment the call ended, he gave a tired sigh. He was quick to compose himself and return his smile though when he entered back into the kitchen.

"Maria called. She said our workload's piling on us and that we're really needed back in the office. You think you're up for it? You just recently recovered, hon." Elliot informed Alex as he went to sit again. It had only been a few days since Alex regained his health back and Elliot was worried that his love will get sick again by overworking.

(Next on our plot is the proposal? Maybe Alex can start leading from here to give way on how you want it to happen?)

(haha yea sure.. .. let me give it some thoughts xD i hope to make it teeth rottingly sweeet ;))

"hey." Alex smiled hearing the footstep from behind. At this stage, t was rather hopeless for elliot to attempt to hide his footstep. Alex had a half apron on, his sleeves rolled up and he flashed a bright smile at the omega. "i thought i would be heading up to wake you... looks like someone else did that for me?" he smiled cupping elliot's belly. "morning there little ones... sharing duty with your daddy already?" he chuckled and kissed Elliot's belly.

"Breakfast's ready." Alex said with a plate on each of his hand, and settled Elliot for the meal. Alex was in a domestic mode so Elliot's suggestion that they return to work came as a bit of a surprise, his modes of thinking not entirely back to work just yet, but then he knew the longer they went missing, the more things would be waiting for them. "Alright... i'm good. are you feelign alright? should we wait another day?" he asked looking at elliot.

In the end they went back. Alex was still Ellio'ts assistant - and he was grateful for that seeing how much work - files alone had piled up so high they could hardly see the computer anymore. and the emails were just bursting their mailboxes. Alex was just grateful he was there to help Elliot to clear things away.

the week taht followed was crazy - both of them absorbed in work. Something else was brewing behind Alex's mind though. he had caught on some other employees gossiping about Elliot and how he'd been knocked up and abandoned... the alpha almost charged at them for the insult and accusations they placed on HIS omega, and he started thinking of ways to disprove their hurtful words.

His ring was always ready, but he had to plan it out...

(lOL forgive me i need to put the exact idea in my next post.. htis is getting too long xDD)

(hahaha. Take your time. We can stall as much as needed. I'm already confident that you'll do great, like always! :D )

Elliot was also loving the domestic life they had been sharing for the past weeks and if not for the threat of being burried in paperwork, he would like a few more off days.

"Still tired, but when am I not?" Elliot managed to tease although he was already dreading the great workload waiting for him. "We'll manage somehow." He caressed his bump, smiling at the moving babies inside. "I'm sure they'll be behaving for daddy. Right, my angels?

They weren't behaving at all. As expected, they have a lot to work on. He felt faint when he saw the piles of paper to be reviewed, but then Alex was there for him and that made him relieved as he remembered that at least he won't be doing this alone. But still there were so many and the situation must be taking on the babies. For this, he was constantly rubbing his belly, a gentle hum of a lullaby, to comfort them. He became stuck on his his laptop for hours, from morning to night. And when they arrive home, another hour or two to do more work. The only comfort he had was his mate helping him and always being there for him, making sure to not overwork himself and to not skip meals despite the hectic schedule and rush.

Elliot only goes out of his office if he had to pee or get a mug refill. It was seldom that he goes out but even so, he doesn't fail to to hear the gossip about him every time. It hurt even if he knew it was not true, and he felt betrayed. In front of employees he kept his smile, but once he was alone, tears would stream down. He cupped his bump as he was walking back to his office, just having heard the gossip again. "They don't know anything... Don't listen to them, o-okay. You know your papa Alex loves you three very much, right? He would never abandon us." And that self-comfort might have put him more at ease than he was before. His thoughts go to Alex and wonders how his love was faring with the gossips, or.if he knew at all.

Alex was more concerned for Elliot over time - his mate was so dedicated at his work. Even though the omega tried to hide it, Alex could feel his exhaustion - his legs were also more swollen than before with his long hours of sitting that had further hampered his circulation. Alex tried as much as he could, shouldering at least half of Elliot's workload and stopping all unnecsaary phone calls that would have interrupted with elliot's work, but there was in the end still a lot of work. He was busy - perhaps even more so than Elliot wiht him occassionally getting called to his father's office. there was going to be a big announcement to be made in a few days, and by that time, he would not have as much time iwht Elliot as before. he dreaded it, but this day was to arrive sooner or later because his father was no longer in his prime years, and he had to take over the comapny sooner or later.

Alex had largely missed out the gossips - until after another lengthy talk with his father on the handover proceedings. He had used the private lift reserved for the CEO, so no one else noticed Alex had been entering his father's office so often - nor had anyone realised who he realy was. It was also because he used the private lift that he was passing by the female toilet - somewhere he seldom get pass normally, and caught what they were talking about. "That Elliot... he must have been a slut - that omega's just welcoming anyone wiht a cock during heat. i bet he ddin't even know who the father of his babies are.... " One said. "Speaking of which... do you think Alex would be the father? he's an alpha right...?" "Oh no! please don't... Alex is WAY better than what Elliot deserved! Oh please, I think Alex's smart enough to know not to have a slut for his mate...." their words were mean and hurtful, but to Alex, the greater shock was how open they were in discussing behind their back. Had Elliot known it all along then...?

In shock, Alex returned to his seat - and saw Elliot working behind his desk. However, now that he was really apying attention to his mood, he could sense Elliot wasn't as cheerful as he normally was, and that was brought on by something more than just stress from worka nd discomfort from the rebellious babies...

That very night, Alex decided he would tell Elliot about hte impending "bad news". "Elliot... My father watned to announce that I would be taking up the role of vice-president next week." he said quietly, while rubbing Elliot's swollen feet on their couch.

(i'm thinking something like an official announcement of Alex being the owner's son, and to have him trasnferred to be the vice president - and then on the night where everybody had a drink and party for this new vice president announcement thing - Alex would propose? confirming and establishing their relationship in front of everyone? or would you prefer it to happen in some place a little more private?)

Day by day, the gossip became worse and worse. "To think we have a slutty Omega for a supervisor, bet his children will be the same, pity." As often as he heard them, he kind of grew numb. He avoided employees as much as he can and locked himself more in his office. Downside was the poorer circulation and thus more swelling on his body. But compared to what he can hear outside, maybe this is better. He doesn't dare tell Alex because he knows how possessive his alpha can be. He doesn't need to add on his lover's stress so he just endured it alone.

Elliot wasn't aware of the meetings Alex had been having with his father. He just thought that his mate was so busy that he would disappear at times to do more work. That's why it came to him as a surprise that his love was to be promoted, so soon. In his surprise, he had paused on rubbing his belly and was staring into Alex as if trying to process the news. He was so caught up with their partner in crime thing at the office that he temporarily forgot that Alex was the heir of the company, and that he was bound to take a higher position than him. Though despite the difference in status, Alex remains his humble, gentle lover who was now even rubbing his swollen feet. The thought made him smile. Alex is very deserving of the promotion, he was confident that his love will do great with it.

"That's wonderful! Your father finally recognized your hard work and now, you will be working alongside with him. You're so amazing, love! I'm so proud of you!" Elliot made grabby hands to Alex, beckoning him to come closer. As soon as he was in reach, the Omega pulled him into a light kiss on the lips that was followed by a hug. He then took their hands and placed them on his bump where they can feel the babies.

"Papa's so amazing, angels. Papa will be promoted and will be working with grandpa. It may be tough but we will always be cheering him on, right?" a series of kicks came as the response of their babies that made the couple chuckle. Elliot then looked up to Alex. "We're so proud of you. Give it all your best, okay? But of course don't overwork yourself with it. Just remember your family is here to always support you." He can see the look of worry on Alex, and he understands what the concern is for. Actually he has his own doubts of whether he can really do without Alex sharing the workload but he knew his love and he knows better to not hinder him from what he was meant to be.

"We'll be fine. There will be more work without you but I'm sure we'll manage. Your omega's strong, your babies too. Have more faith in us okay? If it gets too much for us I'll just request for paternity leave so stop worrying."

(I'm good with that. I don't mind the public announcement. I like that it says 'in your face' to the mean women.)

(HAHA ok! we will have it public then.)

Alex was apologetic. "i'm sorry love... i've tried telling my father but.... " he started, but he wouldnt dare say his father had been urging him to take over for awhile now. he didn't want elliot to have the false idea that he had hindered him in anyway because the truth was, Alex had requested for a delay in the promotion when he was first asked - becuase at the time he had wanted to spend more time with Elliot, and to see if he could have won Elliot's heart.

He smiled at Elliot's sweet words. "i'm so sorry love... i will help you clear as much as i could for this week. hopefully then we could clear the majroity of work piled up during our absence. Lter it should be a bit easier for you to handle since it's gonna be just normal workload. there's nothing changed.. merely I changed office, but please, if you need anything, make sure you will let me know." he said anxiously, hoping this promotion wouldn't affect their lovely relationship - workwise and in their private times.

the week had gone quick - especially for Alex who'd been plannng on something very special as well. he had asked his parents' opinion and they both agreed that would be perfect, making an announcement publicly on Alex's true identity, and also on his future partner. He was so busy, that sometimes when he returned home with Elliot, he just fell asleep while rubbing Elliot's swollen feet.

Ale wished he had 36 hours a day this week - he still insisted on helping Elliot clearing his work, but the night of announcement also required a lot of his attention, especially with his hidden agenda. Things were nonetheless slowly coming into place, and everybody had received a notice on keeping that Friday night free for some important announcement during a special gathering that would involve everybody.

the venue was set at a nearby hotel. A hall had been booked to house the entire office's staff. Everybody was requested to come.

Alex took Ellliot home just before that to "dress up". As an excuse, he asked elliot to accompany him to get fresh and help him choose which suit he should wear - in fact, Alex had tailor made 2 sets of suit with one for Elliot.

Alex's apologies warmed his heart. They reflected his sincerity on his concern for him and the babies despite situations testing it. "Alright, we'll just do that if you think that's best. Little by little, we'll make our workload normal again so that you don't have to worry about me overworking when you leave, and sure I'll tell you if ever I need help. Now that's set, don't worry anymore, okay? And don't be sorry. I'm sure you also have little choice in this." Elliot can tell that Alex was still anxious, and honestly he was too, though only a little. He was certain changes are unavoidable, he just hopes it won't affect the wonderful relationship they have now.

They had a goal for the week and both were determined to meet it. But Elliot noticed that Alex was looking more and more stressed as days pass. He wondered if he was secretly taking in more work to lessen his share of the workload, or maybe it was about the promotion? Elliot became more worried when Alex began coming home so tired that he falls asleep mid rubbing his feet. After that, the Omega opted for the alpha to just sleep, he was more important than swelling feet after all.

Elliot can see, from his office he was stuck in, Alex that was in his own; and he could read that there was more to work that was occupying his love. He doesn't ask though, having faith that Alex will tell him whatever it was.

The workload was reduced to normal amount again. Elliot was relieved but Alex still looked anxious. A notice came up for an announcement. He had the hunch it was for the announcement of Alex's promotion, but then again, maybe it's not so he just kept quiet and went along.

So maybe it really wasn't it because if it was, it wouldn't be so grand to be made in a hotel, and Alex wouldn't dare be late that he should have time to freshen up. "How about this? The color brings out your eyes." Elliot sighed as he received another no. This was the fifth suit he suggested and Alex wasn't still satisfied. He never knew his love alpha can be so picky in fashion. He sat on the bed feeling tired. The event was set on an evening, just after work. If only he could rest a bit.

"Take a shower first. I'm sure I'll find your suit." Still nothing can waver the omega's support for his alpha.

Alex had been adamantly rejecting every proposal from elliot - he was doing that to buy time. He had provided the tailors with elliot's latest measurements one week before and they were stupid enough not to allow for any room for him to grow - and certainly they weren't informed taht Elliot was carrying triplets. That morning, when teh suits arrived in office - secretly - Alex was shocked to find them probably not gonna fit Elliot unless his pregnant omega hold his breath for the entire evening. In his frsutration, he had asked them to re-do it urgently.

the tailors had promised they would deliver the suit to their home before the start of the event, sadly they were pushing the limit since the doorbell that was supposed to rang their arrival was still not ringing. Alex had no other method but to stall and reject every suit Elliot proposed.

Alex nodded at Elliot's suggestion, feeling very guilty seeing how tired his mate had been from this thing. "i will go freshen up.. then you can. i'll be quick." he pressed a kiss on Elliot while his omega rested on bed. "Just tkae a bit of rest... i'm sorry for being so fussy. but this is really important and i want everything to be perfect." he said seriously to Elliot.

Luckily for him, Alex received a message from the tailor that they would arrive in 5 minutes. in this 5 minutes, Alex came out and persuaded Elliot to head in for a quick shower, letting him freshedn up, Alex himself rushed to the door and took the suits for him and elliot. He came back in 2 huge boxes, each containing their suit.

When Elliot came out, he would see Alex standing there with two lovely - and matching - suitsin hand. "look what i found?" he beamed with proud. "and this is yours... let me help you change into it, we don't want to be late for the event." he said, shushing elliot from all problems and confusions. "lovely, this fits you like a glove." he smiled putting the shirt on, buttoning it up for Elliot.

Elliot didn't mind the fuss Alex was making with choosing his suite. He was actually finding it a little amusing. Who knew his love can get so worked up by a suite? "Okay, I'll go after you. Rest sounds good so just take your time love, buy us more time to nap?" He tried enlightening the apologetic mood Alex had. Elliot just settled himsef so that his back was resting on the head rest; he knew better not to lay down only to get up soon and struggle. "Don't be sorry. For whatever it is, as my love, you're automatically forgiven, so stop apologizing, okay? Now go and take you shower."

The pregnant Omega was near dozing off when their door bell rang. He was about to get it but then Alex emerged from the bathroom and immediately ushered him in for his turn. Though a bit confused, he just shrugged it off and proceeded to take his shower.

He wasn't expecting that as he comes out of the bathroom, Alex would be waiting for him with matching suits in hand. It surprised him, especially since he knew they do not own such suits. "Found or bought? So is this why you can't find your suit? And wow, you also have one for me! They're so beautiful, Alex!" Alex didn't waste time helping him into his suit, though very gentle and cautious in doing so. When they finally got on the whole outfit, Elliot was amazed it fit him so perfectly. He was used to having to doubt clothing sizes because of their triplets but this just fits him to a T. He was very pleased. There was a full body mirror and Elliot observed himself. He can't stop himself to smile. "Woah, it's perfect! The details, the colors and even the feel of the fabric. Not to say you had it custom made for me. This must have been so expensive, Alex! I'm grateful but now I feel bad making you spend so much on me." Elliot placed his hand on his huge belly, really liking that the babies didn't have to be so cramped in there.

Elliot was so busy admiring the suit that he didn't notice Alex changing into his own suit at the back. When he turned around to thank his love he felt his breath hitch, blood rising to his cheeks.

"Y-you look handsome my love...i-it really suits you well." He gulped. Why was he stuttering? But Alex was looking dashing with his suit and now his mate  really looked like one of those bigtime businessmen, a proper CEO, that just puts him at awe.

While Elliot was busy admiring his suit in front of the mirror, Alex wasted no time getting into his own. He made his hair and was looking crips and smart in his new suit. they were matched in subtle ways - they got the same fabric and the cutting had the same style, but it suited them differently. to elliot, it was aimed more at providing comfort and support to him in all the right ways, including the waist coat that would have alleviated some of the pressure on his back. for Alex, the waistcoat showed off how broad a shoulder he had and the narrow waisst showing his perfect figure.

Alex looked up at Elliot hearing his stuttered words, and broke into a huge smile. His mate was blushing at how handsome he looked - that's certainly a great start for him, especially with his hidden motive behind. He would probably have Elliot saying yes to whatever request he had with just aa smile - that's how influential he was over his omega.

Coming close to Elliot, he took his waist so they would be standing close, facing each other. "hmm, i'm looking good right? I think so. And i can say the same to you... you looked so handsome in this suit as well. Don't mind the cost, I just want you to be looking and feeling great tonight. i don't want to see you struggling to fit in that hatefully tight trousers and shirts..." Alex sighed. He knew how hard the struggle was every morning for Elliot to squeeze himself into the paternal suits that clearly were 2 sizes too small. He had had more shirts and trousers ordered for his mate from the same tailor, they just took more time to complete.

"I think we're good to go." he said taking over a tie - also a new one in bright blue - to tie it around Elliot. He himself had a matching colored pocket handkderchief to put in his front pocket. taking Elliot's waist - he's still blushing profusely - and got him into their car.

It was a short ride and soon they were arriving. throwing the key over to the valet, Alex opeend the door for Elliot and helped him out. "let's go." he smiled squeezing the omega's hand and headed straight to the venue.

Opening the door, everyone was there and the spotlight shone on them as they made their way along the aisle. Everyone from the company was on either side of it, looking at them as they made their way to the front.

The suit alone was enough to mesmerize but now Alex had paired it with his signature smile and Elliot feels like melting. It was hypnotizing; he can't stop himself from staring, and everything blurs as he can only focus on his mate "How did I get so lucky to have you?", was the question his mind kept thinking of an answer to.

Elliot's cheek became redder when Alex brought him closer. He feels thumping inside him, though he can't tell if it was the babies kicking or his heart racing. It seemed he wasn't the only one mesmerized. Elliot's heart calmed and a warm feeling washed over. He was so pleased that his love found him attractive still. He knew that being pregnant meant a bigger figure and that can't look well with a suit. He just bears through wearing his office ones for formality despite how uncomfortable it was for him and the babies. What made him feeling more overwhelmed was that Alex was going through great lengths just so they can be comfortable. Elliot was so in awe that he became speechless for a moment before snapping out of it and hugging Alex. "T-thank you! Not only for the suit but also for being my mate. How can I be so lucky to have you?" He released his hold and gave a small smile. "But this doesn't mean you can always spend money on us. Just when necessary. I don't want our children getting spoiled."

They finished getting dressed and now they are on the way to the hotel. It was a short ride but still they were already running late by 10 minutes and that got him a bit nervous, since as supervisor he was expected to be on time. They arrived and thank goodness there was a valet to save them time. "Ah, yeah... let's go." Elliot hopes he wouldn't get a scolding for this.

Elliot was still anxious when they entered, but that was turned to confusion when a spotlight was suddenly on them. "Alex... w-what is this?" But his love only smiled and led him forward. He can see everyone at the sides, the smiling executives and of course the gossiping employees. "He really is a gold digger!" "Look, they're holding hands. Are they in a relationship?" He could hear them whispering and the nervousness came back. Elliot can only grip on Alex's hand tighter, body inched closer so the gap between them became smaller. One hand was on his belly feeling for the babies. He was nervous ,but his love looked confident. He definitely know something. "A-Alex, what is going on?"

"Don't worry... certainly i don't want to spoil the kids - but i'm more than prepard to spoil you." Alex chuckled returning the hug. He loved his omega so much, he would do anything that would make him happy.

As they entered the venue, the alpha slowed down a little so his mate could catch up. he also tugged on his waist to assist him in his walk down the aisle. "don't worry elliot... you have to get used to this." he smiled at Elliot. taking his waist, he escorted him further down the corridor until they reached the platform. In elliot's confusion, Alex dragged elliot up to sit with him on stage. there was a chair clearly arranged for elliot exclusively for the cushions fitted on it.

Alex nodded to his father, who proceeded to take the microphone. "Everyone... may i have your attenion please... I have an announcement to make...." the older man started. there had been muffled sounds before, everyone was discussing heatedly about how Alex and Elliot acted together, and how Alex just proceeded to sit on stage without any invitation. Some of them already had their guesses, recognising the resemblance in the features between the owner and Alex himself.

The buzz within the crowd died down as their boss cleared his throat. "As you all know... i'm not in my prime years anymore. this company has been thriving and working extremely well, but now it needs a new captain. A young and revigorated leader to bring our company to the next level..." he went on with the little speech he had. Alex looked at elliot, taking his hand while he nervously shifted on his chair. "don't worry elliot... this is all gonna be fine. Just relax." he said, prssing a fleeting kiss to elliot's cheeks. A few gasps oculd be heard downstage.

"... so everyone. May i introduce my son. A few of you should reocgnise him already. Alex, please come forward." His fatehr finally addressed him. Alex squeeed Elliot's hand and stood up, buttoning up his jacket, he took the stage gracefully, looking entirely like the future leader of the company.

As they went on further down the aisle, Elliot feels more and more nervous. All eyes were on them, all murmurs about them. He could feel tensio, but still continued to walk having faith on Alex's confidence. He was walking slow, both because of the added weight and his anxiety, and he was really grateful that his love was patient and even escorted him at his pace. 

"... you have to get used to this." Elliot just stared at Alex as they walked, thinking on what that meant. Was he talking about being the center of attention? Or was it something else? They stopped in front of a stage and that got him more confused. He was hesitant to go because no one had told them to go there and here they were about to take the most prominent seats. "Alex...are you sure about this? M-maybe these are your parents' seats." But Alex just continued to guide him up there as if there was nothing wrong. The seat he was made to seat on was heaven to his aching back and sides. It fits perfectly and is very comfortable. It was evident on his face the relief he felt, but blushed when he caught Alex smiling at him. He sat next to him, their hands still linked together.

Everyone soon became quite as their boss went to make his announcement. So it seemed that the announcement was really for Alex's promotion. He knew it was already a bit obvious what relationship Alex had with their boss but still he was worried on how the other employees will react. He worried for Alex. He didn't notice he was squirming until he felt his love comforting him. "Okay... I trust you."  Alex kissed him on the cheeks, and though he was blushing, he was startled. "L-love... They can see..." But his mate didn't seem even a bit affected. The murmuring increased.

Their boss introduced Alex in front and with a squeeze, which he returned, he was left alone on the seat. But he was more focused on Alex. His love was really owning it and he feel pride surge in him. 

Alex smiled to everyone, taking their sceptical and scrutinizing gazes with grace. he had identified a few executives that he had workd with in his time in the company, his confidence grew whent hey returned a friendly smile to him.

"Everyone, i am quite grateful and humbled with this new post. As you may know, i've spent some time int he company already as a new intake. I was lucky enough to have worked under the best supervisor i could imagine , and with him, i've learnt a huge lot." he said, looking at everyone. "my first boss, who'd very possiby be my last as well, was immensely patient and caring to me. I learnta lot from him, and from him, I have learnt how to be a good boss. If ever you felt like i'm not being good enough, just metnion my boss' name and i owuld know what to do." he smiled at the little chuckle from the crowd.

"Today should be the day wheere we all celebrate a new chapter in teh comapny. However, i would want to hijack a bit of time from this to turn this into a new chapter in my personal life as well. Please welcome my boss: Elliot." Alex gestured for everyone to clap. Him personally came to Elliot's side to help him stand up and took the stage. Putting Elliot on the centre of the stage, a spotlight came shining on the confused omega.

"elliot.... you're my boss and my guidance throughout. I had admired you so much, i wanted to privatize you. So, Elliot, would you marry me, and be my partner and guidance in everything from now on?" Alex knelt down on one knee, looking straight into Elliot's eyes as he scooped up the ring he had prepared and opened the box, offering it to Elliot.

there was a chrous of gasps and murmurs, then someone started whistling and cheering on. Applause soon could be heard and everyone was shouting. "marry him1"

There were murmurs and skeptical gazes towards Alex but his love just took them on. It seemed like in front of him was a new man. He can remember Alex's starting days in the office and how a novice he was but now, he had grown to be a proper boss. Elliot was so proud of him. He rubbed his belly feeling the babies kick in return. "That's your papa out there. He's really amazing, isn't he?" He was answered again with kicks and made him chuckle.

Elliot listened attentively to his mate's speech. He smiled, sometimes letting out a giddy laugh, with how Alex praised and acknowledged him as his 'first and last boss' that seemed to give him authority despite his love now promoted a higher position than him. He felt warm inside, and also relief that others were smiling and laughing also. The speech became more about him than Alex, he laughed at the silliness of his mate. But it really touched him that Alex didn't and wouldn't forget him, them after all the changes.

All was going smooth until Alex introduced him in front. He was attentively listening when he was called out. Elliot was startled and it showed on his face his confusion as he was guided by his love at the center, more so when the spotlight returned.

Alex began saying sweet praises for him, holding his hand and looking at him dearly. He was getting teary just from the praises. But when he saw his mate, his love, his alpha, the father of his babies, kneel down and brought out a ring, asking him to marry, the floodgates opened and tears flowed out. He was at first speechless. He could feel his heart beating so fast. The crowd began cheering. Elliot can only nod, slowly then fast, and then he finally said it. "Yes! O-of course I'll marry you, my love, my alpha Alex." A new set of murmurs came when the employees heard and realized that Elliot and Alex are mates after all and that the babies are Alex's. They felt guilty, and the need to be more careful. Their pregnant supervisor is the mate of their new boss after all.

They were murmuring while some continued to cheer. Elliot couldn't care more as he tackled the kneeling alpha into a hug and kissed him right on the lips. "Thank you, thank you Alex! Thank you for all of this, and for proposing to me. Oh I'm so happy I can kiss you again." And he did. When they pulled for breath did he only realized that people were watching them kiss and being lovey dovey, which was the first time they did it in public. Elliot blushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the watching crowd. "Ah.. I'm s-sorry for that. I got too excited?"

(That was so cute! Alex was so sweet and it was really nice replying to. Great job on the proposal! I really liked it!  :D )

(aww i try my best for the sweet and lovely Elliot... your reply's also such a great one! i love it with the sweet and timid, but also capable and loving Elliot˜)

Alex was confident hElliot would say yes, but when his omega seemed at shock, the confident Alpha also became a bit unsure of himself. So when Elliot finally said yes, the relief was imminent and the happiness washing over him was great. He smiled and laughed outright, holding his pregnant mate who'd thrown himself onto him, and kissed him deeply. he didn't even have time to answer Elliot's happy words, and he was kissed again.

Alex smiled and slipped the ring onto Elliot - it was a thick band of platinum with a single diamond encrusted in it. it shone beautifully under the spotlight, even people from downstage could see it. "i'm the happy one here... you've just made me the happiest man on earth with your single word." he chuckled and took Elliot's waist again. Holding his belly, he pressed another kiss on Elliot amidst the cheers that had peaked, distracting Elliot enough he couldn't mind whether he was acting inappropripate or not.

When they finally separated, Elliot still dazed - he only followed Alex dreamily to the microphone stand - and Alex thanked everybody for their input and finished off the little event gracefully. "now, everybody, please enjoy the food and the rest of the night. thank you." he dismissed the crowd to let them mingle into the occasion, where everybody could take a drink and enjoy the buffet.

"ellot... you're mine now." Alex clutched Elliot's waist gently once they're off the stage. "i love you so much.... husband." he teased and hugged elliot as tight as he could minding the belly. There was little doubt that the couple was truly and quite madly in love with each other.

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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