Office MATES

It was on the tenth day that he woke up without Alex by his side. Maybe he needed to do something. Elliot trusted his mate wouldn't leave him after making a promise. So he waited, having a silent conversation with the squirmy babies in his tummy to kill time. It wasn't long that Alex came in to his room. He greeted the alpha with a smile."We're feeling good. It's okay, we've only been awake... Alex!" His smile turned into a frown, his face face showing full worry and concern for Alex who just collapsed and was now bleeding. He only did realize how pale Alex  had looked when he entered. Elliot was in strict bed rest, and was not able to use his legs for a long while. But adrenaline rushing in him brought by fear and worry for his love, the omega stood shakily on his legs and ran towards the bleeding alpha.

"Alex! Can you hear me, love?" First thing he checked was whether Alex was conscious, cupping Alex's face to make his mate look at him. He saw Alex nod weakly and gave a shaky sigh. He bit his lips. The blood was staining the sleeves so it must be coming from there. He tried touching Alex's arms to feel, but Alex will always whimper in pain each time so he retracted. There was so much flowing that it was making Elliot feel panicked. What should he do? He looked desperately for someone who can help. Luckily there was a nurse passing by. He got up and quickly grabbed the nurse by the arm, pleading to her to help his bleeding mate. "Please help him! Alex... He suddenly c-collapsed and t-then he was b-bleeding!" The nurse rushed with him to his room, quick to act on aiding Alex. Elliot was there crouching and craddling the Alex at his side, so he saw when the sleeves where cut open how severely punctured they looked. He gasped. "W-what happened t-to his a-arms?" His question was left unanswered as more nurses came flocking Alex and leading his mate to another room. Elliot followed as best as he could, filling with worry every second passed that he sees Alex bleeding and in pain for unknown reasons. "Alex, love, you'll be fine. Please be strong!" The nurses had brought Alex into a room, but before he can get in, he was shut off. Tears started streaming down. "Why? Alex's hurt and he needs me!" Elliot sighed in defeat as he was forced to wait outside (after much debate that he'd rather stay on the waiting benches than in his room). "Can you at least tell me what happened, doctor." The doctor looked away. "I'm sorry, but it's not my place to tell." That got Elliot more curious, and more worried. He prays it's nothing serious that his mate can't tell him about it.

Alex was still bleary and not fully himself after hititng his arm. He rsponded to his mate and attempted to reach out to hold him when Elliot rushed out to find help, but he was too weak to do that. His vision was still blurred and he drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt himself lifted by a few nurses to get on a bed, and he could feel his mate's scent slowly getting further away.

The doctor came into Alex struggling agains the orderly and the nurese. "elliot! Elliot..." the alpha moaned blindly, he needed to be by his mate's side, that's what his brain was screaming at him. He needed to stay close so his mate and their babies would be fine again. he fought against the restraints, his half delirious mind was only able to process that his mate was in danger and he needed to be with him.

The doctor quickly administered some tranquilizers andthe alpha was finally put to sleep so they could treat him. They stitched up the cut on his arm and one nurse flinched seeing the puncture wounds and teh bruises that covered his arm. One also got him a drip to replenish his fluids. With all these done, the doctor emerged from the room and sighed when she saw Elliot still sitting outside, worrying his head out.

"elliot... your mate's ok now. hmm, I am not at liberty to tell you exactly what happened, but i could assure you he's stable now and he should recover quickly with some good rest. Please do not worry yourself too much, his case wasn't at all serious like yours. Since i don't think i could convince you to return to your own room, why don't you come in and sleep wit your mate for awhile? he should be awake soonn. At most an hour." She said opening the door for Elliot to enter, giving the omega a hand to help him stand up.

Elliot waited in worry as almost an hour passed since Alex was sent in the room and no news still came. Nurses and doctors came in and out, but all just ignored him every time he asked. He sat there fidgeting in his seat thinking of worst scenarios. The babies felt his distress, and not liking he was giving them stress, he ought to be more optimistic. So instead of fidgeting, he turned to rubbing and talking to the babies. "Papa is strong, my angels. This is nothing he can't handle."

When a doctor finally approached him, Elliot sat up straight, eager to hear some news. He was skeptical as to why the doctor can't say what happened to Alex, but nonetheless he was relieved to hear that his love was healing and no longer in danger. "Thank goodness... ah yes, sleep would be nice. Thank you, doc. Sorry for all the trouble." Elliot got up with difficulty and moved with slow, uneasy steps. He won't forget to thank the female doctor who helped him to the room and on the bed.

The walk to the room had winded him a little, but seeing Alex's arms heavily wrapped in bandages with splotches of blood here and there, all Elliot could focus on was to get near to his mate. His mate needed him, as what his omega side said. "Alex..." On the kindness of the doctor, another bed was brought in next to Alex's. Elliot was laid there, and instantly his hands found holding onto his alpha's slightly red ones. "Alex... What happened to you?"

Elliot kept talking to Alex and stroking the alpha's hair despite talking to an asleep person. Elliot continued until he slowly fell asleep too. Though his hand stayed on Alex and his body and belly facing towards him.

The doctor came back just in time when Alex woke. She chuckled sensing the confusion of his patient seeing his pregnant lover beside him. "He was insistent to wait for you so we made compromises."

"what but.. wait, this isn't our room... idd Elliot came walking by? he was supposed to be on strict bedrest. Is he alright? god i must have him so frightened collasping like that...can we go .. ouch." Alex moaned when he attempted to throw his hand over to move off the bed, only to find his arm still connected wiht a drip. that big movement had the needle shifting slightly and he whined at the pain. "oh god.. then he must have seen it." he looked at his arms, now exposed and bandaged, there was no way they could still hide it from Elliot.

"Doctor.... oh god. i'm so sorry Elliot.. is he ok? the baies? i have caused him distress..." the alpha asked rather frantically stroking Elliot's cheeks.

"why do you two ask the identical question?" the doctor chuckled. "yea your omega's alright. He's now much more stable than before with your blood. and while you fainted, i heard him doing very good talking with the babies instead of panicking. You have a strong omega there, and a very loving one as well." she smied.

"thanks so much doctor." Alex let out a great sigh, looking at Elliot fondly. "can we move to the same bed? i want to hold Elliot so bad..." he asked, almost pleadingly looked at the doctor. "i promise i wouldn't distrub with all these tubes..." he urged again, and at the doctor's permission, Alex climbed over to Elliot's side and nhugged him. "i'm so sorry to h5ave caused you the scare..." at the kiss, elliot's eyelashes flickered and Alex knew they would have some disucssion to do. "Doctor? can we have a moment to ourselves? Elliot's about to wake up?" he asked politely, then when they were alone, he just watched over his omega, waiting for him to come out from his nap.

When Alex laid beside him and hugged him, in instict Elliot knew it was his mate. It was a natural response to snuggle deeper to the warmth. Feeling warmth, though, woke his senses; and he began waking up. His eyes blinked the remaining sleepiness away, his sight slowly focusing on Alex that was very close to him. "Alex... how do you feel? (Yawn) Are you okay now? You got me so worried."

More awake, Elliot pushed himself and supported his belly to a better sitting position. Aled tried to help him, but he declined fearing that the activity will worsen his mate's condition. He took note of the many tubes and wrappings on Alex's arms and frowned in concern. He reached cautiously to touch them. Elliot felt conflicted seeing all the bruises and punctures up close, even feeling how damaged the skin and veins had been. "The doctor won't tell me anything. Alex, what happened? Why did your arms become like this? What are you hiding from me?" The omega was not angry, more like he was very worried and guilty of not noticing what Alex must have gone through to lead him to this state.

He bit his lips. It was like two months ago when they had the trust issue. Alex was keeping something from him again. He colloected his breath and rubbed his belly. No negative thoughts. Alex must have a reason. "Can you please tell me. We're mates and now fiancees. You make me and the babies worried." Elliot sighed, feeling guilty washing over his alpha. "I'm not angry or anything, just very concerned so please tell me." His eyes were beginning to be glassy. The situation was confusing him and only Alex can explain it all.

"i'm sorry Elliot..." Alex started. Although Ellito didn't say it, he could imagine the panic when his omega witnessed his alpha collasping right in front of him. he took him closer and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Babe.. i'm so sorry." he took a deep breath,knwoing Elliot woudln't like his explanation. "I've been withdrawing blood... " he muttered, taking and playing with Elliot's fingers. "i... the doctor said, it was the best way. So, i had been taking blood for you. i guess i had been pushing it too far... i swear i tried to keep myself healthy throughout the time, I ate a lot and i slept whenever i can." He was quick to add the promise.

"These.. these are nothing compared to you. You said you woudln't allow it, but the doctor said.. the doctor said..." Alex's voice broke recalling the doctor's words. "The doctor said if i don't draw blood for you, not only the babies' immune system would be affected, even your health would be affected... i cannot allow fro that. Not when I have the solution!" he said, trying desperately for Elliot to understand. "and at the time you're so weak... i begged the doctor not to tell you. it would only make you so guilty and ... i don't want you to feel like you are harming me, because you are not Elliot. If you don't take my blood, that would be hurting me." He continued to explain, pulling over his hand to press a kiss at the back of it. "so please forgive me?" he begged.

Alex tried to raise his hand up to cup Elliot's face, wiping away his tears, but he immediately gasped at the pain shooting through his arm. He looked at it and found his elbow wrapped up, and on his arm was a large bandage. There was litlte pulling sensations underneath it and he guessed he had a few stitches there. "oh god... what did i do to myself. I'm so sorry Elliot, i ddin't mean to scare you like that. I just got a little dizzy... this is all good. I will be fine very sooon." he was rather annoyed at the tangle of tubes connected to him, trying to tidy them up so they wouldn't be botheringw ith his movements too much.

Elliot eyes widened hearing the truth. Alex was busy playing with his fingers, but he just sat there limp. He thought his mate was sick or injured, not this. Alex drawing blood for him? All this time he thought he was recovering without causing Alex pain, he was wrong. He recalled the times when had laughed with Alex. How could he have not known. Elliot broke in tears listening to Alex. He suffered so much just for him and the babies. What kind of a mate is he to not notice his love was suffering?

"I... It would be nice to at least inform me, Alex. I would have consented later on, especially if I knew the consequence it would give to my and the babies' health." Elliot won't lie. The same feeling of betrayal from then was felt now. He knew Alex meant good but... "I thought there weren't anymore secrets, Alex. And most importantly you let yourself be hurt when I don't want you to." 

Alex looked like a guilty puppy. Elliot knew Alex was just looking out for him and so he should understand. He sighed, rubbing his belly to remove all negative feelings aside. "Alright, I forgive you because I trust you that you've only done what's best for us. But after this, please promise me that no more risky moves like this, love. If it can't be helped, talk to me. We're mates, we should talk about things like these. You know I can't bear to have you in pain. I could have supported you like a proper omega through those trying times, cook food for you and have you sleep beside me. Now you make me feel guilty." Elliot chuckled lightly through tears. Trying to lighten the mood. 

"I'm just so thankful that you're better now." Maybe he spoke to soon when he heard Alex hiss at pain while reaching for his face. "Alex! Are you not better at all? Should I call a doctor? Oh, you should lie down. I'll move out of bed to give you more room. Ah, let me help with those tubes." Elliot really knew nothing about medical stuff and it was funny seeing him scramble to 'help' his mate whilst supporting a very heavy looking belly.

"it's not supposed to be risky..." Alex shifted. "i guess it's just me being too weak... i shoudl exercise more i guess. Once we're out of here, I have to resume hitting the gym and jogging in the morning." he said determinedly. he couldn't let his omega down, he would not faint in front of Elliot ever again. "oh and please don't cook for me! Elliot, you're on bed rest." Alex reminded him, looking dead serious. "even if you knew... all you need to do is keep yourself healthy and safe. that would have me feel a lot better." he swiped away his tears with his thumb. "thanks for always being so understanding and forgiving... I am a nasty alpha, isn't it? i am constnatly making you cry... so sorry Elliot. Promise, from now on everythnig will be shared. I had to remember we are going to be married soon." he smiled to him softly.

"no no.. shhh love. I'm alright. I just, hmm, pulled on the needle. yep i'm fine. no don't go! i begged the doctor to have us on one bed... please stay. And no Elliot! don't..." it was a myriad of voices. Both of them were talking at the same time, both of them wanting to take care of each other. Elliot was leaning over Alex when he tried to sort out the tubes, and Alex was busy holding his triplet-filled belly so he wouldn't strain his back too much. they were in such an awwakrd position when the doctor came in, she looked at the couple with her brow raised.

"Pray tell me... what are you two trying to do?" she asked with amusement filling her voice. "And Elliot - do remember you're pregnant. If you're contemplating using this bed for.. private uses..." she said, going deliberately slow with her choice of words, glancing at how it looked like ELliot wanted to ride Alex. "... you should be reminded that you are still on bed rest. that means no physical activites - sexual ones included - until i give you the greenlight." she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

The effect was immediate. Both of them were blushing so hard. Alex helped Elliot move back to settle on the bed and the alpha cleaerd his voice. "oh no doctor... Elliot's just trying to sort out the mess of wires and tubes for me. Hmm, i'm fine. Do you want to check on Elliot? is he alright?"

"You're not weak, love. You are who you are and your perfect like that. Don't push yourself too much on this, so please don't exert yourself as soon as you recover. And of course I worry! You are also my concern, Alex. You also need my care, though right now these three are taking most of it I still worry for you. It's not your fault if I cry or get stressed. It's on my own doing so I'm responsible for it. I can't tell you enough how great of an alpha you are!" Elliot caught Alex's lips with a pull, like a declaration of how much he feels for the alpha. They broke in teary smiles and all well until the tubes got in the way.

Elliot wasn't letting Alex stop him from helping. He was very persistent despite not knowing what to do, which leads them to their weird position. It didn't help that his body had moved up and down while reaching for the tubes and fighting against Alex. "Alex! Just let me. I promise it won't hurt." Wrong context, which he only realized when the doctor came and commenting on their 'situation'.

Heat rose up on his cheeks, embarrassed upon realizing what he looked like trying to do. He had let Alex guide him to sit and after, he tried hiding his face on Alex's shoulders. "I-I was not... uhm... trying to help. But not sexually! Ahh.. I mean" Elliot was a stuttering mess as he tried to explain. Only to fail and depend on his mate again to save him from embarrassment. "I'm sorry! I promise we won't do 't-those' again without your signal, doc."

The doctor just chuckled, actually knowing the true situation. These two can really be a handful at times with how much they love one another. "Yes. But let me fix those tubes for you first." After that was done, she moved to Elliot to check on him next. 

The doctor measured Elliot's belly, humming a pleased tune seeing that her patient had grown a healthy additional 5 inches since being admitted. The heart beats of the baby came next and again she was happy to hear them strong again. Then there was the last test. "This may hurt." She warned before putting pressure on different parts of the belly. Elliot whimpered, closing his eyes and tightly gripping on Alex's hands. "Okay, pain is good. It means the uterus is still sensitive and wary of the placentas. If we had a numb one it could mean a weak hold for the babies." Elliot sighed. He was rubbing his belly trying to soothe the previous pressures.

"So good news. Elliot is good to go home, same for you Alex. You only need another day here and you're good to go. But for the sake of my sanity, please take it easy. The both of you. You don't know how hard it was to keep you healthy when both of you keep worrying and getting sick because of your mate. "

(hey.. sorry for the delay xD had a hectic friday and then today i just headed out)

It's rather adoring to see his mate stuttering and blushing so much at the doctor's suggesting words, and he rubbed his back soothingly while providing the doctor with the explanaiton, although his own blush was also prominent. While he watched the doctor check on Elliot, he was also intently following the doctor's facial expression, his body relaxing bit by bit when all that he saw was positive.

He held Elliot's hand tight whhe the doctor started pressin gon his belly. to hear his mate wince in pain was something that made nervous again. they both let out a relieved sigh when the doctor announced them both fit to leave the hospital. Alex didn't like laying there in bed, feeling helpless and uncomfortable.

"Thanks so much doctor... we're heading home now Elliot." he smiled looking at his mate. "i'm so happy... oh, but be prepraed my mom could be there welcoming us. She was getting rather nervous at the situation." he told his mate, his mother was so anxious and she almost rushed to the hospitla to check on Elliot, but Alex asked her not to and insisted they would tell her when they're ready to leave. "She would probably come to give us a lift back home.. i'm sorry mate. Now you will be exposed to her overwhelming attention and care." he pressed a fond kiss on Ellliot while the doctor scribbled away on the board, giving her consent in discharging the couple the next day.

(It's fine. We all have our busy days. I'm just thankful to see you made effort to still reply despite being so busy and probably tired.  Blush )

Elliot was still getting out of his high from the pain, hand still holding Alex's in a tight hold. Hearing the good news from the doctor finally got him smiling again. He shared a happy smile with Alex when his alpha looked at him, looking adorable with a hand still rubbing his triplet filled belly. "I'm excited, love. It feels like forever since I've been at home and the babies are getting restless with this long hospital stay. Best part is I'll be home with you."

Alex warned him of his mother that made Elliot chuckle. The madame sounded wonderful as her son described her. A worry wart mother and grandmother-to-be, just perfect for them and the babies. "Your mother has all right to be worried, Alex. I won't stop her and face all she has to offer like a man. I'm sure we'll be fine, right?" Or maybe not? Elliot doesn't know the madame well after all so what if she went on reprimanding him for letting himself go during pregnancy, then adding his son's injured state. He gulped. Hopefully that won't happen and the madame is as good as he thought her to be.

"It would be kind of her to pick us up since I don't fit in the driver's seat anymore and you're injured on both arms. And as I said bring it on. I'm sure I can handle your mom so don't be sorry, love." Alex was too cute sometimes over worrying about him and the babies. A well respected CEO that worries too much and would do anything for him who is a mere marketing supervisor. Just how lucky was he.

The doctor sighed, knowing she was probably forgotten again. "Elliot, you're showing that dreamy look again that tells me you're about to kiss. I'm gonna go and submit this report now before you go kissing again so please excuse me." And Elliot broke into mumbles again, blush on his face as the doctor was right and she caught him.

Alex couldnt hide the smirk when he heard the insightful words from the doctor. "Thanks doc... and yea, we gotta have some.loveydovey moments. You mentioned it would be good and settling for the babies as well right? So rest asssured. We would only be kissing, nothing else." He winked cheekily at the doctor who rolled her eyes while leaving the couple.

Alex lookrd at Elliot and chuckled. "Alright sweetie... the doctor's gone. Now you can complete the follow up after that dreamy face of yours..." the alpha tilted up the omega's face. Elliot had been stubbornly looking down, his cheeks still and blushed, he looked likr a tomato.

Since Elliot still seemef to be too embarrassed to take the move, Alex bend down to press a very sweet kiss on his beloved omega. He conveyed all the feelinsg he had to the omega, pouring his heart into the kiss. He could feel Elliot melting onto his chest, so he hugged him tighter to let him know he welcomed it so much.

By the end of the kiss, Elliot was blushing for a different reason. He lookrd fazed, almost innocently confused at Alex, still disoriented bythe passionate kiss, and the alpha couldnt help but to kiss him again.

Elliot wanted to hit Alex for riding on the scheme their doctor was playing against him. Though it wasn't that of a surprise since he knew his love just loves to make him blush. He felt betrayed and embarrased by Alex but he couldn't stay angry for long, not when he can get the kiss that he really did want. "Alex... mmhh..." Oh when was the last time they shared a kiss so heated as this? He scooted closer to Alex, pressing the kiss to go deeper and letting himself melt against the alpha's chest. Almost, Elliot was almost aroused.

When they broke apart, Elliot was at daze, not really sure how to react, what really just happened? He was still blushing but was it because he felt embarrassed, or because he felt being turned on? His question was answered by the follow up kiss. It was the latter. 

They were getting into it now, but then Elliot frowned still mid kiss and broke them apart. His hands was on his belly as if feeling the babies, and then he was chuckling. "I forgot to eat anything since you collapsed and now the babies are hungry. Let's eat first? They won't calm down until we feed them, hon." Elliot found it funny how Alex looked disappointed with the interruption.

It was the next day and the couple was busy preparing to go home. The doctor let them share the same room for their final night at the hospital. On the insistence of Alex, he remained on bed as his mate, now back in full health and no more tubes, had nurses help him prepare. Finally it was time to leave. They got call from Alex's mother that she'd be arriving soon. Elliot decided it was time to change clothes so he got up and out of bed. He was barely standing when he took a step and staggered. Good thing Alex and the doctor were quick to catch him. His eyes widened when it happened. What happened to him? 

"It's fine. You're just not used to it because you've been on bed rest for so long, plus your weight changed with the additional growth. It may take time getting use to again so Alex guide and keep him steady until then." 

"What.....?" Alex pouted, looking again at Elliot's swollen lips and let go of him with great lament. "yea... it's more important to feed the babies." he took a deep breath and huffed it out, trying to manage his own desire.

Taking the bag Alex spared a hand out to hold his pregnant fiance while he sat up to slip off the bed. he thanked for the nurse for the assistance and wasn't htinking too much, assuming Elliot would find his balance after some small wobbles. But no, Elliot just surged forward and almost slipped when he took the first step. I twas really lucky the doctor was also there to help hold Elliot.

He looked at the doctor with question in his eyes as well. He took elliot firmer into his arms, nodding seriously at the doctor. Looking down, his eyes widened slightly seeing how much Elliot had grown over the week they had spent in the hospital... that looked like the babies were a month older. "i guess the babies really liked what they were eating here...." he smiled lightly at Elliot, who seemed still thrown off of his balance with the increased weight in front of him. He looked so cute holding his belly with both of his hands, looking almost scared to take another step on his own.

Alex pulled up the bag slightly, so now both of his hands were free to hold Elliot. The next step was a bit more steady, but Alex wasn't going to take any risk and maintained a firm grip on his waist.

it wasn't that far to reach the driveway, but Alex could see already his mother outside waiting. He was careful not to alert Elliot of that, holding his waist - and his hand that was origianlly supporting his elbow now went on to hold his back that was arching forward a lot.

As expected, Alex's mother had hopped off the car to come greet them. As soon as the glass door opened automatically, they were not only greeted by the midday sun, they were also greeted with the Madame with her bright smile. "look at that... Alex! you had really been doing such a bad job taking care of your mate!" She said rather grumpily, punching lightly on Alex's arm... Alex had to hide the pained wince. No point of letting his mother know he was injured on the arm, neither did she need to know about hte blood taking.


The urge to hit Alex came back again with his comment. "At least we are getting our appetite back! Stop making me look like a pig and just be happy." Elliot pouted but was easily swayed to a good mood again with Alex's smile. The good news is that he'll somehow get used to the new center of gravity and walk (waddle) normal again. He was frowning and holding his belly uncertain of the situation. Alex looked surprised too. The doctor smiled. "I'll have you know that your triplets are on the right growth. They're making up to what they lost when mommy was sick. Remember, you are expecting big babies." Elliot became red; he really didn't need to be reminded of that female term again.

Alex continued to securely hold him as they went out, and he was more than grateful, seeing his steps are still wobbly and fear still gripped him on falling again. He'd like to concentrate both hands to support his belly but then his back became too pained and he need to support a hand there as well. He sighed, leaning to Alex's hand that was also supporting there. He was excited they could leave the hospital that day, not even the soreness of a pained back and wobbly steps can kill that joy. "Freedom at last, right hon?"

Elliot was happy to see the Madame, he just didn't expect her to be this hyper. He gave a curt nod in greeting, still feeling awkward with Alex's mother. "Good morning, ma'am." His shy demeanor grew into worry when the lady hit his love on the arms. Knowing that they'd still hurt, Elliot intervened. "Please don't, ma'am. Alex had been taking care of me fine! It was not his fault!" It was weak with how much he respected the lady but it worked and now he had the Madame hugging and fawning over him instead. He was happy with the warm acceptance but the she was moving him too much and he feared he'll lose grip on Alex. "Uh, love? Help please." It was a whisper which he was thankful his alpha still heard. The mother did finally caught on and released him in worried apologies. Elliot smiled. "It's nothing, ma'am. Just wobbly with my footing because I've been on bed rest for so long." He caught on the look she gave to her son. "Ah, Alex did nothing wrong. In fact he had been supportive all the time. It was on my own carelessness so please don't be angry at him. I'm sorry."

It always made Alex smile seeing his little lover blush. His once maanger, a small guy who could hold responsibilities still had such an adorable heart within. Alex added a small whisper to Elliot as they waddled down the corridor. "Mommy is happy out of bed, aren't you?" he chuckle lightly, too happy to see the tip of Elliot's ears heating up.

Alex was able to hide the moan. He knew his mother would worry over him if he let her know he was injured as well. "shh, nope ELliot. i deserve it, i should be caring but i didn't. let my mother scold me... or she would forever hold a grudge over me!" he said in exaggeration, hiding behind Elliot to dodge his mother's deathly glare. Alex chuckled at how that transferred his mother's attention to his mate, the lady asked a continuously string of questions on Elliot's wellbeing, leaving no time at all for him to respond. His mother was so naturally holding Elliot by his arm, that Alex was beginning to frown as well. "Mom! don't drag him away... Elliot better stay close to me. doctor's orders." he quickly added so that his mother couldn't say no to that. He held Elliot by his waist and pressed the omega closer to himself, in fact a little surprised that his mother apologized.

Alex tried to give his mother a puppy look. He squeezed Elliot's hands at how his lover explained the situation for him. He wished so much to give his omega a loving kiss, but he had to suppress the urge since his mother was there. "Alright, we should get back now... even though you were off bed rest, the dcotor also said you should not be on your feet for too long. mom? are we ready to go?"

To Alex's surprise, his mother had chosen to drive herself. He shifted uneasily and helped Elliot on the car. "hmm, err, what happened to the cheffeur?" he asked, whispering to Elliot. "this ride could be a little fast and bumpy... if you need, take a short nap..." he said. His mother's driving skills were... rather 'exciting', so he was nervous on how Elliot would handle it. "And PLEASE, we need to return to OUR home. that's the best and most relaxed for Elliot." he added sternly, afriad that his mother would just drive them all the way back to his parent's home. 

"I-I'm a daddy, not a mommy! You and the doctor do good in ganging up on me." Elliot was red in the face, though Alex didn't have to see that, focusing his gaze and head forward the hospital doors.

Elliot was more than happy to finally get off his swelling feet and rest in the car with Alex by his side. He went in slowly and gave a relieved sigh when he was seated and comfortable again. Alex was sitting beside him and so he he leaned, preparing to take a nap. Though his eyebrow rose with Alex's warning. Is the Madame's driving skills that bad? "I'm sure we'll be fine, love. And a nap sounds good (yawn)" 

He was near dozing off while mother and son argued on their destination. Maybe he'd just close eyes... Elliot eyes shot open to when the car suddenly sped and making sharp turns. He held on to Alex and his belly for dear life, his body tense and shaking. "Alex!... T-this is too fast." Elliot's face expressed fear. He snuggled closer to his alpha, gripping on his chest tightly. The pregnant Omega wasn't expecting this. The Madame is the worst and they can really die with her as driver. No kidding. 

They were currently cutting traffic by driving on sidewalks that made the ride bumpy. Not good, it was jostling his stomach so much that not only are the babies getting upset but he was feeling nauseous. Oh goodness he's gonna be sick. "Love... C-can we stop?" He continued his tight hold on Alex, but more to that he was rubbing his belly and taking in deep worried breaths. Just then the madame made a hard stop. He braced his belly, expecting himself to lunge forward and hit the front seats harshly. "Alex!" 

Alex was keeping a close eye on Elliot as his mother drove off the parking lot. He knew better than to fall asleep himself, or else his mate wouldn't be able to stay on the seat even with seatbelts on. He made sure the seatbelt wasn't tugging too close and tight around Elliot's vulnerable bellly now, and braced himself for the "roller coaster" about to hit them.

"Shhh as fast as we are... my mother is in fact very 'good' at this.... shh Elliot, don't look. " Alex was busy comforting his mate when the speeding began. "Err mother..." he started, about to tell his mom to slow down when she took a sharp turn and chuckled at her son. "Hmm what is it Alex?" she glanced in the rear mirror and Alex's voice seemed to have distracted her enough, she was jerking away from a neighboring car since she had let the car lean towards it too much.

"errr, could you...woah!" Alex exclaimed when the car started jerking, bumping on the sidewalks. Alex could only clutch Elliot tight and hold him close to himself. "shhh deep breathes..."

"Elliot, you want us to stop?" his mother heard that and skidded the car to a stop, which had the young couple at the backseat surging forward. "Elliot!" Alex yelled pulling his pregnant mate back, holding him at just the right time to prevent him from hitting the front seat - and risked having the seatbelt biting into his delicate belly. "phew.... Mom!" Alex would have tolerated his mother's style of driving, but this was too much. "Elliot's pregnnat and it woudln't do to drive that fast! I will take the wheel." he said unbuckling his seatbelt, wanting to take over - even though that would mean he had to leave Elliot's side for awhile. 

Elliot didn't realize he had closed his eyes. When the expected hit didn't come, he confusedly opened his eyes, shakily sighing in relief when he saw Alex holding him tight and protecting his belly. He had winced a little with how the seatbelt bit a little, but otherwise they were fine. Thank goodness for that. "Thank you, love. That really scared me." But then he was reminded on why he needed to stop. He opened the door next to him and leaned in to vomit.

When he was done, Elliot heard Alex talking about taking the wheel. He'd like that as they'll have a smoother ride... but right now he'd rather be just by his alpha's side. He whimpered when Alex left for the driver's seat and his place was replaced by his mother. The madame was trying to comfort him but it just didn't feel the same. He can't complain though, he didn't want to be rude.

"Take us home, love" Elliot can't wait to snuggle in the arms of Alex again. He tried to sleep, successful in dozing off on the madame's shoulder (as she insisted) but not completely there to sleep entirely. At least their ride was going smoother and more comfortable for him in his state. "How much longer till we're home, Alex? (Yawn)" He had accepted sleeping was a lost cause for him until he had Alex again. His body was tired, and eyes felt heavy. Elliot really want to have his sleep soon, and his mate.

at first Alex's mother wasn't willing to swithc. She was too confident in her driving skills - then Elliot vomitted. Alex was beyond worried and he rubbed Elliot's back, calming Elliot from the gags that followed. "Any water you got on the car, mom?" he asked, and made sure elliot had at least rinsed his mouth and was regaining a bit color on his cheeks before getting in the driver's seat.

lAlex almost regretted his decision hearing Elliot's whimper, but he had to - for the sake of both of them. He started the car but kept looking at the rear mirror, wathcing over the omega in his own way. He was rather disturbed to find Elliot unable to fall asleep no matter how he shifted against his mother, and he chewed his lower lip in the discomfort of leaving his omega's side.

"very soon my love. Just right around the corner." Alex had kept the speed slow to not agitate Elliot any further, but as they cruised into the final straight road, he went a little faster so he could be with his mate. "alright, I'll stop it here. Mom?" he said, stopping in front of the building they lived in, and didn't park the car in the garage. "i think we need to rest for a few more days before we could take you in as a guest. Sorry about that, and thanks so much for the... hmm, lift." Alex almost hesitated in expressing his thanks."next time... perhaps it would be nicer if you could come with a driver...." he couldn't help but suggest that. He couldn't see Elliot vomitting again - not after he knew how he had been suffering from it for so long while he was busy.

Alex went to pick up Elliot from his seat. The little omega was drained by the ride and Alex scooped him up like a small child, holding him - and his belly - close. "We're home Elliot..." he pressed a kiss on his temple.

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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