C Flatmates turned.... (w/ hockeypreg2)

Parker's heart beat a little faster upon hearing how much Geno was enjoying this. This man suited pregnancy a lot, he was probably the hottest pregnant man Parker bad ever seen - and that was something considering how much he'd seen over the years. "I-i'll of course welcome it!" He said right away, soon wilting a little noticing he might have acted a little too exctied. "I'll be there for you." He attempted to tone it down a little but still he sounded drather enthusiastic for a completely irrelevant roommate.

"O-ok... in fact, how long has it been since your last one? How long is it safe for you to c-conceive again?" Parkee stuttered out, his eyes adamantly fixed on the salad he had in front.

"You need to wait six months in between," Geno said, reaching a foot out to knock against Parker's leg lightly. "I waited a year this last time because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to do it again. It will be easier to say yes knowing I've got some help. The first couple months can be a little rough, morning sickness and all."

He put his spoon down, having eaten all he could right now. "That's all I can handle right now. It was good though. Thanks for getting it." He rested a hand on his belly. "How did your meetings go?"

"you should take it at your own pace. I guess your body does need a little time to recover..." Parker said hoping he wouldn't sound pushy. this was really exciting, but Geno probably need taht rest. He gasped at Geno's probing foot - and somehow his body thought it was a good idea to catch the swollen ankle to put it on his knees to start rubbing.

It was rather strange but it felt natural. "yea it went well... went on for too long, but at least my part's alright." he said rubbing into Geno's ankles. The swelling was evident of how much time Geno had spetn on his feet today. "you might want to put your legs up at night..." he suggested quietly. "leave the rest for me. or would you want to keep some in case you'd feel hungry later tonight?" he asked. most dishes were nearly finish, but some got half left.

He could feel Geno's foot shifting and he let him go. "you wanna head over to the living room? i could continue with this once i've thrown away teh rubbish."

"It's better to try and get back into shape before doing it again," Geno said, sighing happily as Parker rubbed his ankle. "I bounced back.pretty quickly last time but I'm much bigger this time."

Geno couldn't help the little groan of disappointment when Parker let go of his foot. He really wanted that to continue. "Help me up first?" He scooted his chair back and Parker hefted him to his feet, Geno's belly bumping into him. "I'll meet you on the couch."

He waddled that way, taking it slowly so Parker could get an eyeful.

Parker swallowed hard hearing Geno telling him he was bigger this time. Every day he wished he was going bigger, so actually made him feel a little guilty as if he had a role in.this. but to fantasize so much over Geno's size was a cruel thing to do either way...

Parker nodded happily and yanked Geno up from the chair. He smiled to himself at rhe disappointed groan, finally feeling.like he had the upper hand in something. He kind of had a feeling Geno was always looking at him with an amused smile, and he had his suspicions that his secret was out - he was spendng a lot of time staring at the pregnant man as a matter of fact - but he was still pretending that wasnt the case.

As Geno expexted, Parker could hardly drag his gaze away from Geno. The waddling.bottom and the belly that had started bulging out from the sides was as seductiev as it could possibly go. He bit his.lips and in the end watched all the way until Geno sat himself.on the couch, with marked difficulty... before he very quickly got rid of the boxes.

He came back to Geno seeing he had his legs propped up. Taking a seat beside him, he.pulled his leg towards him. "You want that lotion or not?" He said trying not to look too much between Geno's legs for they now spread pretty wide.

Geno nodded towards the coffee table where the lotion was sitting next to his ever present bottle of water. "I already put it out here. I was kind of hoping for either a foot rub or a belly rub tonight. All the practice contractions and walking because of them have left me so sore."

He looked at Parker a little innocently, hoping that the other man wouldn't notice the way he worked his foot forward in his lap until his toes made contact with his cock. He snuggled into the pillows, smiling at him as he flexed his toes against it. "So do you not like wearing your contacts? You have really pretty eyes. It's a shame to hide them behind those glasses all the time."

Parker gave Geno a knowing smile before he gasped at the toes. "Err.... you." He groaned and shifted a little, attempting to bring himseld a slight bit away from the VERY DIRECT stimulation. He tried to dismiss it as an unintentional touch on his cock. He bit his.lips trying to swallow that groan when the feet agaon came very close to his crotch.

"Y-you..." he in the end just lifted rhe feet up to wrap it in his hands so he could start the rub. Glancinf at the counter, he grabbed the tube and got the lotion for the calf. "You dont like th3 glasses?" He smiled. "Well my eyes go dry when i put them on... and anyway ai spend most of my time at home. Hmm, well if you like them off...." he said, raising his voice a little like that was a question. Like therr was something morr to it if he said yes.

The rub started, rhis time covering also his swollen ankle, running knuckles along his achilles tendon up his calves. "Perjaps you'd get BOTH a belly rub and foot rub tonight..."

"I do but I bet we could also find you better glasses that show off how handsome you are," Geno said, feeling unbearably smug that Parker had to actually move his foot because he was pressing his toes against his cock. He shifted a little as Parker began to rub, his own cock thickening up and causing his boxers to tent between his spread legs.

"That feels so nice," Geno said with a happy moan. "What do I have to do to get the foot and belly rub? I promise I'll be good."

"You sure you are gonna ask that?" Parker smirked. That was really tempting... but he didnt dare askingfor anything really. He retreated once he realised what he was saying..." you dont have to do anythinf really..." he said sheepishly. If he really was offered the chance, even Parjer himself was rather nervous he would let the devil.out...

"I dont ecen know what I can ask of you...." really, he coulsnt asked Geno sharing any chores. And most of all, Geno.just being there was enough of a bonus for him.

Geno sighed and gave Parker a frustrated look. "You can tell me what you want. I'm not blind, Parker. I see how you watch me. I feel this - " he pressed his toes against Parker's cock again. "Do you really thing I let just anyone touch me like this? See me like this?"

Parker released his hands slowly and took his hands off of Geno. "I dont.know... what do I know? All i know is I got this ugly fetish..." he said, his voice falling. "All my life I didnt know what to d9 with it... I almost sympathize with those nasty paedeohpile coz I really understood how it was to not be able yo control yourself. You knew that's wrong to fantasize over pregnant guys... but you just did. There was no controlling of my hard on whenever i was with you, or with any pregnant guy around. That's disgusting right?" He snorted, laughing at himself.

"And I guess that's it. You saw that...and I dont know what you are doing now. Taunting me for that?" He said raising his face up, his eyes reddened. "I'm sorry you're stuck with me...." he said lowering his head again.

Geno made a face. He pointed at his belly. "Liking this is nothing like being into kids so stop that right there. And I'm not taunting you. I'm trying to get you to tell me what you want. If you want to just keep rubbing my belly and going to jerk off alone, that's fine. But if you want more, tell me. I *like* you. I want more."

"B-but how could you *like* me?" Parker shoot up his head looking shocked. "I... I fantasize over your pregnant form! I... and I'm ashamed but i am going to admit rhat's... I cant even tell for sure if I only help you out BECAUSE of the belly, or only because I like seeing you and getting close to you. I have my secret agneda... and you still are fine with that?!" Parker said incredulously. He didnt trust himself, so why could Geno do that?

"A-and you're sure that's ok? Like, even when you know I sexualize your bump, you still didnt mind me touching you?" He stressed sounding like he want to convince Geno of pushing him away. He placed his hand on Geno's big bump,.close to his pelvis, just to prove his point. "It's gotta give you goosebumps right... i am as freaky as that..."

Geno crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at him. "Maybe I like feeling attractive when I look like this. Maybe I like knowing at least one person looks at me and is actually turned on even if it is because he's got a fetish." He pushed Parker away, angry now. "You're nice and you're funny and we have fun conversations but apparently you don't think of those things as meaning anything. You just assume that all I see is your fetish because ..."

Geno managed to push himself up off the couch. "That's all you see when you look at me. And I've been stupid to think you actually looked at me at all. I am just a belly to you."

He turned and headed to his room as quickly as he could go, slamming his door behind him.

Parker was staggered but he felt like he couldnt argue on that. Even himself was confused. In a way that was similar, Geno said he wanted to feel attractive even as pregnant as he was, and Parker was the same in the way he wanted to see Geno. They were 2 incomplete souls that were desperate to find their missing piece - Parker was just not sure how much of his feelings for Geno was for him as a person, or like Geno said, for him as a belly. He didnt want to rush into things and make it unfair for Geno. He was too scared he would sabotage whatever it was that was developing between them. But right now, it seemed like he had hurt Geno either way...

Starting from that day Parker almost resumed his behavior before. He would lock.himself up in his room for most of the time, only sneaking out to make meals. He was still stealing peeks from Geno, but he could only dream about touching him.now. after some time, Parker realised he missed Geno's bump - but not as much as he missed the fun chitchats they had and just in general, he missed Geno as a person.

Geno was miserable. He spent most of his time in his bedroom, working from there. He went out to get food which Parker still made, but he made sure to cover up, hiding as much as he could. Instead of enjoying the last few weeks of his pregnancy, he just wanted it to be over. Even his doctor commented on how down he seemed when he went for his appointments but he just said he was tired.

It was stupid to try and get someone to like him through his pregnancy. After the lease was up, he would find a new place and just move on. It would be better that way.

Sometimes Parker would come out from his hidings and glance around hoping Geno was there, but looked like the pregnant man wasnt liking seeint him as well. They always missed each other - but not today when he returned from his jog. He was sweaty and his glasses were off since they always slipped down his nose.

Geno was fully dressed , looking like he was heading out. "Are you going.out?" Parkee said. Geno wasnt in too good a condition. There were bags under his eyes and he looked pretty tired. Then he looked like he would topple over so Parker grabbed his elbow. "Where are you going? I thought you had your appointment last week." He prompted, exposing how well he knew of Geno's schedule despite going into hiding.

"I have another one. At the end they're weekly," Geno said, yawning. He tried not to look at Parker as he tugged his arm away. "Excuse me."

He moved to get passed him and he tripped and started to fall, grabbing onto Parker who grabbed him around the waist to keep him from hitting the floor. Geno's heart pounded and he felt so tired and wound tight that he felt himself started to tear up at almost falling. He just wanted this to be over.

Parker could only let Geno go when he removed his elbow. He knew he was the one pushing Geno away in the first place so there was no reason for him to do otherwise now. Then the trip came and he wound his arm around Geno. He had put on more weight it seemed, now his waistline was non-existent, feeling almost squishy.... but in a good way.

Parker greedily clutched onto the moment... only to spot Geno's eyes going red. He started panicking and cupped also his belly. "Shoot does anywhere hurt? Did you twist your ankle?" He asked lifting Geno up bridal style, xareful of giving his belly space carryning him over to the couch, disregarded his own sweaty state.

Geno covered his face with his hands and tried to get himself under control. He didn't want to cry in front Parker. He took a few deep breaths and wiped his face. "I'm fine. I'm not hurt. I'm just tired and my balance is bad."

He tried to push himself to his feet and a contraction started, sharp pain catching him by surprise and causing him to whimper and tense up, collapsing back on the couch. Oh that was not a practice contraction.

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