Office MATES

(For someone who had been late too often to reply, I have no complaints :D . Hahaha, thought so it have been too much. I'll have it fixed to make Elliot's condition not too serious and definitely playing along with the abuse case you planned! I'm sorry if I ruined any plans you had for the hotel suite Blush . Hahaha, I'm up for things getting out of hand. I'm having a lot of fun :D but in case I get too excited, just say so and I'll hold back.)

(P.S. Elliot's 7.5 months now, 30 weeks. Also this will be on the paramedics' pov)

The Paramedics were mostly putting up a front for the alpha. It's not that they were not serious with their patient; they have been hands on since given with information of pregnant and water breaking on their patient. They've done all protocol as required. They weren't just expecting the omega to be so panicky and scared with their approach. They ignored it for anxiousness for the impending birth at first, but then they heard the answer of the alpha mate. The two shared looks, nodding to each other, then sneaked a glance to the worried man holding their patient. 

When Elliot fell unconscious, the head paramedic immediately moved. "Don't let him near the patient." She whispered. They were now being cautious of the man without being too obvious. Low blood pressure, high stress levels... these were only increasing to their suspicion of an abuse case. They were just so sure it was triggered by a traumatic event of abuse. And when the baby bump was exposed, they both shared a gasp. The whole belly, especially the lower part, was mostly blue in bruises. Their blood almost boiled. "Look if there are more on other parts of the body." The subordinate did and he didn't fail to discover some fresh ones on the patient's arms and wrists. If only Elliot was awake, he could've have explained that all his condition was caused by what he's carrying. Three big babies will surely put any carrier into low blood pressure and stress. Plus their kicks are not expected to be light. They kick too hard and that's why bruising is inevitable. For the ones on his arms, let's just say doing Lamaze on your own can get you tumbling about and it took Elliot all muscle on his arms to protect his belly whenever he lost balance.

But the paramedics didn't know that. They just know that he's carrying triplets. 

One began checking dilation while the other was keeping eye on monitors. The one checking took a while, before silently getting up to whisper something to his superior. "He's not dilating ma'am. He's not in labor at all." The woman was confused. "But he was clearly in pain when he was brought in here and his alpha was so sure." And so different assumptions took over their mind, all deeming Alex as a bad guy. "What if, he didn't want the babies. He purposely tried inducing the births knowing there'll be slim chance of survival for the omega and pups, no one will know that it was because of him and he'll be let off not guilty."

She looked at the seemingly very worried Alex fussing over to keep an eye on Elliot, trying hard to keep her anger in check "This means that the patient is in clear. We'll be having problems if he's like this and really in labor. He's in no danger, now. But don't let his mate know just yet. We don't know if he'll react negatively to the good news. Keep up the act and say nothing to him." While the other did this, she got her cell and dialed for police. "Sir, I think we may have an abuse case at our hands. We're not sure yet but we would like for you to investigate. We're en route to XX hospital. Thank you."

Alex had no clue what was going on. Elliot's stretcher was immediately lead to a room, and when he did try to follow, police guards will block him though not saying anything until their chief arrives.

(not sure if i'm going the right direction so just please say if I got it wrong. Blush )

(haha rest assured there's nothing as "wrong" in rps! haha admittedly this wouldn't be the direction i'd bring them to myself, but nonetheless this is the thrill of rps right? you could maybe drop hints here and there, but you'd never know what your artner would dish out to you xD i think it' still very alright~ ohh, just one bit: i had them sedating the alpha because Alex would have acted violently if he sensed someone's trying to separate him from his mate!

... and perhaps he would have also reacted a little when that paramedic check his mate's dilation. He knew that's procedure but still....xD)

Alex was sedated with the tranquillizer before his mate was checked... but soon enough the tall man recovered from the effect of the medicine, just in time for them to be transferred from the ambulance to the hospital. He blinked several times, not knowing what was going on and he couldn't see his mate. Immediately Alex started to panic when the male paramedic attempted to hide the omega away from him.

"wait! what are you doing?! i am trying to get to my omega and I'm telling you, stop getting in the way!" Alex tried looking over the paramedic that was smaller than him as they rushed Elliot on the stretcher into the hospital. "WAIT! i'm his fiance! where are you bringing him!" he said struggling to get out of the paramedic's grip, only to have some guards rushing out ot press him onto the floor. "LET GO!!" he screamed. The alpha scent on him got so strong, a passing by omega got dizzy headed, while his accompanying alpha started growling at the competing scent surrounding them.

One of the doctors from teh inside rushed out to held up the omega. "Someone knocnk out the alpha! he's going to induce a rut in every alpha in this area!" he yelled and another doctor rushed back in to get the injection.

"LET GO!" Alex struggled and yelled again. He felt a pain on his forearm and he was again knocked unconscious.

(LOL i hope this is fine with you...?)

(alright! Let's have fun xD Your post is good! Also feel free to do whatever you want xD let's make this rp fun for the both of us :D )

The chief investigator (LOL I don't know if I got the right guy) stood at a corner, watching all the hysterics of the alpha. It was a good thing he was a beta, so he could observe all he want without affect from strong pheromones. He could see that the man was strong and quite untamed. This could possibly cause threat to his Omega if triggered. Possible to cause physical abuse.

The investigator went into Elliot's room.The pregnant patient just finished his check up and was alone, looking for his alpha. Though the investigator just saw this as the Omega being cautious of his fiance being around.

"Good day, sir. I'm here to investigate a case reported to me. Could you please answer my questions?" Elliot still confused as what was happening just nodded.

"Okay. Is it true that Alex is your mate and fiance, the father of your pups?"

"Yes, what does he have to do with..."

"Next question, how long have you been together?

"Almost a year, got engaged last month. Again what does this..." Elliot was close to getting frustrated the way he was getting cut by the investigator. Why was he asking all these things? 

"So short a time period to be together. And you're pregnant. Do you think he had chance to grow love for you, or is he with you because of the babies?

"Of course he loves me! Does it matter if it's only a short period we've been together?! Alex is..." As honest as it was, it only came to the investigator that Elliot is a hallucinating romantic brought on by too much one sided love for the other.

"If that's so, did you two had any fights? Was there a time he neglected you?" Elliot widened his eyes realizing where this was heading.

"Alex, my mate, my fiance, is not abusing me! What gave you the idea?!" The investigator was surprised. The patient sounded very sane.

"But your vitals, the bruises..." Elliot sighed, so that's what they were worrying about. He rubbed his belly, wincing at how delicate to touch it became with the bruises. "You're putting papa in trouble."

"Talk with my doctor. Where is Alex, can I see him now?" The investigator gulped. "We had him sedated since he was in to much hysteria..."

"You what!" And let's say that the investigator suffered for the false assumptions of the paramedics, by the omega's fury.

As the omega's emotions started going out of control again, all hte monitors connected to him started beeping. THe omega was still yanking on the wires attempting to get up and grab the investigator. The investigator might be an experienced detective, but right now he looked very guilty for agitating the omega when the doctor rushed in with nurses following.

"Sir! please step aside! You are going to harm the omega adn the babies if you continue standing here." The doctor said rather furiously. She wasn't happy that Ellilot was again agitated when they had already stabilized his situation just now. "what have you done?" she said and all the nursese were giving the police inspector a weird look.

"i-i... i didn't do anything!" he exclaimed, and for the first time, he realised how panicking it was for someone innocent but was arrested. He evne raised up his hands in surrender.

While they were dealing with Elliot, Alex on the other hand was handcuffed and left in a lcoked up room. He tried so hard to move his eyelids, knowing instinctively his omega needed him, but the sedative he was injected was strong and he couldn't move anything although he was still conscious of what was happenigna round him.

(hmmm LOL did we discuss on the birth plan? haha sorry i forgot.... but certainly this experience would hv Alex hating the hospital LOL)

It took them a while but the doctor and her team managed to calm and re-stabilize the outraging Omega. It left Elliot drained by the end of his episode and slumped on the bed. His eyes were pleading to the doctor. He only did want to see Alex, know if he's okay. "Please, doctor. I'll be good just please let me see my alpha."

It had been a total of five visits to the hospital for Elliot, but this was the first he didn't wake up to Alex by his side. Strangers were all over him, touching him and giving him looks. He doesn't like this. He only wants Alex's touch, only Alex seeing him weak. 

He didn't realize it but tears we're streaming down. Elliot was sobbing as the medical team continued with their work, indifferent of the patient's feelings. He felt alone without Alex there, and he could only feel much comfort from the babies within him, caressing his bump As he cried. "P-please. I need my Alex."

The investigator stood by the door watching the pitiful scene with extreme guilt. He made a mistake. There was no way a love like this can come from an abusive mate. "I'm sorry" he whispered before running out to find Alex's room.

The alpha was still very sedated, so he took this opportunity to remove the cuffs. His other fellow policemen guarding Alex tried to stop him but he waved them off. "All of you are dismissed. I'll be watching him so don't worry." When the policemen were gone, he got closer to Alex. "Tell me. How precious is your family (Elliot and triplets) to you." He knew he was talking to a sleeping man but he was too desperate to get rid of the guilt he's feeling.

(I plan to have a home birth with only Alex, Elliot and their parents/grandma helping. Maybe an unexpected birth during a family gathering where Elliot got too far along labor that he can't make it. Elliot will be traumatized to hospitals after this one too xD)

(i'm thinking only the couple would deal with it while at home. haha grandma/parents would be bossing around wouldn't she? i sort of want Alex to have more say and authority while Elliot was in pain and pushing.... but yea, we could introduce the parents... i guess xD)

Alex tried so hard to respond. His mate and their babies meant everything to him... more important than himself. He was struggling so hard every cell in his body was defying the medicine messing up with his system- which led to some serious reactions. He was starting to exhibit signs of allergy, his body temperature peaked, he started hyperventilating and he was jerking with how hard his body was working...

all those alarming signs spooked the detective and he rushed out to grab a passing by doctor. It wasn't an unexpected reaction, and the doctor quickly pushed in the antidote but it wasn't fast enough and Alex started convulsing.

when his jerks subsided, Alex fluttered his eyes open even though he was still in some poor shape. He reached out and grabbed the detective's hand tight while heaving. "T-they.... they are m-more p-precious than m-m...." he ran out of breath and struggled to pull in air. "el-liot.... hh-he..." he needed to know. The doctors were fussing over him, but his eyes were glued to the detective, needing to know how his omega was doing, still thinking he had gone into labor.

(hmm... i am thinking one of them will get to the other's side by wheelchair at some point. who do you want that to be xD)

(I'm good with the plan. So only Alex and Elliot, I like the idea of Alex taking control of the situation while Elliot becomes a mess of tears and pain xD. But can it be that he starts labor somewhere else so there'll be more urgency to birth at home? Hahaha up to you :D )

The doctor sighed. Elliot had calmed from his outrage but now the patient is extremely sad, worried and sobbing. Elliot was starting to unstabilize again as he continued to cry in pleas of seeing Alex and knowing he's okay. It was getting frustrating for her. "You're not behaving as you said". Elliot was startled and tried to stop crying but he just can't. "I-I'm sorry. P-please let me see A-Alex."

The nurse she sent to check on the alpha came back. "He's still deep in sedative ma'am." The doctor looked at the pitiful sight of Elliot, then to her team of nurses. "We have no choice. Get him on wheelchair and we'll let him see his Alex. He'll not be calm otherwise."

The setup took a while since Elliot still need the various wires connected to him, but Elliot was just thankful he'll finally see Alex. He had been behave as he was pushed into corridors and into Alex's room, idly rubbing his belly in anticipation and anxiousness. However, he got alarmed by the sight he saw inside. Alex was convulsing and trying so hard to speak to the same inspector who angered him.

"What did you do?!" Against the protest of nurses. He slowly stood from his chair to rush to Alex's side. "Shhhh... Love, it's okay. I'm here, we're here. Try to calm yourself." Elliot captured Alex's face so that the alpha can focus on him and calm down. The Omega gave a teary smile. "That's it. We're fine love just breathe. I'm sorry they did this to you."

Alex wasn't able to move his head to see Elliot's still big belly and Elliot didn't make it clear either that by here he meant the babies are still in his womb with him and not here born to the world.

(I did the wheelchair thing, is that okay?)

(great ;) hmm. what do you mean he starts labor somewhere else so there's more urgency to birth at home? you mean like he started labor while outside, or like you said in a family gathering, then rushed home...? how would that lead to more urgency to birth at home?)

"T-the... the babies..." the moment he scented his mate, Alex was re-energized slowly. He looked at his mate following the soft voice fo Elliot, but it was clear his vision was still muddled. His pupils were dilated and he was still out of breath. No one could get near enough to put him on oxygen mask yet, but that was the least of Alex's concern. he attempted to reach out to hold Elliot's hand, but failed as it dropped midway with the sedative still working in his system.

"y-you..." he tried continuing but his voice cracked. "B-babies...?" he could only mutter the broken words, eager to have answeres. then finally, a nurse forcefully interfered and put the oxygen mask over Alex. It helped him breath, but at the same time it blocked the alpha from talking any further.

Alex's eyes were glued to Elliot though. never for once he swavered. He finally maanged to grab Elliot's hand and he was clutching it tight, or as tight as he could. He squirmed towards him, risking falling out of bed just to get closer to his mate.

(lol sorry, this is a little short... i 'd wait for Elliot to tell him the babies are alright xD and yeaa, don't wrory, the wheelchair thing is perfect!)

(what I meant by that was since they're outside, it doesn't have to be a family gathering if you want, and their plan is a home birth, there'll be like rushing to get Elliot home and ready for birth. Elliot would have started contractions and will be near pushing as they make their way back home. But if you have other ideas for the birth I'm open for it Blush )

Alex looked in so much pain. It was hard putting a brave front for his alpha when he, himself, felt breaking again. Elliot leaned to press shaky kisses on Alex's forehead and cheeks, hoping that it will give his love more strength. He caught the falling hand and trapped it in his own little hands also giving it a kiss.

"The babies are fine, they're s-safe in me. Still playing soccer in mommy." He made a pronounced belly rub that would have made it obvious that he was still very round and ripe with babies. "Now you need to focus on your breathing for us, babe." But Alex wasn't doing better and he had to let a nurse intervene.

Alex had calmed now that he can breathe more freely. Elliot released a breathe he didn't knew he was holding. A nurse offered him a chair, probably knowing he'll not be leaving his mate side soon. He felt comforted that Alex will be alright, by the way Alex was being his usual clingy self again. He returned the squeeze on his hand, also inching his chair near the bed as much as his belly could allow. They were being observed by many, but Elliot only had eyes for Alex.

It was quite funny now reflecting what this day had become. From lamaze to a hotel labor panic and now this. Elliot felt scolding his fiance. "If only you could've just listened to me. I was not in labor, you fool." Elliot's tone was soft, as if not scolding. "It got me so scared and I should be angry at you, but now I'm just relieved you're okay. You don't deserve what they did to you. I'm sorry."

Alex had come near enough that Elliot was able to guide his hand to his tummy. "I don't know if you can feel, but your sons and daughters are upset their papa is unwell."

(Ahhh ok! Yea sure. That would work and I can imagine the panic when elliot was feeling rhe head right THERE already ;) we can decide where they will be just before the birth later when we are closer... and see where it fits the best to be visiting just before Elliot's giving birth)

Elliot's kisses were definitely helpful in calming the alpha. The alpha only wanted to make sure his omega was alright, then it was the pups. The belly rub confirmed rhe latter were also fine and not at risk being born so prematurely, especially seeing they are tirplets which would put their weight dangerously light if they were born right now.

Alex calmed further listning to elliot and started breathing. He had regained more awareness ont he surrounding when his mate slowly sat down, their hands still clutching tight. His eyes were still glued to Elliot's face but finally he was also aware of the huge round shape just under his chest.

Alex worked hard on getting his breathing under control.he also regained some stregnth as the antidote slowly come in effevt, and oxygen finally reaching his body. He felt strong enough finally to remove the oxygen mask himself and whispered, through a weak smile. "I…i didnt know.... y-your water broke didnt you?" He said recalling what he was seeing. "W-where did that watee come from then? And y-you were in so much pain..." his voice was feeble and the nurse forcefully put the mask back on.once he finished what he had t9 say.

The alpha broke into a huge smile when the babies' movements were felt... it was so amazing. "Oii babies... dont kick so hard. Papa will reciver very soon. And daddy? Daddy is also ok?" Stubbornly, he once again tore his mask away. The nurse gave him a stern stare and this time used more force to pull away his hand to fix back the mask.

(yeah! Okay :D . This makes me excited for the birth, though. Want to time skip to a month later soon?)

Seeing Alex trying his best and getting better was also making Elliot calm and relieved. It showed on his own monitors that the omega's blood pressure was returning to normal and that he's less stressed. Elliot beamed when Alex had come to have enough strength to properly speak to him.

Elliot was about to reply when their moment was interrupted by the nurse. He made sure to give a glare at her way before smiling again for his alpha. "The wetness on my pants was because a waiter accidentally spilled drinks on me. And I was in pain's my fault. Aside from having your rowdy kids in me, I got very stressed in the situation and caused them distress, making them cramp my stomach." Elliot rubbed on the guilty babies, chuckling as he and Alex felt three kicks as if for apology.

It didn't matter to Elliot if Alex was with an oxygen mask or not. He was satisfied enough seeing him safe and well. What bothered him though was the rudeness of the nurse as he yet again ruined another moment for them. He was smiling and chuckling, fondly rubbing his belly with Alex, as Alex scolded their triplets. "They're okay. So am I. The doctor said it's normal that I have low blood pressure from time to time due to carrying three big babies, and that this can make me often dizzy when they hit. But aside from that and the stress, we're good, papa." And then the nurse had to butt in, quite forcefully.

"You could treat him with more respect, you know. I don't want to blame but my mate's like this because of your doing. You should be feeling sorry instead." Elliot's tone was borderline polite and rude. It pierced into the hearts of most of the audience, especially when the couple continue to be lovey dovey. There was no doubt they're in love. The inspector wasn't an exception, and after seeing enough, he excused himself out, bringing all police with him. There was no reason for them to still be there.

(haha sure ~ do i recall it right you said you have several ideas wanting to play out? hmm, err, such as a shopping trip? or is it grocery shopping? honestly i am not in a paritcular rush to get to the birth part coz,... well, pregnant Elliot is so loveable ;) but yes, we can move on to that part if you want~)

Alex visibly relaxed fruther as he heard about the series of event that led to this massive misunderstanding. He interlaced his hand with Elliot's and smiled thorugh the mask that was again snapped onto his face. "Good to know...." he sighed and crashed back onto the pillow. "you scared me...." his voice was muffled but he no longer attmept to fight with the nurse. He was too exhausted to do that.

It came as a surprise when it was Elliot who was speaking on behalf of him. He squeezed Elliot's hand and smiled at him. He stroked Elliot's hand at the back and relaxed further. his omega had showed him how he wasn't entirely helpless. Alex told himself he had to remember that.. his omega had once been his boss. He knew how to protect him and he could safely let Elliot have his back.

Just then, Alex's parents was escorted in by the chief of the hospital. Even the Head Doctor was following closely - Alex's parents were too influential, and it was only right now that the chief realised what a big mistake they had made.

"Alex!" Alex's mother rushed tot he bedside seeing how weak her son was. "Elliot? are you also alright?" she squeezed Elliot's hand and the lady was furious. "who did this to my son!?" she looked around like a lioness.

Everybody visibly shivered. Alex reached out to touch his mother's hand. "mom... I'm tired." he pleaded - he didn' twnat to make a scene anymore. Right now, he just wanted to rest with his omega.... preferably with Elliot sleeping beside him. 

(we can skip to 8 months and do all those :D . I like Elliot heavily pregnant when they do them. He'd be so achy and tired but still wanting to prepare so much for the babies, also getting to know the future-in-laws. He'll be a handful to Alex ;) . Is that okay? By the way, do you like him overdue, on time, or early? I'm also not in rush for the birth xD)

Elliot was so focused on being there for Alex that he didn't immediately realized the additional visitors. When he did notice, his hand that Alex was holding tightened its grip on the larger hand. Elliot was surprised. He didn't expect Alex's parents, the Madame and his boss, arriving there. It was even more startling for him to see the side of the Madame that was full of authority and power. His boss was also holding on a vibe that just emphasized his powerful status. Both were well dressed in expensive clothing and jewelry. He knew he had nothing to be intimidated about as he was the mate of their son, but right now, he can't help but to also feel a bit conscious.

Elliot instinctively moved to give space as the Madame rushed to his son. Even with feeling intimidated, he smiled as he saw how the mother interacted with her his mate. Unconsciously, his free hand rubbed his belly as he wondered if he'll be the same to his own children. Though he was back to being startled when suddenly the attention was diverted to him. " Yes! U-um... the b-babies are h-healthy, ma'am." He didn't mean to flinch at the squeeze given to his hand. The Madame might have noticed though so she sent him a smile, a smile that Elliot was familiar with. "I'm asking about you." Elliot blushed. "I'm alright, just fatigued. Thank you for your concern, ma'am." and both of them were able to relax with that.

It was amazing for Elliot how instant Alex's mother can switch mood, as she was now back to being a lioness among helpless prey of doctor, nurses, and also policemen. "We're sorry! If we had known..." cries of sorry s and excuses rained on the woman but she was set on punishing the guilty. Elliot can only watch, but feeling very tired out, his head slowly landed on Alex's arms. He was barely watching and close to sleep. 

Elliot was already snoozing when Alex made the call for his mother. Alex's father, more composed as his wife was, got the Madame to relax and let their son be with his request. But not after wrapping up the situation. "Head Doctor, please do discipline your staff to refrain them from making false assumptions again. And chief, please remove your bias. It doesn't mean that because your client is a doctor, you'll not hear from the other party. I held so much respect to you both and your teams. I'm very disappointed."

As compensation to what damage they've done, the hospital was more than willing to replace Alex's bed with a bigger one so he and Elliot can share. It took some work with Elliot already sleeping and Alex still sedated but they managed to make it work and now the couple can finally rest; alone and together.

(haha ok, yea let's skip 2 weeks ahead. I'll get to the time skip. yea no problem, Alex, can handle Elliot no matter what ... or not. HAHA we'll see~ well going overdue will be itnerested, but if we're to have them needing to rush back home for the birth, maybe coming a little bit early is more fitting and realistic to the situation?)

Alex smiled when the first instinct from elliot was still to reply only for the babies - and ignored himself. Elliot was so cute like this.. selfless and always unaware of his self-worth, which made Alex more determined he had to do that for his mate, to take care of Elliot when he would put himself at such a low priority himself.

He shook his head and almost begged for his parents to settle. Maybe they'd do something later, but right now he wanted to setltle his mate as fast as possible. His heart melted at the omega nodding off beside him, his eyes were so gentle there was only pure love as he fixed his gaze on his mate.

thankfully, the orderies were quick this time and the pair was finally reunited on a single bed. Alex was settled as well, feeling quite secured with Elliot sleeping soundly right next to him. He wasn't aware of when everybody left the room, but when he was aware of it - he was only grateful for the kind act. He really needed some undisturbed moments to settle and also reassure hhimself that everything were indeed fine.

They stayed in the hospital for some more days, under the insistence of the doctors and also from his parents. the aftermath of the sedative was still making it weird for Alex, but both made a speedy recovery and were allowed home. the day when they were allowed home, the entire team of medical staff responsible for taking care of them waved them goodbye, and a few were whispering quietly for how loving this couple was , and how differently they now think about Alex and the pair as compared with the time when they first arrived.

When they left the hospital with an entourage of medical staff seeing them off, Elliot almost laughed. The first time they came, the team tried their best to separate him and Alex. He could also remember the disapproving looks they'd send them. Of course Elliot had already forgiven them and was in good terms with the staff before their leave, but who knew things will end this way? Elliot just looked at his alpha who was so focused on guiding him down the plight of stairs and into their car. Love and admiration were in his eyes. He was proud to have proved how strong their love for each other is.

The couple slowly fell back into routine after that, well for Elliot it was back to spending idle time at home. Maybe not idle because Elliot realized that they have not made the nursery yet and their triplets will be coming soon. Alex still had work, but still spending more time with him and the babies. They made progress into clearing their chosen room for the nursery and was now down to only a few more things.

Today, Elliot decided to do the final cleaning. Not an easy feat with his bigger eight month triplets but better have something done than nothing, as he would think. He can't even wear pants now, even the paternity ones because the waist bands started to bite down on his belly. So he was stuck to cleaning in a paternity dress he had secretly bought, not the most comfortable cleaning attire but it will do.

He was done after 30 min, sweaty and sore at some areas, especially his hips and feet, but at least they can finally start to properly prepare the nursery. All was left was to finish boxing the few items, and that's why he found himself sitting on the floor with no way on getting up. That was another 'advantage' of now being 8 months; standing on his own had become close to impossible. He always had to have Alex by his side to help him walk and stand.

Good thing he sat on an area where he could lean on the wall so there was less strain on him. Seeing the now empty interior of the room, Elliot felt accomplished. Ideas on how to furnish the room into the perfect nusrery for the triplets ran through him that made him smile. He looked at his belly fondly while caressing it.

"It might seem late but I promise you, daddy and papa will have prepared you the best nursery before you come. Let's see, we'll have your cribs there and then a rocking chair over there so daddy can easily put you to sleep, and there we'll have... Do you like that?" Elliot continued to just tell the babies of his plan. He could feel the babies kick at some of his suggestions that made him smile wider. So he sat there making plans with the babies, occasionally munching on some biscuits he had brought with him.

For most days Alex woudla void needing to leave the house altogether, but no matter how he negotiated, his fatehr only agreed to him working from home for 2 days a week. Today was unfortunately not one of them and he almost dashed out of the office when his hours were up.

He came back eager to see his mate. "Elliot?" he said, and before he heard Elliot answering him, he saw the light from the nursery. "Nursery". it was still cramped with their stuff... at least he believed so until he came in to see Elliot, sitting on the floor, looking quite satisfied with himself where the room was almost empty.

"W-what?" Alex blinked a few times, not really understanding what he was seeing. Everything was gone miraculously - only then, he saw the sweaty patches on Elliot's chest and how flushed he still looked.

"Oh babe... you should have waited for me!" he said, coming close to kneel on one leg in front of Elliot. "So, daddy has been busy huh?" he said brushing away the crumps from the biscuits that had dotted Elliot's... that's when he noticed the choice of garment of Elliot.

"Elliot.... what's ... this." his confused look changed into a smirk as his eyes ran along the garment, noting it could be nothing else other than a ... dress. "oh... so, this is a MOMMY's dress, isn't it?" he said, more teasing than anything as he reached out ot hold Elliot by his waist and lifted him up rather easily from the floor. "hmm.... it's not restraining, I see. Good choice of clothes...." he whispered breathily against Elliot's ear

(hey sorry for the loooooong delay...).

(It's fine  :D hope you really had a happy holiday!)

Elliot was near dozing off when he heard Alex calling for him. He pushed himself up with one hand, the other still cradling his belly, to sit better and relieve some ache that began settling on his back. Elliot was very sore and tired (and hungry) from what he did so he hadn't had put much care on how sweaty or messy he looked right now. It even slipped his mind that he was wearing a dress.

"Definitely worth it" was what Elliot thought when he saw the confused expression of Alex. Not caring if he was sweaty, he opened his arms to hug and give Alex a kiss. "I have nothing to do anyway, so why not? Babies seemed to like it." The babies were squirming maybe in approval and Alex could feel them as he brushed off the crumbs.

Elliot shared the same expression when Alex became confused again. Was there something wrong? May he had upset Alex? But then Alex trailed the fabric of his... Dress! Oh goodness! Elliot was planning to change before Alex gets home but it slipped his mind and... His face turned red. "It's not! I-it's... um... a daddy's dress! Yeah!" Okay he knew he wasn't fooling his love. He was to retort more when he was hoisted up. Those kind of movements weren't kind to his pregnant body so he had to bit back a groan as he was helped to stand. And that alone can leave him panting.

But now he was up and grounded, he could hear more of Alex's teasing. "S-stop it, Alex. Not my fault w-waistbands g-gave up on me" it was embarrassing to confess that to his fiance, especially when the other was teasing him so much. But Alex seemed to like it? He wasn't sure.

"You had you're f-fun, love. But maybe y-you can help me to s-shower?" Elliot's blush seemed permanent now. "I know you must be tired from work but I can't... and I want to bathe. Sorry, love" He beamed when Alex still agreed to help him. However that change when he took his first step. Pain rushed to his back, making him hold on to Alex as his knees felt weak. A hand instantly rushed to cradle his belly, afraid that he would fall. 

"Nghhh... M-maybe not yet. I-I'm okay just...Ughhh.. A-Alex, my back is killing me. Help me to b-bed (pants). H-heating pads. P-please love..."

(Sorry it got too long Blush )

Alex chuckled only too happily at the deep crimson creeping its way up his mate's cheeks. Elliot was cute like that.. and personally Alex was enjoying this a lot. Granted the dress was baggy and flowy, not like it was looking absolutely stunning, but it made Elliot's look softened a lot and sometimes.. he just loved to tease his love enough with this slight feminine trait that was beginning to get more and more obvious as his pregnancy advanced.

Alex hugged Elliot sideways, cradling the bottom of his belly over the dress. "I like that.... i like that a lot. You are so sneaky hiding this away from me... when did you buy it? how come i have no idea of its existence?" he said stroking the tip of his nose against Elliot's now heated up cheeks, enjoying enormously this cute side of the omega.

"Hmm, with delight. There's nothing i like to do more than showering my fiance." Alex said in exaggeration, chucklling at the timid request from his ex-boss. he took Elliot's hand and was to take the first step when the omega whined so loudly.

"Are you ok!?" Alex said with concern soon replacing the delighted smile. He frowned at the obvious pain Elliot was feeling. he could sort of guessed what was happening. "Can't stay in one position for too long Elliot... and how long've you been staying on teh floor hon?" he sighed fondly at his fiance.

Alex reached down to lift upElliot. He wrapped a hand protectivelly on his lowerback, carrying him steadily over to their bedroom. "you always forget you're carrying 3 babies in you huh? always pushing yourself to teh limit without knowing it..." he pressed a kiss on his forehead and went on to prepare the heat pads that had almost been a constant presence on Elliot now.

However, when he came back seeing Elliot laying on the bed, sideways, his back towards him, he had another idea. his hands were warm from the heatpads, he could do it himself! he pressed his large, warm palms against Elliot's lowerback, just above his hips, and started massaging him gently.

"This dress? I b-bought it online, when you weren't home. I h-hid them deep in the closet so you won't s-see."

Elliot blushed, but this time out of guilt. He didn't forget the triplets, he loved them too much so they were constantly on his mind. But Alex was right on that he continues to overestimate himself, and in consequence put him and the babies at risk. His hands cradle his belly as Alex gingerly carried him to bed, feeling sorry for the babies. If something happens, it's his fault. Alex had triggered his hormones and now Elliot was in near tears. "I-I've been there since 1. T-three hours? I'm not sure. I-I'm sorry." 

Alex had laid him on his side and in that position he stayed. It hurt to move otherwise. When his fiancé left, Elliot tried to move anyway to adjust his legs better, maybe get his pillow that supports his belly. But he really can't. He felt more and more guilty. "I'm sorry my angels. Daddy put you at risk again, didn't I." Elliot sighed, breathing through the shooting pains in his back while keeping himself from crying. 

When he heard Alex returning, he just wanted to turn and face him, wanting to be in his embrace because it always felt better being in Alex's arms. He just wants to stop being so uncomfortable and being helpless about it. But alas he couldn't even do that. He whimpered in frustration. At least the heating pads were soon too come... though they didn't. 

He purred at the warmth placed on his aching back. It had been so strained that the heat felt heaven to him. But then he realized it's not the pads but Alex hands that were now massaging him. Elliot didn't meant for it to be so erotic but feeling deep knots of his back loosened by those warm hands made him moan. "Mmmm… harder, love... ah! that feels good..." Probably not a good thing to provoke his alpha and him to get 'excited' seeing the doctor already prohibited intercourse for Elliot at this stage.

(HAHA lol i'm in fact rather disappointed that we weren't gonna have intimate scenes from now on xD but anyway, yea, i know that's not entirely your cup of tea and i'd respect that ;))

Alex wasn't aware the distress he was causing Elliot. He was still in that pink bubble thinking about the dress his fiance was wearing. it was lovely, and gave him a maternity glow.... also made him look rather adorable. Usually he wasn't into female's clothing, but as in many other things, once it appeared on Elliot, it instantly became lovely to Alex.

"3 hours is a long time baby. but it's alright, papa will make it all fine again." that was all he said before leaving elliot to prepare the heatpads, oblivious to the tears that were threatening to overflow.

With his back against him, Alex wasn't aware of the vulnerable state his mtae was in. with somewhat practiced hands, he started kneading the knots on Elliot's back. He paid attention in class, and now it was time for him to use those skills - Alex might have practised a little on his own to make sure his mate was going to enjoy the experience.

His strong hands and large palms covered Elliot's hips perfectly. Alex was trying hard to serve his omega - perhaps a little too well. those moans were doing things to Alex. Soon enough, the trembling tone and sigh of content of his omega was eliciting reactions in the alpha. Beads of sweat started forming on Alex's forehead, and he was beginning to shift around, his manhood growing with each hopelessly sexy moans from his mate.

"Elliot...." he finally hissed. it didn't help that Alex was rubbing Elliot's peachy bottom ...

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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