Office MATES

(Thanks for understanding. However, I'm leaning for where Elliot is still lusting for Alex but because because of doctor's orders, he only gets frustrated since he knows he and Alex can't do it. Elliot is hormonal, so they come up with compromises to get both of them off? Just mild stuff though Blush )

Elliot was in trouble. With every thrust of Alex's hands on his back, those hands that felt so good to be touching him, Elliot could feel his breath grow heavier in lust. His face had become flushed pink, and his moans had turned to small whimpers of need. Underneath his belly, he could feel his underwear tenting with his erect penis. Elliot gulped. No, he can't be like this. He'll be putting the babies at risk again if he continues like this.

The back pain was soon gone thanks to the skills of his love, but Elliot wants to relish in Alex's touches more that he didn't say anything. It had been too long since they last done it and Elliot was craving for it. He bit his lip and caressed his belly. He can't, he can't risk their babies again.

"A-Alex... I'm o-okay now. Please s-stop." It might have come more demanding than intended but he knew a little more of this 'massage' and he was in danger. Just then Alex gave a deep push on his back that made him moan so loud. It felt so good that he found his eyes closing and jerking at pleasure. The movement revealed more of his milky thighs when the dress hiked up.

Then Elliot heard Alex say his name breathily. Definitely in danger now. Not only he was aroused but Alex as well. And  now he could feel himself grow wet. "Alex... (pants) w-we can't. The b-babies... we c-can't hurt them." His member was pulsating so hard with Alex breathing heavy on his ears. One hand moved from his belly to reach his member. He was still facing sideways though. He doesn't want to let Alex see him like this. He wasn't even sure if Alex wasn't angry with him earlier. He feels so ashamed of himself. Why can't he do anything right for the babies?

"Alex... I can't..." He wants it so much and now risking his babies again for his selfish needs. They're not even born yet and he was already being a bad parent. "I'm sorry..." Tears stream down on his pink cheeks.

(ohh so no penetration? haha ok~ i guess xD Alex would definitely want Elliot, he would be equally frustrated since he found Elliot more attractive than ever with his big bump rendering him rather helpless..... and you know, those moans~ you sure about that doctor's ban? like that'd be imposed till the end of the pregnancy? xDDD nah just kidding, i'd respect your preference. )

Those moans... those MOANS! Alex had been cursing to himself. He was a young man, he had an ample and healthy amount of desire for release. Obviously when they were in the hospital it wasn't possible, and then before that he'd been so busy. It had been so long... months at least, since he last touched Elliot. and the omega wasn't helping with the whimpering. The alpha was reacting, especially at such close proximity with his mated.

He took several deep berathes and continued rubbing, forcing himself to focus on Elliot's sore knots of muscles. He took the time to really knead into the deeper layers of muscles in his hips, but as soon as his hands sink into Elliot's fleshy bottom, his member jerked in excitement. Mac was so ashamed - here his mate was, heavy and helpless from carrying their children, but all he could think of was his needs and his body was betraying him by reacting in such a lively way to his mate's body.

Alex nodded at Elliot's signal for him to stop, finishing the massage wiht a trick he learned online - to sink his hands deep into Elliot's back, helping him arch back enough to relax the muscles. what he didn't expect was the loud moan from Elliot and he was startled. "Elliot i d-didn't hurt you did I?" he asked nervously - only to see the dress riding up his mate's lovely thighs, revealing more of his legs. WIth the last few weeks of resting in indoor, Elliot's skin had become fairer and smoother. Alex was opengly ogling at him rgith now and his breath quickened.

Sitting up behind Elliot, he could see his petite mate reaching over his perfect bump. Elliot even raised his leg a little higher to reach himself - this was the ultimate seduction. Alex could hardly bear it seeing Elliot almost looking like he was going to masturbate, attempting to reach the unmistakable tent under his bump.. .. god. There was warmth rushing towards his face, Alex was almost sure he was going to have a nosebleed.

"E-elliot...." Alex said breathily, needing to tilt his chin up to stop the flow of blood. "Oh god...." the tremor in Elliot's voice was small, but the ever-caring alpha picked it up. "shit... shhh babe, why are you crying? shh.... it doesn't make you bad to want. this is just your body overriding your wishes, it doesn't mean you are harming the babies. Elliot... come here." reaching down to scoop Elliot up from the bed, he cradled the smaller man on his chest and rubbed his shoulder. "Shh.... it's ok. it's the hormones. The doctor mentioned that right?"

Alex stroked Elliot's belly lovingly, moving his hand slowly towards his most intimate area. Even though they couldn't do it, at least he could make Elliot get some release....

(Sorry for the long absence. We can still do intercourse if you want. I just thought Elliot's become so big for it. Eitherway, Elliot's gonna be so needy for Alex that it can't be helped ;) )

Almost, he could almost touch it. Elliot squirmed and panted as he tried reaching for his throbbing member. His belly had become too big to reach over, and he grunted to show his frustration. He was so shameful like this, so overcome with lust when he should be thinking of the babies.

Elliot whined when he lost the heat behind him when Alex sat up. He turned to face him, eyes teary but heavy with need. His one hand had not yet given up to reach while the other had shifted to rub his belly. Seems like the babies also want their daddy to feel better and was making a ruckus. He only got more emotional when Alex noticed his 'dilemma'.

"I-I'm sorry, love. I can't anymore...(pants) I n-need you. R-really need you i-in me... But b-babies, may hurt them... Mmm." Elliot found to have a bit comfort having been back in the embrace of his love. Alex is right, it's his hormones, it's natural to want his mate but... Elliot whimpered. Oh he needs Alex bad.

"But the doctor said no more... W-what if...the babies... C-can you call her again?" The hand on his belly helped in keeping the kickings inside him even a bit calm. It was going lower than what he can endure. He bit his lip hard, drawing little blood. "Alpha!" Elliot was slowly being overcome by his Omega side and Alex's own alpha arousal was making it worse. If they could only get the permission of the doctor. He can't stand to be so deprived anymore but maternal instincts to protect the  babies are strong. Alex needs to do something quick.

(Heyyy i' to hear from you! I dared not.really bump.our rp coz I dont want to put pressure on you, but surely i am very excited to continue! Hmm, shall we just add this final smut? I... alright, I will admit. I am perverted and want to play intercouese LOL)

The broken words from Elliot was, above all, breaking Alex's heart. His omega was so much in need, but he was still caring so much about the baby. Alex didnt know how to resolve the situation but the whiny call of his omega had him moving into action.

The alpha's hands werr shaking as he grabbed the phone while gatherng Elliot in his arms. The massive belly quivered from the.violent kicks from the.babies. he found the blood on Elliot's lower lips which made his brows knit tight together. "Shhhh no, dont bite babe, i am calling the doctor... she's going to answer any minute now..." Alex was confused. If this was not something they were supposed to do, why would Elliot's body act this way? This was almost getting out of control, as if Elliot was going through heat once again.

The waiting time felt forever, and at one point Alex grasped Elliot's straining prick to stroke it. The omega jerked violently just as the doctor picked up the phone call.

"Dr! I am Alex, Elliot's fiance... i... he's..." Elliot had whined very loudly at this moment. Alex blushed deeply... maybe no words would be needed to explain the situation.

"Alex! Is.Elliot in a pseudo-heat? Listen very carefully. You two are supposed to avoid from too vigorous actions...bbut if you are gentle and NOT knot, an alpha's seeds would be calming to both mother and babies. At this point you can do penetration, but you also have to be very careful and make sure you are in control of yourself...."

(Okay, one final smut for this pregnancy ;) and yeah, I noticed that side of yours. I understand and it's fine by me :) ) 

He felt increasingly hot as Alex held him closer. Elliot was starting to feel feverish though it still did not register to him that he was having a pseudo-heat. He nodded slightly, biting back a whimper, to Alex. "Hurry, p-please..."

Alex was stroking him, and becoming more impatient, he began thrusting  his hip to it to get more friction. This made him moan loud but then groan. It's there but it's not just enough. He needs more, he needs Alex in him. The doctor could barely be heard with his moans.

"Elliot may loose himself but you must stay in control. Do not let him strain his body too much, pin him down if he gets too squirmy. Most of all be careful not to jostle his belly. It's very sensitive right now. Stop when he feels pain there. Did you get all of that Alex?

Though Alex might have a hard time answering since Elliot had sat up then knelt in front of him; and was beginning to undress the lower half of the alpha. He did this while hungrily nipping and trailing kisses along the muscled navel. He looked up when he knew Alex was looking down at him. It was obvious Elliot was not himself anymore.

"Alpha...p-please... take me..." in his delirious state, he didn't notice how he tried to climb unto Alex and what protest his body was giving forcing himself to lift his heavy body.

(I'm assuming Alex was still on the bed during the call and was kneeling beside Elliot.)

(lol sorry, yea i am a pervert.... but really thanks for accommodating my quirks!)

(and yes, that's a right assumption and wow, a very horny Elliot. That's certainly a change ;))

"... y-yes, yes Doctor." Alex was trying his hardest not to groan while holding Elliot down. The omega was squirmign so much, he wanted to groan into the phone as well when Elliot suddenly started pulling his pants off - this certainly wasn't what he'd been aiming for when he offered to give Elliot that massage...

He panted, trying to keep his voice steady when Elliot was kissing him along his front, looking up at him with those oh-too-sweet eyes, pleading for him. He almost lost it in the omega's hungry plea for him to take him... the words of the doctorwas the only thing keeping the alpha in check.

"And come into my clinic next week - TOGETHER. I will have to prescribe suppressants for ya.... " the doctor was saying, but with the sort of green light from her, Alex coudln't contain himself for much longer. He hummed ambiguously acknowledging what the doctor had said, then quickly got off line to free up both of his hands to hold his omega. Elliot was trembling with want, his thighs can barely push himself up and upon holding Elliot on his butt, Alex found that he'd been so wet...

"Elliot.... I'm here. I am here...." he mumbled. It took great effort on the alpha's side to stay calm. "Come here, lie down with me." as prepared as Alex was, he had read about the proper positiosn for pregnant omegas... he just didn't think he could use that knowledge iwth the many scares they had encountered. Elliot's pregnancy was high-risk with there being 3 big babies, he had sort of assumed he couldn't lay a finger on him - so to speak.

That didn't maen he hadn't done the reserach.

Alex knew at this stage, it was better to have Elliot's belly well supported. He reached blindly for cushions, laying Elliot down on his side, he quenched his needy whimpers by quickly wrapping himself around his back - physical touches were important in any heats, pseudo or not. The young alpha then rubbed his cock against the omega's glistening opening. "Shhh babe... I'm here to take you." he said scooping up Elliot's thigh and place it on his forearm, his palm thus could slip through and hold Elliot's very big bump securely. "Babe... I love you. I love you so much...." he whispered and grinded himself against Elliot, trying to position himself to get into Elliot's sweet opening.


(sorry i'm late again. Hahaha, well I want this rp to be enjoyable for the both of us so if I can be a sadist on Elliot, you can also go perverted on Alex. And yeah, a very horny Elliot for a change  ;) )

Elliot at this point was a lost case. All he could focus on at the moment was satisfying his need. It didn't even register to him anymore that he is heavily pregnant and at delicate condition, making this quite dangerous for him and the babies if not guided right by his alpha. 

He could barely understand what Alex was telling him with his growing lust so he just let Alex guide his body to lay on his side again. The needy omega in him was obviously displeased on having to turn his body away from his love, whimpering in dissatisfaction. Elliot wanted to be able to see Alex's face. It was the only thing he could see with his blurring vision and it gave him comfort to see Alex there for him. He continued to whimper, resorting to closing his eyes if he could not see his mate at all. He felt a little better in his belly area with the cushions placed under it but that relief was quickly overcome by his heat and he whimpered again as if to say his discontentment on limiting his wiggle space.

Alex's cool skin on his warm one had Elliot moan and comforted enough to open his eyes again. He reached to where Alex had his hands wrapped on his belly, putting his own smaller hands on top before willing the alpha's hands to go further down, preferably on his erection again. He was rewarded more than he aimed for with the feeling of his most awaited penis of his lover very close and brushing on his very wet entrance. He lifted his leg on instinct as if to provide more access to the member behind him, gasping a bit when Alex seemed to help him by supporting his thigh by his forearm. He frowned, however, noticing how once more his wiggle space, especially on his belly, had been limited. Elliot squirmed in protest Eventually he will tire out or be distracted when the intercourse finally happened but for now his omega side was protesting. 

He was squirming actively when he stilled at the feeling of Alex's penis grinding along and seeking entrance to his hole. His squirm was replaced to an inward push, pressing his needy hole to where he felt his mate's penis would be. He was making a small humping movement that was sure to be jostling the babies inside him. It was slight but he could recognize Alex saying he loves him. That he could respond to easily. "L-love you too... soo muuchh…" Okay, he was a bit slurry with his words but he meant it as much. He leaned to try capture Alex which he did though sloppy.

Oohh he was so close to having his alpha finally in him, Elliot could feel, but he could also feel that they were still restricted by their clothing. Elliot clawed at his beloved maternity dress. It was so hot, maybe if he could be unclothed then he would feel better than this. "L-Love... ake ma c-cothes ovv… hot... (love, take my clothes's hot)" he groaned out. His fluids were flooding his underwear and it was becoming very uncomfortable, also it was blocking his beloved cock from entering him.

(haha aww you aren't a sadist to Elliot... it's just dififculty for any omega to carry triplets, let alone a small one like him. We're just making this as 'realisitic' as we could, isn't it? ;P )

Alex couldn't believe himself at being this sloppy - there were clothes. yes, clumsy and annoying clothes, still separating the pair. he growled as his inner alpha made a fleeting appearance, only to be suppressed again at Alex's clear conscious forcing it. He had to be the one remaining cool-headed. This was delicate business and he coudlnt' afford harming Elliot again.

He ripped the underwear away from Elliot. ti was soaked wet and he had to peel it off his bubbly bottom. the task wasn't made any easier with them on their side, so for the dress, Alex only pushed it up his waist to get it out of the way. For himself, Alex was even more impatient and he simply ripped his clothes off his body. No further delay now.

"Elliot... Elliot i love you so much. relax, I'm taking care of you, i will meet your every need..." The broken whimpers of Elliot's was borderlining on panicking. The omega NEEDED him, right now . Alex could feel the urgency, the squirming was desperate and the younger man knew exactly the way to quench it and stop elliot from moving any further that could potentially harm - and wake - the babies.

He stroked Elliot's belly and slid his throbbing cock against the slippery entrance. "Elliot... hold still." he said fumbling his way down and positioned his cock with his free hand. it was awkward and dififcult to maneuver, but somehow he managed and his thickness again breached through the velvety canal of Elliot's.

The omega's scream was incredible. Alex growled and again forced down his inner instinct to just thrust through - he couldnn't. With control, he slipped his cock further in while Elliot trembled so hard, evidently close to an orgasm already.

(hahaha yeah, though I doubt no mother had been hospitalized 5 times in a single triplet pregnancy in reality ;) )

Elliot gasped when his thoroughly wet opening became exposed to the cold of the room. But then sighed in relief in having some heat leave him. The hottest part of him was in his belly and having his dress away from it had him quivering in relief... though mostly in anticipation. He knew he will have what he needed soon. And then Alex tore off his clothes that only made his Omega whimper more. Seeing his alpha in his naked muscled form was his final restraint. He could also hear his alpha's growl, taking it as his cue to please his mate. Needy whimpers became growls. Oh he wants IT in him NOW.

"Alpha! Hurry, p-please... angghh" Elliot, now in full Omega, didn't like to have his movements restricted. He can't rub his body against his mate and that frustrated him."P-please... nghh.. l-let me go..Let me... make you f-feel good Alpha~" he said in a slur while trying to break free and catch his mate into a kiss again.

Then when he thought he had been waiting long enough, he could feel Alex's cock very near and close to entering. His breath hitched and he stilled in anticipation. He was very familiar with his love's penis - the length, girth and texture (does that even apply?) - but feeling it enter him again after a long time made it felt like it's the first time again. 

"Aahh... ahhh..." Elliot closed his eyes, relishing the feeling as Alex entered him little by little. His moans only got louder as Alex went deeper in him. His own cock throbbing and full on leaking pre. And when Alex thrust his final inch, Elliot launched forward in pleasure. "Aahhhh! Alpha...nggh" And he came untouched. It didn't occur to him why but it was as of instinct to cradle and peotect his belly when he came.

Unfortunately (?) Elliot wasn't feeling satisfied after he came. He wanted to last until he made Alex come in him, and maybe even more than once. Impatient, with how slow his love was taking him, the Omega began moving on his own to have more friction. "L-love... please m-move... nghhhaa... haa..." Goodness, he's almost hard again. He's twisting his body, wanting to have a look of his alpha while they did this.

(You may notice that I've been using Alpha for Elliot's dialogue when addressing Alex. it's because his primal Omega is taking over and could only recognize Alex as his alpha. but if you want Elliot to moan out Alex's name that's okay :) also, maybe you could take lead?)

(ohh haha well 5 times' just the beginning isn't it xD i guess there are - but it won't be from complications from the pregnancy... i guess xD)

Elliot had never been as whiny and needy before. His mate was consumed by lust and this heat was coming hard and strong. The omega had been off suppressants following the pregnancy, no doubt that had contributed to this sudden surge of hormones which led to this pseudo-heat - or, they really hadn't had any intimacy for too long... to be honest, Alex wanted this as well...

His own arousal wasn't helping though. The alpha, no matter how his omega pleaded, had to refraine from yielding to his desire. It was a serious challenge to Alex, large beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he endured thruogh the first orgasm of Elliot;s... the milking of his cock almsot had him giving in, but he reeled in the yearning alpha instinct within him to control himself. He even reached out to cradle Elliot's bump to remind him of what was at stake now...

He panted heavily and whimpered himself at the pleading from his love. Elliot was thoroughly open, twisting and squirming around. Alex humphed and stretched his hug, wrapping Elliot very securely in his arms, Alex muttered sweet nothings to Elliot as he started the first thrust into him.

"Shhhh babe, shh... i'm here. you're safe, you're in great hands..." he whispered starting a quick but shallow thrust. The important thing now was to get Elliot off, not his own pleasure - and he had to avoid that precious womb within. He clasped Elliot's oversized belly, stroking him to compensate for the lack of visuals. "Shhb abe, i'm here. You don't have to look at me.. feel your alpha... feel me." he muttered, hoping this would be enough to calm his slowly panicking omega.

THe squirmings continued, however, and at one point Elliot was trying so hard to turn to him, he heaved his big belly up from the bed. That was when ALex realised there was no way of stopping Elliot other than giving him what he wanted. "oh baby, you are so spoilt..." he smiled and pulled him closer. WIth his thick cock still buried deep within his tight canal, he helped Elliot turn around. the belly was in the way, crashing into his midsection, but this way he could look eye to eye with his beloved omega.

"ELliot.. who am I? who's your alpha?" he smiled, coercing Elliot into giving him the answer he wanted. 


The thrusts entering him were finally picking speed. Elliot moaned in satisfaction, though still rode and moved on his own for wanting more speed and maybe get more of Alex's length in him. Elliot wanted to take it all in him. He wants to be taken deep not shallow. If Alex wasn't giving that to him, he'll take advantage of what is being given to him. Besides, he trust his alpha to take care of him.

He was still feeling very hot, less than what he felt before but enough to make him squirm in eagerness. Elliot could hear Alex telling him he's safe. He could feel his alpha, scent him, and that gave him comfort. He moaned in response to the touches. combined with Alex thrusting in him, it made him feel so at bliss. The heat was abating a little and it felt good. "Mmmhm ha... apha..mmhh s-safe." He could also feel thumps within his belly that, even not fully processing that it was their babies, made him calmer.

He was calmer but he still definitely wants to see his alpha. So he made effort to really get to face Alex. It was a combination of grunts and moans from Elliot "A-alpha! please...ahnn ahh...wan s-see you..." Grunts for the effort it took him to break free from Alex's strong hold and moans because him moving and Alex moving to stop him were giving him more friction. Elliot's penis had become hard again and was bursting for another release. He felt weighed down by his huge belly and it made him frown. Putting much strength, he hoisted himself so maybe he'd have more chance. It was heavy and was causing him to strain, making him more out of breath and red in the face. "(pants) love~"

It gave him great relief when Alex helped him so that he was now facing his love. However, the turn made the dick inside him poke on his pleasure spot so upon turning, Alex could see Elliot biting his lip and hands fumbling to hold his own cock. "Mmm... n-need to... nghh..." Elliot was happy that he could finally see his mate but the need to release was overwhelming.

He hunched his pregnant form as far as he could so he can better reach, but even that wasn't enough. He grunted. He was so hard. Elliot looked up to Alex, face red and tears pooling in his eyes with the need. Biting his lip and groaning with how his penis was starting to hurt, he responded to his mates question. "Aahh...A-lex... m-my.. alpha... Alex! p-please."

Elliot shut his eyes in discomfort, groaning again before pressing his head on Alex's chest. "A-Alex..."

(hey it's ok ;) i am glad you've returned and I don't want to give you any pressure into this. It's so much fun rping with you, I'm going to try my hardest to keep this alive without forcing you!)

Elliot had thankfully settled once Alex picked up his speed, but his relief was short-lived when the omega again started struggling violently, wanting to move closer to his alpha. Alex didn't know whether he should be amused or annoyed, for Elliot was in real danger of hurting himself and the babies for moving so hard. he took him closer wanting to hold him steady, yet ELliot was too determined he managed to fight off him. In the end, Alex let go and helped move his belly, holding it so Elliot could finally flip over to face him. He smiled amusingly when his mate panted so hard calling out for him - then groaned loud at the twist on his cock. Elliot had screwed himself deeper down his cock and there were fireworks behind his eyes.

Alex took in sevearl deep breathes to reel himself in. The whiny moans of Elliot was again testing his limits. Those large, wet eyes looking at him was almost enough to break his "defence" against his primal instincts. Veins popped out on his neck, Alex needing all his restraint to stop himself from just thrusting deep into Elliot.

He took staggered breathes to gain more control over his body. He could do this.. he could do this to help his omega. reaching down over his plump belly, Alex located Elliot's throbbing cock with precision even though he coudln't see anything beyond his big bump. The satsified whine from Elliot was so high pitched, he smirked in satisfaction. "Yes Elliot? I'm your alpha... Your alpha's here. Call my name, call my name again...." he encouraged the half delirious omega calling out for him, holding his shoulder as he again thrusted up into Elliot's warm cavity, moving Elliot's body, passively helping Elliot thrust his prick into his hand. "There...." There was a smile in his voice. "I love you Elliot. I love you, you as an omega, you as the mother of our children... you as the loveliest person in the world." he made this confession of love in the heat of the moment, all rational thoughts gone, what was left was his purest feeling towards his fiance.

(Thank you for waiting! I'll be graduating in a week with honors and part of that is because of your patience! Thank you for not giving me the pressure to reply so soon after another when I was still busy, and for the assurance that I will still have an amazing rp to get back to when all things have finally settled. It comforted me quite a lot! :D )

Elliot gave up on reaching for his member when he felt Alex's larger hands taking care of it for him. It was long a lost case for him anyway. He shuddered in the touch as he braced his arms around Alex's neck and now nearly drooling in lust as he tried thrusting in the hands that enveloped his prick. He looked at Alex with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks but still a small smile on his face. His breaths were a mix of moans and breathy pants, his body glistened with sweat. He kissed Alex's jaw before nipping on the bottom lip of the alpha. "I (pant) love y-you too, Alex..." Elliot managed to return despite his almost delirious state.

He could feel it, he was nearing orgasm no. 2, he slowly picked up his pace (though still slow) on thrusting himself to Alex. Elliot could feel pleasure building from not only his hard-on receiving friction but also to the huge penis of his lover inside him and moving as well. His belly was secured in its place between his body and Alex so the babies are not being jostled too much and are at now a more safer position. A kick from one of the babies to his prostate was the one that had it from him. "Alex! I-I'm a- ahhhhn~!Elliot had his face buried into the crook of Alex's neck when he came, biting on to the shoulder of his love as he did so. It was bleeding a bit when it ended, and the omega, on instinct, lick the wound clean, even sucking and trailing kisses on it as if to pamper the wound to heal.

The pregnant omega was getting tired at this point. After his high, it was clear that his breaths were going heavy. His head slumped at on the warmth of his alpha's bare chest. His hand found itself on its belly, cradling it and giving it lazy rubs. Elliot was so tired he could only look at Alex with his droopy eyes and tired smile. A huge breath of air escaped him. 

Elliot was tired. but there was still a problem. The omega was still hard. "L-love, Alex... c-can you please mmnn…." came the weak plea of Elliot to Alex. 

(The third will be the last for Elliot. Will Alex really not release in Elliot?)

(oh WOW that's amazing news! CONGRATULATIONS!! feel so happy for you~~~ and aww you flatter me too much. seriuosly this had been a great rp and i'd hate to let it go!! so it's no problem, i appreciate it a lot that you returned to this, occasionally sneaking in some replies even when you're so busy!!~ and truly, this is for fun and it wouldn't be as lovely if this was done under pressure ;) that's my belief!~)

(AND HAHA aww Alex would release in Elliot~ just not knot! hmm, I suppose it would take a lot from the alpha to resist the urge to knot, but it was achievable for them to cum without the knot~~ let's see that struggle with Alex ;))

The alpha couldn't be more pleased hearing his mate calling his name. this was them as an alph and omega, as well as true mates in real life. he nibbled and kissed wherever he could reach on Elliot as well, letting himself go a tiny bit while his mate grinded and writhed, holding him securedly while he let his mate freely control the pace... his mate was delirious in lust, so what else could he give him, as alpha, other than love and care? he was the one watching out for the omega... and that would not change JUST because he was on the verge of being driven crazy as well with the pheromone from Elliot... a piece of cake to fight your most primal instinct , right? Alex kept up with this monologue with himself in his desperate fight with his own desire...

The real challenge came when Elliot managed to bit him and oh-god-help-him Alex coudln't quite resist that nibbling.... the omega's soft lips, on his wound, that tingling was testing his nerves so much, he was overwhelmed with the desire to give in.

But nope, he's not only an alpha now... he was also the father to their triplets! Alex pinched himself on his thigh to regain some composure. But when Ellio again whined with that sweet voice of his, something must have snapped in Alex's head.

"Elliot.... ELLIOT god. you're going to be the death of me..." Alex groaned and gave in. This time he manhandled Elliot to lay back down on the bed, stuffing at all the right places with fluffy pillows, then raised one of the omega's legs to again slip his manhood through, as deep as he dared go, while palming the omega's erection. "There...." he said huskily, his hungry gaze trailed along the pregnant omega's lovely body, Alex slowly picked up his pace and drew surprised squeals from his fiance.

(awww...thanks! But really I am thankful to you. I love this rp and just the assurance that I can come back to it anytime without pressure meant a lot to me. And of course part of it was having an rp partner like you. You may think I'm exaggerating but you really do stand out, no kidding. :D )

(Okay. Hahaha honestly loving how Alex is getting frustrated to keep control. Just in case, Elliot is at the start of eight months. )

With the exhaustion, Elliot just let himself be guided to lay down again. His eyes maybe droopy but he can still have them to focus on his alpha, and watch how Alex changed to finally loose restraint. Elliot moaned, his member throbbed at the sight. Alex looked so hot like this.

There was moan of relief when Alex had the pillows arranged for him. This was much better. He was actually feeling sore from the position they've been on. "Ahnn~ ahh...ha..ahh~" Elliot was in bliss with the increased pace of his alpha. One hand settles to cradle his belly while the other gripped the sheets. "Alex..." He called out breathily. He bit his lips, he feels himself close again.

He closes his eyes for a minute in pain and pleasure, then opened them to stare at Alex's eyes. He mustered strength to raise the arm gripping the sheets to cup his Love's face. "I l-love you, Alex... Ahnghh.. ahhhn~!" Elliot moaned out as he came. His final orgasm left him panting and near collapsing. Elliot was definitely close to sleeping now. He was beyond tired. Fortunately for him, his penis had finally gone limp and the heat he was feeling starting to subside.

But despite being tired, Elliot dared not to sleep yet. Not when he could see Alex, nearing his own very much needed release. He gave a small smile to the alpha and gave his round belly a rub. "Come on papa... f-fill us with your seed." He whispered softly, out of breath.

(haha awww you flatter me too much! it's rili sweet and seriously, that makes me so happy ;) i feel the same way with you. I think we clicked becoz of how common our tastes and styles are, we're both looking fo rhte same detailed description and build up of emotional ties that might not be the priority in some other rpers. It's really my honor to have the chance to rp with you!)

(HAHA and yep, thanks for the heads up. I honestly has lost track a little now...)

Even Alex was beginning to get impatient. He NEEDED to cum, he knew he had to, or else he'd die from this frustration.He wanted this to finish soon, although his body yearned for more and he was trapped between his concsience and his physical needs.

He took a firm grip on Elliot's hips, attempting to speed things up by properly shoving into him. He succeeded in a way - soon enough the omega's limp cock spit out what could only consider as clear liquid, borderlining on a dry orgasm as the pregnant man was driven over the edge again. Though frustratingly to him, his body wasn't under his command and his member was still spirited and still not ready to release...

He had seen and taken note of the oragsm that had hit Elliot, rendering him completely exhausted. He knew he had to finish soon or Elliot might not be able to hold it together. Hewhimpered at how his body and his natural instinct was urging for him to plunge in deeper, thrust in faster, grind through the folds of fresh to get to the sweetest spot, knot and complete what he was supposed to - but he knew he couldn't. His veins popped in this inner turmoil that threaten to drive him crazy - but in the end, his omega had come to the rescue.

Looking at the soft and most pliant omega. he took in his small smile and the seductive rub over his round belly, and with that sweet, and somewhat coarse voice from all that screaming, he said the one thing that would surely push him over the edge...

and he did. Not a second later, Alex roared and thrusted half of his monster cock into Elliot, ejaculating into his tight canal as he tensed up, arching his back and looked up as he saw stars....

(and there! haha i hope i did that "struggle' justice xDD)

(It's my honor as well to have you! I agree. I like detailed scenes and you were one that gave me that. I also like the build up of emotions and you do great job of expressing them. :D )

(And yep, definitely nailed the 'struggle' there ;) )

As Alex roared and reached his climax, Elliot moaned loud with him. His eyes were shut with his body forced to arch forward. The arm that was cupping the alpha's face moved to brace himself on Alex's nape. "Ahh~ nghh!" He could feel the babies come alive in his belly, probably not liking that their already cramp space was further reduced with hot semen filling it more. Still, the pain can't beat the pleasure and warmth of being filled by his lover's seed. Elliot felt so full, to the point where he could feel some dull ache in his belly. And he loved it.

By the time both of them have gotten out of their high, Elliot pulled Alex's exhausted form to gently lay on his chest, just above where his big bump was. He smiled as he could feel Alex wrapping his arm around his belly. Alex really did a lot of restraint for the both of them when he lost his control, just so he wouldn't hurt the babies.. "Thank you, love..." Gosh, he really does love this man. That was his last thought as his body finally succumbed to sleep.


Elliot felt a bit sore when he woke up, but nothing he wasn't used to. It seemed that he woke earlier than Alex and was provided the privilege to admire his fiance's sleeping face. Just then the babies made their presence known by the strong kicks he felt. The smile he had then grew wider. He softly chuckled.

"Good morning to you too, but hush now, we don't want to wake up papa right? " He whispered while gently caressing his active swell. His belly was pressed against Alex's own stomach and he's aware that the kicks may be felt by his alpha.

"He's probably very tired with work and taking care of us so let's just let him rest." Elliot slowly sat himself, careful not to wake Alex, then spent some moments humming to the babies, hoping they'll be more settled in him. As he did this, a thought cane into mind. "You know, you three need names of your own soon. Let's see, your names have to be special, so what can we name you three..." This got Elliot deep in thought, eyebrows knitting together in concentration. The hands that were rubbing his belly stilled and settled to cradling his lower belly. In deep thought. He didn't notice Alex beginning to wake.

(I jumped to morning after and had controlled Alex. Sorry. As always, I could change if it's not to your liking).

(Haha yea!absolutely agreeing on that... it's give and take, since you are giving me such inspirational inputs, I couldnt quite give you something not up to standard isnt it!!)

(Ahaha and no problem that's not really controlling him ;p he's gonna wake up anyway xD)

Alex was in this great dream, where he was snuggled close by Elliot, with 3 little children surrounding them. They were on this lawn and the babies were crawling around, still too young to stand up and walk... then Elliot tugged on him - probably because in real life his fiance was indeed moving around and make this tug ans pull feeling - and with that beautiful blush on his cheeks, was telling him something... something that made him feel so warmed and excited within him, it was all euphoric....

Then he felt something stronger bumping into his palm. Yhen some more nudging. He was soon pulled away from that sweet dream.... only to come back to reality that's equally as sweet.

He cracked open his eyes and saw himself facing tbe massive bump of Elliot's. What a great way of waking up, through the kicks of their babies... he smiled and was about to alert Elliot of him waking up, when he heard the sweet mutterings of him.

That got him thinking as well.... what could be fitting? Maybe something starting with the same alphabet? Something starting with C maybe.

"How about Charles, Carl and Caden." Alex slurred, still not fully awake but was already pressing a kiss on the bump as a silent greeting to the babies - which the babies responded with a chorus of kicks, before slowing and calming as they knew how their father liked. "And how are you this morning babe?" He pushed himself up to his elbow and kissed the succint lips of Elliot, smiling at him. "Sitting up already, i see. So last night didnt make you extra sore huh?" He chuckled, suggestively ran his hand around Elliot's lowerbelly, clearly referring to a specific spot that had been ... overused? … last night.

(Thank you for keeping up with my 'standards'. I really like detail to make it more fun for the imagination, but it makes me worried that maybe to some it can be a bit too much. Even so, you do a great job and really I am very thankful!)

(Hahaha they'll be having 2 boys and a girl. :D )

Elliot, being deep in thought, was startled when Alex suddenly spoke and cause the babies to be excited. Nonetheless he replied to him with a smile and a chuckle. "They seem to like those names, love, but maybe instead of Carl we can name our daughter Cath?" He moved his hand to his right side where he felt the baby girl was. "What do you think princess, do you like Cath?" He chuckled again when he felt some nudging there.

Of course when his alpha aimed a kiss at him, Elliot's focus was back to Alex. He'd linger in the kiss longer if he didn't had to blush with the question that followed. "I-I'm fine. It doesn't hurt much 'down there' but my b-back is giving me little pain. Sitting up makes it better even if a little." Now Elliot's very much conscious again he's returned to his blushing, stuttery self. His face became more red as he remembered bits of memories of what happened last night. "U-um yeah, just my back, n-nothing to worry about." Thank goodness for all the slick his omegan side produced.

While looking at his mate, Elliot saw the time on the clock they have on a night stand. It read 7:30 am and he knew Alex had to be at work by 8. "Oh goodness, Alex we slept in. You're gonna be late. Come on we need to hurry. You go shower while I find your clothes and make you something you can eat on the way." Elliot frantically said while starting to move his heavily pregnant self to the edge of the bed. Though halfway he stopped to massage a sore spot on his back. "Nghh... Come on your father must be waiting already." He turned to look at Alex with a determined look, but his eyes reflected some hesitation. Elliot doesn't want to be a burden, and he understands that Alex is need by the company, so he doesn't show it; but Elliot really wanted to Alex to always be with him now since he's already 8 months pregnant and things are getting more difficult for him. Heck, he can't even go shop alone for the babies in his free time because he's easily sore and tired. "Come on, y-you can still make it if we h-hurry."

(haha definitely not! i enjoy details as mcuh as you... and believe me the feeling's mutual! i'm so thankful for you also buying into this and it's always exciting to reply to the rp ;))

(OOOPS lol sorry, i'm forgetting that -____-)

"Cath... short for Catherine? yea i like that..." Alex smiled feeling the response of their daughter through the tight belly of Elliot's. He stroked it lovingly and his smile broadened seeing the blush Elliot developed on his cheeks. His omega was always so cute.... "That's a relief.... and your back's hurting?" Alex's brows knitted together and wanted to pull Elliot closer to him. The alpha was overprotective to say the least.

Much to his disappointment, Elliot suddenly saw the time and reminded him of his duties (insert groan). He didn't like it either that his sweet and soft omega was moving away from him. He saw Elliot heaving himself, nudging towards the edge of the bed and it wasn't too much of a surprise when he apparently pulled on a sore spot and needed to stop in the middle, rubbing his back.

Alex looked at the clock himself, trying to screen through his schedule for the day when he looked up to see the determined look of Elliot - and that struggle was almost clearly written on the omega's face. On one side Elliot wanted his company, on the other side he didnt' want to hinder Alex on his career.

How could one be as adorable. Alex found himself falling in love wiht his mate who was tough and vulnerable at the same time.

"We are fine Elliot...." he scooped closer to Elliot and hugged his bump from behind, holding the massive bulge with both hands. "We have today to ourselves... " he chuckled. "I've told my father what happened and apparently my mother was even more anxious than me, and ordered me to stay home to take care of you and the aftermath of that pseudo heat. What can my father say....?" he pressed a kiss on the crook of Elliot's neck. "i was just now too sleepy to recall that - now the memory returned." he playfully bit on Elliot's neck. "So don't try to drive me to work..... i won't get any bonus even if i showed up every single day." he teased and helped Elliot to his feet. "that said... I still want some breakfast made by you.... but perhaps I could help outsome?" he smiled - but the next moment he was shocked when Elliot wilted down, his knees apparently unable to carry his weight.

"Wow Elliot! it's lucky you didn't force yourself..." he said, breaking a sweat at the sudden twist of event - if Eliot had stood up himself, there was a grea tchance he might fall oversetimating his strenght.....

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