C The Kingdom's Heir

After Adam had showered, Henri was no longer nauseous of him. What bothered him was what Adam said. He put a hand protectively on his stomach. "I won't let him take our baby. I'll be careful, I'll do whatever it takes."

Henri was filled with fear, and went near Adam to hug the man and seek comfort. "I'm scared. What if no matter what we do, he finds us?" He was getting teary. "I really want to raise this baby with you, Adam. I want to create our family."

" I think we need to think about moving again farther away only I will go to the village and plant crops you are to stay inside so no one sees you I will keep are family safe Henri I promise " he said kissing his loves head and hugging him tightly.

He was secretively fearful his father would somehow find out

"Okay, if that's what you think will be best." Henri was a bit sad that they may have to leave so soon the cabin and fields that they have started to make their home. It alos didn't appeal to him that he he'll be stuck in the house for the whole pregnancy. Small sacrifices they have to make for the safety of their baby. Right, the baby comes first now.

Henri hugged Adam tighter, and it was times like this, how Adam can be brave for the both of them, that makes him love the prince even more. "I trust you. When do we move? Should I begin packing?"

(Sorry for being late!)

" I'm gonna try to sell our crops and see how much this cabin will be worth so we have money for travel and maybe even buy a horse or donkey so you dont have to walk the long journey" Adam squeezed Henris hand " start packing little things let's try to pack light anything you leave behind I'll replace with time" he kissed Henris forehead " I'll protect you with my life and our baby" he said

Henri couldn't help but smile at Adam. His love really sounded dependable, and he was touched how he and the child were considered greatly in the plan. It made him feel like everything will be alright.

"Okay, I'll get our things ready before we leave." He rested his body against Adam's chest in a relaxed sigh. He placed a hand on his belly. "Hear that baby, papa will keep us safe." Henri couldn't resist and leaned to kiss Alex.

"Maybe I can sell some of the stuff we can't bring. It can give us more money. I'm not yet showing so maybe I can still go to the village to sell them." Henri suggested as he led Adam to eat dinner with him.

" that's a good plan will gather the stuff we want to sell tonight and head to the village tomorrow" he kissed henri deeply than kissed his belly than he went to eat dinner with his love.

The next day the gathered crops and anything else valuable to sell. Adam even sold his dagger that his dead mother had given him when he was alive. They got enough money for a covered wagon and a horse so Henri could rest and be comfortable.

Soon they started their very long journey to find a village and some land far away from Adam's kingdom.

While Adam was busy selling their things and properties, Henri busied himself in packing for the both of them. He also gathered food and water plus other necessities that would last them both for the whole journey.

Henri felt overwhelmed with how much Adam had made sure he’ll be comfortable. Especially when he knew that Adam's special dagger was sold for him. Henri didn’t held back, he hugged his man tightly and pulled him for a long kiss.

However, despite those, Henri wasn’t still spared from his morning sickness. The motion of the carriage was making him nauseous and it took him a lot of effort to try keep it in. He’d keep a hand on his belly, silently pleading to the baby to behave. He really didn’t want to trouble his love more.

Adam would take breaks to feed the horse and check that Henri was okay he knew the pregnancy took a toll on him. " you alright back here comfortable wanna stop for the night theirs a village a couple miles away? We could get you some crackers and tea there I know morning sickness must suck" he said

Adam really loved Henri with all his heart and would do anything to keep him comfortable and safe. He was so excited to be a dad and secretly wished for a girl. It was weird for a prince to want a girl but he wanted a girl that looks just like Henri

( ideas Henri could get ligament pain from the baby growing and Adam comforts him I was also thinking it should be a girl so it cant be a heir and maybe she has something wrong with her like shes blind or deaf so they make them try for a baby all over again? Maybe the deafness or blindness could be cause because they get robbed on their journey and Henri is hurt these are all just ideas you can use whatever you like)

Henri was feeling bad, but seeing Adam check on him between the breaks never failed to make him feel a bit better. He was thankful for those when he can actually go out and vomit with Adam comforting him.

Henri was tired. From the constant nausea and the pregnancy in general, he really liked the idea of properly sleeping on a bed. “I'm fine, love. But if it wouldn't be too troublesome, I’d like to rest at the village.” When they arrived there, Adam will find Henri deep in sleep with a hand resting on his stomach.

(We could the ligament pain when Henri's farther along so it would make more sense with the heavy weight. The baby can be a girl, and the robbery attack can happen too but can it be that the baby will be born healthy? Maybe a miscarriage scare but still a healthy baby?)

( yes I like all of that and love rping with you I'm constantly refreshing to see if you posted)

He knew Henry wasnt feeling well and was glad to see Henry rest comfortably in the bed. He laid next to him and rubbed his small belly soft and gently not to wake him day dreaming of the little girl they would have or atleast he hoped.

In the morning he snuck off to find some toast and some tea that the lady who sold it to him said would help morning sickness " morning love I have breakfast and some special tea thats supposed to help with the morning sickness " he said proud of himself

(Me too :) Let's both do our best! )

Henri groaned as he was woken up. He could already feel his stomach churn and hopefully this time he can hold it in. “I really hope that works, love. I don’t feel too good.” Henri was pale and sickly looking. Even having just slept he still looked very tired.

He gave Adam a small smile as thank you before beginning to slowly eat. The breakfast was really effective since Henri was able to eat all of it without an incident, and now he felt better. There wasn’t even a hint of nausea anymore.

Henri smiled wider and launched himself to hug his prince. “ This is wonderful, Adam! Looks like baby really likes it.” He caressed his belly, also thankful for the child who gave him a break. “Um... I finished all of it. Did you eat already? I'm sorry.” He apologised as he realised that Adam hadn’t eat with him and he had also finished all their food.

" no dont worry love I ate some food in town I'm fine I worry more about you and the child than me I'm glad you enjoyed it and feel better. Are you up to travel some more? I bought crackers for the ride and I have a canteen of that tea packed up as well " he smiled kissing his love than gently rubbing his belly

" we can stay here another night if you need but we should really keep moving were still to close to my kingdom" he said worried especially because Henry began to show some and if they were caught they were done for.

“Oh, I’m relieved then. You know, baby and I need to be healthy but we need papa to be healthy as well” Henri cuddled against Adam on their bed and kissed him on the cheek. “You're so good to me, love. I can travel. We really can't help the morning sickness, but I’m sure that with you I’ll be alright.” Henri said as he placed a hand on top of Adam's that was rubbing his belly.

He was happy to finally 'show'; it was expected since he was entering the 3 rd month already. But it also made him look more pregnant and if others were to notice... “Let's leave as soon as possible then. Have the horses rested enough?” Henri asked as he carefully moved out of bed to prepare their clothes. He let Adam shower first while he tried to find some bigger clothes to hide his bump.

Adam showered quickly and got dressed " yes the horses have rested good bring some extra blankets in the wagon so your comfortable maybe you can get more sleep my love" he said caring so much for Henri and the baby
They soon started on their journey Adam stopping every few hours for a break and to check that Henri and the baby were okay. They were in the middle of nowhere when the wagon stopped abruptly. Henri heard voices yelling and soon Henri was being dragged out of the wagon and thrown to the ground " wheres the money!" The man yelled.

Adam already had a black eye and bloody nose starting " I gave you what we have take what you need and leave us please dont hurt him" Adam begged but the man grabbed Henri and threw him hard to the ground again and kicking Henris side as Adam screamed running to find his sword that he was glad he kept and ran at the robbers screaming at them to go

Henri did as he was told and had plenty of blankets with him. It had been a more comfortable ride than before for him with the crackers and tea keeping his nausea at bay. But he still felt sick at times and Henri was just so grateful for the breaks Adam had been giving him.

He was deep in sleep when it happened. The sudden stop got him awake but still sleepy, he was surprised when robbers came dragging him out. His hands wrapped protectively around his belly and thank goodness he managed to land on his side. Still it hurt and Henri groaned out in pain.

When the robbers began kicking him, Henri curled his body to further shield the baby. His body was bruised all over but all he could do was weakly plea and watch Adam fight them off. "Stop... please..mnhhhh."

The robber left when they saw the sword Adam had. Henri felt faint and nearing unconciousness. He gripped his belly as he felt it cramping. "Adam... it h-hurts..."

Adam ran to Henri to pick him up and hold him close " look at me your okay now your safe now what hurts is the baby okay?" He said worried out of his mind not sure if he should move Henri or hurry to the next town

"I'm gonna move you okay wrap you up in blankets and get you to the nearest town and a doctor the baby will be okay" he said as he wrapped him tightly in blankets and took off on the horse getting the horse to go as fast as he can.

Henri's sight was becoming blurry. He was filled with worry and the stress was adding to the distress of a cramping belly. "My s-stomach...nghhh...it h-hurts. Adam... save our b-baby, please!" Tears were streaming down his face as Adam quickly, but carefully, wrapped him and carried him to the carriage.

Adam was going as fast as he can. Henri was silently praying that their child be safe. He was getting paler and his breaths were shallower. He was getting weak but all Henri could think of was the safety of the child. His hands didn't leave their place on his belly. "B-be strong...stay with d-daddy...p-papa Adam will save you."

Adam was frantic he was sure he had never ridden a horse faster in his life. As soon as he got to the village he jumped of his horse and started yelling " I need a doctor or a midwife my husband is pregnant and hes been hurt please help!" He was screaming like a lunatic til an older women took him by the hand

" show me him and breathe" she said so Adam carried Henri gently into the women's house to a bed.
" I'm Anna sweetheart tell me your name and show me were the pain is I'm gonna get your pants off check for blood sweetheart you have a good husband dont you?" She asked Henri getting a nice cold rag for his head and other parts of him that were bruised.

Henri was hurriedly brought to the lady by a frantic Adam. He could see how panicked his love looked and he didn’t like that. He tried to caress Adam's face for comfort but another pain made him double over and his hand retracted back to his stomach.

The lady, Anna, was kind and calm. It was comforting. In pain, Henri tried to answer as best as he could. “My b-belly...it hurts.” It was obvious on where his hand was where he was feeling pain. “My husband...mnhhh...is w-wonderful.” Talking to her was distracting him a little from the pain. Henri reached for Adam's hand and gripped on it, searching for comfort from his husband too.

Anna kept her smiling face, as she listened;even when she saw blood staining Henri's pants. And she observed that the pregnant man was still bleeding. Not good. “Husband, take over cleaning the bruises of your wife. There’s something I need to do.” She went to check. Henri's pulse and pushed around his belly a bit, then quickly went to make some tea to stabilise the condition of the baby. “Drink this dear.” After drinking, Henri seemed to dozed off and Anna finally let her face show how bad there situation was.

“He's safe now. The baby's weak but hopefully your wife will recover enough for the both of them. I must be honest with you. He almost lost the baby. But because you made it in time, they’ll be saved. You did good. Now let me treat your wounds too. For now there's nothing we can do but wait.” Anna said as she cleaned up Henri from the blood. Thankfully the bleeding was slowing down so that was a good sign.

Adam had never been so scared in his life. He held onto Henris hand tightly peppering him with sweet kisses and whispered to him " you'll both be fine" he whispered sounding confident but he was not at all. He was worried and mad at himself. How did he let them get to Henri? He should of grabbed his sword right away.

He helped clean Henris bruises gently and kissed him even as he slept. He let some tears fall hearing Anna " it's all my fault I'm not a very good husband I didnt protect him and our child could of died I'm a fool I'll clean myself up I dont deserve my wounds cleaned" he said sadly and took a washcloth to clean his nose and clean some bruises and cuts.

" they took our money I have a little stashed away but we still have to travel and I have to make sure Henri is fed and rests well how can I repay you I can do some chores around the house maybe some yardwork we will leave soon as long as Henri can travel" he said and kissed his wife's head

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