Office MATES
Elliot felt re-charged after the amazing, satisfying meal they had; a little sleepy but definitely had more energy in him. They start heading out and just in time to see the sun setting into the sea's horizon. The view was very beautiful with the changing color of the sky reflecting on the clear waters of the sea. He and Alex walked hand in hand as they admire the beauty of it, and the omega would often smile when he could feel Alex join the hand that he had on his lower belly to help carry it's weight.

They had reached the car in no time and Elliot was grateful to finally rest again and be off his feet. The beach was secluded by a forest that kept it hidden from the city. To get back to the city, they'd need to travel the long road that connects the two places. It will be a 30 min drive to get through. However, that might be a problem since Elliot was feeling the need to pee and there's nothing but trees in their path. Only 5 mins have passed when it started. He was now regretting to have drank too much tea. He was hoping he could hold it until they get out of the forest road or maybe until they find somewhere he could pee in. It wasn't too serious at the beginning; he could feel his bladder aching from how full it was but the urge was still bearable. The babies had become active too but it wasn't too much to affect his problem The urge continued to increase though by the second until 2 minutes have passed and Elliot had to slid a hand under his belly to hold his crotch and began shifting slightly on his seat. Shyly tugging on Alex's sleeve, Elliot, with a blush, finally decided to tell Alex his dilemma. "Alex, I need to p-pee...are there any restrooms around?"

They didn't find any in the forest and Elliot was growing desperate. A few more minutes have passed and Elliot was now obviously squirming on his seat. Both hands now held on to his crotch and he was biting his lip to keep control despite the great urge. Cold sweat formed in his forehead and you could hear him whimper in need. "Alex, I r-really need to's gonna c-come out!" The road had a lot of humps and it did worse for his overworked bladder. He hated the feeling of his belly pressing further into his bladder whenever they cross one and he'd groan at the discomfort. His body would also tremble and he had to bite his lips for each one because it was making the urge grow. It didn't even matter if Alex slowed the car for those, he'd always had to grip tight on his seat to brace himself and hope to lessen the impact of the humps.

Elliot was panting. The energy that he had from the dinner was slowly seeping away. The effort to keep in what is likely to be a lot of pee was depleting him. Head slumped against the window, eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched, Elliot continuously squirmed and whimpered. He gasped when a sharp kicked hit his bladder and he could feel that he'd pee himself a little. He whimpered louder at the wetness and had bended forward in reflex to press deeper into his crotch. "I-I can't... I c-can't h-hold it anymore! Alex! It's c-coming out! What sh-should we do?" His tone was panicky and his eyes were starting to get teary in desperation. 

( ;) )
Alex thought Elliot would definitely fall asleep, with how ready to bed he looked, so it came as a surprise when he started fidgeting on the seat and his eyes wide opened. He continued driving and just assumed it was because the babies had become active again that was keeping his mate awake. Just getting through the forest, he looked at Alex when he felt Elliot's tug. "Love?...." he fell silent learning of the reason for his mate's unusual behavior and nodded. "Ok i'll look for one... is it bad?" he said and found that question rather redundant when there was this hand under his crotch, where his mate was obviously holding in his urges. "it's ok, no problem, we'll find something...." he smiled at how embarrassed his mate was, dismissing the awkward situation with a smile.

"Oh boy..." Alex really started looking, just as Elliot reached under his bump - with much difficulty, granted, for the belly was preventing him to do that easily now - and started whimpering. "Shh - hmmng..." realising his mistake in making that sound, he swallowed it . "Elliot we're close, we're going to be there... just hang in there baby." he said urgently, realising Elliot was quite at his limit now, but there was nothing he could do with the bumpy road, they were crossing a forest and the road wasn't prisitnely made as in usual highways. No matter how careful Alex was, the car bumped through the humps and even Alex cringed at how it would jostle Elliot's belly, making him whimper more urgently.

There was little hope - it was just rows of trees that they were seeing, and finally... with that sharp gasp, he knew that was it. A quick glance at Elliot confirmed his suspicion, that Elliot had wet himself... Once that threshold was broken, there was no turning back - and the same goes with this situation. "Alright, ok. This is no big deal babe... don't panic..." He slowly cruised his car to a stop at the side. He came over to free Elliot from his seat. Taking his bump by his side, careful to avoid his bladder-area, he helped Elliot out while the omega continued to press onto his crotch, strugging to move as he clasped his thighs tight together.

"It's ok, babe it's fine... " he muttered and slowly helped Elliot walk towards the denser part of the forest. He made sure they were hidden behind a particularly large tree, with grass in front that would shield them from any passing cars, and started stripping Elliot from his pants. "Elliot, we're all alone. It's alright, you've held onto it long enough.... " he comforted the distressed omega patting his hand still stuck onto his crotch, encouraging him to let go and just ... go. 

(I hope i did good here!)
(I'm the one supposed to ask that hahaha :D This is your play and I want you to really enjoy this just as I do. Tell me if you want me to improve on something or maybe if you have other ideas in mind.)

Elliot would try find hope and strength from Alex's words but the urge was making it hard to concentrate on any hope. And now that he peed himself, he knew that it'd be only soon that his bladder would give and burst. Elliot tried to remain calm. He breathed through the building discomfort of holding it in and trust Alex on his words - do not panic, it's not a big deal. Surely the alpha had a solution in mind. But then the car had stopped to the side and Alex got out. Elliot was confused, observing Alex in whimpers as his love made his way to his door. "W-what's happening? I n-need to pee bad, Alex. Let's g-go..." 

Alex however just guided him carefully out of the car. Suddenly standing up, Elliot had to immediately clench his legs tighter and pressed further into his crotch, almost bending his body. At this point he was overwhelmed with the great urge to pee that he'd just let guide to wherever. It was mostly Alex moving him anyway. His legs were almost close tight together and his eyes would often shut as he whimpered more.

Then they stopped at a clearing and Elliot knew what Alex was aiming for. He gulped in nervousness. The tree was big and the grass were tall but still cars can pass by and he can't help feel nervous somebody's gonna see. "Alex, I-I don't like it here. It's open, people c-can see. M-Maybe I can hold it l-longer." He tried persuading Alex but it seemed empty as his body was cooperating well to Alex undressing his pants; his hand hesitantly withdrew from his crotch and Alex was able to take his dungaree completely off of him. His face grew red in embarrassment, now feeling very exposed for all to see. His wet panties were the next to go and then he was all naked from below. Elliot shivered as the cool breeze touched his wet bum and penis, cutely trying to shield them with his hands. "I don't like this but nghh… I r-really need to pee."

He had accepted his fate, the urge overcoming his embarrassment. Alex had led him to face the tree where he could hold on to support his heavy body. One hand held on the tree and the other wanted to hold Alex's hands. Elliot closed his eyes and took a breath, hoping to finally release his bladder. Despite the great urge though, nothing was happening, not a single drop. "Nghh...mmhhh…" Elliot began grunting then, thinking he could force the pee out but still it was useless. His bladder was aching badly and their babies were getting distressed as well. He tried to push more but all that ended was to get him red in the face and dizzy. Elliot felt like crying in frustration. "It's not coming out Alex... I-Owww...please get it out. It h-hurts nghhh…." Alex can feel Elliot's grip on him getting tighter, the omega flushed in the face with eyes shut.
(HAHA maybe its my idea but then i still want you to feel right, and make that a smooth transition so Alex wouldnt come out like a creep ;P and same here! If you want me to change anything just let me know ;))

"I dont think you can hold that longer... plus we are safe here. It's just me and you, there is no one else seeing... i dont want you to hold in.longer, this is the only way..... shhh...." he comforted the still struggling omega, by this time Elliot's face was red with strat tears running down his cheeks. "Shhh babe, it's ok, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Just this once and no one would know." He smiled encouragingly, and it wasnt a coincidence that he shushed Elliot in that gentle way...

And eventually his mate gave in and Alex smiled. His hand was there, holding Elliot steady as he removed the dungaree, somehow managing to unbutton it and peeled it away from Elliot's bump. He supported Elliot's bump for him and in turn, Elliot clutched tight on his forearm, holding himself upright while Alex gently tugged his prick out. He mumbled soothing words as he waited, expecting a big stream of fluid coming out right away as Elliot finally had his relief....

But he waited and waited. His omega was trying so hard to force it but there was no sign. He couldnt hear the stream, his hand couldnt feel even a drop where he was touching Elliot.... he frowned. This wasnt good, Elliot must have been holding yhe urge in for too long that his body refused to let go now. The distressed cry from Elliot had the alpha quickly reacting to the situation. "Hey shh, babe dont panic. Take a deep breath first." He said, maintaining a calm voice. "Close your eyes, take a few more deep breaths. I am going to rub on your bladder a little ok? It could be uncomfortable but i'm not going to hurt you." He said and gently moved his hand towards Elliot's overfilled lower belly. It was rounded out and even Alex could feel the strange bulge that was Elliot's bladder through his belly. "Relax babe... there is no hurry. You just let go, let it all go. Feel your body relax, lean back into me...." he instructed, rubbing along his bladder, he smoothed over it, applying gently forces along the side, keep applying pressure even when Elliot whimpered out.loud and his body tremble from the overwhelming urge.
(Okay! Hahaha, well if you have been very flexible for my quirk then I think I can accommodate much for yours also so I'll be good for whatever ;) as long as it won't make Alex a creep? LOL )

Elliot was getting very anxious; he was only becoming more and more uncomfortable below and he just really want to pee already. But Alex had been calm, and it was reassuring for him to have his alpha calmly and lovingly guide him on what he should do. His teary, still a little panicked, eyes stare into the caring ones of Alex's as they breathe together. Giving a shaky nod, Elliot closed his eyes and continued to take deep breaths. He let his body lean more onto Alex and took more deep breaths to relax his body the best as he can with the growing urge and active babies.

He was already expecting it when Alex warned him but the pressure Alex was putting on his bladder still had Elliot tense and moan low. "Alex it h-hurts..oohhh…" He squirmed a little and buried his nose into Alex's scent glands as he tried to keep his breath slow and steady still. Elliot kept his focus on his alpha's coming words, really trying to block out the greater pressure he was feeling because of the massage. It was few seconds of nothing until a loud whimper cam from the omega and gasp, the grip on Alex's forearm tightened. It was a slight trickle at first that grew to a strong stream. Alex can feel Elliot's body untensing against him, and the heavy breaths of relief of Elliot on his neck. "Thank (pant) you..." Alex might not see the hidden flushed face of Elliot but it was very obvious with his red ears that the omega was still very embarrassed at what's happening.

But the stream hadn't always been continuous. The pee would suddenly stop, making Elliot whimper and tremble in great urge again, only to continue flowing after a few massage from Alex and Elliot can relax again. It was taking them a while because of this and adding to that were the triplets kicking on his bladder. It made him uncertain if his bladder was hurting because of still holding a lot of pee or it was just because of the babies. Either way, every pressure Alex puts on his bladder was making him pee more, though with gaps in between. 

Elliot was breathing heavily against Alex's hold. Glossy eyes looked up to him and Alex would see the tired but thankful smile the omega was giving him. But that faded when Elliot shivered and whimpered from the cold of the night and trees. The grass below them were soaked with pee and some of the trunk of the tree. His and Alex's shoes managed to get a bit wet as well. There was still a little throb in his bladder but he figured that he was nearly done, at least the babies have calmed now. "Love...I'm c-cold. I think I'm n-nearly finished" He softly whimpered.
(HAHA i don't want this to evolve into this scenario where Alex had done that deliberately xD i think where we are are so perfect don't you think so?~)

If Alex was telling the truth he was nervous as well, especially when Elliot whimpered so hard when he applied that pressure, twisting in his arms and depserately searching out for his scent that he was worried he might have made the wrong move, that he had agitated the omega further in the situation.. but luckily in no time his brave mate had found his calm again, really relaxing into his arms, the first drizzle finally came....

It was a relief for them both. He held up Elliot's prick to target it against the tree, holding him gently and gradually released his pressure on his bladder thinking Elliot could finish it off fine ... but that didnt' seem to be what Elliot's body was attempting to do. As the stream come to a pause and elliot was again gripped with his agonizing desperation, Alex gently re-applied consistent pressure on Elliot to help wiht the steady stream of fluids... It felt like a never ending stream, the babies were also not helping, consistently kicking , drawing more moans from Elliot as they moved.

The kicks of the babies soon died down, probably from exhaution. Feeling Elliot's shiver, Alex instinctively wrapped his arms closer around him. Everything was wet, Alex had never thought in such cramped up space, Elliot's bladder still managed to store as much. He nodded and released his hand, letting that last bit of fluid trickle down, he just wiped everything off with his shirt. "We're heading back very soon... " he said, removing his shirt entirely to wipe along Elliot's inner thighs, shushign him when he attempted to fight back, then reclipped the dungaree onto him. "It's fine... it's handy. and we could always wash it later." he smiled at Elliot, then went ahead to lift him up, noting the trembling on Elliot's thighs.

"It's fine babe.... " he kissed Elliot and swiftly put him back inside the car. "let' shead home now~ this time there shouldn't be any hiccups." he said rather cheerfully, in a slightly more upbeat way than usual to alleviate the awkwardness his mate felt.
(Hahaha XD yeah, they are perfect as it is~. So next to this is the swimming pool? ;) Are we still up for that?)

Elliot's shivering died down when he got more heat from Alex. When the last of his trickle ended, Elliot was exhausted but more than, he was relieved. His body now felt completely relaxed as his bladder was finally empty, the triplets were asleep, and his heavy belly supported by Alex. He gave the alpha a soft kiss on the neck but quickly turned his head away so Alex won't see his red face. "T-Thank you lo- What are you- No! You're shirt will be dirty! Alex, stop! I-It's my pee. It's d-disgusting..." Elliot tried to stop Alex from drying him with his shirt. He tried snatching the shirt back or blocking his mate's hands but it was no use against his alpha. And so he relented albeit further embarrassed that he had to stain Alex's (probably expensive) shirt with something so dirty from him. "But I'm the one washing it, okay? I don't want you too t-touch my pee." Alex still smiled at him despite showing an embarrassing side of him and that was only making him blush more.

Elliot sighed as he was dressed again and no longer so exposed. He tugged on his dungaree tighter hoping to get better support for his belly because he was feeling so exhausted to even support his own weight. He didn't protest when Alex had lifted him. Actually he felt relieved that he won't have to exhaust what little energy he had left. But with his shirt used, Alex was naked waist up and in this position he could definitely feel the hard, chiseled abs of his love. He was ogling at first, the moonlight perfect on Alex's body that glistened with some sweat, but now he was so close and feeling it, Elliot might have purposely laid his hand on Alex's chest instead on his shoulder, blushing hard trying to keep inappropriate thoughts aside.

With Alex's kiss and attempt to lighten the mood, Elliot had managed to give a small smile and chuckle to return; the red on his face beginning to become pink. "Hopefully there won't be... I...I don't want that to happen again. I'm really sorry you have to see me like that, love. I-It's embarrassing." Elliot had chanced to look another to his mates naked torso and now more than lust, he was worried. "Are you sure you're fine like that? I don't want you catching a cold either." So he tried to think of a way to keep his love warm and had thought of snuggling at Alex's side to share heat.

"Is this okay? Or does it get in the way of your driving?" Elliot felt the sleepiness from before returning, and he'd yawn fighting to keep his eyes open. "D-don't be cold..." Elliot cutely murmured.
(Yea swimming pool next would be quite nice? Hmm, is Elliot going to wear swimming shorts or what type of swimwear?)

Alex chuckled. "In case you forgot, the laundry's always finished by the maid...." he said shaking his head at Elliot. "I.would rather I handwash it myself than to let you do that.... it really doesnt matter. I need to, and want to, take care of you." He smiled at the omega, somewhat quite amused at how uncomfortable Elliot was on this. In the end it was just part of what a human body would normally produce.... to put it in a different context, if it was their children, he waa sure both Elliot and himself wouldnt minded at all...

No matter what Elliot did, Alex just felt like his heart was melting with how adorable he was. From him tugging on the dungaree, to the way he was sighing in relief as he tried to hold his bump to relieve the weight. He didnt quite have the time to take care of himself, not that he was too worried about going naked on his upper torso. His steps were steady, and he might have noticed Elliot ogling at him, but the only effect it did is to make him straighten himself up further. Feeling Elliot's slightly cool hand on his chest, the alpha smiled and welcomed the closeness between himself and his mate.

Indeed he was quite surprised at how Elliot volunteered to press so close. "Sure thing, I would appreictae that very much." The alpha said all too cheerfully. It was perhaps the cosiest ride he had ever remembered, his pregnant mate pressing so close to him, nodding off on his shoulder as he warmed himself while Alex warmed Elliot up as well sharing their body heat. This lovely man melted his heart with numerous small gestures he made, and the alpha really wanted to show his appreciation somehow.

It was a little accident that in the end, perhaps drew them closer in a peculiar way, than to dampen the mood of this sweet date night. Alex was eager to bring Elliot's mind off that embarrassment , immediately after that night, he mamaged to secure a booking in a resort that was a bit distance away from their home, determined to occupy Elliot's mind as much as he could, so that he wouldnt have the time to recall the night before.

With that settled, before Elliot was even awake, Alex had alreadt quietly moved him to the car, this time driven by a chauffeur so he could concentrate on huddling close with Elliot, as he slowly waited for him to wake up during their ride to the destination.
(Hmmm...maybe in tight swim shorts and a shirt that keeps on riding up his belly as they swim? We could take of the shirt if you like? Any other suggestions?)

Elliot beamed at the confirmation of his alpha and had snuggled closer to Alex. He tried to keep awake, not wanting to leave Alex driving alone late at night, but all that happened had managed to really tire the pregnant omega out. Add to that was the strain of holding it in and the embarrassment of it left him emotionally drained. Elliot had also planned to get the dirtied shirt of Alex in the washer when they got home. He knew they have the maid for that but it's quite embarrassing for her to know a grown man like him had an accident like that, so he definitely had to be awake to wash it as he had planned.

Despite fighting hard keeping his eyes open, it was a battle to fight off the sleep and soon he was dreaming on Alex's shoulder. There were times that Alex may feel Elliot nuzzling his head on him and would purr and murmur incoherent words. Almost throughout the ride he looked content and at peace It was also the most comfortable ride  for Elliot who for the first time in ages hadn't been too bothered by aches and pains.

He had his plan on washing the shirt but it was definitely not happening that night nor the day after. Too exhausted from the day before, Elliot was still deep into sleep, oblivious to all that was happening around him. He'd just occasionally shift and snuggle in Alex's hold when he'd feel his back or belly uncomfortable. Maybe slightly roused awake whenever the babies became too active and kick him but he'd always just give them a few rubs and hums and he's back to dreaming again. All that mattered to him at the moment was that he could recognize his alpha near him and that he was getting his sleep. What happened to finally wake the omega though was the grumbling of his hungry tummy. And so with a last rub to his belly and a stretch and a yawn, Elliot's eyes begin to slowly open. "Mmm... Alex? Mm...hungry. What time is it?" Elliot had sleepily murmured.

It took a while of sleepily staring at Alex before his vision adjusted and he'd realized they were in a car. And it was moving! but Alex was with him? He sat up startled and was frantically looking around, trying to make sense of what's happening. Okay, so there was a driver and Alex seemed unfazed with this so it's probably alright. Still he can't stop the feeling of being unsettled, not knowing what's happening. "Love? W-what's going on? Where are we going?" Elliot yelped when a sudden bump on the road came and he'd held his belly tighter. He was not familiar with the path they were taking and it made him a little uncomfortable. "Alex... love?"
(yea sure, that'd be good. Haha since they're gonna swim with other hotel guests, Alex might prefer Elliot to stay clothed on his upper body~ until later when they returned to their room)

Through the intiial part of the trip, Alex was constantly smiling. For one, this had felt suspiciously like an elopment, where he demonstrated his determination in leaving business to his dad by disappearing completely from home, and for two... Elliot was snuggling so close to him, purring and murmurring so sweetly, just like how he did the night before. He smiled and stroked Elliot, tending to his needs, especially when the babies needed some comforting. He would adjust Elliot to the best position so tthat his mate could enjoy some more sleep during their journey.

Elliot just waking up from his dream was perhaps one of his most adorable moments. He was still bleary with sleep, and upon discovering what a position they were in, he was so alert and instinctively snuggled even closer to him. Adding his hand on Elliot's bump, rubbing and soothin git, Alex smiled and pressed a kiss on Elliot's lips. "Rest assured my love... we are just getting this get-away for the weekend. We're heading to a resort... i thought it would be fitting that we formally enjoy our time together at some place that's a bit more fun." he winked at Elliot and turned towards the driver.

"Henry, please stop over at the place I told you about. We are just 10 minutes away are we?"

"Yes Sir, another few minutes and we would arrive."

Nodding satisfactorily, thanking the chauffeur, Alex rubbed Elliot's tummy and squeezed him tighter to his side. "Don't worry love, we have breakfast waiting for us in a bit." What Alex didn't mention was he was also thinking ahead when planning their itinerrary, having understood now frequent toilet breaks had become essneital for Elliot now at this stage of his pregnancy.

There was this cute little farm house at the town they were visiting. It was a cute hostel that Alex had arranged to have a room reserved for them, with a balcony overlooking the fields stretched out to the horizon. Once Elliot had finished his morning routien in the bathroom, a full breakfast's waiting for them in the small tables set out at the balcony. Alex escorted ELliot to his seat and enjoyed the very delicious breakfast together, breathing in fresh air as a break from the car ride.

"we are about an hour away from the resort we'd be staying... Don't worry, I'm sure the accident of yesterday wouldn't happen again." Alex smiled, leaning over to press a kiss on Elliot's blushed face. 
(Okay :D )

"Oh...a weekend get-away at a resort..." Elliot said thoughtlessly as he continued to watch the sceneries pass, occupied on figuring out the path they were taking, but then he suddenly understood what Alex said and had sharply turned his gaze back to his love. "Is it true? We're having a weekend get-away?" Alex was smiling at him with an aura of confidence and Elliot knew he can trust on his alpha's words. Elliot was excited, thinking of all the fun they'll have at the resort. His face was red thinking of the amount of opportunities they'll have to bond and enjoy each other. This would be the first that they'll spend a vacation away from home together. He was more than thrilled for it that it shows in his eyes his glee, but he also thought on how they'll be away for more than a day and Elliot was actually feeling a bit nervous on how things will go especially he's heavily pregnant now. And his nervousness might have shown a little even as when he leaned in to give Alex a thank you kiss on the lips. "T-thank you love. You shouldn't have troubled yourself but I really do like this surprise."

At the reminder of food, his stomach rumbled again and Elliot had shyly placed both of his hands on his belly, even attempting to hide the embarrassed blush on his face as he snuggled closer to Alex. "I-I'm in no hurry. Take your time, Henry. I'm really not that hungry yet." though the rumbling of his belly say otherwise and now he was blushing harder with the driver also laughing at him.

They made it to their destination and he fell in love at first glance. The hostel felt homey and Alex was with him all the way as he made it up to the room and into the balcony. Even as he struggled on the stairs, a hand often switching to carry his belly and hold his back, he could trust his other hand to hold onto Alex and have the alpha keep him steady. 

It was breath-taking, the place they have stopped on; he thought as he got the whole view of the farm and fields. Elliot smiled in reminisce of his homeland and his sweet grandma. The memory lane was cut short however by a need to pee, and just in time too that Alex, without him really noticing, had lead him already to the toilet. That made him chuckle. "Should I be relieved that you have timed my bladder's routine?" Elliot might not say but it felt endearing to know that Alex would notice even the schedule of his body functions.

"It's so beautiful here, love! It's so peaceful!" The breakfast was a delightful experience. Not only does the food tasted good, but it comes with the scenic view and breeze of what he's most familiar of - his home. He had missed it very much after being in the city for so long and this feel like coming back home.

Elliot was also worried for the hour ride ahead, knowing how problematic his bladder can be. His cheeks burned when, like salt to wound, Alex has to remind of his accident. "A-are there many r-restrooms we can stop at? My b-bladder...and b-babies. I don't think I can h-hold for an h-hour." He squirmed on his seat while he would also rub his full belly. It might be just him and his anxiety for another accident or maybe he really had to go, Elliot felt like peeing again. He bit his lip and had slowly pushed himself up, his hand not moving from his lightly throbbing belly while the other flew to steel his back. "E-excuse me." Elliot managed to cutely say, before waddling off to the toilet again. Maybe he should have learned from last time not to drink too much tea.
Seeing the realisation dawn on Elliot's face was comical, his mate's eyes grew so huge having processed his words, and Alex took great pleasure seeing the excitement written all over Elliot's face. He noted the slight nervousness from the stiuation and protectively wrapped his arm around Elliot as he leaned close for the kiss. "I do like giving you these surprises... afterall, I'm still repenting myself from how I had spared little time for you, wasn't I? i got to woo you properly." his smile turned into a quiet chuckle hearing the grumbling of Ellot's stomach, again grateful that he had planned for this.

"Well my new goal in life is to be the best man possible for my love, better start from the little details, don't you think so?" Alex chuckled at how bright Elliot's eyes lit up. Alex stayed long enough to help Elliot get back up, and left him to brush his teeth and complete his morning routine,w hile himself came out to settle a refreshing breakfast for his love.

Alex couldn't hide his smile seeing his mate's clumsy attempt to push himself up. "oh sure thing babe...." He quickly caught up with Elliot and again, escorted him towards the toilet. "I'm making sure of that.... you wouldn't have to force yourself not to drink." he said kissing Elliot on his heated cheeks, unable to contain his affection towards the omega. "worst case scenario.. there are bottles!" he declared rather

To relief his bladder was no longer an easy task to Elliot, not when their babies had grown so big and active. Elliot's thighs almost looked too thin to carry his own weight now, so despite the omega's face red as a tomato from the embarrassment, Alex insisted on staying with him and helped when he lowered himself onto the toilet seat, then waited at the side, leaning back against the tiles, for him to finish.

It should have been an embarrassing moment, a very private time for one, but somehow Alex found it deeply interesting as he watched Elliot squeezed his fists tight, concentrating on relieving himself. The trickle of fluid wasn't fluent, and it soon stopped which made Alex wonder if Elliot was really done....

Elliot gratefully received Alex's help to guide him to the restroom. Just walking alone had already become a chore for him so he'd really like the extra support Alex gives him when they walk together. But as endearing as his fiancé was for the gesture, Elliot had felt like hitting the alpha at the suggestion of bottles; which he did do, earning him a laugh from his love and an even redder blush on his face. "Please no b-bottles. H-henry will be there and...I rather h-hold it in." Of course he knew he couldn't possibly hold in his bladder for long but the thought of resorting to bottles made him shiver.

Elliot knew it wasn't the first time Alex was helping him on the toilet, nor watching him pee, but it still made him feel shy. Especially when Alex would securely hold him and gingerly help him with his underwear. He sat on the toilet trying hard to release his bladder. He made small grunting noises, closing his eyes and whimpering. Elliot managed to pee but he sighed defeated when he found it difficult to get the last bit of pee out. He tried a few more times to no results. Sighing again, he gave a shy glance to the alpha quietly watching him in concern. He hesitated at first, not really wanting to put Alex into an embarrassing situation again. But...Elliot frowned, feeling his legs slowly go numb beneath his heavy belly. The toilet didn't provided much space to open his legs and he didn't want to let his bump touch the unfamiliar toilet seat either.

He leaned back and had to lift his belly a little, rubbing at the red spots that formed below his belly and on his thighs. "Alex..." Elliot started in soft whimper. "C-can you help me p-pee? 'M s-sorry." Elliot can only be very grateful to have such an understanding mate and though still embarrassed as he hold on to his love's shoulders and Alex's hands working intimately to massage his belly and bladder, Elliot can finally feel relaxed with a now fully emptied bladder. Maybe too relaxed as he unconsciously let a fart slip. Elliot's body stiffened from it's relaxed state on Alex and his hand flew to cover his embarrassed face. "I-I'm sorry!" The pregnancy had been making him gassy and constipated and overall gross but he definitely didn't want Alex to hear (and smell) him fart. Ever.

"Um.. ahh...T-thank you, love. I-I'm done. I'm really sorry again for that..." Elliot continued to apologize, eyes averting Alex, and blush still present. He asked Alex to help him up and let him rest on the bed of the room as Alex settled things with the owner and Henry before they would leave. He was rubbing his belly feeling the triplets move inside. And it was good distraction from his earlier embarrassment too; Elliot now smiled fondly as he played with the little feet.
Alex broke into a lighthearted chuckle when his omega mate hit him on his chest with his cute little fist. The bottles were obviously a last resort - though Alex did stashed a few , just in case, he didn't quite like the idea of Henry listening to that as well, though upon hearing what Elliot had to say next, he raised his brow, looking at him with a smirk. Right... he could hold it in. Alex really had to try ard not to tease Elliot furhter on that considerning his track record.

It was a new experience, and at first Alex wasn't too good at it having never pulled someone's underwear like that before as he placed Elliot down on the toilet bowl, yet with practice he was getting better and better at it. The bump was resting heavily on Elliot's lap, and Elliot was scrunching up his little nose in that focus to empty his bladder.

this happened commonly, Alex wasn't hurrying him at all, allowing sufficient time for Elliot 'do his business", but after several tries it was still apparent that the omega did not achieve much success. Alex was getting worried, and was prepared to step in in case his omega needed his help again. At some point his mate was looking at him with those wet eyes, and he knew that was the signal.

"Sure my love... just relax. You know my hands work magic." Alex smiled soothingly, only too ready to serve his mate. He came to his knees, to the side of Elliot, as he held Elliot's waist gently while he rubbed his lowerbelly, massaging the bladder that still felt a bit full. Soon enough the trickling sound came to an end and at the content sigh of Elliot, the fart came and even Alex froze on spot a little.

Though that happened only for a second, and Alex was there again. "hey that's not something to worry about. We're human, and we fart. I fart as well. Do you want me to perform that for you?" Alex smiled cheekily, like he was a teenager all over again, but apparently his joke wasn't working too well with Elliot still blushing so hard. Pulling him up, he pressed a kiss on elliot's forehead, just to show him how he really couldn't care less, and let him rest and calm down on the bed, excusing himself.

It was nice to see Elliot had gotten over that episode when Alex came back. He was there holding his mate carefully as they made their way down, waving goodbye to the old couple owning the place, and went to board their ride. Henry had been there opening the door for them, and soon enough they said goodbye to this region, travelling further down the coast to theri destination.

Alex wrapped his arm tightly around elliot, spending the time playing with the triplets. Since they'd gotten so strong lately, they were much more responsive. Alex was really having fun, poking and interacting with the babies, until the triplets become way too excited Elliot became paler at the kicks. "God are we playing too much? sorry Elliot..." immediately Alex acted on that and started soothing the babies down, rubbing big circle as a signal to lure them to sleep again.
It did cross in Elliot's thoughts at some point while resting what Alex had said back at the toilet. The memory of it was enough to tint his cheeks again. His love was really so kind to comfort him even in that way. He shook the thoughts and embarrassment away when he heard Alex returning for him, and so began the troublesome act of getting up from the bed.

Elliot remained a steady grip on Alex as they went down. It was slower when they had come up because Elliot cannot see the steps below him and he was very scared he'd slip. The couple owners had been a delight and he too gave his own goodbyes and thank you before heading to the car and settling themselves in for another journey ahead

Elliot would have liked for Alex to play with the babies anytime because it was really a sweet bonding moment for them as a family. Usually he'd be happy and feeling warm inside, but not this time. Elliot was used to the kicks, and he really didn't have the heart to stop Alex who was enjoying himself playing with the babies. Maybe because it's their papa who's playing with them but the kicks were getting stronger and he knew that the small smile he was trying to keep was slowly giving to a whimper. Didn't help that his breakfast wasn't done digesting and was still sitting heavily in his stomach. The rough movement was starting to make him sick. In his concentration to keep it all together, Elliot didn't even notice he'd become pale. "Y-yeah. Maybe next time, Alex. 'M not feeling too g-good at the moment." Elliot replied with a shaky smile and a smaller voice that really didn't match well with the paleness. He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Alex, his belly pressing more to the alpha's body and to the hand that attempts to put their babies to sleep again. He also joined in lulling the babies to sleep; a hand steadily rubbed a side where he could feel the triplets the most. The other hand  was kept close to his lips.

Alex might worry, and considering this, Elliot lightly kissed the alpha on the cheek. "I'm fine, love. Though they really need to stop playing for now." With Alex's help, he drank some tea they got from the hostel, hoping it would help with the nausea. And it might be fortunate too that Elliot began to doze off at the feeling of Alex rubbing his belly and the babies settling down. 

The peace lasted for a good 20 mins. before Elliot was woken with the familiar feeling a full bladder. He groaned when he tried to lift his head, still feeling a little nauseous, and went to tug at the alpha's shirt instead. "T-toilet stop? I need to p-pee, hun."

Feeling a bit better, Elliot had looked around, hoping to get sight of any restrooms, but then noticed that there are really bottles stashed at a corner of the car. He became red and, as if to forget about the bottles, had become more attentive to the sceneries outside.
Alex was truly sorry now seeing the amount of discomfort he had partially contributed to his mate. Elliot had been enduring this for awhile now and Alex did not even notice it... he repented himself by rubbing along his belly with gentle motions, calming the babies down. It took some time for them to understand what their parents were attempting to tell them, but eventually it worked out and everybody was happy - Alex perhaps the most of them all, since his mate had again fallen asleep which would make this way eaiser to get through the car ride.

The tea must have worked - but also brought its own effect. It wasn't unexpected, and as paranoid as Alex was, he actually marked the toilet spots during the planning of the car ride. Upon hearing Elliot's timid request, he voiced out for a break to Henry and the chauffeur knew where to stop next.

"Should be close.... within 5 minutes." His mate was clingy, which greatly pleased the alpha. His arm had been wrapped around Elliot for the entire time, now that he was awake, he tightened his arm, give him a bit more security and warmth. He was lazily looking out to determine their location as well, and to his surpirse when he looked back at Elliot, he was seeing a bright blush on his cheeks again.

Naturally, Alex jumped to a conclusion... Pressing closer to Elliot, he whispered. "Is it... hmm, i think we could quickly grab a spare brief from our luggage. I'd be grabbing that, you head over to the toilet first once we made that stop?" he said, quietly working out a solution since he thought Elliot had wet himself again based on the strange way Elliot was stubbornly looking out of the window, not meeting with his gaze.

He even looked over his bump, but the babies were so big now there was no way Alex could get any clue....
Okay, 5 minutes, he could hold it for that long. Elliot was greatly relieved to hear there was a restroom nearby and that he wouldn't need to resort to the bottles. It made him feel warm to think that Alex might have really planned their trip to consider even his troublesome bladder and make sure that everything will be convenient for him. But the bottles... Elliot shuddered. Well Alex was indeed prepared  for anything.

He was snapped from his thoughts when he was held closer by his alpha. It made him confused but a spare brief wouldn't hurt, just in case? Elliot nodded his head, thinking that maybe it was just another of his alpha's 'being prepared' moments and he should let his alpha do as he wants. But then he saw Alex looking closely to his bump? or was it his lap? and it finally clicked on Elliot what his love had assumed. His eyes widened, and red reached to his ears. Alex thought... oh gosh. 

"I didn't p-pee myself, I'm still d-dry, Alex!" Elliot exclaimed, as if to protect his little dignity of being able to keep control of his bladder. His underwear remained dry and Elliot didn't like that the alpha had grew to expect him to loose control of his bladder easily. However, instead of defending himself, only a new wave of embarrassment came on him when he realized that he had said it loud enough for Henry to hear. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean...uhh…are we there yet?" He tried to shift the conversation, and maybe he was very lucky, it was true they had made it to their stop.

 "Um...I'll go now. I'll be quick, I'm really sorry for this." Elliot mumbled shyly as he began to awkwardly move for the car's door. Of course Alex would insist to help him out of the car, and Elliot really had to let him despite the awkwardness of it all because he couldn't possibly do it on his own.

His body tensed as he was pulled up feeling something give. Now standing, Elliot shakily looked down to see something dripping down from him. He winced when he saw it. Oh gosh, he just proved his alpha was right. "Love...c-can you still get me a spare?" Elliot softly asked, then carefully waddled ahead to the restrooms with a little water trail to follow. 
Alex was genuinely surprised when Elliot exclaimed so loudly, even henry could clearly hear him. he could tell, although the good old chauffeur, being profesional, kept a blank face and concentrated on his driving, he knew he heard it. Realsing that he had made a mistake, jumping to conclusions, he chuckled and nodded after Elliot apologized to Henry. "yea, sorry for assuming, Elliot... but you were blushing so hard i thought...." he said, further explaining hoping at least in front of Henry, he could take the blame...

it was a little awkward in the car, so once they arrived, Alex was also glad that they made it and he was hurrying over to help Elliot get off. He had Elliot again holding his shoulder as he lifted him up from his waist, though he might have contributed to what happened next, holding his bump too low, basically his hand was right over his bladder.

His mate froze on the spot. Alex looked down to see what was distracting his omega, and saw that trail of fluid. Ooops... so it turned out his assumption wasn't that far off the mark... he could hear the soft request from his mate, which wasn't that much louder than a whisper, as he waddled forward. from behind, busy searching through their luggage, Alex could see that wet patch continuously grew as elliot moved forward... oh boy, this time it was a total lost of control....

He hurried after Elliot, with not only a new pari of briefs but also a new maternal pants. they were just stopping at a gas station for the toilet, and he wasn't sure how clean it would be inside. he didn't want Elliot touching anything in there, so he knocked on the door. "Elliot? Let me in, please?" he asked, holding the garment in his hand as he waited for the door to unlock.
Elliot had already forgiven his love the moment he said his sorry and explained. He understood how Alex could have assumed he'd wet himself, and he bit his lip in frustration at his current situation that only proved how weak his bladder control had become. The pressure brought on by Alex's hands on his bladder earlier seemed to do it's trick and now he felt like a dam breaking. He was taking small steps, whimpering as he tried to press a hand on his belly and crotch. He didn't want to pee further until he got on the toilet but after a few steps forward, Elliot knew it was a lost cost. And so the pregnant omega continued to waddle for the restrooms, slowly wetting himself more and more with each step he took.

Elliot was so flushed in the face when he finally got to the toilet. His maternity pants were soaked through but at least his bladder was feeling better. As expected, the gas station toilets weren't the cleanest; and it didn't smell that pleasant either, making Elliot gag. He also didn't want to risk touching anything in there and was hesitating to approach the toilet when he heard Alex knock. He slowly opened the door and let Alex in. His head was bowed down and body slightly trembling from the shame he was feeling. The omega had only been wetting his underwear a little; this was the first time that he'd completely lost control and wet himself completely. "S-Sorry...I couldn't h-help it. I t-tried to hold it in but... I failed..." He felt guilty, he couldn't even make it to the toilet and now Alex had to help him change him out of his pants too. Elliot felt so weak, he doesn't like it.

He kept silent as his alpha carefully helped him change. It was mostly Alex doing the work while he could only hold on to his shoulder and move his legs as instructed. It made him feel guiltier for his mate who did it all for him with a smile and without a single complaint. It made Elliot think sometimes how undeserving he is of Alex's goodness and perfectness. And he might just have to trouble him some more with the way he felt his stomach churn from the smell of the toilet that had been making him nauseous for a while. He already had a hand pressed tight on his lips. "Alex, I think I need to..."

Alex might be surprised as to why the omega was pushing away while he was in the middle of pulling up the pants, scrambling to get to the sink at the front, and suddenly vomiting. Elliot was panting by the sink, standing shakily over it, waiting if he'll be sick again. He felt bad, first it was his bladder, now it was his stomach. Elliot doesn't like how out of control his body was, and to also burden his love with him when they were supposed to enjoy a vacation. "'M  sorry..."
Elliot looked so defeated. He still wouldn’t meet his eyes and Alex’s heart just melted at the deep blush the omega was still sporting. He stepped through into the toilet, frowned at the foul smell within, and hugged Elliot tight. “my love, shh…. This isn’t a failure, it’s an accident only. And by definition, and accident is something no one had any control over.” He comforted his mate, pulling him to his chest and kissed his cheek.

There were tears welled up in Elliot’s eyes. Alex took that as a cue to start with the changing first, his mate could need a bit more time to get around the idea he’d just hopelessly soaked himself. He pulled the stretchy pants off Elliot’s hips, asking his mate to hold onto his shoulders while he removed the brief as well, pulling them off Elliot’s ankle at the same time.

What came next took Alex by surprise. He wasn’t sure what happened and also fell onto the floor, lucky his mate’s push on him wasn’t that hard at all. With his pants still only half-way up, he was throwing up in the basin, the retching sound continued for awhile. Alex quickly got to his side, being the support that he always was, holding loosely on his waist so Elliot had his chest to lean on when he was ready.

“Shh… why are you apologizing. This is just your body reacting to the situation. I’m sorry I couldn’t find a better toilet around the area…” Alex apologized as well holding his weakened omega closer. “And are you feeling alright? We could head out to get some fresh air… and rinse your mouth.” He reached down to pull up the pants for the rest of the way, lingering his palm on his bladder area for a bit. Not too surprisingly Elliot whimpered as he was again hit with the urge to go. The problem with late pregnancy was it become difficult for them to empty completely their bladder, leaving residue feeling of needing to go again. Alex gently moved Elliot towards the toilet, but this time instead of putting him down onto the seat, he simply held onot his prick and rubbed the soothing circles on his bladder. “Shh… just relax your pelvis. Let it go….” He muttered, helping Elliot empty the last of the content, before they emerged from the toilet.

Once out, with the dirtied draped over one arm, he helped Elliot sit back down onto the car, holding onto the open door, he pulled a bottle (full with water, not those empty ones) out and fed it to Elliot so he could rinse the foul taste out. “Feeling better?” he asked rubbing along Elliot’s back.


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