C The Kingdom's Heir

Henri sleepily nodded in what Adam said. He cradled his belly as he slept, thinking it will be better to think of what's best for the baby too. He trust Adam when he said that they still have enough money.

Henri woke when he felt something hot. He slowly woke up and gasped when he saw Adam burning up again. He quickly got up and went to have the wet towels and basin ready for Adam. Henri didn't know why Adam was like this at first and began to worry greatly. Then Adam turned that allowed him to look at the huge infected wound on his back. Henri gasped again. The wound was deeper than the rest and was infected badly. "Love, stay strong. We'll get you better soon." He held Adam's hand and kissed his forehead before running off to find medicine. 

Henri had a salve when he returned and frantically went to clean the wound and apply it with the salve. His eyes were getting teary in anxiety as Adam winced and remain hot. "Shhh love, it will be okay. The pain will be gone soon." He kept on kissing Adam's forehead and holding his hand tight to give his husband strength, the vegetable stall forgotten.

Suddenly, Henri felt sick and hurried to vomit on the toilet. He held his bump trying to keep calm. He was reminded that he needed to remain calm even when he's so worried for Adam or else he'll upset their princess too. "Sorry, princess. Now let's take care of papa okay. We'll do better." And he was back at Adam's side. "Love, does it still hurt too much? Do you want to take medicine?" He asked as he continued wiping on his love's forehead.

" it hurts" Adam groaned. He was still too hot and even with the cool rags all over him. " I just wanna sleep so it doesnt hurt so bad" Adam was in pain and annoyed " stop touching me Henri please " He whined as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he only rested and didnt sleep as his body ached badly from the infectuon.

He squeezed gently at Henris hand as he rested. Soon their was a knock on the door it was Sarah with damien on her hip " Tom said Adam got hurt I brought some soup for both of you" she said with a smile

Henri was a bit hurt when Adam said to stop touching him but he understood that it was because Adam was in pain, so he continued to lend his love his hand while also giving him space. Henri was worried with how in pain Adam seemed, and he knew that he should get some pain killers soon. "Shh, love. I'll get medicine and the pain will fade away. Please wait a little more."

Henri was preparing to make another trip in the village when Sarah and baby Damien came. "Thank you Sarah and sorry to have bother you too but I have to get medicine first, sorry to leave you." Henri was in a rush but he was back home in no time to guide Adam to take some pain killers. "Love, wake up I have medicine to make you feel better." He hushed his husband until the medicine took effect and Adam was able to sleep again.

"Sorry for not being a good host to you Sarah, Adam was just in so much pain. Let me make you some tea." Henri was looking weak and he wobbled when he got up from his seat. Luckily Sarah was able to catch him and sat him down again.

"Henri you look tired and pale. I know you're very worried for your husband but you also need to take care of yourself and the baby. Have you even eaten yet?" Henri, still feeling dizzy, shook his head no and so Sarah forced him to eat the soup she brought.

"I'm really sorry to worry you, Sarah. You're right. Can you watch Adam for me while I try to rest more too?" Knowing Adam might get annoyed with his touch he settled himself to rest on their couch, hoping nothing will happen to Adam as he rests.

Adam woke up to take the pain meds than fell back deeply into sleep. The infection in his back was pretty bad and causing him to have a high fever.

Sarah agreed to watch Adam and put cool rags all over to help break the fever but it wasnt helping. She let Henri sleep for a couple hours before waking him " we should get Adam in a cold bath his fever is still high I can go get the village doctor if you want" Sarah offered

Henri was able to get enough rest despite his worry that didn't go away for Adam. He sleepily nodded at Sarah and began to slowly get himself up the couch. "Please do that, Sarah. I'll get Adam in the tub." 

Henri approached Adam and went to gently wake his husband. "Love? Can you hear me? We need to get you in a cold shower, okay? It's gonna be uncomfortable for a while but please bear with me." Adam would wince often when he was moved and Henri would whimper in pity of his love's pain. He got Adam draped over his shoulder and together they carefully trudged to the bathroom. 

When he had set Adam in the tub and the cold water began running, Henri had knelt beside him and was wiping his body with the cool water. Occasionally he would look at the door hoping Sarah will come soon with the doctor. 

Henri was more than relieved when they finally came. "How is he doctor? He'd been having a fever since last night and it has gotten worse now. He was attacked by a bear yesterday." Henri anxiously reported to the doctor. In his worried state, he'd often rub his belly in comfort.

Adam groaned when he was put in the water his body ached from the infection and the cold water made him shiver. He held Henris hand tightly for comfort " hows Penelope?" He whispered weakly

Soon the doctor was there and checked Adam over. " looks like the bear got him good on his back and its infected I'm gonna give him some medicine and some herbal tea to drink hopefully it will bring the fever down and the medicine will stop the infection I'm also gonna clean out the wound more" he said and Adam groaned as he was touched but held Henris hand tightly.

After the doctor gave him the medicine they got Adam back in bed leaning up against some pillows " help him drink the tea than he can sleep" the doctor said and Adam still held Henris hand tightly

"Penelope is doing okay. She's just so worried for her papa, have been moving a lot in daddy in worry." Henri told Adam in a light chuckle, hoping that it will give Adam more strength to know he and the baby were fine. 

Henri listened attentively at the doctor's word, nodding his head a few times in understanding. He'd whisper words of encouragement to Adam and would kiss his hand and forehead whenever his love would look so in pain. "Shh...it'll be over soon. You're doing good, love. Just a little more." He would often repeat whispering to him.

Henri nodded again at the doctor and got the tea ready for Adam. "Adam, love. Doctor says you have to drink this. Come on, just a few more and you can rest again." And so carefully he got Adam elevated enough to help him drink the tea. He stayed by Adam's side until he was peacefully sleeping again and had stood to thank the doctor and Sarah.

"Thank you for all your help. If you'd like, please stay for dinner. I'll have it ready shortly."

Adam drank the tea even tho it tasted badly. He held Henris hand tightly even as he slept. The doctor and Sarah agreed to stay for dinner. Adam woke up smelling the food and asked for a plate. He was thankful for his husband who took such good care of him.

After a day or two of medicine Adam's fever was gone. He was still weak and not ready to work yet but enjoyed his time with Henri and the baby and even convinced Henri into letting him pull some carrots out of the garden.

Henri was glad to have the doctor and Sarah join them for dinner. He even let baby Damien to be fed first by his mama before they left. He was just so thankful that his Adam will finally be okay now.

Henri fed Adam carefully when he woke. He let him lean on his shoulder as he slowly gave Adam food and after gave a kiss on his love's forehead.

Since Adam was no longer in too much pain, Henri was able to open again their stall in front of their house. He would check regularly on Adam and attended to his needs so he still can't be open the whole day. He was a bit hesitant at first to let Henri help him in the garden, not wanting his fever to return, but he needed the help, especially when their girl continues to grow big in him.

"Just a few carrots, love. Then head back home and rest." Henri said with a smile, slowly squatting next to Adam to help pick carrots. He was happy that he could spend more time with his husband like this.

" Henri I feel better I can help you pull some carrots I know your tired shes getting big in you" he said as he stood and started to rub Henris back massaging it and also rubbing his belly as he kissed at his cheek

" Thank you for taking such good care of me love your amazing you know that?" He said with a smile

Henri moaned at the massage Adam gave him. "She is getting heavy in here but I don't want you reopening your wounds and getting sick again. Just when you feel tired or any pain, stop okay?" He smiled at his husband as thank you and enjoyed the time he worked together with him. Their basket full of carrots, Henri carefully got up with Adam and had moved to harvest the cabbages next.

"You've been amazing taking care of me and Penelope from the start and it's my turn to take care of you. I don't want you sick ever again." Henri kissed Adam on the cheek and held his love's hand. They got the cabbages harvested and at this time, the sun was directly above their hands. Henri was getting up from his squat when he suddenly felt light headed, dropping their baskets of carrots and cabbages. "A-Adam...I'm s-sorry."

Adam bent down and picked up the cabbages and carrots and got an old bench he had in the garden and made Henri sit " just sit down and relax it's not a problem my love your just tired."

Adam began to sing to Henri and Penelope as he massaged Henris swollen feet being careful not to hurt his love

Henri felt really tired. Earlier that morning he had to deliver vegetable to some customers and he'd only got home in time to help Adam.

"Thank you, love. I might have gotten up to fast." Henri kissed Adam's cheek as he listened to the song. He was rubbing his belly and could feel the baby kicking actively inside him. He chuckled. "Penelope likes your voice, love. She's kicking so much, she must be happy."

By the position of the sun, Henri knew it was almost noon. He gave another kiss to Adam's cheek, before slowly getting up with Adam. "Come on, it's time for us to redress your wounds and take your medicine." He said as he began leading his husband back to their home.

" I will sing more often if you wish as long as you and Penelope are happy take it easy inside my love I know you are tired" he said and took his hand guiding him inside where he made sure Henri rest after Henri fixed him up. He got lotion out and started to massage his stomach.

Henri felt warm with how very considerate Adam was of his condition despite the former prince being injured himself. He nodded with a chuckle, hoping to listen more of his love's beautiful voice. He carefully took care of Adam's wounds and had him take his medicine; and now they are on the couch snuggling.

“That feels really nice, love. It think Penelope is falling asleep, she must also be feeling relaxed in there.” Henri leaned back against Adam and relaxed his aching back too. Unconsciously, he was starting to fall asleep too.

Adam knew Henri was tired and continued to rub his belly and circles and started to sing softly covering them both with a large quilt so they would be warm and comfortable.

He worried for Henri as he had such a small frame but his belly was growing big with the baby. He wanted to make sure Henri got plenty of rest.

Henri had rested well and woke up with a smile when he saw the peaceful face of his husband beside him. Though a peek from the window got him frowning. The sun had almost set and he hadn't even opened the stall today. He sighed and rubbed his belly, smiling at the soft movements of their sleepy princess within. Careful as to not wake Adam, and to not loose his balance, Henri went to the kitchen and had started to make their dinner. 

Dinner was done and he only had to wake Adam up. He softly shook him, cautious of the healing wounds of his love. "love, dinner is ready. Let's eat." He chuckled when he could hear his stomach rumbling. "Come on Adam, your daughter is hungry."

Adam was a little sore and moaned as he woke up. He took a deep breathe smelling the food " it smells wonderful love" he said as he got up to eat with husband. They enjoyed their meal and Adam went to check their mail. There was a letter written on fancy paper that said " we know who you are Prince Adam you need to return since prince Henry is with child" Adam shook with fear and started packing up all of their stuff showing Henry the letter " ill go buy a horse and carriage we have to leave" he said

Henri was startled when suddenly he could see Adam hurriedly packing their things. His eyes widened when he saw the letter. He was scared too. He looked at his six month belly and ran a shaky hand on it. They won't let them get their baby.

Henri nodded at Adam with determination. When Adam had gone buy the horse and carriage, Henri went to their garden, harvesting all the food they could. He had also went and buy some things the baby will need, just in case things get worse.

Henri managed to create a letter to Sarah of their leave and now he waits for Adam to return. He bit his lip, feeling Penelope kicking a lot. He was rubbing his belly when he saw Adam with the horse and carriage. "Shh.. Penelope it's alright. Papa is here now."

Adam frantically packed all of their things in the carriage putting a mattress and blankets in the corner of the carriage for Henri to lay and relax during travel. He helped Henri in the carriage covering him in blankets and handing him a hug of water and a bag of candies for the trip "knock 2 times when you need to stop I'm going to travel and get as far as way as I can no stops only when you really need too okay love?" He said and kissed Henris head than his belly and started to take off on the horse.

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