Office MATES

Elliot's body trembled as a couple more waves had him bending over again to vomit. He felt so weak and out of control that it was frustrating him. And even now, Alex would still not be angry with him, even putting the blame on himself. Elliot, feeling his stomach a bit more settled, had leaned back to rest on Alex. He turned so that he was now facing the alpha and firmly shook his head. "No, you shouldn' already did so much by planning toilet stops for my convenience. It's m-me...I body's out of control." Elliot had gripped tightly on Alex's shirt when he was pulled closer, burying himself more to the alpha's chest as the feeling of wanting to cry heightened. He could only nod when asked if he was feeling better, not sure if he really was alright.

"Y-Yes, please." The smell of the toilet was really unpleasant to his sensitive nose, and having just vomited, Elliot liked to get out from there and have a breather. He was biting his lip, a hand pressed on Alex's shoulder and the other on his aching back. He whimpered when suddenly a new urge to pee came to him again. The red on his face came back and he only found himself biting into his lip harder. Can he? But he had just soaked his pants not more than 10 minutes ago. Was this even normal? Alex might... There was a soft gasp of surprise from the pregnant omega when not even a word said about his new urge, his fiancé was already helping him to the toilet again. He didn't want to believe that he could have more in him that his body refused to relax. "I d-don't think I can...I-" but as always, Alex had him assured everything was fine and so with a small push and wince, his bladder felt relieved (for now).

Elliot had fussed over Alex after that, wanting to make sure that his love's hands got cleaned and also trying to convince him that he could carry his own wet pants, guilt and worry obvious in his glossy eyes. But of course Alex was just too kind to him that he was only made to be comfortable at the car. He gratefully received the water bottle given to him, and once his mouth was rinsed and dried, he kissed his alpha on the cheek. Elliot had leaned to the hand rubbing his back, making the hand rub further down on his spine as he gave his heavy belly a push forward. "I think I'm...mmhhh...feeling better."

 His back started to feel bad a while ago, might be from when he was bending over to vomit, and now arching his back, he hoped to get relief from the ache but seems like the babies don't like the movement. Elliot whimpered at the hopelessness of it all. He turned to look at Alex, his ever source of comfort, and seeing his mate all worry and concern without the tiniest hint of anger at him being like this, Elliot lips quivered and the tears he tried to fight finally went loose. He carefully shifted and moved his body so he was snuggling Alex again. "I love you, I really really love you Alex and I...I um..I'm gonna be okay...uh how far 'til we get there? It's almost o-over right?" Elliot didn't want to cry over something so petty and hurriedly wiped the tears away before Alex could see them. 

(sorry it gotten so long  :( )

Elliot was as nervous as ever, wanting so desperately to carry his own dirty laundry. There was no chance Alex would let him, though, even when Elliot looked at him with those bright, round eyes. He simply shook his head and escorted Elliot out of the toilet, taking him all the way out of the smelly toilet. There was still a residue blush on his face, which Alex appreciated very much seeing it had enlightened Elliot’s lovely face.

He welcomed the kiss offered on his cheek. The 3 babies had made it a serious burden in front, Elliot’s back was constantly under a lot of pressure. At Elliot pushing his bump forward, it appeared even more massive, jutting out from Elliot’s small frame. Alex looked at his bump with adoration, until he sensed Elliot’s gaze at him, asking for his help. “Hey shhhh where do those tears come from?” Alex sprint into action seeing the tears welled up in Elliot’s round eyes. “shhh babe…. Yea, we’re almost there. Is it the babies are messing with you?” he asked, adding his comforting strokes onto Elliot’s big bump. He hugged Elliot and nodded. “just a bit more travelling and we’d arrive at our destination.” He said, scooping Elliot up entirely, himself slipping inside the car. “Henry, could you please start? We’re ready to go.” He quickly ordered the chauffeur and looked back down at Elliot.

“My love…. It’s ok.” He smiled at the omega. No matter what had triggered the tears, Alex just patiently kissed them away. “I’m always here for you.” He said keeping Elliot curled up on his lap, holding his bump too to calm the babies down as they cruised through the final stretch of their way.

As they approached the resort, a bellboy opened the door for them and Alex slipped off the car, and sent the bellboy to grab the luggage while himself focus on helping Elliot out. He rested a hand on Elliot’s waist protectively as they came into the hall.

The resort was grand. Up front in the marble-laid hall, the ceiling was high, though a lot were decorated with wooden furniture giving this seaside resort an exotic feeling. They were offered a welcome drink as a lady approached them to assist on the check-in process. Alex dealt with it all, still holding onto Elliot’s back, handling the situation effortlessly.

“Can we be escorted to our room now? It’s better for my husband to be off his feet now. Please understand our delicate condition.” He smiled at the lady, holding on Elliot’s massive bump.

(haha no problem! why are you apologizig when I cant' get enough of our lovely Elliot ;))

When Alex spoke in his soothing voice, ever comforting his troubled heart, it triggered something in Elliot that he was really alright in his alpha's arms and that he could cry all his pain and frustrations away. And so cry he did. It might be because of the accident and the nausea incident, plus the resulting backache, that made Elliot feel bad all over. It suddenly felt like his pregnancy was overwhelming him and he can't do any thing about it. "The b-babies...I l-love them but (hiccup) - I don't k-know... Alex, I w-want it to be over soon..." He gripped tighter on Alex's shirt and had instinctively pushed his belly forward to lean more to Alex's touch, once again adjusting his back to find comfort. "I'm s-sorry but it just felt too much suddenly..." 

Elliot's sobs slowly died down as he was continuously filled with the comforting voice and embrace of his love. A whimper may slip now and then, especially when the babies kicked too hard or when his back ached. But then he'd constantly look up to Alex for strength, and to get a kiss to his eyes and tear every time was always a great reward for him. Elliot slowly calmed and relaxed against Alex. With a tight embrace on his alpha to cover his insecurities and peaceful babies put to sleep by their papa, Elliot fell asleep too feeling better letting those emotions out he'd bottled for a long time.

The next time he woke, Elliot was blurrily seeing Alex help him out of the car and carefully guiding him into the hall. "Love (yawn), are we here?" A hand held Alex's own that was guiding him by the hip while the other rubbed his eyes awake before going to cradle his lower belly. Now fully awake and balanced, Elliot was in awe of how amazing the resort looked. He trusted his mate to lead him and so he got to looking around the details of the resort. He might have gotten a stiff neck if it weren't for the lady that snapped him from it and had him busy with his juice instead. Elliot blushed at the memory of when his welcome drink spilled and all the chaos that happened after, and he'd tense in Alex's hold, making sure to have a good grip on his glass this time.

Alex holding him and sharing some of his weight had relieved most of his aches with carrying 3 heavy babies, but the transaction took a time and it came to the point that Elliot was beginning to shift his weight foot to foot and his hand pressed with Alex's deeper into his back. He really wanted to seat again. Elliot looked at Alex in surprise when he heard his fiancé refer to him as his 'husband', and the lady chuckled finding the omega cute, nodding his head shyly while red in the face. It honestly made Elliot's heart jump at being referred to as 'husband' by his Alex.

The lady was about to lead them to their rooms when he caught the pregnant omega wince at a step he took. "Do you need a wheelchair? We have some in standby." but Elliot shook his head, instead just tightening his grip on the alpha's arms. "I'm okay. I have my h-husband to help me." Elliot stuttered, and a new shade of red tinted his cheeks.

The lady was kind enough not to comment on it. They made it to the room and though he love his fiancé and is equally excited with this vacation, Elliot's goal was the bed. He'd ungracefully lied on it and was getting sleepy again, sneaking behind Alex when he was busy fixing their luggage.

(I'm sorry if I don't progress the story that much. Blush  )

Alex sighed affectionately at Elliot breaking down. his omega had been so strong throughout, but to see him letting go, making his frustrations known, that was healthy as well. he could feel the omega trying so hard to maximize where they were touching, so he met with his needs as best as he could: he caressed his bump, rubbed along his back, whispering soothing words to him. "shhh... it's ok. it's ok to feel tired, it's ok to feel the pain from the pregnancy. You've been doing so good, Elliot, you don't have to suppress that. I fully undersatnd how it must havve been for you... and trust me, babe, I love you so much for how strong you are, but i love you equally for you in your mweka oments." he said, doing his best to make Elliot forget about the pains and to feel better.

With Elliot closely tugged against him, they navigated the hotel lobby without trouble. Elliot held onto the juice like it was this bomb, it drew a chuckle from Alex who also recalled vividly what had happened before. that time was indeed a scare, the fear very real.

Alex used that word deliberately: it was much too long a story to tell, and if he just used "fiance", it could mean a lot of things and he didn't want them to view Elliot differently just because he was pregnant before properly married. And anyway, they are husbands, at most in a few months' time they will be. what else could they be! That blush was, however, an added bonus. At Elliot using that to refer to him, too, Alex squeezed Elliot's hand lightly as he gave him a cheeky smile. "oh yea, I'm here for him. Please lead the way, Ms, I'll take care of my husband." he said, as if proving a point, he tightened his hold on Elliot's waist, half carrying him for the rest of the way.

The luggage had arrived and there were a few things Alex had to tidy up first. what he tdidn' expect was seeing Elliot slumped over the bed, again appearing very sleepy. "Oh love... you're vreally very tired isn't it? hmm,... i was thinking we could hit the pool before we grab some lunch. if you're really sleepy..." Alex shrugged, but he was teasing only, he knew Elliot would want a dip in the swimming pool. ".... then maybe we could just skip that. well, that would also mean the swimsuits i brought would be for nothing. Hmm, such a waste." he said, putting his hands on his waist.

(haha not at all, lOL i didnt' move it that much either myself!)

Elliot's feet was really swollen at this point and his back really sore. It was really not for sleep that he wants to be in bed but his body was achy all over and Elliot just felt so tired. His eyes grew heavy but before he could even close them, he could hear Alex talking about the pool and swimming and Alex's hot body in a swimsuit. Elliot loves the sound of those three together and would fight off any sleep for that. He could almost see it, feel it, how that would do wonders to relax him from all the build-up pregnancy stress and strain.

But then Alex had to tell him that if he'd rather sleep then the alpha would be more than willing to skip the pool and no he won't stand to waste the swimsuit that would look gorgeously on his love. "No! I'm not sleepy anymore! I-I want to uh...I-" It was funny and cute to see the pregnant omega be so enthusiastic for the pool while trying hard to get up from his lying position with a huge belly pinning him down. It was quite a scene and Elliot knew that he must be looking ridiculous to Alex. He was blushing as he tried one last time before giving up and shyly reaching a hand out for Alex. "L-love? P-please help me up?"

Elliot released a huge sigh and had his hands cradling his belly when he was finally sat up, though the blush didn't fade when he could recall what a turtle he must've looked. "I..I want to swim, love. I read it will be good for alleviating the pain and..." The blush became redder when he could think of Alex in a swimsuit. But he can't possibly just say that can't he? "...I'd like for us to try on the swimsuits."

Elliot wasn't really too sure with wearing a swimsuit since given his huge baby bump, but Alex had been right with the dungaree fit so he trust his mate to have bought trunks well for his size? Well it did look big enough when Alex showed it to him so he could try it on. "C-can you help me with this? I don't know if I could on my own, love." And of course there's also the trouble of getting him up from the bed first.

( :D )

Alex smiled looking at Elliot. He knew his mate would be interested in the pool - and yes, he was also aware that the buoyance of the water could work magic in relieving the sore and stress on the pregnant omega's body. He waited patietnly for Elliot to process the proposal he'd suggested, but wasn't expecting to see Elliot at his most clumsy moment.

He waited, since Elliot was still trying to sit up himself, the alpha wouldn't offer his helping hand - just yet. How could someone be so cute when he struggled to sit up! The bump was growing big, and Elliot was a small guy. It was obvious his abdominal muscle was weakened significantly, stretched out too much by the babies' growth....

"Gladly, babe." Alex came, smiling at Elliot as he expertly held Elliot's back to give him the support at the right places, with an easy tug, the omega sat up smoothly. He saw the blush that was continuously deepening, but thought it was just because the omega was embarrassed at how he failed to sit up himself after multiple tries. Comfortingly, he pressed a kiss on his beetred cheeks. "Great...." he whispered and went to grab the swimsuits.

For Elliot's, it was a pair of simple shorts, designed with extra elastic band. "You'd be fine with these." Alex demonstrated how stretchy the band was, pulling it out to show Elliot. To fit them on, though, it was another matter.

Stopping Elliot from pushing himself up to stand, Alex started by removing Elliot's pants and briefs. Elliot, naturally, was blushing even harder at his mate undressing his bottom. Alex pressed a kiss on Elliot's exposed belly first, before he knelt down in front of him so he could fit the shorts through Elliot's ankles, then helped him up as he pulled it up the omega's legs. Holding Elliot on his chest, he smiled. "there, all done. Feeling alright? comfortable?" he asked. the swimtsuit fitted just underneath the bulk of his bump, clasping tightly on Elliot's bubbly bottom.

"I've brought you a shirt that should cover up your chest... just a simple t shirt." he said, pulling out another big white tshirt to be worn by Elliot. "I'll get changed as well now." he smiled and released Elliot, quickly stripping himself with his back turned towards Elliot, giving the omega the full view of his broad shoulders and muscular back.

Alex had seen and dressed his lower area a bunch of times already from all the accidents he had from before. But it was certainly different now. No desperate urge to pee or the shock of an accident to distract him, Elliot can all focus on the sight of Alex undressing him and being close to his now exposed penis. Thank goodness he remained soft despite all the sexy thoughts he had of his alpha before, or else that will be a whole new embarrassment for him who was already blushing a lot. The kiss on his bump made him shudder a bit, but thankfully the babies kicked at that time so he wasn't too obvious. And then he gulped as Alex went further down for his underwear and pants. 

Elliot was more than glad that he had the babies to distract himself with or he didn't know what will happen with his high hormones right now. He could feel the babies kick and move, and they've gotten so big now that the 'mother-to-be' knew which baby moved and what part hit him. He was playing with Cath's foot when Alex was done and he could've sighed that at least he managed to pass that without becoming too aroused. "It's just the right amount of tightness on my waist and the band isn't biting me that hard." There was a full length mirror at the side of the room and he could see how plump his bottom looked. "...My it okay? It doesn't look weird?" Maybe he was just overthinking it, plus with the short and a naked top, Elliot was loving the free space for his huge belly.

The shirt was still accepted happily though by the omega, who despite the comfort of being naked, liked to keep modest on showing his body, especially his very pregnant body that many will not appreciate to see naked. "Oh, thank you! I'm really don't like to show too much skin and as always I think you got the size right, love. That's becoming a talent, don't you think? Okay, get changed and I'll just stay here." Elliot was awkwardly trying to bring some humor to shake off his inappropriate thoughts. Content in his position, Elliot smiled and nodded for Alex to change as he put on the shirt. 

It hang loosely on his huge form and was just enough to cover the whole expanse of his belly. Elliot was very happy with the light material of the shirt. It doesn't irritate his sore chest and isn't too restricting for his belly. Maybe he could ask Alex where...Elliot paused and his smile faded when he get to finally notice the bare, muscled back of his alpha. He was seeing his imaginations in the flesh and the excitement he had for the pool soared. There was his love's sexy back, and then what's next was...Elliot's blush deepened as his eyes grew more was the perky, toned butt of Alex! Elliot felt so flushed, his eyes zooming in to take all of the details of Alex's naked back. Suddenly, he could feel and see red dripping on his hand. Oh goodness he was having a nosebleed.

"Ah! Alex...tissue, tissue! Oh m-my...there's a l-lot." Elliot had an arm behind him so he could lean back while he hold his nose and tilt his head up. It was normal in pregnancies to have a nosebleed here and then and hopefully Alex would just know that and not the hard on he had underneath his big belly.

Alex was oblivious to the internal struggles of Elliot, but maybe he spotted the slightly trembling thighs of Elliot as he pulled up the swimshorts. It was not surprising that Elliot was sensitive to touches now, the omega’s hormones doing all sorts of things on his body, but with the strict order from the doctor, Alex knew he better not encourage on that at the risk of a premature labor…that said, if Elliot had the need, maybe Alex could provide some relief…

“Oh boy… that COULD be a problem.” Through the reflection in the mirror, Alex had suddenly come to realise how tight the shorts were fitting over Elliot’s peachy bottom, it was almost too seductive to Alex. “This is so….” He knitted his brows together as he reached forward to hold Elliot’s rear, giving him a playful grope. “this is so sexy…” he whispered in that low voice of his, then broke into a smirk. “You have to wear that shirt the whole time, ok? I’m NOT going to let too many people see this… this is… too seductive.” He said breathily, just as the omega whimpered at the squeeze on his butt.

Alex chuckled. “Of course, who else know your body as well as I do.” He said turning around to get changed. Alex was used to getting naked, and without much thought he removed his shirt, exposing his sun-tanned back, muscular and powerful, then he removed his jeans and boxers. He stepped through the trunks he had and heard Elliot’s exclamation. “hmm? Elliot are you ok?” Jumping on a single foot, Alex quickly pulled up the swimming trunks then quickly grabbed a tissue for his mate.

“Are you ok? Is this another something that I never knew?” he asked worriedly, holding Elliot’s head, he put the tissue over his nose to stop the bleed. “God Elliot… I’m so sorry I’ve always missed these symptoms of yours…” he sighed feeling guilty again, slowly moving Elliot towards the bed so he could sit down. The big bump conveniently hid Elliot’s erection, but Alex wasn’t really helping with matters since he was sitting down as well, holding Elliot close to his naked chest as he helped him stop the nose bleed.

Once they settled, Elliot’s head could rest comfortably on Alex’s chest, and therefore Alex could free up his hand and hold Elliot’s bump, calming the babies. “oh I’m feeling a little kick, which one is this? Charles?” he asked, smiling, while he caressed the lower half of Elliot’s bump….


The nosebleed was a symptom of pregnancy, yes, but Elliot was sure it was not the only reason this time. And just his luck, the other reason of this incident is now in front of him, touching him all over in worry. Elliot had to bite his lips in trying hard to maintain a normal, unaroused face; though blush on his face could be forgiven as him being flustered with all the blood. "I'm okay...I think I just overheated? Or maybe the stress from earlier?" Elliot smiled sheepishly, a shaky hand rising to hold the tissue Alex gave him with a small nod.The excuse he gave him was valid, having experienced some episodes from before, only omitting the arousal part that of course he didn't want his alpha to know. Elliot was mostly embarrassed, and a bit concerned for the blood, but he frowned when he heard Alex blaming himself again. He held tightly on the hands that slowly guided him to the bed. "You couldn't have helped it love, and it's my fault too - for keeping most of the symptoms to myself and not letting you know. I'm really sorry for trying to hide these from you, and now I make you feel guilty."

Once he had been seated, his fiancé by his side, Elliot clasped on Alex's hand again and pressed a kiss on it (he was careful not to get blood on the hand. "It's both our fault, but now we're together again and tackling this pregnancy together. That's what matters most, right? So please stop feeling guilty, love. Or else I'll feel guilty too." Elliot meant for that to be a touching moment, though he wasn't sure how much he succeeded at that with the bloodied tissue hanging in his nose.

It took a while for the bleeding to stop, but thankfully it did because Elliot was starting to feel a bit lightheaded at some point. However his arousal didn't. If not, it only increased, especially when he could feel Alex pulling him closer to his naked chest. Only parting them was the thin shirt he was wearing but it was enough for Elliot to feel all the sensation Alex's cool, muscled torso can offer. Elliot was flushed, and not the embarrassed type. His breath was getting heavy, and it took a lot from the omega not to give in and let how horny he was. He was loving the touch, and if Alex would ask why he was being so squirmy, he could always just say it was his back aching him. 

Elliot was so sensitive. He feels guilty for this but the belly rubs were turning him on even more. He'd reply in nods, and hums, not really trusting his voice right now. Elliot's breath hitched when he felt Alex's hands go lower. "Y-Yeah, Charles... He's at the bottom, keeping his younger siblings s-sa-" Elliot paused to moan, caught off guard to how close Alex's hand had gotten to his hard penis. He looked up to Alex looking at him in shock, and he blushed, biting his lip. "I'm really sorry but..." Elliot started as he finally gave in to the lust. He reached to the nape of the alpha and pulled him close to kiss him heatedly. When they broke, Elliot was looking down, though the hold he had on Alex's nape didn't let go and only moved to cup his man's cheek. "I n-need you, Alex... can you please make me feel g-good?" And the alpha was pulled in for a hungrier kiss. "You s-said, I was s-sexy, right? That you don't want o-others to see. Claim me, A-Alex?" Elliot had slowly repositioned himself so he was straddling his love. He knew it was wrong, but a little release won't be bad, right?

(I'm back, hahaha. sorry! )

Alex's guilt built in fact even when Elliot told him not to feel bad about it, bufor he knew how good his mate really was, always wanting him to feel the best. He knew he had done things wrong in th e paast, leaving Elliot alone when he was facing drastic changso n his body, but what he said was also true, the imoprtant thing was that they're now together and facing these changes together, and Alex had vowed to himself he dwoul never allow Elliot to feel bad over that..

Taking his hand, he smiled and shook his head, changing the tissue for Elliot. "Alright... you're truly the best person in the world, do you know that? Your heart's gold..." he sighed and pulled Elliot closer to him, keeping him safe on his chest while they waited for the bleeding to slowly pause.

Alex thought they were enjoying a quiet moment together, not noticing the trembles and moans Elliot was trying to hold back. Alex simply thought it was a bit odd Elliot was panting so hard when he answered him, but that moan breaking out was startling enough, Alex paused and suddenly, felt the hardness underneath the bump.

The alpha was shocked, he had always assumed this far into pregnancy, with the constant aches and hormones, Elliot's body might not be able to get a hard-on... looks like he was completely wrong in that concept. it was a surprise, but that's also a nice surprise. Alex quickly meled into the kiss his lovely omega initiated, letting him pull him close, he smirked and nodded, returning the kiss. "Yea, you are sexy... let's see. We better remove these trunks first... hmmmmmng." The alpha intended to peel away his swimtrunks first, but Elliot beat him and was climbing on his lap as well. Oh Elliot.... the omega had no idea how the call for the alpha to claim him had immediately aroused Alex. It would be a sweet torture for the younger man...

Still remembering the doctor's words, Alex repeated in his head that elliot could not take him right now, no matter how much he wanted it. He clasped his hands on Elliot's bubbly butt, stop him from grinding, then attempt to talk to the omega. "Elliot... w-we... hmm" he had to clear his voice before he could continue. "W-we should... let me just remove this from you ok?" he said, lifting Eliot's bottom slightly up, he quickly peeled away the trunks and the tshirt away from the omega. "hold on..wait!" the omega was eager, but Alex had to carefully control the situation. He could hear Elliot moaning in discontent already, so he had to act fast.

Alex laid the omega back on the bed, then parted his knees. "Look Elliot... I know what you're thinking... but please, I swear you're super sexy and I find you irresistable. BUT, we c-can't... what i CAN do, is..." before Elliot could give out any more of those discontent whines, Alex bent forward and licked on the omega's cute little prick, straining against his bump. Hearing the gasp fromt he omega, the alpha swallowed Elliot into his mouth, as if he was eating a lollipop.

Elliot purred at the response he was getting from his alpha. He knew Alex was also liking this and the thought of pleasing his mate made him more aroused...and determined to 'please' both of their urges. To hear Alex say he was sexy, and feel the large hands that crept to his butt to try remove his shorts, Elliot was fueled to get Alex as hot and bothered as him and get the alpha to take him. He grinded on the penis of Alex that he could feel slowly growing hard just underneath his needy hole. Elliot moaned and was nipping at his fiancé's neck in increasing lust. "Alex...please. I-mmmmnnn...n-need you..."

Despite Alex stopping the omega from grinding him more, Elliot still gave a loud moan at the feeling of huge hands firmly gripping his bottom. But then the moan turned into an impatient whimper when he realized he was lifted from his beloved cock and now being asked to wait longer. Well if he can't have that at the moment then he'll just satisfy himself first with the delicious jaw, neck and shoulders of his love. But then Alex would repeatedly push him off of him to talking to him and it only made the horny pregnant man more agitated."I n-need you now. Let me just h-have you!" Elliot moaned and whined at the same time, clearly displeased at how long Alex was taking though he still complied in hurry to let him take his swim shorts and shirt off 

He was finally lying on the bed naked with Alex below him. At this point, Elliot was flushed red and it could be seen on how deep his chest would rise and fall how labored his breaths were becoming. His eyes were hazy and rimmed with tears in eagerness. But Alex wasn't doing anything, just giving him off a face that Elliot could only interpret as the alpha not really wanting to do anything with him. Then it clicked. Alex had been so hesitant, maybe he didn't want him at all because he probably looked too fat and gross. The tears spilled and Elliot covered his face. He must have looked so shameful to Alex. "Y-you really don't mean any of that! Just t-tell me straight that I-I'm u-ugly and y-you d-don't l-like me a-anymo- ahhhnn~!" Elliot immediately pulled back his hands to steady himself  on the sheets as his body lurched and arched upward at the pleasure that spiked through him. He quickly reached a hand for his belly that shook from the sudden lurch and groaned at the jostled babies kicking inside. "Ow...D-Daddy's sorry, my l-loves (pants) ooohhh…I-I'm fine...g-go on, hon." His body convulsed and his eyes closed shut at the overwhelming sensations of Alex's mouth on his hard dick made him tingly all over. The omega was moaning and was in bliss. It did disappoint him that he can't lean forward to try touch his mate below him but the sensations that Alex made him feel was doing everything for him as he squirmed in pleasure on the bed. 

The pleasure was cut however when Braxton Hicks gripped Elliot and the omega's moans turned to groans and whimpers. "Alex, w-wait! I-owww (pants) h-hurts...stop, stop! oooohhh…." Elliot clutched on his belly and in much discomfort from the fake contractions, he had pulled up his legs to close and draw towards his bump so he could coil around it. He'd turn to his side and was massaging a hand over his bump to help relieve the cramps. "W-we'll continue but..oww..w-wait first." Despite the situation though, Elliot wanted to make it clear to Alex who look horrified that he was fine and still extremely horny, if his still raging hard on was any sign. It was just that he had to get through the cramps first and comfort their babies again.

It worked well at first, Elliot was moaning in need but willing to stay put for his alpha, listening to him, but then something clicked and his love was in tears. The alpha was beginning to panick and was therefore suckling extra hard on the omega’s little prick. It indeed felt like a lollipop, and he devoured it as if it was the greatest delicacy in the world. At least Elliot responded so positively towards the lick, he jerked up in pleasure.

Alex was eager to please his omega, licking and sucking, using all the skills he could think of to pleasure Elliot. All was going well and Alex was convinced he was on the right track, but then ELlito suddenly moaned out in pain and this time, the alpha was really panicking.

Withdrawing from his cheek, Alex rose up from between Elliot’s leg and watched as he rolled towards the side, curling up around his bump. He frowned and reached out in fear. “Elliot? Did I cause you that pain? God please be ok…Elliot, I’m so sorry….” He was ready to stop everything, but Elliot was looking at him with his big, wet eyes, almost begging him to stay with his eyes.

The alpha was at a mix of what to do. He decided he would comfort his omega first. Pulling him up to his lap, he cradled Elliot in his arms and rubbed his bump while Elliot maintained his fetal posture. He rubbed his bump that had tightened up with the practice contraction. “Shh babe, breath… just breath, slowly. In and out…” he comforted him, essentially pressing himself around Elliot so that he’d feel safe surrounded by his scent.


Elliot focused on breathing as his hands worked on soothing the ache of his belly. He also grew a tad bit concerned for their babies inside that were obviously displeased with the cramping. He looked up to meet Alex’s worried eyes, and he could feel his alpha grew scared from how he could feel the fast beating of his heart from where he rested on his chest. Elliot kissed the jaw of Alex, before wincing again at another cramp; the omega had then burried his face on the crook of his alpha’s neck where his comforting scent was the strongest. They stayed like that - Elliot breathing deeply and Alex rubbing the omega’s belly - for a few minutes before it was gone. Elliot was able to relax his body again and breathlessly slump on Alex’s embrace.

Even as he was tired, Elliot could still smile and only press himself further on the warmth of his love. “They’re getting more frequent, but i guess it just means that we’ll be meeting them soon.” However there was still an unresolved issue, that eventually made itself known again. The couple was caressing the huge bump together when Alex’s hands must have travelled a bit farther down, brushing on the still very hard penis of the pregnant male. “Ahh~!” Elliot blushed hard as he bit his lip, eyes wide when he realized what he just did. He couldn’t look at Alex who was still concerned for his case of braxton hicks. He hid his face between his hands, feeling very ashamed of how hormonal his body was being. “I’m so sorry, Alex! Gosh, I can’t believe I’m still horny!”

Elliot tried hard to ignore it, but the awareness of his problem was only edging him more for a release. He would look back and forth between the amused eyes of his lover and his raging hard on, contemplating hard on whether he should just relent to being pleased by Alex or should he just let his body rest.

The babies moving and nudging his prick was the trigger. “A-Alex, love, c-can you’ll be more careful...maybe we could stay in this position and you stroke me?, that’s a bit awkward um...I’m really sorry for this, love.”

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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