C Young Gods

Lazily leaning back against his bed, purposefully stretching out his body beneath the towel in Ocean's hand, showing himself off. A grin turned up one corner of Desmond's lips as his eyes followed Ocean's movements in order to clean him up before closing them and letting out a deliberate sound when the towel moved between his legs to clean the seed that had slipped from his hole when Ocean had pulled out. "Don't worry about it, as long as you're clean we're all good," he responded in regards to Ocean cumming inside him, thoughts going no further than that.

Desmond sat up with a smile when he felt he was clean enough, taking the towel from Ocean's hand. "It's good enough, I'll hit the showers in a minute." Standing on legs that were still slightly shaky from their previous actions, he took both towels from Ocean with one hand and used the other to push Ocean back on the bed so he could reciprocate the favor and give Ocean's cock a soft wipe with the towel that hadn't been used on himself. "You're welcome to tag along if you'd like," he added, leaning forward to nip at the lips that were now beneath him.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He fell back into the bed with an 'oomph' and grinned up at Desmond "Oh? I might just take you up on that offer... but don't be surprised if I follow you right back to your bedroom afterwards...." He reached up with one hand and tangled his long fingers in Desmond's teal and black hair, gently bringing their faces together and kissing the man lightly on the lips "I think I have plans of spending a lot of time with you, Desmond Coyote... And plans aplenty..." He kissed the man again, giving his hair a playful tug before releasing him and slipping off the bed so he could head toward the door, grabbing his jeans and pulling them up as he headed out "You comin', hot shot?" Ocean called over his shoulder.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


[Seven Weeks Later]

The morning had started out pretty roughly; Desmond sleeping in through the majority of his first class. Usually he at least attempted to make an appearance but once he woke up and looked at the time he simply rolled over and fell back asleep. When he finally did pull himself out of bed he felt more tired than when he'd fallen sleep the night before. The past couple of days had been just as bad and Desmond would have brushed it off as a typical illness if it weren't for the fact that the simple smell of coffee now had him rushing to the bathroom. Oh how he missed his favorite drink, especially now that he was so freaking tired all the time.

Desmond made it to his second class of the day only a couple minutes late and spent the majority of the lesson with his head in his arms dozing in and out of sleep. It wasn't until lunch time that he felt some of his energy returning, though he still craved at least a cup of dark caffeinated goodness.

Peeking his head around the opening of the cafeteria doors, his eyes darted around to be sure the room was void of a particular blue head of hair before entering. It was busy now, Desmond had arrived almost exactly at noon which was purposefully earlier than he usually had lunch. He'd been avoiding Ocean since he'd started suspecting the reason behind his condition, not quite ready to face the other half of the problem just yet. It wasn't like they were in a relationship or anything, they just fooled around a bunch since that first time. Irresponsibly, he might add.

The smell of a bunch of different meals around him made his stomach churning warningly causing him to avoid the hot food set out and go straight for the salad bar. Once he'd gotten a plate full of greens and vegetables topped with a light layer of dressing, he went back to his usual seat near the window.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Ocean was not keen on the fact that he was being avoided. He could tell that it was on purpose, because not only were his IM's and texts being ignored, but Desmond seemed to be skipping out on Biology which wasn't entirely acceptable, if only for the reason that Ocean just wanted to spend time with Desmond. He had even taken to going to the cafeteria earlier, later, anything he could think of to catch the other man. Today, he got lucky. He was blending in, hoodie pulled over his head so the stark blue contrasting with the white walls didn't give him away - plus it wasn't unusual for some people to be wearing hoodies in the cafeteria, most didn't want to be disturbed so they hooded up and wore headphones.

Ocean tracked Desmond closely and watched him head over to the usual seat. Ocean grabbed a cup of watered down juice and slowly made his way over to the table. He didn't approach Desmond though, he simply set the cup down and levitated the red liquid from the cup and down onto the table, though he carefully crafted the water to put a red 'I'm sorry.' on the table. He wasn't sure what it was he had done, if he had done anything at all, but he figured that Desmond would still get a kick out of the levitating liquid, it seemed to tickle his fancy quite so.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The sound of a cup being set down at his table had Desmond picking his head up from where he'd been picking through the salad for something deemed acceptable to eat. Fiery eyes catching sight of a familiar figure passing by before turning to the cup just in time to watch the contents of the cup flow on the table into letters. His stomach turned for reasons other than nausea this time, reading out the I'm sorry dancing in red liquid. He definitely felt guilty and for once he wished he could use his abilities on himself to make the feeling go away or replace it with something else.

Rolling his eyes at himself, and tapping his fingers against his forehead in his own frustration, he turned in his seat and looked for the hooded figure walking away. He supposed it wasn't exactly fair to completely ignore Ocean, even if he wasn't ready to talk about the thoughts that were invading his head nearly constantly recently.

Standing from the table, Desmond tossed the rest of the salad in the nearest trash as he followed the direction in which Ocean had gone. "Hey, Blue," he called out, looking around to see if he could spot the other boy around the handful of students that were either entering or exiting the cafeteria. "Wait a second, will ya?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Hearing the nickname, Ocean stopped and waited for Desmond to fall into step with him before he continued his trek on "I'm headed over to the one restaurant we have in this god forsaken invisible university..." He told the other, glancing at him. Ocean's eyes, or under them anyway, were darkened with heavy circles, and one of his eyes looked more bruised than if he were sleep deprived -both were true- "Look, I'm okay with being blown off, ignored and stuff... but I thought we had somethin' good together? I mean, I'm not expecting a relationship... but I thought our... sex was good enough that you didn't have to completely ghost me...?"

He cursed himself and, walking past a puddle, he blew it into a thousand pearly droplets splattering across the ground -his version of kicking it- "I'm sorry. I'm blowing this out of proportion. You and I were fuck buddies... we fucked, you're over it... I get that, but you didn't have to completely ignore me... We could have stayed friends, at least... I want to be your friend-" Not true, he wanted to be more, but he would settle for friend if it meant getting to hang out with Desmond "Will you shut me up and say something useful so I can stop looking like the love-sick idiot that I am?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Ocean's words resonated in Desmond's head and he stopped, grasping at Ocean's wrist to stop him as well. Lunch could wait for now. Both of them looked worse for wear though if anything it seemed that Ocean might have been having an even worse time-- was that a bruise or sleep bags around his eyes? Desmond wasn't sure. His own appearance was a little disheveled; he hadn't bothered to check that his clothes were neat or clean when he woke in a rush this morning and his teal hair was pushed back in a lazy attempt to make it neat without actually combing it into submission. "Look I..." he paused biting his lip as he felt the guilt grow looking at the state his avoidance had put Ocean into.

Shaking his head he let Ocean's wrist slid from his grasp so the other could walk on if he wanted. "I don't know what to say." He admitted, the singer and master of words finding himself at a true loss. "Do you mind if I come with you? We can talk at the restaurant... Or I'll talk and apologize and you just sit there and fuckin' listen I guess."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Ocean did stop when Desmond grabbed him. He looked down at him and watched his face, looked over those lines and sleep bags. It was terrible, really, the state they had both put themselves in. He wanted to just wrap Desmond up and hold him, instead he lifted his hands -once his wrist was released- and pushed his hood back off of his head, blue hair flopping into his face before he pushed it back. The dark circle around his left eye became more obvious, it was definitely a bruise, and there was a cut creasing his eyebrow as well.

Eventually he shook his head "I don't mind if you come with me... I was hoping you would. The food at the cafeteria sucks." He paused and looked down again, searching Desmond's face slowly "I'd rather talk. Listening to you apologize would be painful and I don't think I can endure anymore pain..." Which, basically was him saying Desmond didn't have anything to apologize for -although maybe he did, but Ocean was planning on letting him off the hook. "I just want to... know one thing." He stepped forward, lifted his hands and settled them on the sides of Desmond's neck before lowering to kiss him with that same deep passion he had been kissing him with for the past six or so weeks "Do you love me, Desmond Coyote? Or do you just like having sex with me?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


A flush of red hit Desmond's cheeks at the deep passionate kiss, gathering his senses enough to return the kiss. It'd been a while since he'd felt those lips on his and it seemed they both wanted to show each other how much it was missed during their time apart. When they pulled away from each other and Ocean asked whether or not he loved him, Desmond immediately became flustered. "Do I love you or just like the sex?" he repeated, voice quick. "I don't know...both? I dunno if this is love, but I know it sucked not having you around." The admittance caused him to sigh and run a hand through already messy strands of hair. "It's not that I don't want you around it's just I--"

Desmond cut himself off, shaking his head. Maybe later.

Instead he grasped Ocean's chin between two fingers, tight enough to turn his head so Desmond could see the bruise more clearly but light enough for Ocean to pull away if he wanted. "I hope the other guy looks worse," he commented lightly, a slight chiding tone in his voice. "What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time, Blue?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Wasn't a fight..." Ocean sighed and pulled his chin from Desmond's grasp lightly, shaking his head a little "Telekinetics backfired on me... Threw something with my mind, it came back and hit me square in the face..." He reached up and rubbed the eye, mostly because he felt pretty self-conscious about it. Of course, he only ever spoke to Desmond about the other half of his abilities that were definitely there, but sorely lacked any coordination.

"And don't change the subject." He turned and started walking toward the restaurant again, knowing Desmond wasn't about to disappear again. Not after everything they just went through in the past few minutes "It's just that you what, Desmond? Why are you struggling with this? We spent every night together for weeks when we started fucking... and then, three weeks ago, we started spending less time together... until you suddenly started ignoring me completely, forgetting I existed... It was easier not knowing you than it is knowing you." He stopped when they got to the restaurant, turning to look down at the man, dark blue eyes locking on fiery colored ones "If you don't love me, fine... But don't ignore me, please... I need you in my life, if for nothing else but a friendly face that I can throw my feelings at when I get inside of my own head..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


A tsk left Desmond as Ocean pulled his face away, wanting nothing more than to go back to the dorms put a warm towel on the bruised eye and just relax. Whatever small amount of energy he'd gathered after this morning seemed to seep away after the interaction that had just transpired between the two of them. "Well...be more careful next time," he spoke quietly as Ocean continued on towards the restaurant, falling in step slightly behind the other boy. He was lost in his own head for a moment before Ocean turned to face him and spoke strongly once they arrived at their destination. He took a step back at the words, feeling Ocean's frustrations through every word, his own guilt returning back full force.

"I've been sick." The words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. He hadn't wanted to bring this up, worried about Ocean's reaction towards what could very well be nothing more than a possibility. Sighing heavily he ran his hand through his hair in exasperation before running it down his face. "Come on," he spoke quietly, slipping around Ocean and towards the front door of the building. "Let's sit and talk more inside. I'm fucking tired already."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"You should have let me take care of you..." Ocean whispered as they headed into the restaurant and toward a booth far enough away from other patrons. He gave the other space, sitting on the other side of the booth, but that didn't stop him from reaching across the table, fingers wiggling in anticipation of Desmond setting his hand there. "I would have taken care of you, gotten you meds, wiped your face and stuff..." God they were both a sight for sore eyes, and Ocean's body hurt in more ways than one - his telekinetics were kicking his ass far worse than he cared to admit, even to Desmond right now. "I would have been there for you... Are you better now? I mean... Can I do anything to help you now?" The waitress came by and Ocean ordered a coke, a water and the usual hamburger that he got, she then turned to Desmond, waiting for his order as well.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Gross," Desmond managed to get out with a small smile as he looked at Ocean across the table. "No one likes puke cuddles." It didn't take much more than the wiggling of Ocean's fingers for him to reach his hand out to curl his fingers around the other boy's. His attention momentarily stolen by the waitress, Desmond desperately wanted to order a coffee in order to regain some energy for what was about to come but knew puking as soon as the coffee was set down and the smell hit him wouldn't be helping either of them. Desmond ordered just a water for himself, still waiting to see if the salad he'd picked at early would stay down. "I'm alright," he reassured once the waitress left, giving Ocean's fingers a light squeeze with his own. "Probably just a bug." Or not. The possibility kept biting at the edges of his mind and part of him just wanted to let it out and tell someone about what it was he was really worried about, just so it wasn't bottling up inside and feeling like it was choking him.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"I would take puke cuddles if it meant that I was cuddling with you." He squeezed those slim fingers in return and sighed. He listened to Desmond's order and shook his head, but he wasn't going to say anything; perhaps he really was sick, and just trying to mend, but some of the things were not adding up and Ocean wasn't sure he couldn't not accuse Desmond of something "I want to be here for you, Desmond..." Ocean stated in the most convincing tone he could, squeezing Desmond's fingers again and staring him directly in the eye. The seriousness of his statement was etched loudly on his face. He wanted to be there, he needed to be there. "Please, Dezzy... I don't think it's a bug. You don't even think it's a bug... I can see it in your face..." He looked that smooth but sleep-deprived face over again, lifting his free hand to gently cup Desmond's cheek, thumb stroking the bone "Tell me the truth, Dezzy... Tell me what's going on with you?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Desmond wanted to blame the damn lack of sleep at the surge of emotions that hit his chest from Ocean's words; the worry and nervousness that Desmond was keeping something from him. The pillars of conviction that this would all just some bug that would blow away with time crumbled beneath him as Ocean pointed out that even Desmond himself didn't believe his own words. Slumping down in his seat and setting his forehead against the cool table, keeping his hand in Ocean's with another soft squeeze. "I miss coffee," he muttered, as if that explained everything. "I'm tired all the damn time and spaghetti smells like dog shit."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


When Desmond slumped, Ocean knew he had broken the last of those stubborn walls. He got up and came around, carefully settling in the booth with Desmond. He wrapped a strong arm around the other and brought him close, kissing his temple and rubbing his arm lightly "I think those are the simplest of symptoms you're experiencing..." Ocean whispered. He didn't know much, but from what Desmond was describing, there was only one thing it could truly be "I heard it only lasts a few months, nine, sometimes less..." Fingers gently ran up and down Desmond's arm, tracing random patterns "Though, some claim it lasts for eighteen years..." He reached to very carefully lift Desmond's head up from his chest, leaning over to kiss him lightly on the lips "I plan on being there, Dezzy... For all eighteen years. I have no intention of kicking you to the curb over this... It's a hiccup in the road, but I was serious when I said I wanted you. When I said I wanted to be there for you... And now I want to be there for you even more."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Ocean's words didn't really settle the nervousness that had coiled within Desmond. He'd been having a great time with Ocean, sure, but having a baby together certainly could throw a wrench in things. He didn't want things to change, maybe into something more serious in the future, but not like this. Desmond would be lying if he said it didn't scare the shit out of him. Meeting Ocean's eyes he leaned forward for another kiss before slumping back against the booth they were both sitting in now. He took a big sigh to calm himself, heart racing in his chest even after his worries had been shared. "Still," he started, voice low though he didn't turn his face away from Ocean. "Could be bug. I, uh, bought a test but I haven't had the balls to take it yet." A nervous laugh escaped him before he quieted as the waitress returned with their drinks. Once she left, Desmond played with the straw in his water for moment, twirling it between the ice and listening to the solid water tinkling against the glass. "I just...I didn't want to feel like there was something keeping you with me if you didn't want to. That's why it was easier to just not say anything to you cause it felt like it was just going to jump out my throat every time I opened my mouth." Which it pretty much had, if he were being honest. "I'm sorry though. I should have said something."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Even if there wasn't a potential offspring in the picture, I wouldn't feel obligated to stay with you... I want to be with you, Dezzy." Ocean reiterated, kissing the man's head and sighing quietly. The burger he ordered was brought with their drinks, but Ocean clearly wasn't very hungry anymore, he pushed it across the table, though did eat a few fries before completely abandoning it. He sat up and lifted a hand to gently grasp onto Desmond's cheek again, bringing their eyes level with each other again "I wish you would have said something sooner... I should have been there with you from the beginning. It's our responsibility if you're pregnant... and IF you aren't pregnant, and it is just a bug... Then I want to be the one who takes care of you... Is that really to much to ask?"

He looked toward his abandoned meal and sighed "You wanna just head back to the dorms with me? We'll order you something for later, I'll bring my burger back... I really think we should take that test, find out for sure, one way or the other."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Looking into Ocean's deep blue eyes, that cold feeling of guilt slowly faded away. Instead he felt rather silly for keeping it to himself without realizing that he could have had Ocean's support the entire time. Desmond nodded, leaning forward and taking a light kiss from the other boy. "Alright," he agreed. "You want to head back to mine with me then?" Ocean was right, it was better to take the test sooner rather than later. Perhaps with Ocean there with him he'd actually have the courage enough to do it. Desmond took it upon himself to wave down the waitress that was bouncing between tables, asking for the bill and a take-home box for Ocean's burger.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"No, I thought I'd let you go by yourself." He rolled his eyes and stood up with Desmond, arm wrapping around that slim waist and tugging him close. Though, he did wince slightly when he pulled Desmond as close as possible. Before the waitress disappeared, he asked for two things of carrot cake to be put in to-go boxes "We'll split my burger when you feel up to eating..."

Once the check was paid for and the bag of food was in hand, Ocean started his way out of the restaurant with Desmond in tow, though he was limping pretty good now and the pain, that he had been blocking out, was soaring through his body at top speed. He couldn't even hide the facial expressions that came with it "How far are we from the dorms...?" Ocean asked quietly, voice strained with the pain he was feeling.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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