O Birth Clinic of St. Pablo

- We have no other choice - Thomas explained.
- We don't want to risk your life and that of our baby - Richard added, and he brushed the pregnant man's hair from his forehead.

Jackson nods his head "I don't want to feel pain anymore

- Hold my hand - Richard said, and helped him lie down throughout. Only his head lay on his knee.
Thomas exposed Jackson's stomach and spilled dark liquid on it. He grabbed a scalpel.
- I'll cut it in a place where you already have a scar, okay?

He nods his head tears falling down his face

Richard wiped Jackson's tears from his face.
Thomas touched the pregnant man's skin with a scalpel and cut it.

He leans on Richard

After cutting the skin, blood began to pour over Jackson's body, and Thomas still had to cut another layer of skin tissue. It didn't look good.

Jackson look at Richard tears falling down his face "if I don't make it please take care of our kids

- You'll be fine, don't leave me - Richard said in tears in his eyes.
Thomas then injected the right medicine for Jackson and cut through layers. After a while he could see internal organs. He put his hand between them and began to look for the child.

Jackson groans softly "how is Emily doing

- Very good. She can't wait for her siblings to be born and to hug you. - he replied, kissing his forehead.
Thomas found the baby's head and began to pull it out carefully.

I want to see her dear

Richard grabbed Emily and put her next to Jackson.

She's beautiful

- She reminds me of you, but it's better - he said, firmly grasping his hand.
The doctor took the baby from man's belly and cut the umbilical cord, then laid it on Jackosna's chest.

Jackson smile gently "two beautiful girls

Richard smiled at his second daughter and kissed Jackson.
Thomas, on the other hand, was under extreme stress. After cutting the umbilical cord, Jackson began to bleed.

I'm sore dear

Richard smiled weakly at Jackson and pleaded to Thomas.
He threw a syringe with another medicine and told him to inject it with the boy. Meanwhile, he stopped the bleeding and removed the organ that caused it.

Jackson look at Richard "we can still have more kids right

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