C Guardian

"I do have some oil" he said as he stood up as Edward sat in bed and put on his briefs. " And sure I can massage you up with it and in the meanwhile I can get some water to warm up for your bath" he said as he left the room to go get a wooden bathtub and some buckets of water to warm over the fire.

He set the tub right in front of the fire and came close to his husband " can you let me see?" He asked ad he needed to take a look if any damage was done.

Edward approached Ansgard carefully and took off his panties. He turned his back on him and unzipped his buttocks.
- It hurts a little bit right next to the hole - he said.
Omega had already noticed some differences in his husband's lifestyle, but he still had time to ask about this.

"you're a little sore" he said feeling rather guilty to be the responsible of it. Gently he kissed the door before he got the oil and rubbed it in his hands before starting to massage the sore spot. " I'm sorry I hurt you" he said softly

- No, it's not your fault. We both wanted to make love, and that was the inevitable consequence - he said, kissing him briefly on the mouth. - It's a pity that in two weeks time we won't know how it went - he said looking at his belly.

" well it's two weeks to know each other better before we find out if we're on the family way" he pointed out " besides... If it didn't work we get to do it again" he said and wriggled his eyebrows suggestively to his mate as his fingers massaged the sore opening to ease the pain his husband might be experimenting

Edward's cheeks took on the shade of scarlet.
He put his hands on Ansgard's hands, which began to massage his hole. He could hardly hold back the groans of pleasure.
He turned around and hugged him tightly.
- I'm glad you became my alpha. - He whispered in his ear.

" you sure of that? You're still free to run back to forest in search of another" he teased pausing the massaging of his opening to hug the little omega back and rub his back.

"Or back to your village" he offered. He wanted to make sure Ed would be really fine staying . "Your little moans...are quite adorable...did you know that?" He asked and took a peak to the opening of his husband and felt a jolt of excitement at the sight of the omega so exposed before him. The Alpha in him felt proud that the omega now carried his mark and for now his scent as well.

-What a bad alpha, he won't give a moment's rest - he started teasing him - and he wants to throw me out - he giggles slightly.
He looked deep into the eyes of his husband and joined their lips in a passionate kiss. This is the first time he's initiated it, so he wasn't sure if he was doing it right.
When they broke away, the omega grabbed his hand.
- Shall we go into the tub? - he asked.

"I wouldn't call it kick you out..." He grinned seeing that the omega was now intiating contact. He liked that
He leaned down into kiss holding his small husband " hmmm you'll be going in, yes" he said for if he went in with him perhaps he would seek some more pup making , so he decides to keep himself at a little distance to not hurt his husband.

"If you feel dizzy or light headed let me know" he said holding his partners hand as he helped him I to the wooden tub, that was now filled with hot water.

Edward sat down in the tub and his body relaxed. He didn't feel bad, on the contrary.
He asked his husband to sit behind him, and when he did, he put his head on his shoulder and began to enjoy the moment.
- Are there any cultural differences between our worlds? How do you see the omega?

Steam came out from the hot bath and Ansgard took a seat in a small stool next to the tub. He smiled as the omega rested his head over his shoulder. The guardian introduced his right hand in the water and rubbed little circles on the flat abdomen of his husband.

"Omegas are under the protection of their alpha" he said and looked at his husband " some think them weaker as an alpha keeps then safe, yet it's them who carry and bear the pups. The hardest work I would say. It's only fair we take charge of the physicial security.... Plus pups need if their caring nature. " He said and his thumb stroked just over the line if his pubic hair " it's true now days omegas aren't that interested in raising the pups. But I do think it'd important for a pup to have that gentler touch while growing up"

Edward wrote quietly when Ansgard's hand touched his pubic hair. He cuddled more into his chest and started listening to his heartbeat.
- What about work? How many hours a day do you work, guard? - he asked by stroking his hair. - Well, do you mind if I have a job too?
He leaned higher and sat crotchily on one of his husband's knees to be able to see him better. He started to ride his hand around his neck.

"Around nine, more or less. I get different shifts taking care of the forest so sometimes I might be gone at night. " He said and smiled

"I don't mind if you work. You wanna keep your current job?" He asked and kissed his husband's forehead " we can search for a nanny to help out once the kids are born" he said

- I won't let anyone touch our children, the more strangers - he answered firmly. - As for the work, I'm running out of probation anyway, so sooner or later they would fire me. Maybe I'll find a job here - he said, dreaming.
He looked at Ansgard, whose eyes were shining from staring at him. Edward grabbed his alpha hands and put them on his hips, and he started to smooth out his husband's torso.
- I want a big litter, so we should try very hard. There's no time to lose. - he said, eating with his hand up to the redhead wick. He noticed how big it was. How did it fit in me?

"I'm sure you can get a job here. What would you like to do?" He asked curious to what he had in mind to do if he didn't wanted to hire a nanny. Yet he was silently thankful it would truly be Edward the primer caregiver for the children while he was at work.

The red head raised an eyebrow " you really want a big litter?" He asked knowing a litter could go up to six or seven pups if a couple really worked at it.
Ansgard parted his legs slightly to let his his husband have access to his member that began to throb and harden under the attentions of Edward

Edward grabbed his husband's wick carefully and squeezed it gently.
- I don't know, it's important that it's useful. - he said by running his finger over his lip - And I want a big litter, but not right away. Let's think about three puppies at first. - he offered.
He moved tightly to Ansgard's body, so their penises were touching each other.
- Mhmm.. . - He moaned, covering his mouth with his hand and turned his head. He was still a little ashamed.

" you could also study if you like. Some omegas decide to study for being healers and or midwives" do you like flowers? We have a large parcel of land. We could grow them and you could have a flower shop. That way you can be home with the pups and work as we'll" he said thinking if lines of work that would allow his husband to be with the pups.

Ansgard groaned as Ed brushed his member. It was very attractive and getting him in edge as their members brush together.he smiled and removed his husband's hand from his mouth " we're married. So this isn't sinful...even if we were not it wouldn't be....I enjoy seeing you take your pleasure" he placed his hands over his hips to support him not minding that the omega was dripping wet from his bath " we can start with a small litter. It will be better for you"

- The flowers sound good. I always liked them. - He took out and looked at Ansgard.
He grabbed his cheeks and kissed him briefly on the mouth. Then he stood up, shaken up, gently grabbed his husband's penis and put it in his tight hole. There were tears in the corners of his eyes. He started to move gently and leaned against the alpha torso.
- That dick is gonna rip my ass off - he said poorly.

" we can start to plant them if you want once you feel better" he said and kissed him back,moaning into his mouth as they kissed.

Indeed he felt too big for the little omega an he grunted as his his husband took his member and guided it to his opening " we don't have to do it right now" he said softly not wanting him to strain.

- The last time today, please - he said in his voice, begging. He pushed his penis into the holes and turned this time facing Ansgard and put the wick back into his anus again. He started to move, taking it out and putting it in fast.
- Let's do it quickly and go to sleep - he said, squeezing his blades. While moving, he did not take his eyes off his husband and tried to satisfy him. At one point he kissed him, in the meantime moving. His fingers touched his hair. He wanted to stay in that position until they both reached the top.

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