C 1 way to meet someone

For a moment she was silent. “After some party I went to years ago. It wasn’t the best time for me. I won’t go into too many details. I gave birth to a beautiful girl named Olivia. And now she’s in the hospital, awaiting a kidney transplant. I-“ Her phone rang as she answered. For a moment she was calm and the next, she quickly got up. “Be there as soon as I can.” She looked back. “Sorry to cut this short. Use this money to pay!” She ran out, as some people stared, then went back to their business.

As Amanda told her story of that night at the party and what happened. Kai’s eyes become wide and remembered “I had gone to a party and had s*x with a woman and I had no protection and that woman probably got pregnant.” After Amanda answered her phone and was preparing to leave. Kai asks “wait is everything okay?”
Kai tried to run after Amanda “wait! How can I reach you as I have something to say to you as I’m not sure but I might be the father!”

She stopped. Turning around, she walked up to him. “She’ll be dead within 24 hours. As much as I hate to say it, it might be too late. Even if you are, it wouldn’t make a difference.” She wrote down her number in case he needed to contact her. “I’ll be taking my leave now.” She left, seemingly disappearing into a crowd of people.

As Amanda was leaving Kai yelled “Wait what!?” Kai rushed home to tell Hiyori “what you didn’t go after her you fucking idiot? You need to find the hospital that she is at.” Hiyori lectured Kai. “I know sis but with this condition I’m in.” Kai explained “Bullshit! No excuses besides I knew you were pregnant last time I saw you.” “But how?” Kai was surprised “I’m a woman and your sister.” Hiyori chuckles. Kai calls Amanda’s phone “please pick up.”

“I have to call you back. I’m sorry about earlier.” She said, and hung up as a doctor walked into the room. “So how is she?” Devin started after an awkward silence in the room. “Not looking too good. However there is a bit of hope.”

“Wait...really?” He looked up. “Well due to her current condition being too far along to be given a transplant, we have came up with a new procedure to stabilize her kidneys. It is like a sort of Microchip. It’ll essentially bring them back to working order. However, the surgery will be quite risky, as she is one of the first to undergo this. Mr and Mrs Larson, if you need time to think, then I can let you talk.”

They both looked at each other, then Devin spoke. “We’ll take the chance.” The doctor wrote something down, and asked both parents to sign. They did, and it began. Amanda had let Devin know and he was rather calm. She called Kai back, like she said she was.

Kai was now home and telling his sister Hiyori what happened “so are you going to meet Amanda and find out if the child is yours?” Hiyori asked. “I’m not sure as I’m nervous about this.” Kai said nervously. As Kai and Hiyori talked the phone rings and Kai answered “hello.”

“Hey Kai.” She started. “Olivia is currently undergoing surgery. I Uhm.. told you that I’d call you back and here I am. Is there something you would like to discuss?”

Kai answered “hello, I see. As I mentioned I might be the father of Olivia so I want to take a parental test if that’s okay?” Kai asked. “I’m also going to have my sister Hiyori come to as she is a OB/GYN doctor.” Kai also asked “what hospital are you at?”

“Alright. Crestwood Memorial Hospital. Shouldn’t be that far from where you are.” She said. “Be here by around 4pm.”

“Alright sounds good.” Kai hang university the phone and told Hiyori. A few hours later Kai and Hiyori arrived at the hospital at 4pm. Kai went to find Amanda while Hiyori went to find the doctor. Kai found Amanda with her family. “Amanda is that you?” Kai felt nervous to say when seeing her husband.

“Well I’ll start.” She said, breaking the Awkward silence in the room. “This is my Husband Devin.” He looked over before looking back, in order to not make it worst. “And Devin this is Kai.”

As Kai was about to say hello Hiyori comes with the doctor “ah you must be Amanda.“ Hiyori nodded. “I’m Hiyori, Kai’s half sister. Kai the doctor wants to talk to you and Amanda. I’ll be there as well.” Hiyori said. The three of them go in into the doctors office talk. Hiyori starts to talk “Amanda I’m sorry I have to get involved with your personal business however what Kai probably didn’t tell you is that I’m US marine OB/GYN doctor who specializes in male pregnancy and the doctor asked me to sit on this as male pregnancy is quite new and he doesn’t have any experience with this.” The doctor nodded in agreement and begins the parental test.

She sat waiting, a little concerned as this entire week was a series of strange events, hopefully ending soon.

As the doctor finished with the parental test. They checked it two to three times just to make sure that it was accurate. When they finished, the doctor and Hiyori came in the room “we have the results and they are...”

The results showed that Kai was indeed Olivia’s biological father. Meanwhile, Devin was the first to see her after the surgery. “How are you feeling dear?”
“I’m fine daddy.” Olivia had been a daddy’s girl growing up. However, due to his work, they rarely spent time with together. “I-I want to go home.”
“The doctors have to run some tests before we can leave.” He said “You’ll always be my little angel. I want you to know that.”

Everyone in the room was shocked and Kai almost fall over from the news. “Really!?” Kai cried as looked at Amanda feeling bad about not being there Amanda and the child. Hiyori answered “yes you are. The doctor tells me that Olivia needs kidney transplant and Kai you are match however because of your pregnancy even though you are in the third trimester or almost 8 to 9 months pregnant with twins and you unable to give birth due to ‘complications’. I don’t recommend you go through with transplant. However there is a way to do the transplant however it’s dangerous and you and or the babies in your womb may not Survive the operation. There is a 50% to 50% of success or failure.”

“A transplant is no longer needed.” The surgeon doctor walked in, followed by Devin and Olivia, who ran up to her mother. “Oh my baby!” She said, holding her tightly. “The operation was successful, and we stabilized her condition.”

Everyone sighed in relief when the surgeon doctor give the news. As Devin walked in Kai stand up and left the room and Hiyori chased after him “where the hell do you think you’re going?” Hiyori yelled in her US marine drill instructor voice. “I’m leaving Hiyori. It’s seems like Amanda has a great husband and daughter and it seems like I’m not really needed.” Kai yelled back. “Get back here.” Hiyori yelled. “No Hiyori, I need to alone and think about what to do next.” Kai said while walking away....

Devin was about to run after but then stopped, and decided to give him time to think. “Alright now we just need to run some tests on Olivia so if you don’t mind I will be taking her for about half an hour.” The doctor said. “Alright.” Amanda looked back toward Olivia. “See you in a little bit dear.” Kissing her on the forehead.

Kai continued to walk while Hiyori talked to the doctor and Amanda and her husband. Hours later Hiyori arrived at the apartment however Kai was not home. Miles away, Kai was a bar having a non alcoholic drink “what the hell do I now?” Kai wondered as he felt the twins moving in his belly.

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