C 1 way to meet someone

Amanda answered. “So how did everything go?” She said while a little nervous.

“It’s went okay, I’m sorry for leaving you so soon” Kai chuckled. “Hey Amanda, I was wondering if you want to meet me at my house? I’m checking out of the hospital today and I was wanting to make it up to you by making you a nice dinner?”

“I mean- that actually sounds nice. Sure.” Meanwhile with Devin, he was leaving the office. He sighs before bumping in someone and he fell. “Shit.. I’m sorry” He looked up. “Wait..Henry is that you?” The guy laughed.
“Something told me you looked familiar.” He said, helping Devin up.

After a moment they began to talk. “So how are things with Amanda?”
“Recently divorced unfortunately.” He said.
“Oh. I’m sorry for asking.” Henry said while awkwardly looking away.
“I see you still are as handsome as ever.” He said, apparently flirting. It wasn’t every day you saw someone that made Devin look short. He remembered how he fell for Henry back in high school.

At Kai’s apartment, Kai is making nice dinner for Amanda. While cooking Kai gets a call from Hiyori “thanks again bro for being the surrogate mother of my twins girls. I have good news, I’m being stationed at the nearby Marine Corps base.” Kai replied “ that’s great sister however can I call you back as I am preparing dinner for a special guest.” Kai hangs up the phone and finishes cooking dinner. Moments later Amanda arrives at the apartment and they sit down to dinner.

Amanda sits down, smiling. “You put all this together?” She was honestly surprised.

Kai smiled as he pulls out a chair for Amanda “Of course. I like to cook and I have a new recipe to try.” After Kai and Amanda finish eating dinner. They both went into the living room under the couch with a bottle of wine to talk.

“I knew there was something special about you. Even if I was drunk that night:. I guess I don’t have the right words here.” She laughs a little.

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