Preparing for simulations

What do you all do to get ready for your simulations? Do you just clean yourself out and get busy or do you have some other kind of method? I'm looking for alternative ways to get ready for my play sessions and I was hoping you would give me some suggestions.

My simulations are fairly basic compared to fellow 'Mpreggers' on here to be honest, but I do have a few methods of my own:

Typically, I will have ate before simulation. That way it'll give you a better chance of a bigger, natural belly if you go down the 'bare belly' simulation. Not straight after eating, but around an hour or so later to let the food and drink settle.

Also with the 'bare belly pushing out' simulation in mind, you can have the appearance of a larger belly if you lie on a relatively thin cushion which can push into the small of your back. It'll give your middle another inch or two of 'lift'. Clothes can also be made to appear 'tighter' with this method by inserting them behind you, rather than in front (good for 'popping buttons' or trousers not being able to zip up e.t.c...

For cushions to stuff under your top at the front, ensure the corners aren't poking though. Smooth them out by pressing them in towards yourself, so the middle of the cushion bulks out your top enough. I've got some reasonably realistic-looking results that way - and it's not cost me anything. Again, thinner cushions tend to give more realistic sized bellies.

I've also shaved my belly on several occasions as I'm not personally a fan of the 'hairy belly' look. Being single, it's only me that looks at myself anyway. I prefer to have a more feminine appearance in that respect when it comes to simulating pregnancy. This is purely my own personal tastes though. If I do this, it's pretty much the first thing I do the moment I know I'm alone in the house and have at least a few hours ahead of me. If it's only a quick simulation session, I won't bother. 

For me to consider recording any footage or taking pictures that are genuinely worthwhile (I prefer quality over quantity), consider good angles and where you'd like the shots to be taken from in advance. To ensure you're not 'caught', I would make sure you can guarantee to be alone for at least a morning, afternoon or evening. Two to three hours is my own personal bare minimum - no pun intended(!) - for a proper simulation session. With this in mind, I don't leave the house in a mess if I know I'm alone and doing the above. I'll tend to tidy up as I 'go along'. This is really for my own peace of mind. 

I hope that helps, but feel free to post any questions or clarifications needed. 

I use a belly band, a belly bra and balloons.

Not much prep, I just put all of that on and then a maternity top over it.

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