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Alex grasped Dom's cheeks with trembling hands and kissed him briefly on the lips. He was grateful to him for the help and support he was giving him. I think he really cared about him. " I know... And thank you. I'll call Daniel... He wanted to be at the birth. Maybe you won't be nervous yourself, actually I am too." he laughed a little hysterically and then quickly dialed Daniel's number, begging him to pick up
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Dom kissed back and grinned that it had been Alex to start it. "will he be able to come? He's a duche but perhaps he knows of child birth, more than we do" he said seeing the advantage of an older man being there to help.
He traced the roundness, hoping the child that would be birthed would be his and not the teacher's.
Daniel took the call and assured he'd be there as soon as he could.
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"He will be soon...," he said as he put the phone down. Then he laid his head on Dom's shoulder and began balancing his hips, eating quietly. He was scared, but he wasn't the only one. Hopefully Daniel will be sure of what he is doing and help them. He took to stroking Dom's back to keep his hands busy with something. His stomach rippled with the rhythm of successive contractions.
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Daniel managed to arrive. He had brought more logs with him and what seemed to be fresh towels.
"can you undress fully? I can tell the baby is coming but I need to know more or less how you're dilating" he was giving orders left and right. In other situation Dom would have hated it, but he took it for what it was. Daniel knew what to do.
"I'll undress him, that's a boyfriends job isn't it?" he called to show off knowing Daniel would hate the fact he had won Alex over and had chosen him over him
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Alex was sick of their banter, but he kept quiet. He focused on his breathing and the baby. That was the most important thing. His priority. He massaged his stomach with gentleness, feeling the pain radiate practically everywhere. He felt like he was dying. He gasped heavily, catching himself on the bed frame. He arched his buttocks in their direction. He was comfortable that way for now. "Gcuys... Can I drink? I beg you to give me a drink," he moaned, feeling his mouth dry. Immediately he looked for a hand so he could catch himself, and then two hands caught his wrist. Dom and Daniel.
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"weren't you in need to check?" Dom asked.
"weren't you in a hury to be the one to undress him?" Daniel asked as they both had a hold on Alex to steady him.
Dom didn't like that reply "well... You an take his briefs off... I'll help him have a drink" he said.
It was clear both men would shoot daggers at each other of they could. Yet now their child, at least the child of one of them was about to be born.
Daniel slid down the briefs and too them off completely of the laboring man "can you part your legs dear?" he asked.
Meanwhile Dom had a glass of water held close to Alex so he could drink.
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Alex straddled more on trembling legs as Daniel asked. With that, he took a sip of water from the glass Dom held out for him. He smiled slightly at him and then felt Daniel put a finger inside him and began to moan, feeling his anus ache from such an enlargement. He grabbed Dom's hand. "Aaaa..." he gasped loudly, feeling as the little one in his belly could not be felt clearly. Clearly it was moving. With two men by his side, he felt safe. But Dom was his boyfriend and what a possessive one. He looked nonstop into his eyes.
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Daniel inserted a finger to check for dilation. He could feel Dominic's eyes on him as he did so. But he could care less. He was sure it was his child the one to be about to be born and he was in love with Alex.
"I'm no doctor but you're very loose for the baby, have your waters broke yet?" he asked still with a finger in him to see if he could feel the child it get a better idea of how many cm he had dilated so far.
Dominic held the glsdoand aided Alex have some water." is it too hurtful? "he asked kissing his forehead.
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Alex felt the stress growing. The pain was deycdely strong, and in addition they were covered with snow and had little room to maneuver. But he believed that with their help he would deliver a healthy baby into the world. " I don't know, it hurt a little bit a few hours ago... My water hasn't broken yet. It just hurts," he gasped quietly, then took another sip of water from Dom. " It hurts, but it'll be fine..." he muttered to Dom and gripped his hand tighter, feeling another cramp
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"I think it will break soon or I'm hoping it will so you can deliver" Daniel said knowing it was best the baby as out as soon as possible for both father and child. Yet their problem laid in not having any help. If something went wrong that would be it. And the baby would be born in very hostile weather and could perish. He didn't voiced his worries. He was sure Alex knew them as well.
"you can rest or try to walk a bit tod we if that helps the water sac to break" he suggested.
Dominic was nervous but kept a neutral facade and would run a hand over his boyfriend's back to calm him. "I hope you'll be, and my child too"
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Alex, with the help of the men, got up and started walking along with them. Occasionally he would pause, leaning against the wall and then breathe deeply through his nose. He felt that gravity was helping, but also his pain was becoming intense because of it. More than once he pawed harder at the men's hands as he felt strong contractions. Eventually, however, he sat down on the floor with their help and experienced a moment of nervous breakdown. He wiped his face with his hand, then looked at them emotionlessly. " If there are complications," he said in a trembling voice, "then at least save the baby, okay?"
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Being present in childbirth was not like Dom imagined. There was a lot of pain involved and it was slow. Not quick as in the movies.
He would tense up every time Alex cried out in agony as his body contracted around the unborn baby so it could be delivered.
"Don't be silly you have not just accepted to be my boyfriend to leave me a single dad..." Dom said frowning and worried "you're young and isn't your body shaped for this?" he asked.
Daniel was silent knowing Alex was in a race of time and actually in a line lf between life and death. Even if he had brought the logs of his cabin they were starting to run low on fire wood once more. Soon they would have to use the wood furniture to keep the room warm for Alex and his child. He ignored how Dom said it was him who would be a single dad if something happened to Alex.
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Alex looked at them weakly, feeling his pelvis tighten once again. He grabbed the frame of the first thing at hand and, arching his neck back, groaned as he felt his muscles stretch mercilessly once again. The birth was horrible. He knew that now. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." he gasped in pain, talking breezily "I shouldn't be going on a trip in this state..." he said, and then as his body calmed down for a moment he began to massage his stomach with fatigue. Then he glanced hesitantly at the catching fire and the abundance of snow outside. Terrible. He was ashamed that the baby had to come into the world like this, not knowing if it would survive for a few hours unless conditions calmed down. He wanted to welcome a healthy baby into the world at any cost.
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That frame was Dominic's shoulder. He took that as cue to move behind him to support him. His hands came around the gravid belly and helped Alex into a squatting position with his legs spread to give space to the pregnant belly.
"if you hadn't come you'd given birth alone. You did well. It will be well Alex" he said gently rubbing the belly
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Alex leaned his head against Dom's shoulder at the next contraction and yelped, feeling the pain sting as if someone had plunged millions of knives into him. He squeezed his eyelids tighter, and took heavy breaths when it was over. "I wish I could... To make it stop... I'd like to have baby on my hands already" he said exhausted, and then his legs bent under him, which made him land on the floor with his butt
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Dom held him gently and kissed his forehead. He felt a contraction taking over as the skin below his hands became rock hard due to the contraction his boyfriend was going through. He had noticed they're very close now.
Daniel keneeld in front the pair he was worried the waters hadn't broken. He would have to break them somehow if it didn't happened naturally. "take deep breaths you'll have your baby soon" he said to encourage the young man.
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"I'd like to go to bed... I'd like to," he said tiredly, and then wiped droplets of sweat from his forehead. It hurt. And he didn't even push and didn't have the strength. He grabbed Dom's other hand. He looked at everything again quickly. And then he looked at the men. "Can I lie down? I feel really weak..."
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Dom nodded and looked to Daniel, was this normal? was Alex meant to look this tired right now?.
He took the pregnant man in his arms and carried him bridal style to one of the bed and laid him down very careful. He took his hand and gave it a squeeze. Fearing things were taking a bad turn.
"Alex, talk to me. Tell me what youre feeling exactly" Daniel said his mind reeling on weather he should brought up he minght neet to intervene soon.
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Alex watched with monotone eyes, then sighed soundlessly. "Everything hurts and I want to sleep. Can I take a nap?" he asked, and then his hand didn't give such a firm grip on Dom's arm as before. Weakened
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"No, you cant sleep, you have a baby to deliver. remember? "Daniel said.
Dom went white as he felt so little strength on Alex as if he was faiding.
"hes not well" Dom said to the teacher "can you get the babe out ? do you have tools ro something to aid him?" he asked nervous as he shook gently Alex to keep him awake. worst of all, the storm was just getting worse and temperature dropping quickly, perhaps why Alex was falling asleep, or perhaps there indeed was some unseen complication.