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Sjofn was sad to really see he was indeed going after all "I would love to be able to say goodbye to my niece and nephews if you do so allow me" she said as she stood up to follow him upstars.
She found the nursery, were each pup, for exception of Lune was in its crib sleeping soundly. Sjofn very carefully gave them a kiss and then kissed Lune that was in his mothers arms asleep as the rest. "do you need any help? perhaps I can help you pack or...or guide you to your human town so youre all safe" she said. She didnt wanted him gone, but if he was going, she wanted to at least make sure him and the pups were safe.
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Edward watched tenderly as Sjofn said goodbye to the little ones. He sighed quietly. Saying goodbye was hard for him, too. Eventually he will lose touch with his favorite healer. "You can help me pack. Please pack the puppy's clothes and accessories, I'll pack my stuff. Then I'll get down to the ground floor in case Ansgard comes back. I'd like to talk to him about it," he said, then kissed her on the cheek in gratitude and arranged Lune next to her siblings, going to pack his own suitcase
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Sjofn nodded as she took Lune from his hands and laid him in his crib, as she began to pack the babies clothes and other belongings they would need if they were out of their home for a while. She sighted, hoping her brother and Ed could work things out. She wasn´t sure how her brother would take to Ed leaving, and taking both sets of litter with him. She worried, her brother might go mad at loosing his children even temporarly but she would help him the best he could.
Ansgard then returned home, finding the lights on. It was strange , he thought as he entered his home. He could hear a lot of commotion upstairs and he frowned. For it was past midnight for any busy activity to go on like that.
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Hearing the sounds on the ground floor, Edward guessed that Ansgard must have returned. He walked slowly down the stairs. Their gazes crossed. Omega felt a little uncomfortable. "Are you back? Stupid question, I can see... Sjofn confirmed my pregnancy..." he started the conversation with this information, facing him
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Ansgard looked up at his husband as he came down. Hearing Sjofn had come made sense for there to be such activity. He grinned happily as he heard his sister had confirmed the pregnancy he had smelt "That's amazing news love!" he said coming over to hug and kiss his husband.
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Edward took a step back, however, when Ansgard wanted to hug him. He wasn't ready for that right now. "Ansgard... We need to talk. It's important," he said, looking at him expectantly
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His face fell as he moved away from the hug. "all right. What's wrong?" he asked now very nervous and preocupied. Sure he had gone to walk to let out steam when he accused him of treating him like a stupid omega, which he couldn't see. He had always tried to protect him and their children best he could.
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Edward went into the living room with his husband. He sat down on the couch and took a deep breath. " I return to the human world with pups. I want to meet my aunt and spend some time there..." he said without any unnecessary stories. Just like that. Then he looked at Ansgard.
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"you're taking our children?" he didn't liked that and it showed "Ed, we had a small fight okay... But are you really going to take away my kids from me? You know I love them dearly." he said.
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"I'm not taking them away forever... I wanted to show them to auntie, and without my milk Lune will be weak, you know it well," he said calmly, though inside he was a little nervous, "I can go into the woods with them sometimes, so that you can spend time with them and see them "
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Ansgard didn't like it yet he looked at his husband "how long will you be gone?" he asked unsure still. "I imagine you want to go away from me and I'm not invited" he said and sighted. It pained him big to be parted from his kids.
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"I haven't made the decision to leave... I need time and I need to think things through. I don't know how long I'll be gone either, but I won't make it hard for you to get in touch with the kids," he said, and then put a hand on his stomach, "With the other litter too.... We need separation. Mmm... So tomorrow morning we leave. Will you accompany us to the border?"
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"I won't keep you against your will but... Can you take my sister with you? I would feel more... Calm if you had a healer with you and I know she'll take care of you as she always has" he said, he looked broken but nodded "I will take you to the border. I don't want you to get harmed. Or out kids."
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"Ans... I've made up my mind. I won't take Sjofn. It's more necessary here. There are good doctors in the human world and if something were to happen I would go there. Don't worry. I'll take care of myself and the kids. I am a mother after all," he said confidently, and then looked at him pointedly. He immediately stood up, feeling a surge of energy. " I'm going to finish packing and go take a nap.... Wake me up in the morning"
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He wanted to protest that humans didn't know a thing about pups but he kept silent and simply nodded. Letting him go upstairs.
In the second floor Sjofn had the babies bags ready and had brought the three pups to the master bedroom on a Moses. "I thought you'd want them all with you tonight" she said simply "how did it went? Are you all right?" she asked softly coming to his side.
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"It wasn't bad, though he's not happy..." he said honestly, and then took a deep breath "Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow morning. You can go to the border with us. Thank you for your help," he hugged her, then picked up the pups and placed them in the middle of the bed, laying down on one of the free sides of the bed. He looked at the little ones with a smile
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"none of us is happy... I hate to see you go and the pups even if it's for a time" she said and kissed his cheek as she left to leave him alone with his children both already born and unborn.
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Omega sighed, and then fell asleep from exhaustion, cuddling the pups together. He slept so soundly that not even the dawn and the sun's rays woke him. The puppies slept soundly by his side
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Once it was morning, the pups were awake and all in the wolf dorm. They searched for their mother and found him asleep next to them, they were hungry, there were three of them and only two breasts avaible, so they began to fought to get them. Lube being the youngest and smallest lost and began to howl as he was left behind and his siblings had their milk
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Omega woke up momentarily. Seeing Lune crying, he began to stroke him and speak soothingly to him. He wanted to reassure him. It will be his turn for milk soon. There will be no shortage of food.