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"No! Dom, no! They'll take her away and I won't see her again. You can't do this to her," he said hysterically, and then he started to jerk a little just like he did when he gave birth to Eira. He shook his shoulders at the taller boy, being very exasperated. He would have clasped his hands seeing Dom's wedding, though he probably would have suffered immeasurably, but an innocent little child? He couldn't let that happen. "Don't do this to Eira... Please... Please"
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"I'm not harming her," he said scsrdd by how his boyfriend began to shook him "I'm saying I could marry Philippe and still my parents could take her away, because they play dirty like that. And truly... I don't want to... Do you really want me to go and marry that guy?" he asked sadly and scared.
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"No, it's not like that! Ugh, damn it!" he crouched down, letting go of Dom. He hid his face in his hands. "I don't want this or that, but it's so hard.... They'll do it until you leave us. They want someone better for you... Maybe you'll be better? Well, if it wasn't for the little one, would you be with me? Would you be with me if it was Daniel's baby?"
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"I went after you before didn't I? Before you had Eira. So I've liked you for some time now. I don't know if we would be together without her in the sense that I don't know what would have happened. Would you have taken me back if I wasn't Eira's dad? And I don't know... It would hurt to see you have another man's baby, but that is because I have feelings for you "he said angry to be in this situation.
" we ckusk always run away again... "he said" if I marry Philippe.... Would we still be together? I wouldn't be marrying him out of love or even desire... And I really don't want to lose you. But I know it's too much to ask of you "
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Alex was silent, then rubbed his face with his hands again. He started looking at the space between them, and then sat his bottom on the floor. " If it's going to help Eira then I'll get over the fact that you and he are married.... I also won't make it difficult to contact her so you'll be able to see her regularly," he said and then wiped the tears streaming down his cheeks. He felt inferior, but if they had to choose... It was the only valid explanation. Alex snuggled up to the boy, burying his face in his neck. He wanted to enjoy it before he left
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"Alex, you're the man I want and the best one for me. My parents don't have anything to be ashamed or worried about you. In either case it's their son, me, who's lacking.
They're just saying you're not good enough to be able to marry me off for money. But I don't want you to feel that it's because you're less than.
It's really all my fault "he said cupping his cheek and kissing his lips gently" I love you and do want to marry you. I didn't asked because I didn't want to scare you of it being too soon and we were also getting used to being parents... But perhaps I... "his eyes brightened
" actually, couldn't we marry? If I'm married they can't make me marry Philippe "he said desperate for a solution" or I can go hide and come see you at nights "he said another crazy idea.
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Omega actually looked at him horrified. A wedding? Now? His mind began to analyze everything, trying to understand the implications and Dom's arguments. Maybe they will have no choice but to accept it in the end? Dom may be right.
Having the same frantic attitude as Clarke, he put his hands around his cheeks and kissed him passionately on the lips, and when he pulled away he looked at him with a smile. "Let's do this... Let's get married today. We only live once! Let's not regret any action"
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Dominic watched the horror in his boyfriend's face as he suggested an elopement. He knew it was drastic, crazy and very non romantic way to ask your boyfriend and mother of your daughter.
It was a desperation move, yet he loved Alex inmensly and wanted no one else to be his husband.
His eyes widened as he accepted his proposal and he leaned on for a kiss happily "yes? You sure? It's life bounding"
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"And did you save me and our daughter? Of course you do, stupid!" he said, and then stroked his cheek. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dom and bear him more children. Only with him did he see the meaning of life. He thrived emotionally because of him. It brought him joy and happiness. He was a wonderful partner and father. He will not regret this decision.
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"what are you talking about? I haven't saved either of you. Just gotten you in quite trouble thanks to the Clark's legacy and name and all that stupid stuff"
He was beaming as his boyfriend had said yes "I guess that means we should dress and get the baby to go to the courthouse? I promise we will later have a proper wedding as I'm sure you've dreamed about since a little kid" he was teasing of course yet he loved to do that to get all kinds of responses from Alex.
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Alex smiled sweetly, then rose from his lap. Snuggled into Dom's side he stood, feeling real excitement at what they were about to do. "Unfortunately, there will be no wedding night tonight either... I'm sorry honey," he picked up his game, then laughed briefly. They had to do it fast. Pack up everything and dress the little one. They don't have much time.
Alex started to pack everything into the bags, hoping that everything needed would fit
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Doms face was surprised and unsure of how to take news there won't be any wedding night. "isn't that the best part of a weeding?" he asked but stood with his boyfriend.
He went to change into one of his best suits he had for special occasions. He was ready first and therefore went to change Eyra "well mommy will have to be glad and happy on whatever daddy decides to dress you for our wedding. Are you excited Eyra? Your mom and dad will be getting married. We want to give you the best we can" he said kissing his infant daughter as he searched on her closet for a ncke dress. He settled for a yellow one that had a duck on the skirt of the dress and changed her into it.
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Alex wiped his face in the bathroom and fixed his hair. He had no time for makeup or rest. He had to do it fast. He ran to the closet for something white. All he had on were white pants and a sleek white bodysuit from a chain store. Unfortunately, the dress won't be there. But it doesn't matter now. He dressed quickly in his clothes, then smiled softly. He'll have a husband...
Eyra looked at her dad with her childish gaze and started mumbling something unintelligible, touching her hand to Dom's face. They were like one drop of water. So similar
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Dim kissed his daughter and filled her with little pepper kisses as he changed her. Once both done he waited for Alex to come out.
He saw his boyfriend come out in white. He hadn't even considered he would want to wear white at all, but it suited him "you look beautiful" he said as he supported their daughter over his hip and came to kiss him. And pick the bag Alex prepared. They would have to say somewhere else for that one night at least to not run into their parents.
"I got our papers here, so we should go" he said as they got out of the small home into the car Dom drived to the university.
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Alex buckled the little one into the car seat and then made sure everything was ok. He got in next to Dom and touched his hand. They're about to be married. Dom's parents are going to go crazy. The lower man smiled gently. " I'm glad, damn until I could do everything right away. I don't want to keep running away, but you'll be with us so I'm not very scared. It's gonna be okay, right?" asked the boy as they drove to the institution to get married and finalize their relationship, feelings
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"Well´s just dissapear for a few days, I promise. Then we´ll return home" he said and waited for Alex to buckle on so he could drive on. He took his partner´s hand in his own as he drived "Im sorry its a hurried wedding Im giving you...we dont even have rings for it. Should we stop to buy some before heading to the courthouse? " he truly was unsure of how much time they had at their disposal, but even in their hurry he whised to do someting special and memorable for the mother of his daughter, who was now happily babbling in the back seat, playing with some dangling toys of her baby car seat.
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"All right... Don't worry so much. It's perfect just the way it is. There's you and Eyra, that's enough for me," he stroked his hand, then leaned over and kissed his cheek lovingly. Dom was loved. He really tried to give them his all. He became responsible. Eira has a great father. Alex was getting happier and happier that it turned out to be his baby. Daniel, however, sort of abandoned him when he found out he might be pregnant. Dom found out at the last minute, and did a great job. He helped him with his labor and gave him his love.
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Dom smiled, feeling he was cutting it short what was meant to be a special day, specailly for guys like Alex who were so more sensitve and dreamed of marrying. For him it had been so very different, and he felt guilty for not having been there for the whole of Eira´s pregnancy, even if he hadn´t known it could be his or knew Alex was even pregnant, till they met again in the bus toweards the snow trip.
He parked the car at the courthouse. "Ill get Eira for you" he said as he went to get their baby. She was bubbly thankfully and not tired of fuzzy that would make the civil ceremony a bit of a headache. He handed Alex a file with all their oficial documents that they would need and took his free hand in his as they walked to the courthouse.
There he asked for information on the marriage liscenses in spanish and how it went for foreign residents. They said they needed a certificate that assured neither was married in the USA. Dom was thankful he had gotten all those papers before moving, just in case.... they had all they needed and were shown where to go wait.
It was a long hallway with chairs on either side " they said they will call our names soon" he said encouraging Alex to take a seat. He kept standing as Eira seemmed to want to be swayed and have her dad walk her around. She looked really cute in her yellow dress he thought " I didnt even asked you if this dress was fine" he said with a chuckled as he swayed Eira in his arms as they wait for their turn to be married before a notary.
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"Original for the wedding. Eira your dad has great taste," he said laughing quietly. He then touched the little one's foot, kissing it, making the girl laugh. Then he grabbed Dom's cheek and brought their lips together in an overbearing kiss. "I love you, my madman..." he muttered, and joy emanated in his eyes. Literally a few more minutes and they will be married. Alex leaned against the wall, watching his partner and daughter, who was closely observing her surroundings carried by her father. The young boy felt some stress and his heart was beating fast. But it's all because of luck. A few months ago he was sure she was going to become a single mother. And now? He was about to get fucking married. His stomach started hurting from all this
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Dominic leaned in for a kiss and beamed "and I love you Alex" he had posibbly other things to say, but they were in public and he wasn´t the emotional type, he was learning to open up with Alex and Eira.
Their names were called and Dom offered his arm to his boyfriend to escolt him down the aisle. There behind the doors was a notary behind a big wodden desk. They were seated and Dom set Eira over his lap. The notary spoke only spanish so Dom would translate for his boyfriend, soon they were giving the marriage act so they could sign it and be oficial husband and wife.