C Miracle

"We'll see" Richard says as he snuggles up to Daisy. Rubbing her sides softly.

Daisy lifted up Richards shirt and ran her finger along the lower part, trying to feel for any changes, “oh! It’s firmer than usual” she said, shocked.

Two weeks later, Daisy and Richard get ready for the Doctor's appointment. Richard had been feeling good since then, other than one morning sickness. "Babe, it's almost time to go." He says. As he finishes getting dressed.

“Alright alright”, Daisy said, putting her shoes on, “I’m ready now”. She gave Richard a quick hug before opening the front door, “this is so exciting”.

"They may take a quick look at the baby, but, I think they're going to be more focused on the birth canal." He says to Daisy, as she seems to have a worried look on her face.

Daisy hummed as she unlocked her car, “do you think it’s there yet?” She asked, closing the car door and buckling her seat belt.

"I've been feeling some minor pain, which is a good sign I think." He grabs her hand as she drives to the Doctor. "Can we start looking for baby stuff after? I told the office I'm not going to work today. Besides I'm all caught up."

“You should tell me if you feel pain”, Daisy said, softly, “I want to help you in any way possible”. She then started the engine and began to reverse out of the driveway.

"I will from this point babe, but, I assure you it's tolerable, and not excruciating pain. Maybe, what you would feel during your you know time of the month. Only my situation is different. So, what do you say we go for a shopping trip after? Maybe buy some paint for the baby's room? Get some ideas for furniture? I also should look into clothing."

“Maybe it will be the same”, Daisy said, “ooh, yeah let’s go shopping but we should get neutral colours as we don’t know the gender yet”. She indicated left and turned down the road, “we are almost there now”.

We get out of the car, and head in, let the receptionist know we are here. We sit, we notice another couple with the father being pregnant. "Look across the way." Richard whispers as he is filling out paper work for the days visit.

Daisy glances up before looking back down, “oh wow, he’s the first pregnant guy I’ve seen ever”. She looked up again as the same guy and his wife were called in, “we must be soon”.

"Did you see how big he was? He must be carrying twins!" Richard said with a slight laugh. "Although he looks like he's wearing leggings." Richard says. He finishes the paperwork the couple are done about a half hour later. We get called about ten minutes after.

“Maybe he’s just carrying one big baby”, Daisy added, she looked at what the man was wearing, just before the door closed, “leggings are comfy to wear”.

"Maybe I'll look into it today after this when we go shopping." As we get settled in the exam room, the nurse hands me a gown, and ask I take everything off. I do so and Daisy sits in the chair, as Richard sits on the exam table. We hear a knock the nurse and two Doctors are in this time...

“Yeah, they are usually cheap but you need to check they aren’t see-through or everyone will see your pants”, she chuckled at the thought. Daisy stood as the doctors entered and shook their hands, “it’s nice to meet you”.

The Doctor that met with them before, was there along with an ob/gyn Doctor that has knowledge of male pregnancy. "She is going to take over from this point, I will be in from time to time, but, she has more knowledge of this than I do, as she has delivered at least three babies in her career a father was carrying. " She tells Richard to lay back on the exam table as the nurse extends the stirrups. Richard puts his feet on them. They extend them out further. Both Doctors are telling Richard what they are doing and grab the ultrasound wand, they can see the birth canal is opening nicely, and they tell Richard that they are going to insert the ultrasound wand inside so there may be pressure and it'll be cold. He grabs Daisy's hand, and can feel them inserting. Richard gasp a little. "Ugggh" and breaths out.

Daisy winced as she watched then wand go into her husbands birth canal and squeezed her own legs closed, it was like an automatic response, similar to when men wince after watching another man get kicked in the balls. She squeezed Richards hand, reminding him that she is nearby, “well done”, she mumbled.

"Everything looks good!" The Doctor says as she pulls the wand out. Richard once again gasp "Uggghh mm." I want to see you again in a month to look at the baby, which will be your seventh week. Any questions?" She says. Richard looks at Daisy.

“Uhm, I don’t think I have any” Daisy smiled, “oh actually- last time we were here, you said to massage the birth canal area but when do I start doing it and how long for?”

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