01-21-2013, 09:00 AM
"Blueberry," he replied without hesitation and rubbed his belly. Jacob couldn't believe that in just a week's time, their children would be born. Admittedly he was nervous, not knowing what to expect. Would it hurt? Tecciztechatl had been hinting that it would, but that he'd be there to held Jacob through the whole thing.
After Tecciztechatl left the room, Jacob went back to his book. Outside the window, a flash of silver in the distance caught his attention. Jacob looked up only to realize the silvery shape was coming closer very quickly. The shape grew larger and larger until the boy realized it was Quetzalcoatl. "Terri!" he cried out, but it was too late. The giant winged serpent crashed in through the wall. Books and debris were flung about in destructive chaos. Quetzalcoatl wasted no time in snatching Jacob up in his claws and launching himself back out into the air, flying high into the sky with the pregnant boy.
After Tecciztechatl left the room, Jacob went back to his book. Outside the window, a flash of silver in the distance caught his attention. Jacob looked up only to realize the silvery shape was coming closer very quickly. The shape grew larger and larger until the boy realized it was Quetzalcoatl. "Terri!" he cried out, but it was too late. The giant winged serpent crashed in through the wall. Books and debris were flung about in destructive chaos. Quetzalcoatl wasted no time in snatching Jacob up in his claws and launching himself back out into the air, flying high into the sky with the pregnant boy.