04-26-2013, 05:58 AM
"No not at all. In fact I am almost glad to be have forgotten. It was nice in the beginning. But soon it became lonely and boring. They didn't love us for ourselves. They only did it because we did things for them and at times feared us for our power. But with Jacob it's different. He loves me for who I am and doesn't feel he has to worship me. I love him in return. I do these things for him to make him happy and in return in makes me happy to have someone to fall asleep with and wake up with every morning. Now we even have children to raise together. You couldn't do that with a whore or worshiper. They would fall over themselves and suck up with false affection in hopes to get something from you. Do you understand now?". He looked up at Quetzalcoatl and smiled softly as Jacob smiled in his sleep and cuddled closer to his chest. "You know the reason they stopped worshiping me first?. It's because I didn't want to marry the daughter of a village elder. They said she was a pure virgin. But she smelled of the men in her village." He chuckled softly at the memory. "I know you miss the old days. But now it's a new time and age. Please give Jacob's friend a chance. I am sure you will love him and he will love you in return. Just think about how you can dress him in your colors and allow him to stroke your scales."