01-13-2017, 06:36 PM
"Thanks," He told his friend.
Samson nodded as he took the pokeballs from his friend and clipped them to his belt next to Blazer's. He'd get them set up when they got back from Miroku's place. They were both quiet as he drove them both to Miroku's place. Looking around, he decided to pull up as close to the front door as possible.
As they got out of the car, Samson followed Miroku into the house.
Samson nodded as he took the pokeballs from his friend and clipped them to his belt next to Blazer's. He'd get them set up when they got back from Miroku's place. They were both quiet as he drove them both to Miroku's place. Looking around, he decided to pull up as close to the front door as possible.
As they got out of the car, Samson followed Miroku into the house.