12-30-2017, 10:18 PM
After about an hour it was time to push. Nova kept as calm as possible. "Naaaaagh!" He pushed pressing his chin his his chest the first child crowning. The doc had a hand under the childs head he was atting novas tail gently. "Come on youv got this." Tbe next cobtraction came seconds later making nova grunt harshly as the childez shoulders slid free followedd by black silver and whit scaled seahorse tail a sharp shrill wail. He breathed relaxing some. The doctor lookes up. "Shes pretty cute." Nova it to tired to even reach for her thd contraction painful. But managable as they were he was so exhusted. The doctor saw the wiped out look on novas face and said. "Rest youv got some time before the next one drops lfor now sleep as your little girl has already done.