O Containment Breach (small group)

The Supervisor studied the trio of newbies fanned out before him. Some young baby-faced freshie called Aidan or Eden or someshit. General BOG soldier---boots-on-the-ground. Infantry, in their war on...well, weirdness. Or weird phenomena, anyhow. 

The oldest, one Christian, new-fledged D&C specialist---Detain and Capture; he'd be with the field teams to retrieve the 'anomalies' and bring them in. He foresaw lots of amnestics in this guy's future. 

Darren, somewhere between the two in age, but with bright curious eyes befitting the scientist he was. He'd mesh well with the eggheads in Research; he'd be one of the group figuring out exactly what the fuck was with these things and how not to be killed by them. 

He gave them a rueful smile. 

"Gentlemen. First, let me congratulate you three on successfully passing our....somewhat rigorous screening process. You'll come to find out why it's necessary soon enough. Let's get the introductions out of the way first: my name doesn't matter; most of the guys just call me Sir. I'm your direct supervisor; if something fucks up, I'm the one you call. To that end, here, each of you gets one of these. "

He produced three small black pager-like devices and handed one to each. 

"To clock in, you scan your badge through its sensor. Ditto clocking out. This stays on you at all times. For all intents and purposes, it is you. See the clip there? It can go on your belt, your collar, your boots, hell, clip it to your tongue if you like. This thing can save your life if something goes wrong. If the kaka starts hitting the fan, you press that red switch and alarms start going off; protocols get initiated, and we get you the fuck outta there. It's got a tracker built in; pray to all saints we never have to use that function. "

Meeting his new employees' curious gazes, he nodded solemnly. 

"Yes, before you ask, exactly once. And no, kid isn't with us any longer. You passed that plaque on the way in; that's dedicated to him. His mom's still sleeping off the wipey pills they gave her....six years later."

"So. Questions? Or do you want to start the tour?"

Messages In This Thread
Containment Breach (small group) - by Seedful - 09-18-2018, 07:50 PM
RE: Containment Breach (small group) - by Seedful - 09-21-2018, 04:35 AM
RE: Containment Breach (small group) - by Shadow091 - 09-21-2018, 10:52 AM
RE: Containment Breach (small group) - by Klayko - 09-21-2018, 02:37 PM

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