01-28-2019, 09:50 PM
"You would compare them to golf balls right now," the voice said as the first seed pushed out the nub opening and latched onto the breeder's intestinal wall as a second seed began its journey. " Novim will grow to the size of pool balls before they are ready to be birthed."
While the voice explained what was happening at Cassian's ass, a large vine the same color of the smaller tendrils holding his mouth open looped around the arm then threaded itself into the wide open mouth. "The Liavat need an acidic environment to thrive," the explanation came at the same moment the large vine shot forward.
While the voice explained what was happening at Cassian's ass, a large vine the same color of the smaller tendrils holding his mouth open looped around the arm then threaded itself into the wide open mouth. "The Liavat need an acidic environment to thrive," the explanation came at the same moment the large vine shot forward.