Cmull45965   04-07-2020, 05:53 PM
Sir Justin stood facing the skinless man known as the Reaper. It was the only name and it was whispered in hushed terms throughout the kingdoms. There were rumors he was aligned with the young king Blackthorne but that was all Justin knew. It was rumor.
The Reaper had made many forays against King Alric’s kingdom but Sir Justin had stopped them all thus far. This would serve to only enrage the Reaper.
Justin looked at his enemy hoping to bait him into attacking him so that Justin could finally end this threat. But usually the Reaper escaped to plan again.
Justin spoke “ You have tried for years and still the same result. This kingdom will never be yours as long as I defend it” He stared into the Reaper’s fiery red eyes hoping to goad him into making a mistake.
The darkened skin and eyes of evil stared back at Justin. Any lesser man might have quivered at the sight but not Justin.
This post was last modified: 04-10-2020, 02:13 AM by Sam260.
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