11-27-2023, 01:26 AM
Vale felt around for the baby and found it very low. With effort trying to not stare at the burning light his mate was emitting he checked to see if there was any sight of the baby. He felt the opening twltching, almost as if expecting to be stretched very soon. Just an inch or two deeper into the canal he saw feet. "You know I can't pull him out,I wouos harm him. But he's close. I can see him in the canal" he said feeling his eyes burn and had to look away for a moment.
"you need to keep pushing and try to get him to your opening. Once there I can aid a bit more. We also need to get him out as soon as we can" he said not only because more armed light elves could come looking for them, but because in the position thr child was in, he could choke or not get enough oxygen. He felt some movement from the unborn even if constricted as the Babe was already fully in the canal, surely giving its laboring father the feeling of not being able to close his legs or having his hips on fire.
He noticed Halcron's puffy chest get bigger. Now they seemed full breasts just making his lover look more femenine. He stroked the nipples once more, in order for Halcron's milk supply to be ready. Thr Babe wouos need colostrum in large amounts once born. His mind was reeling as he thought of all they needed to do, just to get to safety and get Halcron and the new Babe out of danger. Carriers were often seen as lesser than and as shameful and sinful between light elves. Vale could never understand that concept for without carriers no e of them would be here. Dark elves on the other hand almost revered them.
"come on, push. Try to not use all your energy my love... We might... Need to runaway later" he said with a sad smile. He wasn't sure were to take his new family or where they could go. He was weak and getting weaker by the minute. Anyone that tried to help them would get in trouble. If it was just him and Halcron he wouldnt doubt of running to the woods, but they will have a newborn with them that needed not only constant nursing, but warmth and security.
"you need to keep pushing and try to get him to your opening. Once there I can aid a bit more. We also need to get him out as soon as we can" he said not only because more armed light elves could come looking for them, but because in the position thr child was in, he could choke or not get enough oxygen. He felt some movement from the unborn even if constricted as the Babe was already fully in the canal, surely giving its laboring father the feeling of not being able to close his legs or having his hips on fire.
He noticed Halcron's puffy chest get bigger. Now they seemed full breasts just making his lover look more femenine. He stroked the nipples once more, in order for Halcron's milk supply to be ready. Thr Babe wouos need colostrum in large amounts once born. His mind was reeling as he thought of all they needed to do, just to get to safety and get Halcron and the new Babe out of danger. Carriers were often seen as lesser than and as shameful and sinful between light elves. Vale could never understand that concept for without carriers no e of them would be here. Dark elves on the other hand almost revered them.
"come on, push. Try to not use all your energy my love... We might... Need to runaway later" he said with a sad smile. He wasn't sure were to take his new family or where they could go. He was weak and getting weaker by the minute. Anyone that tried to help them would get in trouble. If it was just him and Halcron he wouldnt doubt of running to the woods, but they will have a newborn with them that needed not only constant nursing, but warmth and security.