O Unforseen effects

"No problem," Samson assured Miroku as he released his pokemon before heading upstairs.

He watched his friend head upstairs a moment, still concerned but then turned to the pokemon. "Well, let's get the four of you fed and settled in," he said as he led them into the dining room and set about getting their dinner.

Once Miroku's pokemon were eating, he told them that he would be back soon. He wanted to go outside and check on Lani once more. The young growlithe had seemed rather anxious the last time he had checked on her

Blazer wagged his tail and followed Samson, hoping that he could spend some more time with Flare. When they neared the kennel, Blazer darted ahead and yipped happily before sitting down in front of Flare's pen. Samson chuckled and when he finally arrived, he let Blazer in and closed the door before going to check on Lani. Two his surprised she was nursing three growlithe pups.

"No wonder you were so big girl," he muttered as he watched her. Lani thumped her tail as Samson eased inside but made no move to get up. He carefully checked the mother and then looked over the pups and they all looked healthy. "Good job," he whispered as he left the kennel before checking on Flare and Blazer and he chuckled when he saw them. After checking on Flannery who still looked about ready to pop as she waddled over to greet Samson as well as Aria who was just dozing.

He headed back up to the house and checked on Miroku's pokemon before checking on Miroku who was out cold. Only then, did he finally allow himself to go to bed.

Miroku's pokemon were pleased with the food though they were soon done with the food by time Samson got back. So they followed the man to the room that Miroku was in. The night passed with realitive ease and when morning came, Miroku awoke slowly. Though his gaze was met with his Rowlet.

"Hello Hoot." Miroku greeted, causing the pokemon to let out a happy sound.

The man had some difficulty sitting up and he soon learned why that was. Looking down, he pulled the blanket away and he stared. His stomach was much bigger, he looked due with twins! His shirt was struggling to contain the mass and he went pale.

"Oh god why...?" Miroku groaned.

This wasn't good, not at all. Getting up, Hoot landed on his shoulder as the man went over to the mirror in the room. Unbuttoning his shirt, he stared at the round mass before touching it. The touch made him cringe as his skin was sensitive and he gave a sigh. The skin was smooth but the mass felt hard, not soft like fat. This couldn't be happening. He could feel something nudge him and he turned to look.

"Hey Aleu." Miroku greeted his midday form Lycanroc.

He reached to pat her on the head and while she accepted that, she sniffed at his stomach before pulling away and running towards the door. As if telling him to go tell Samson.

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Once Samson had fallen asleep, he was dead to the world. He had slept soundly through the night. When morning arrived, he began to drift into a much lighter sleep so that when he heard the sound of footsteps he woke up. He was rubbing his eyes when there was a knock on his door.

Knowing that Aleu would persist, he rebuttoned his shirt up and went looking for Samson's room. Well the man would learn eventually. So he gave a knock on the door and waited for Samson to open it.

"Uh...morning...sadly I'm afraid we're off to a weirder start.." Miroku said nervously. "This showed up when I woke up."

He gave a nervous glance down to his stomach, the buttons still straining to hold the twin size belly.

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Samson eased himself out of the bed and walked over to the door. His black hair was sticking up everywhich way. He blinked when he saw Miroku.

"Uh...morning...sadly I'm afraid we're off to a weirder start.." Miroku said nervously. "This showed up when I woke up."

Samson followed his gaze down to his friends belly, and he blinked. Miroku was sporting a belly that reminded him of Flannery. Reaching out, he touched the twinsized bump and tilted his head when it felt firm. Out of habit, becuase it tended to help his growlithes, he gently rubbed the belly, not realizing that he was doing it . "ummm..." Samson had an idea of what was going on but not sure how it was even possible or how to even suggest what he thoguht it might be.

His sensitive skin made him cringe a bit and a sound escape him. Though he did his best to stay still as his friend examined his extended stomach.

"I'm sorry...guess I'm just causing a lot of issues.." Miroku said when Samson stopped rubbing the mass.

Miroku had a similiar train of though, he'd seen Aleu pregnant before but she was smaller as she only had one rockruff pup and those were smaller than growlithes.

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"I'm sorry...guess I'm just causing a lot of issues.." Miroku apologized.

"Don't be, you can't help what was an accident," Samson said trying to comfort his friend. "But i think we might need to go down to the kennels so i can either confirm or rule out what its looking like. " Samson explained as he stood up when a loud howl sounded from the kennels causing Samson to flinch slightly. As he stood up, Samson accidentally brushed Miroku's ears.

Pausing, Samson looked at his friend who was sitting on the bed. "Do you need any help?" he asked.

"Right, lead the way." Miroku said.

The howl made Miroku cringe as his hearing was stronger so such a loud sound kind of hurt. The brush though was unnoticed and Miroku kept following him. Though part of him was curious what made that loud howl. Upon reaching the room and the bed, he had a few moments difficulty getting up.

"I got it." Miroku replied as he finally got on and sighed.

He started to unbutton his shirt though he paused as he felt something inside of the mass move. Shaking his head, he tried to ignore it as he finished unbuttoning it.

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Samson was glad that Miroku didn't ask about that howl. Tiger was one of his first growlithes, and he had made the mistake of evolving him early and the arcanine had been a royal pain ever since. It was taking time, but Samson was slowly making progress with him but not as much as he would have liked by now.

Samson set about getting the ultrasound machine ready as he grabbed the gel. He had tried to warm it but knew that it was a pretty futile gesture. "This is going to be cold," he warned Miroku giving him a moment before he squirted the gel onto the twin sized belly. With his other hand, Samson turned the monitor to where they both could see it and he blinked as the images of two pups came into focus.

"Oh god how the hell..." Miroku started but he went quite as he felt the pups squirm in his belly.

The feeling was worse than just touching his skin...and the cold gel had made him shuddered. Running a hand through his hair, he laid back all the way.

"What are we gonna do?" Miroku asked as he laid there.

They looked fully developed too...that meant they would be due soon or any time with how this was progressing.

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"Oh god how the hell..." Miroku muttered as he looked down at his belly before leaning back.

"I don't know," Samson admitted.

When his friend asked what they were going to do, Samson was drawing a blank there as well. Flannery was sitting there in her kennel whatching them with interest her belly wiggling with her unborn pups as they moved.

As Samson grabbed a towel and began wiping hte gel off, he felt the pups move and he couldn't help it. He did what he always did when he felt his growlithes pups bellies. Gently pressed down so he could feel the kicks.

"They definitely feel strong," he admitted as he looked over at Miroku. "How i have no clue but it looks like they're developing normally and given the movements I doubt it will be too long before they're here.

"I don't know either, this is all going bad in so many ways." Miroku said.

Though when Samson pressed down on his belly gently, he stayed still. This felt strange and he felt the pups kick a little harder in response.

"I don't doubt that." miroku replied as he sat up. "I'm just afraid of how soon that'll be.."

How soon indeed? They were healthy yet developed rather fast. They could come at any moment and that had Miroku scared. He started to re-button his shirt as he stared at the mass with a worried expression.

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"How i have no clue but it looks like they're developing normally and given the movements I doubt it will be too long before they're here."

"I don't doubt that," Miroku agreed as he strugged to sit up. ""I'm just afraid of how soon that'll be.."

"Let's get you back up to your room and you probably need to rest. I'll fix us some breakfast then I'll resume my chores back here." He said, pausing as he thoght he saw the shirt that was barely covering Miroku's belly move. He watched again and sure enough it did as the pups continued to kick.

"I'm sure that you're very hungry with those two powerhouses."

Indeed his shirt didn't hide any of the movements, in fact it seemed to make it more noticeable in MIroku's mind. Getting down, he stretched before he paused. As if to agree with Samson, his stomach gave a audible growl.

"I was so weirded out I didn't pay attention to that.." Miroku admitted. "I'll meet ya upstairs right?"

The pups squirmed about and the man set his hands against his stomach. Now he just wanted them to stop moving!

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Samson couldn't help it as he continued to watch it was so strange but the pups were definitely making his belly move rather vigorously now. The young man was curious to how it felt but he wasn't gonig to ask. It was amusing to watch but he bet it didn't feel that good to Miroku. Samson carefully put the ultrasound machine back into its place as his friend turned to him he hand on his belly trying to get the pups to stop kicking,

"I'll meet ya upstairs right?"

"Of course. ANything in particular that you want for breakfast?" He asked as the two men made their way back up to the house.

"Anything is fine by me." Miroku said. "So anything ya want."

The pups slowed in their movements and by time he got to his room. Taking a seat he gave a sigh. Course his pokemon were sleeping peacefully in the room. When Samson arrived with food, Miroku adjusted his position.

"Thank you." Miroku said as he accepted the food and started to eat.

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"Okay," Samson agreed and he detoured into the kitchen where he got started on breakfast.

He made sausage, bacon, and eggs. Fixing twice as much as much as he figured they'd need since he know that Miroku was now eating for three but who knows for how long with the speed it was progressing.

He had just arrived with the bed tray carrying the food when he heard his Miroku's stomach growl loudly again. When he started in, Samson leaned against the wall as he watched him dig in. Once he had finished eating, Samson took the tray downstars and returned with a walkie talkie.

"Just stay here and rest if you need me for anything or anything happens i'll have the other walkie and you can let me know. You might want to try and get some mroe sleep becuase who knows how things are going to go.

"Alright, thanks again." Miroku said as he handed the tray over once done.

It seems the food had calmed the pups down. In fact he had found himself taking a hour long nap before he was awoken by a sharp pain in his stomach. Reaching for the walkie talki took a few moments to reach as the pups were kicking and the pain came again. Though he managed to call Samson with it and within the next couple hours, the two rock ruffs were born.

Miroku was panting with the effort but the two canine pokemon were healthy. They were even of the normal color and everything. Sadly, the man passed out and remained that way for the rest of the day. Only to wake up the following morning feeling groggy but glad that he was back to his normal size. In a basket by Aleu was the two pups. Getting dressed, he headed downstairs.

"Morning." Miroku greeted. "so is there anything I can help with?"

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"Morning," Samson replied with a smile.

"You look like you feel so much better."

When Miroku asked if there was anything he could help with, Samson chucked. If you want, you can help me feed the girls since you know how hungry they can get."

"Okay." His friend agreed as they left the house.

AS they neared the kennel, they could hear a faint whining coming from one of the pens. As Samson recognized the sounds he went from a brisk walk to a run towards Flannery's pen and sure enough she was in labor.

"I certainly do." MIroku said with a smile.

Following Samson things were off to a good start. Though when they had to tend to one of the growlithes, Samson instructed Miroku to feed Tiger. Tiger? Well hard to not feel scared with that name. Course he went to the pen and opened the door. He had expected to see a growlithe, what he saw...wasn't a small growlithe.

"Oh boy.." he muttered.

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