Closed Unexpected
Rhona was about to ask if he wanted her to go in with him. For some reading ot felt oddly cold to let him go alone, but he had gone before she could offer and thought he might prefer it that way.

She sat in bed to wait for him to come back, but as minutes went by he gave no signs of coming out and waiting with her. Dhd came closer to the door and knocked gently "dear? Are you okay?" she asked and as she received no response she went back to their bed to wait.

She felt as if something heavy had settled in her stomach. She was worried about Ryan and as she waited outside by herself she couldnt help but wonder what it would mean for them it Ryan was indeed pregnant. They were a new couple, it was not planned and in top of that they had the difference in age and life situation. She was aware of what a male pregnancy entitled. Her ex boyfriend had been a carrier and she had informed herself well about it at the time. Of female pregnancy was hard, a man going through it had it twice as hard for their bidies were not as suited to carry or deliver a baby.

She thought of Ryan going through all the changes. How his young and slender muscular frsme would change over thr course of a few months and how all would change once that journey was done and they had a baby. She jumped from her seat as she heard the alarm go off minutes later and as he opened the door, she lo les eyes with him. She received the kiss and returned it. She was on her toes to be able to reach him better and she felt shock to realize her intution had been right, that as he had said, she was not crazy.

She took his hands in hers and guided him back to bed and reclaimed her previus spot on his lap. "Are you okay?" she asked for she was aware he didn't knew he was a carrier. "you dont have to be strong all the time. I know Im always this walking ball of anxiety but I... Well... I think that actually makes me a strong person for having to live a normal life even if Im scared of everything." she said giving him a small smile trying to reasure him." the news are surprising but... Im jsut glad you're not ill with some rare disease "she said cupping his cheeks and kissing his lips softly to let him know she was there for him too, and she just wanted what was best for him." You... Said I'm to be a mom. Does that mean we get to keep it? "she wanted to be cautious with her wording. She was keeping herself in check to not show too much excitment to not make him feel forced to go through a pregnancy if he decided now was not the time for that.
Sitting there seeing her talk about how anxious she was, but still showing concern for him made him feel so important to her. It was an incredible feeling. Her sitting in his lap he put his hands where he always did when they sat like this, on her soft wide hips. He rested his head against her chest, “I know Rhona, you may not feel it, but you’re the strongest person I know.” He had no idea he was a carrier, and all of this felt so intense so quick, everything was so new…

“Yeah Rhona, I want to keep it. I don’t have the heart to end someone’s life.” He saw her mouth open to say something, but he cut her off “just… lay here, with me, for a while.” She could hear the fatigue and worry in his voice. He laid down on the bed and laid against him, her head tucked into his shoulder, her soft hand in his resting against his chest, her other laying on his abdomen. Her beautiful leg lying over his. He wondered if with her hand over his abdomen she was thinking what he was thinking, of how it wouldn’t be flat like that for long. Nothing would be like it is for long. However as he thought earlier, he couldn’t change that.

He softly kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes.
The red head felt her body relax with relief upon hearing they were keeping the baby and going forward with the unexpected pregnancy. "Good, I'm glad we are keeping the baby " she said with a shy smile, she didn't had the heart for it either, yet had asked for it was his right to decide either way, not hers.

She could only hope to try and imagine what was going through his head at the moment, specially as he didn't even knew this could happen. She settled with him in silence over their bed and rested her head over his hard chest and snuggled into his bigger body. She kissed his shoulder blades and chest in silemce as she took a hold of his hand. She felt his chest rose and fall as he closed his eyes still holding her. "It will be okay Ryan" she said breaking the silence. "Its a bit scary I admit, but... Ive learnt this past months doing scary things with you is not bad. Like letting you kiss me in new years eve" she blushed for they had done more than kissing, yet she prefiered to leave it at that when talking. "I know I don't say it too often, but I do love you, even if my head sometimes wants to convince me its a very bad idea" she closed her fingers around his own and stared at them as she talked "Im a little crazy with all my worrying and fears and this relationship might be considered complete madness yet some how it works and, Ive been trully happy since you came to stole pop corn from my attic" she kissed his lips and shyly hope for at least a small smile from him. Her other hand was absentmindly drawing circles in his flat abdomen.
He listened to how sincere she sounded, how kind she was. This was the most she had opened up to him since that New Years Eve. He stroked her red hair and moved it behind her ear. Kissing her one more time on the top of her head, he smiled: “I’ve never regretted that night. I never will. All of this, sometimes it feels too good to be true. I know this is a lot, and we have a lot to figure out, but I love you, and I guess, knowing that, makes everything seem okay.”

He felt her snuggle up against him deeper. “If it makes you feel better Rhona, I’ve been grateful everyday for stealing that popcorn” with that, she looked up at him with her big green eyes, and he kissed her deeply, romantically, doing everything he could with that one action to soothe his lover. He held her tight, “you’re not crazy babe.”
As she was resting her head over his chest, his voice sounded so much deeper this way. She closed her eyes in comfort as he kissed her head and felt herself melt, seeing him smile at her, even after life changing news had been given. "Not even now?" she asked softly looking into his eyes "I know it`s differnt for you. No one exactly plans to be a parent at your age" she blushed hearing him say it was too good to be true. She felt that, a part of her feared it would all eventually come to an end, that some challenge or difference due to their complete opposite life situations would make them fail at this relationship. Right now a big one was upon them, and to her surprise, she felt much closer to him, as if the coming of their child was a sign they were on the right path in their relationship, instead of it being a big screw up.

"Look at you, soothing me, when its you going through a big change" she smiled against his lips as he kissed her, rolling over him and settling comfortably in that position "how are you feeling? I was...just thinking how our relationship being so new, there being so many challenges...I had always been afraid something big like this would make us end things, but...right now, I just feel silly happiness and the desire for you to stay even more. Does that makes sense?"
Seeing her roll over on top of him excited him, but he was still feeling too under the weather to do anything about that. Above all he just wanted her to be comfortable, so he didn’t want to show that his stomach was still bothering him.

“What can I say Rhona? I want you to be comfortable.” He pulled her in close and kissed her again. “Well, I feel... good? I know that sounds weird, especially with everything happening so quick, and maybe it’s shock, but I have this weird feeling that everything will work out. So how you’re feeling makes sense to me, but who knows, maybe we are both crazy.” He finished that sentence with another kiss as she rolled over beside him.

“Don’t worry babe, right now, let’s just relax and enjoy the night. We have plenty of time to worry about things later.” He pulled her in close and closed his eyes.

* 1 month later - 3 months pregnant *

Ryan washed his face in the bathroom sink. It was warm and soothing. He was just cleaning up while Rhona washed the dishes in the kitchen outside. She had been so kind to him that he felt guilty. Ever since they discovered he was pregnant he felt like her nurturing side went into overdrive. She’d prepare every meal, give him back massages whenever he wanted, get him drinks from the fridge (always water now,) and even if the remote was on the other side of the couch she refused to let him get it. It felt ridiculous, especially since he was so early in his pregnancy, but he appreciated it, and let her do it without saying anything because deep down he felt it was just as much for her as for him. It also helped to make her feel more of a part of what was happening to him.

Speaking of what was happening to him, he was already starting to show. It happened early on in the 3rd month, and now that he was just about 13 weeks along he had a smooth firm outward curve if you looked at him horizontally. From his reading male pregnancies were typically larger than women’s for whatever reason, and the size of a normal male pregnancy was more comparable to a female twin pregnancy, which is probably why he was showing already.

He turned to the side and lifted his shirt. It was wild, that was his child growing inside of him. Rubbing it absentmindedly he pulled his shirt up further revealing his pecs which were now starting to jut out just slightly, like he had a pump from working out. In a few months everything he was looking at would undoubtedly grow outward, so he thought he’d enjoy this while it lasted. He splashed his face with water one more time and thought he’d use the restroom. Unzipping his pants and starting to pee he thought of another of many changes his body was currently experiencing. His testicles were slightly swollen, like right around 10% more than usual, and his penis had grown maybe half an inch in diameter and length. This change was something he wasn’t bummed about as he thought it would serve as a pleasant surprise for Rhona, but she had no idea this had happened to him. The past month had been so focused on studying about pregnancy as well as Ryan suffering from morning sickness that they hadn’t had any chances to be intimate. Not only that but his sex drive had completely plummeted since he felt ill, at least, until this week.

This weekend was special for many reasons, the first being they were going to go star gazing and have a romantic evening to themselves, and secondly because his sex drive had come back with a vengeance. The literature pertaining to male pregnancy had stated that for most men once the morning sickness ended, it would be replaced with a greatly increased sexual appetite, and that was very true for Ryan. Right around Monday or Tuesday, Ryan realized while rushing a few minutes late to class that he had no morning sickness, he was delighted because now he might be able to focus on his lecture he thought, but he was so overtaken with sexual thoughts of Rhona, and how much he wanted to be with her he almost wanted to leave early.

After finishing urinating for what felt like the 7th time today he thought he’d sneak up behind Rhona. He heard the sink still going “she must still be washing the dishes” he thought to himself, sneaking up behind her he hugged her from behind whispering how grateful he was for all of her help. He also stood right behind her, lining up his modest bump with the curve of her back. It fit perfectly for now he thought. His hands wrapped around her and he whispered in her ear “you look so beautiful tonight Rhona, I miss you so much every week.” Even though they weren’t even doing anything sexual yet he was already excited. He felt it start to strain against his pants and push against her rear. He was certain she felt it, and that excited him even more.
Rhona heard the know footsteps of her boyfriend going to the bathroom. She smiled as she washed the dishes knowing he had gone just a little while ago. It was a sign their child was growing and causing pressure on his or her father's bladder. Her ears were perked up in case he might need any help. Not that he was so big he wouos need her help to pee, but knew he could get dizzy and might need a hand to aid him sit down.

She was thankful all seemed to go well so far. Ryan was beggining to show, she has noticed that last night he arrived in the seas of the night. It had made her heart flutter even if she had kept quiet about it. She wasn't sure how Ryan would take her words. This was not a planned child, he was still at school and the red head couldn't help but feel rather gulity about it. If she had fallen pregnant ot gotten someone pregnant at school, she was certain she would have lost her head.

She let out a pleased sigh as she felt bigger and stronger arms wrap around her. His natural scent came to her and she melted into the hug even if she still had a plate and sponge in hand. "Not as handsome as you" she said feeling the baby bump agaisnt her. Last time they saw each other that hadn't been there. "you have a little bump" she whispered turning around in his arms after leaving the plate and sponge aside. She had also felt something else agaisnt her. An excitement in her boyfriend she hadn't in a while. "May I?" she asked looking down between them, at his baby bump.
Hormones are weird. One second you don’t want anyone within 300 feet of you to so much as look your way, then the next you’re so turned on it hurts by just seeing a girl you love wash dishes.

“It’s funny how that works huh?” He chuckles acknowledging his bulging abdomen. “It’s funny how two people who like each other tend to….. spend their time huh?” He said, in full seduction mode. She turned into his arms deeper, and nuzzled against him. He felt her body react to grinding against his erection through his pants, it made him pulse he was so aroused. Hearing her ask “May I?” Was almost too much for him, he wasn’t sure what she was asking for, but he knew it would be good. She knew how much he needed this. “Please do.” He moaned back.
"you were fully flat last time you were here. Is it been so long? Or does this changes so fast?" she wondered feeling a weight over her shoulders at them not being able to spend lorentime together and she inevitably miss things.

She chuckled "what are you talking about? You think its weird we spent time together while doing house chores?" she asked placing soap bubbles on his nose playfully "or you mean how, you can become so very handsome in a second, even in home clothes, just because I felt this precius thing?" she asked as her soapy hand lifted his shirt and gently rubbed the baby bump with her finger tips in wonder that it was already there, even if the pregnancy was still in its early days." we... Did that "she said admiring the little curve that held their child" its yet so small... He or she must be so tiny. Like a bean at most"
“You’re right babe, just a few days ago I popped actually.” He said charmingly

He smiled as she dapped some soap on his nose.” I think you know exactly what I’m talking about” he chuckles and matches her hand with his on his small bump. “You are always so beautiful” he says, feeling the vibe suddenly shift to a more passionate, and serious tone.

“You’re right. We did that. We made life.” He says, rubbing his stomach in circles, still throbbing in his pants, wondering if she’d noticed.

“Haha if it’s any consolation they won’t stay like a bean for long, I’ve been devouring so much food, I think I’m going to be BIG.” He says jokingly, pushing his stomach out.
"I missed seeing that.." she said with longing.

"Am I? Even if I'm so old?" she asked him and chuckled as she stood in her tip toes and kissed his lips "I know what you're talking of. I know its been a long time since we... But you were under the weather and we girls dont need it so much." she also needed more time to get aroused yet her pregnant boyfriend was managing to do that rather quickly.

"Werent we going star gazing?" she asked yet noticed how Ryan's pants seemed to become uncomfortable due to his member getting... Excited. Her hand quickly went to his button and zipper to undue them "better?" she asked curious to what was going on. Her gray eyes looked up to him silently asking his concent to keep touching him so intimately.

"I know you will get big. All men due in a healthy pregnancy. I will love you even more then for what youre doing for our child. And you said them... You think its more than one? Do you know something and havent told me?" she asked a bit scared he was carrying twins and she has no idea about it.
“Oh im sure you’ll be able to see a lot more interesting stuff than that as this all…. Progresses” he says, waving his hands around his swollen abdomen comically.

He immediately sees she is nervous. She blushes when she talks about their intimate moments. He senses a seductive weak point in what she says though and he has to seize the opportunity.”oh, so you’re saying you don’t want this…. That you don’t, need it too?” He whispers in her ear, moaning with anticipation when he feels her unzip it, freeing him. “ yes baby, that’s so much better. Don’t stop.”

He notices her lock onto his use of the plural: “I don’t know baby, but I did have a dream this morning I was due with twins. Sometimes I think my body knows things before I do.. as weird as it sounds.” He laughs nervously.
Rhona wasnt so sure herself. They were together two days out of seven every week and that might change once Ryan got to be on exam week. "I hope the pregnancy isnt causing you trouble at school?" she asked "Does my brother knows already?" knowing the two men were best friends.

"Im not saying that. Im saying ai dont think of it as often and that... I do need more time to get in the mood, but you're making me desire it very fast right now" she said honestly as she blushed deeply.
Her hand pulled down the pants just enough to have more freedom to touch him. Her hand then gently pulled down the boxers "you are really excited... I havent seen you like this before... Not even during our first time" she said seeing he was almost hard enough with her barely touching him.

Rhona felt her head spin. She hadnt thought twins were a possibility. "youre okay if that is so?" she asked as she jumped into the kitchen counter to sit in it and pulled Ryan closer to her.
“No the pregnancy has been fine. Just crazy to think about I guess. And no, I haven’t told him yet. I know I shouldn’t wait until I’m big but I just don’t know to tell him…”

“ I know what you meant baby. I’m sorry for the mixed messages, I just can’t help it, these hormones have been driving me crazy. They’re always telling me different things, but in this case they’re saying exactly. What I. Need.” He moans stepping between her legs as she sits on the counter top. She can feel his heat against her, especially now that she freed him. He wants her so bad, he’s never been this turned on.

“As you can tell baby, you have me so turned on right now that it could be triplets for all I cared.” He was too sexually frustrated, he had to make a move, so he pulled her in closely, his body against hers, and kissed her deeply.
"Me neither. I don't know how Daniel will take the fact we are together. Or that their is a baby or babies on the way" she said looking at him marvelled at how crazy this all was, yet how at the same time it all felt so natural.

"you said it yourself. Right now... But what about when youre not so horny. Will you think the same?" she wondered even if was a dream he had about the twins. She kissed back eagerly and smiled as it seemed their original plan had been forgotten.
“Rhona, we will figure all of these things out with time. It’s okay.” He said reassuringly, pushing her hair from her face. “I know this all crazy, but it’ll all workout, I promise.”

She kissed him back happily, filling him with bliss. “Babe, you know I’ll always find you beautiful. Sometimes the hormones and everything keep me from getting into the mood, but I’ll always find you beautiful. No matter how many children we are having, I’m grateful for you being in my life.” He placed his arms around her lower back, resting on her hips, kissing her again. “Do you want to go stargazing? Or do you… want to stay in?” He said lovingly. He was starting to get worried he was pressuring her to be intimate when she wasn’t feeling it. Sure he was aroused, and sure he was the one carrying their child, or maybe even children, but her feelings were just as important. He’d feel awful if she ever felt otherwise.
Rhona allowed her boyfriend to touch her face and comb her fiery red hair. She couldnt help but worry sometimes. The relationship that began as a curious encounter between two persona that knew each other for some time, yet had never been close, had becomerso much more than a one night stand.

The young man before her and about to make love to her, held her child in his womb. They were now a family and would be in each others life for ever. "You mean that?" she asked him looking at his eyes. "I'm all for having a kid. But then Im in a age and position to do so. You're the one of the two yo whom these is a inconvenience as youre still in school" she said as her hand gently trailed the lines of his new found baby bump. She kissed eagerly back, feeling her chest burn and get nervous even if they had been together for months now.

"the night is long and the stsrs will be outside still in a few hours" she said smiling shyly at him.
He saw her start to blush a little. He loved it when she did. “Of course I mean that Rhona,” he said passionately, running his hand through her hair, pausing when his palm reached the back of her neck, gripping lightly. “I know I’m still in school, but people make it work all of the time. I don’t know… I just feel like everything will be okay, as crazy as that may sound.”

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers as she trailed and rubbed his baby bump, letting out a slight moan. He needed this so much. Hearing her talk about staying in filled him with fire, this was it. It had been weeks, but they were finally going to be intimate again. He hadn’t done anything sexual in that whole time, so he was throbbing with excitement.

She put her arms around his neck, and he stepped in closer between her legs as she sat on the counter top, pressing his gently swollen womb against her. They kissed deeply, but then he slowly broke the kiss and started kissing her neck, feeling her breathing get heavy. He was now so aroused that his swollen member was pulsing, desperate to get past those few layers she had on. He wondered if she’d already noticed that the pregnancy had caused his penis to grow slightly, or make his balls more swollen. He had read that male pregnancies produce an increased amount of sperm to help lubricate the birth, and since he hadn’t cum in weeks, he knew this would be a big one.

He broke the kiss, and stepped back, feeling assertive. Without saying a word he slips off his shirt and undresses completely, just standing there, so erect he is almost touching his underbelly. He looks at her with complete lust. “Undress baby, I want you.” He said assertively. “I need you.”
She was silently thankful he seemed to be so calm always when her natural anxiety caused her to be the storm, even if she was the elder in their relationship.

She kissed eagerly back getting caught up in the moment for in another instance she would have made them move to the bedroom or a more discreet place. She took off her shirt and bra. She was wearing a loose skirt which she simply rose up enough to Grant him acces and took off her panties.

He seemed bigger some how and that made her nervous. It had been varius weeks now since they were intimate and she was to be a bit tighter because if that "go slow, please?" he seemed too eager and she needed foreplay to get where he already seemed to be. "are... Are you bigger?" her green eyes resting on his erect member.
He saw her look at it curiously, like she hadn’t seen it before. He could feel the nervousness in her voice when she asked him if it had grown. He walked back up to her, and kissed her ear again, then her neck, and gave it a very light bite to tease her. “Yeah baby… I am, I was wondering if you’d notice.” He said chuckling. “I know I’ve told you this a thousand times Rhona…” he said pausing, and placed his hand firmly on her breast, rubbing her now erect nipple gently. “But you are so incredibly beautiful.” He then kissed her firmly on the lips, and reached his other hand around her back to touch her firm bottom.

“Do you like my new size?” He said sincerely. “I definitely like this change more than the morning sickness.” He laughed. “Don’t worry baby, we will go slow, I want this to be special.”

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