
I am starting a RPG. I am open to anything! But NO Female preg, or scat. It will include non con, first time, blood, maybe gore/vore. The Storyline I am thinking about is human/creature. Any thing you can think you. But the human is the uke and carrier. This is going to be a yaoi only! It will include a birth scene as well. The storyline is You are a human and you are a virgin offering about to given to your village's god to be taken as a bride. you have never been with anyone much less seen another person naked. You can not get away. Because you been strapped to the ritual table with your arms above your head while laying on your back. (Please let me know what creature you want as the god! and what your character looks likes) But they must both be only male! It's a yoai! Thank you!

These are ideas I have for Rpgs if anyone is interested please e-mail me at ewongsing@yahoo.com or I am also on DeviantArt.com under Monkeypaws19.

1.) You are dared by your friends to spent the night in a old run down mansion that is rumored to be haunted. You don't believe the rumors and accept the dare. But it turns out the rumors are true. You are caught by the ghost who has plans for you. He preforms a ritual that will allow him to return to the land of living in a new body by being reborn though your body.

2.) You meet a very handsome man in a hotel bar and agree to go with him up to his hotel suite for a one night stand. The moment you enter the suite. He reveals that he is a prince of a certain race of creatures. (Creature of your choice). He intends to use you to bear him heirs and he isn't going to take no for an answer.

3.) You are approached by an incubus and given an offer to be able to live in the lap of luxury for the rest of your life. If you agree to spend the night with him and give him your virginity. What you don't know is that he intends to impregnate you with his child.

4.) You get lost in the woods and decide to camp out near a old shrine that has a forest god living in it still. He is looking for a mate and has his eyes on you.

5.) You are offered up as a male virgin bride to your village's god. (Creature of your choice)

These are some Rpg ideas I have if anyone is interested please e-mail me at Ewongsing@yahoo.com or PM on DeviantArt.com I am under the name Monkeypaws19.

1.) You are dared by your friends to spent the night in a old run down mansion that is rumored to be haunted. You don't believe the rumors and accept the dare. But it turns out the rumors are true. You are caught by the ghost who has plans for you. He preforms a ritual that will allow him to return to the land of living in a new body by being reborn though your body.

2.) You meet a very handsome man in a hotel bar and agree to go with him up to his hotel suite for a one night stand. The moment you enter the suite. He reveals that he is a prince of a certain race of creatures. (Creature of your choice). He intends to use you to bear him heirs and he isn't going to take no for an answer.

3.) You are approached by an incubus and given an offer to be able to live in the lap of luxury for the rest of your life. If you agree to spend the night with him and give him your virginity. What you don't know is that he intends to impregnate you with his child.

4.) You get lost in the woods and decide to camp out near a old shrine that has a forest god living in it still. He is looking for a mate and has his eyes on you.

5.) You are offered up as a male virgin bride to your village's god. (Creature of your choice)

Option one seems interesting. Pm me please

Hey, I got your post over on my RP stats page. I don't really like to use email since the format can get all jacked up. I'll play here on the forum in a new thread, though, definitely! I like the second plot, actually. Tecciztecatl, the Aztec moon rabbit, would be my choice of creature. You could give him a different name, though. PM me if you want to plan some more before we actually start!

Great thanks for responding. I like the name for the creature. Sure we can start when ever you want. I just need your human character's name and what he looks like. Sure. I understand that's fine about the forum.

Tecciztecatl sat the hotel bar scanning it's guests. He was using his human form tonight. He had a golden tanned toned body, Rich dark brown hair to his shoulders pulled back in a low pony tail, golden light brown eyes, and strong jaw line. His body had little fat and he was 6 ft. He was the Aztec moon rabbit. His body looked like he was 25 but his real age was thousands of years old. He was lonely and bored. It seemed all his past worshipers either died of old age or forgot about as the world slowly advanced in technology. He had never taken a mate. He did however many lovers of men and women in the past. He smirked as he remembered his past lovers worshiped his body in the bedroom with caresses and kisses. But sadly those days were over. He was ready to settle down and take a mate. He was a very picky god however he didn't want to just bed anyone. He wanted someone with a pure and strong spirit, handsome, gentle, kind, and being good in the sack wouldn't have hurt. He wrinkled his nose at the sight of the drunken men and women in the bar. They were disgusting and reeked of hormones and cheap beer. The women rubbing themselves against anyone who would have them. The men spilling their beer and laughing annoying at the dumbest things as they scrambled to find a warm body to sleep with for the night. Tecciztecatl rubbed his temples to fight off the growing headache he was getting from mingling with these idiotic mortals. None of these mortals were worthy of the honor of accepting his seed much less living. He was getting tired and was ready to give up until he looked up and saw a young man who he decided who would be worthy of becoming his immortal lover, mate, and bearer of his children.

Jacob was trying to celebrate his 21st birthday, but his friends hadn't even bothered to show up. They were supposed to treat him to drinks at the hotel bar, eat at the restaurant adjacent to the lobby, and then go out clubbing. Jacob's blonde hair had been slicked back, showing off his violet eyes. Tights jeans and a tailored sheet with the top buttons left open were his birthday attire. He sighed, staring down at the chocolate cupcake with the single flickering candle. The only thing Jacob wished for was someone to spend his birthday with, but if felt like a waste of a wish. Still, the boy took a breath and blew out the flame. "Happy Birthday to me..."

Tecciztecatl looked at the boy and licked his lips at the boy's body and saw he was sad. This wasn't going to do. No mate of his was ever be sad again or be hurt again by anyone. He got up and quietly sat next to the boy. "Quite a shame for such a handsome young man to be alone on his birthday and in a bar at that. I over heard you and noticed your cupcake." He nodded at the cupcake. He signaled the bartender for a couple of drinks. "The name is Terri, what's your name birthday boy?"

(Terri is Tecciztecatl name he uses for his human form. He will reveal his true name when he reveals who he is later in the room)

Jacob jumped, startled by the man who seemed to appear out of nowhere. He'd been too lost in his own thoughts to notice Terri's approach. "O-Oh, yeah..." He looked back down at the cupcake as the last of the smoke from the candle whisped upward. "My friends were supposed to treat me to a night on the town, but it looks like they bailed on me. I mean, it's been two hours. If they were going to surprise me or something, I think they would have done it by now." Jacob sighed again and made eye contact with the stranger. "Name's Jacob, nice to meet you."

Tecciztecatl purred and kissed Jacobs hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jacob. Tell you what because your friends ditched you on your birthday. I am going to take you out to dinner, then we are going to go to any store or place of your choice. Where I am going to buy you anything your heart desires. Tecciztecatl leaned in and whispered in Jacob's ear softly. "Then we are going to go up to my suite where I am going to to give you a birthday present in my bed." He purred and stroked Jacob's cheek. "Or we can we can skip that and go straight to my hotel suite".

Jacob blushed at the very direct suggestion. He bit his lip, glancing to the side for a moment. Dinner and gifts sounded great, but he'd been single for nearly six months and was growing restless. So eventually the boy grinned at the man. "A birthday shag sounds like the way to go," he admitted. Jacob gulped down his drink all at once, took a large bite of the cupcake so it wouldn't go to waste, and then nodded. "Let's hit it. Lead the way, Terri."

Tecciztecatl chuckled at the boy and ate the rest of the boy's cupcake. He locked lips with him sharing the taste of the cupcake and his natural taste. He pulled back and licked the boy's lips for any missed frosting. "That was only a taste of what to expect to tonight Jacob. Now let's go". Tecciztecatl led Jacob to the parking lot where he parked his black mercedes benz with leather seats. He opened the car door for Jacob. "After you birthday boy. I hope you are hungry".

"I'm always hungry for a good man," Jacob replied as he dropped down into the passenger seat. The minute both men entered the front door of Terri's large mansion, they started tugging clothes off each other. Jacob didn't even have the mind to wonder why Terri's house was so far away from the city, secluded as it was on the border of the California desert. He just wanted to have some great sex on his birthday. He followed the tanned figure upstairs to one of the most opulant bedrooms he'd ever seen. A trail of clothes led to the bed where they wrestled naked, exchanging bites and kisses. "Damn..." Jacob groaned. "Just put it in me, man..."

Tecciztecatl smiled as drove the boy to his home. He had everything set up for his soon to be mate. The moment they entered his mansion. He couldn't resist the boy any longer. He tugged the boy's clothes and led him to his chambers. He wrestled the boy teasing him with touches and kisses along with nips. He chuckled as the boy was ready and eager to become his mate. He pushed the boy down on the matress. "Don't worry my jewel, I fill your body up with my seed soon enough. But first I have a birthday surprise for you". Tecciztecatl closed eyes and sighed as he changed into his true form. He grew to 6ft tall, muscles all over, short silver hair, golden eyes, he still had tanned skin, and grew a pair of large white rabbits on the top of his head. He opened his eyes and licked his lips at the boy. "Surprise my little jewel, you are going to have the honor of becoming the mate to the moon rabbit god Tecciztecatl. I have been looking for a very long time for a worthy mate. I have decided to choose you. You are going also going to have the honor of bearing me an heir. He pinned Jacob to the bed and kissed him as he positioned himself between Jacob's legs. "Let's shrew like rabbits and make a baby shall we?"

Jacob's jaw dropped as the man he'd met at the bar suddenly turned into a giant rabbit-man. Had someone drugged his drink and now he was tripping? He couldn't even begin to pronounce the name the creature gave itself. Rabbits? Babies? Didn't rabbits have like, 12 babies at a time? And since thing was a rabbit god, well... who knew what kind of numbers that meant! Jacob started to squirm and jerk at his limbs, attempting to escape, but Tecciztecatl kept him firmly in place. "You can't do this!" the human argued. "I didn't agree to this mate garbage!"

Tecciztecatl rubbed his cock against the boy's entrance. "Now Now my little jewel. Don't fight me, I don't wish for you to hurt yourself." Tecciztecatl purred and groomed the boy's neck. "Why struggle against me, my little jewel you should feel honored to chosen by me become my mate. You will be pampered everyday and spoiled personally by me. I would massage your growing belly each day until the day your water breaks and our child is ready to be born. Don't worry about being able to bear me a child. I am going to preform a spell and bless your body with a womb. Tecciztecatl moved the boy's hands and held them with one hand as he laid his other on the boy's stomach. He stroked it for a moment before pressing down on it and whispered a spell and watched his hand glowed white as he could feel womb growing inside the boy's body. "There we are, that's better now my little jewel. Let's get started". Tecciztecatl kissed the boy and started to push into his impressive wide and long length into the boy's body.

None of that sounded like something he wanted to do. He'd just had his 21st birthday! Jacob was too young to be stuck on his back with a big pregnant belly. "I said no!" he barked. However, it seemed the moon god would hear none of it. Jacob struggled against the hand on his stomach, but he couldn't stop Tecciztecatl's spell. His belly grew warm and he could feel something forming in there. Before he had the chance to ask questions, the tall, broadly shaped man was pushing his way into Jacob, making him moan loudly.

"That's better my jewel. Sing for me" Tecciztecatl shoved the rest of his length inside Jacob. He moaned as the boy's body tighten around his cock. "Oh! Yes so warm and tight. Mmm...it feels like your body is sucking me inside deeper. He pulled back almost leaving the boy's body only to thrust back hard and fast. He moaned loudly as he aimed for the boy's special spot and nailed it repeatfully. "That's it scream for me and moan your praises."

"No!" Jacob barked, but it was no use. Tecciztecatl drove into him over and over again. The worst of it all was that Jacob was still enjoying himself. As much as he didn't want this to be happening, it still felt good. It had just been so damn long since he'd been fucked. Unable to fight the sounds, the boy moaned in pleasure, turning his head and arching his shoulders. Tecciztecatl gave a particularly hard thrust which drew a sharp scream from the human.

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