O The choice

(Searching for both breeders and seeders)

A secret underground facility which both sells and shows pregnant men and women. The participants are human but are sometimes chosen by the supernatural to become their breeders. One part of the facility is where people of all kinds can view the variety of men and women available for breeding while the other part is more like a museum, where the pregnant men and women are shown off, allowing the public to watch them as they grow and eventually birth the children within them only for them to be bred again.

Savannah rested for a moment, catching her breath between contractions. She glances up toward the one way window, only her reflection coming back to her. On the other side of the mirror a group of people were gathered in front of the window, watching Savannah labor. She was one of the first members of the 'program', supposedly brought in to be matched with a nice man that could possibly become something more. This in fact was not the case, after being chosen by a rather large male Savannah found herself becoming pregnant and now being forced to deliver the offspring within her. These babies were quite large, much like their father, unlike Savannah, who was quite a small woman.

Chris scanned the row of rooms, searching for a suitable breeder. His blue eyes scanned each being carefully. Being a werewolf would make this selection rather important. He needed someone that could provide him with suitable offspring and be able to handle the large pups that he was sure to produce. With his current human appearance only those of the supernatural would know of his true identity.

Trevor was placed in the under the fresh display. Up to that point, the male had assumed he was getting a one way ticket out of some student loan issues. It was stupid admittedly, but he just figured it didn't hurt to try anyways. It wasn't like he had a job or much of anything to lose at the time, but now he was in a room of sorts with a set of mirrors surrounding the front of room. There was a sturdy steel door hard wired with a magnetic lock, so if he did put his lock pick skills to use, there were underlying riggings he couldn't get fix. He spent his time doing that the first few hours. The other time, he was tapping on the mirrors to see if perhaps it was a two-way, but it was just speculation at that point, not something he could confirm just by tapping with his index finger.

Now, he was just sitting in the room, casually waiting if that could be considered. He had his arms wrapped around his jean clad legs as his face was buried to his knees. He rested his eyes but did not rest on the bed. Chances were he'd be out cold again if he were to do that. 

(( I hope this is alright. If nobody else joins anytime soon, I'll make another profile for a Seeder.))

Skylar was laying on the floor reading a book wondering if the people on the other side of the glass would consider her for breeding and her only friend Savannah is somewhere else wishing she was there to help Savannah instead of waiting for someone to pick her.

Chris stops just outside of Trevor's room, his eyes scanning over the young mans features. He would do, for now. Writing down Trevor's information on a small notepad he had been given Chris quickly took it to the front of the room and up to the counter, some men going to retrieve Trevor soon enough.

Another groan left Savannah as the next contraction coursed through her. She had no choice but to bear down causing a small scream to slip past her lips as she pushed, the pressure in her pelvis continuing to build and build. Her water hadn't broken yet and the babies head was in position, pressing down on the unbroken water sack.

Trevor found himself lightly humming to himself, a slightly deep melo pitch stretching out, when the doors opened. Of course he had questions, a lot that none of the two men who escorted him out the room would answer. He was being led out the room and down the halls to a fate he had no idea he was destined to handle.

A slightly short figure, yet buff by most standards, watched curiously through the darkness. His eyes would occasionally flicker a soft teal glow and every once in a while, he would see someone that caught his attention, but none of them having that spark. Everytime he came to the market, he was looking for someone fresh for that's how his family saw things: the person must very well remain "untainted." Still, he was his own man, or Vampire so to speak. He had his own intentions. That was why he watched two figures presently: a heavily pregnant woman set to deliver soon and another who had very much been unravaged by another. Who would he choose to fill with, for once, his aggressive heirs?

When Trevor was brought into the meeting room Chris can't help but smile as the males figure. Once Trevor is injected with a special serum that will keep him from fighting Chris wastes no time in taking him, ensuring that Trevor is impregnanted before he finished.

Savannah sighs as she moves from the bed, walking slowly around the room for a minute or two, trying to get her water to break. After nearly an hour there was still no luck. Her water refused to break.

Trevor was brought to a room, which was dark and bare. At least what he saw at the time before there was a sharp prick to his grasped arm. He flinched and looked to see one of the figures pull the syringe he held away.

Of course, he was going to let the figures have every thing on his mind presently, but he felt a sudden warmth fill his body, a flush to his face. As soon as they left, the figure grabbed him quickly, undoing his clothes in a matter of seconds. Trevor wasn't in a fighting mood from the slightly bigger figure taking him. His mind faded away and after a short while, he was unconscious.

All that could be done at this point was just mere watching. Of course others were placing bids. The male merely rested his fingers to his mouth as he just watched on. She was struggling to get those kids out of her. He couldn't interfere if he wanted. It was clear she was on the verge of popping soon. Question was when would she. Maybe she should be spared of such a terrible burden entirely next time around. He kept the name and tag number written down. He drifted for a few, down the streets of this makeshift exhibit. The place looked authentic and could fool the eyes into thinking they were actually taking a stroll through town. The stores of course had various figures, whether pregnant, not or getting ready to pop on display. The roads were styled to be old, bricks ladled like a walk through London. There were even the old night lamps and the feel of rain of the ground. He would give his props to the designers of this facility. Regardless, he walked around, stopping to see the sights of the displays others were gathered around and eventually drifting back to see if the girl had gone into labor yet.

Chris finishes with Trevor rather quickly before cleaning the male up. By the time Trevor awoke there was already a roundness to his abdomen. Chris had left for the time being, but he would be back to check up on his breeder.

Savannah was currently in a squatting position in the center of the room, rolling her hips as she worked through the contractions. The pressure continued to build with each contraction Savannah finally throwing her head back and screaming as she beared down as hard as she could.

Trevor had awoken under some covers on a different bed in the room. The clothes he wore, save for some boxer briefs, were gone, replaced with an otherwise enticing scent over his body. Perhaps a body wash or soap. He couldn't place the smell exactly and it was honestly the least of his problems when it came to explaining the ache in his body, particularly his lower back. 

"What happened..." He asked nobody in particular else he would only be greeted with silence. He climbed out the bed slowly, feeling like a trainwreck from an otherwise intense exercise he did every morning. He tugged on the underwear a bit, feeling like they were dropping some, though he could only raise them over his rear ever so slightly. He was about to very well begin the course of his morning routine till he felt something that very well should not have been there, a gut pushing up against his legs. He stared blankly at first, trying to register the fact that his slightly toned body was putting on weight, but then he recalled that it was only a yesterday that he was in good shape. The tall male instantly panicked as he ran to a nearby mirror. 

None of the weight was really going anywhere else but around his belly. His chest was feeling sensitive however and if he stared a little bit more, his lower body was seemingly attempting accommodate the growth. He ran his hand down to the belly, pushing on it slightly to feel a firm hardness to it. 

"What's going on" he panicked.


The figure watched with the others as Savannah was finally about to head into full labor. 

Although he would have liked to return sooner Chris wasn't able to return to the facility for nearly a week. When he finally did return though, he was not disappointed. His breeder, Trevor, his thinks is what his name, was laying on the bed, his stomach quite large and round, the pups squirming around inside.

Savannah's cry soon died out as she relaxed for a moment to catch her breath. Pushing did nothing to relieve the pressure in her pelvis, but it's what he body said to do. After catching her breath she gathers her strength before pushing with the next contraction. It was a few pushes later that her water finally broke, leaving a puddle below her though she had no time to relax as the contractions became one after the other, the child ready to enter the world.

The young Armenian-American male did not know what to make of his appearance. He did not want to assume the worst and think he had become terminally ill. He didn't feel sick honestly, though he was still a little sore. He tried so desperately to remember what happened after he was stuck with the syringe. Sure enough he was in the same room they brought him into, except it wasn't dark anymore. If he put his mind to it, he recalled being grabbed by a figure as the door closed and his clothes...

"Where are my clothes!" He looked around the room to find what was left of his shirt thrown in a small garbage bin. His face had gone green as the sudden revelation of him having sexual intercourse with a mysterious figure filled his body. The pain he felt was clear that he was on the receiving end and soon he started to tear up. The fact he couldn't remember what happened asides him passing out after having this warm feeling to his body flood his senses like he was in heat or otherwise intoxicated made him feel disgusted even more. Who would do this to him and why?

Of course he was defiant. He did everything he could to burn the weight off. Nothing to reverse it happened. In fact, it got worse. With each passing day, his belly had grown am inch and the rest of his body was gaining weight just as much. He did not dare say he would need a bra, but his pecs alone were swollen, darkening as his chest had become puffy to the point it was like he was cupping a couple of small balloons. To spare himself from staggering as much as possible from the expanding weight, he used the large belly like a weight, keeping his strength up so he would not struggle.

It took him only a few days after to realize he was pregnant. When he shook his chest a bit, he could hear the liquid flowing inside of him. If that wasn't enough, he could see the multiple feet push out against the skin of his belly. He was not sure how many were inside of him, but it was clear he was having more than four.

When Chris would arrive, he would find Trevor resting on the bed, under red covers with only his bare upper body to half of his chest was revealed. It was clear however how big he was underneath with the large belly easily poking around the covers. His hand subconsciously rubbed it to get the babies inside to calm down as he calmly read a book the guards handed him. For a moment, he almost didn't notice a presence watching him until the children inside of him began to squirm a bit more than usual. They were reacting to their father. He dropped the book as he attempted to get them to calm down. When he lifted the covers away, the sight of a few human feet and others resembling wolf paws were seen stretching from his belly.

"Is...someone there?" He really hoped whoever did this to him wouldn't remain a mystery forever. He did have a right to know who was responsible for this. "Please, help?"

Chris watches Trevor for many minutes, a low moan slipping past his lips as the male pulled the covers back to reveal his overly swollen stomach. Chris let his eyes wander over Trevor's body once or twice before he made the decision to enter the room. Making his way around to the entrance of Trevor's cell the guards step aside to allow him entrance. When the door finally does open Chris slips inside silently, following the small hallway down to Trevor's cell where yet another door opened. He stepped just inside Trevor's cell, stopping as the door closed and placing the back pack he had brought with him on the floor, his eyes staying locked on Trevor.

(I'm not sure how to properly respond with Savannah since all my character can practically do is watch and wait ^^; )

Trevor knew somebody was there whether they showed themselves or not. He could hear the conversations beyond the the door barely and he wasn't dumb to not pay attention to certain clicks and creaks to the doors when they opened. He was making plans for an escape after all. If he could get whatever was inside of him to just remain calm. He eased out of the bed and placing a hand on the slightly thrashing form, he began to walk around the dimly lit spacious room. It was a step up from the room he was in before, but ultimately it was the same: a prison.

"Look, I heard the door. Even if you want to remain quiet, could you at least give me a name or some sign of life?" He really didn't like it when people played games like this or just generally ignored him. When he heard something drop on the marble floor, his ears twitched a bit as he turned to look in the direction. It was near the door, but he really could not make anything out. Maybe it was time for dinner? "Or maybe my mind is just playing games with me..."

He sighed and slowly moved towards the door to ease his mind.

Chris simply watches as Trevor approached, as he got closer Chris slowly reached out a hand to place on Trevor's large stomach, Trevor finally close enough to make him out in the dim light.

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07-02-2015, 01:05 AM

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