Closed The Birthday Wish with exvyt
Sean was excited for his 18th birthday. Sean stood 5'7" tall, short brown hair, blue eyes, slim with a little muscle, no body and facial hair, slight pale skin. He also had his best friend coming over.
Alex was excited to see his best friend for his birthday soon. He couldn't believe he and his best friend were growing up. With a gift in one hand and a bag of clothes in the other, he walked up to the door and knocked.
Sean answered the door and smiled. "Hey, Alex. How are you?" he asked as Sean let his best friend inside.
"I'm great man!" I say before I give you a tight birthday hug. "Got you some stuff, bud."
"Really? What did you get me, Alex?" Sean asked.
"Open it! It's actually kind of dumb but I paid a good penny for it." You open your package to reveal a single birthday candle. "I found it at a small store I stopped at when I went out of town last month. Supposedly it'll grant you your birthday wish, but it warns that it's effects are permanent.." I say almost sounding doubtful.
"Sounds odd, but let's give it a try." Sean smiled as he puts the candle on his cake.
I light the candle and smile at you. "Make a wish!" I say. "But don't say it out loud or it might not come true." I giggle slightly knowing it's fake and you'll never get the fame or money you're about to wish for.
Sean closed his eyes as he knew what to wish for. "I wish Alex and I were pregnant forever. Looking overdue with twins and with huge breasts." Sean thought as he blew out the candle.
I clap for you and give you another hug. "So did you have anything planned for us to do today?" I ask, my body also starting to feel tingly and funny.
Sean got close to Alex. "I think you know what I'm thinking." he smiled as he pulled Alex in close.
Alex looks into Sean's eyes and knows exactly what Sean wants. "Oh yeah? I'm thinking you need to show me." Alex says seductively
Sean smiled as he kissed Alex passionately on the lips. He had feeling for Alex for as long as he knew him.

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