Abused necko

Ian chuckled and lifted him up in one arm. He sat on his arms and his head leant close to Ians head, quiet and obedient though his eyes look around curiously. They past a lot of sex toys before arriving at the clothing section. Aside from dresses, they are other roleplaying stuff, all sorts of uniforms could be found here. Ian brought Sia to the princess dresses part, all with special desigsn for "specific purposes".

Sirias eyes widened all the pretty dresses and tiaras glitered and shown. He was in awe his eyes could bearly stay in one spot for more than a second. He squirmd with delight. "Prrrrrrrrety!" he squealed.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Sia, choose whatever you want, this is your reward afterall. Now I usually arrange them by style, here are the frilly and lacy ones, the other side got the silk ones. Which do you want?

"Idk theres so many and there all so pretty!" siria reached his hand out touching a knee length fluffy black dress with lacy side side straps a racer back and silver flowers and brown vibes sewn into it. He then spotted a dark blue dress is was cut diagonally at the knee and draped the floor on the right. K that had long silver lace cap sleeves and silver lace edging the bottom of the dress.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"I quite like the black one. The silver flowers matches well with your eyes and the black woulg go well with your fair skin and hair." Ian looked at the few Siria had picked up. He could see the pure thrill Siria was in and he lookrd like he could pass out fron the sheer excitement.

Siria purred looking at the two dresses torn. He liked them both very much. He sliped the black one over his hed and smoothed out the dress so it would lay right smiling at ia "am i pretty?" siria asked so inocently.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Yes, you are so pretty you captured my heart." Ian said to him softly. What Sia didnt notice was how much of his snowy flesh was shown in this dress. Basically the sides were all bared and the back was designed to be shorter than the front sk that his butt would easily be shown under the layers of frills whenever he bent forward, particulaely with his tail already raising the back of the dress a bit.

"How about tiaras? I got some here at the top of display cabinet. Can you see them? Here let me lift you up a bit."

Siria imediatly spotted a silver tiara with ornate thin sliver bands formed into a heart a small black heart shaped gem supened on a small silver chain was in the middle he placed it on his head grining. "I like this its shiny!" he said nuzzling ian shoulder. His tiny hands resmoothed the dress out liking the way the dress made him feel.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Happy and comfy now? Why dont you do some catwalk here to show off your dress?" Ian kissed Sia's nose. Catwalk hmmm.

"But i need pretty shoes to complete it then ill cat walk if that's ok?" Siria asked his eyes sparkling. He wanted to look pretty. He liked dresses.But just as siria was about to say something else he went stiff then relaxed again. "WHAT THE HELL I LOOK LIKE A GOTH PRINCESS THREW UP ON ME!" soras voice replaced sirias
As he screamed in horror at what he was wearing."I Dont oppose dresses but this is just plane wrong that brat actually thinks this is cute?" soras tone was laced with indignation.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Whyd you call me out anyway you overgrown weed!?" sora hissed disliking the fact that not only was he waering one of the uglyist dresses in his opion but that ian was holding him like a small child. "I asked you a question grass for brains!" sora hissed highly displeased.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Well hello Sora, you're a nice surprise? I didn't really call you out... must be some accidental summoning. What could I say? You are always in my mind?" Ian said, "oh so you are not opposed to dresses! So... which one you prefer actually." Ian smiled, tthat indulgent smile laced with a bit of sarcasm.

"Go fuck your self ass hole isnt there someone else's ball you'd rather be busting right now you perverted sicko!" sora said fur raised and claws ready to strike. "And to be honest i like full body dresses that reveal patches of skin not shirt frilly bull shit like this princess goth shit im a man of class and i prefer pinks they offset my eyes and brighten my skin tone!" sora said sourly flipping his hair in ians face.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Ian pressed another hand on the struggling Sora to hold his hands, effectively eliminating all chance of his usage of the claws. He chuckled at how indignant Sora was and marked down mentally the dress that Sora wanted. He would get that tailor made later. Despite his squirming in his arms, Ian pressed a kiss on his cheek and said "oh you are so adorable too my little lion."

"Stoooooop asssssssss hoooooooooole!" sora hissed indignantly wrenching his hands from ians grip jumping away from ian landing akwardly due to trying to keep the dress skirt from flying up. He crouched down low his tail up straight one hand holding the skirt bottom back down."grrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeooooow!"

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"You better always remember to press that skirt down, the frills make it very easy to lift up and your tail being so straight up in the air just make it evem easier for your cute little ass to show under your dress." Ian sounded exceedingly happy. He knew Sora should be a portrayal of how insecured Siria felt deep down in his heart, and he was determined to tame him and let him realise there's nothing to worry about anymore under his wings.

"Sora tore the dress of and threw the tiara away and slid the blue dress on felling slightly lesz showy. "Ill rip you in half just you wait you ass!" sora hissed."your a perv a huge ass perv!" sora hated being viewed in that sexual manner. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes wers darting around widly much like a cornered animals looking for escape. He was seeming more afraid then pissed.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Ian noticed the slight tremble Sora exhibited. The flushed face and scanning eyes also implied the "fight or flight" and officially flipped to flight now. He decided this time a softened manner should work better, like when dealing with hurt animals. He crouched down and collected the dress, slowly approaching Sora in fhe processs.

"Well... Sia did like that dress a lot. Such a waste now that it's broken. At least the tiara didnt break. Do you not like that? Want to choose one of your own?" Ian was almost beside Sora now, his hands outstretched offering to bring Sora to the display cupboard.

Sora screeched bloody murder then fled under the nearest display case on a table. He was crouched claws out ears back growling lowly. "STAY BACK PERVERT DONT TOUCH ME YOU DONT OWN ME IM NOT YOUR DOLL TO DRESS UP OR YOU SEX TOY TO FIDDLE WITH I KNOW YOU CLIENTEL ALL HIGH CLASS NECKO OWNERS IN HERE TO MAKE THERE MALE NECKOS CUTE AND SUFICE THERE OWN PLEASURES TO HELL THEM AND TO HELL WITH YOU KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS TO YOUR SELF YOUR JUST AS BAD AS THE PEOPLE WHO COME INTO YOUR SHOP MANIPULATIVE AN SELF ORINTATED WELL BURN IN HELL ALL OF YOU FUCKERS!" sora screeched from his hiding spot. He was at the point where he wished he could reced into siris mind but the mark wouldnt let him. He was agrvated and spent. He didnt want to be woo by shiny things and awwed by pretty dresses.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Well Sora I understand you must have been through hell and I am sorry for what happened. Though I am sure even while being there within Siria's mind, you could feel that I do genuinely adore you both. You are one of a kind and I wanted to cherish and spoil you two rotten.  Anyhow we are bonded so why not give yourself a chance? I can see how you like the dresses, then let yourself indulge in them. You can have whatever you want, I will not be dressing you, you would be dressing yourself! for once, let your desire come forward and let yourself enjoy alright?" 

Ian apptoached Sora carefully but not too closely, hands still outstretched to offer.

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